994 resultados para 1st Kind Integral Equations


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The eigenvalue of a graph is the eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix . A graph G is integral if all of its cigenvalues are integers. In this paper some new classes of integral graphs are constructed.


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Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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In this thesis the author has presented qualitative studies of certain Kdv equations with variable coefficients. The well-known KdV equation is a model for waves propagating on the surface of shallow water of constant depth. This model is considered as fitting into waves reaching the shore. Renewed attempts have led to the derivation of KdV type equations in which the coefficients are not constants. Johnson's equation is one such equation. The researcher has used this model to study the interaction of waves. It has been found that three-wave interaction is possible, there is transfer of energy between the waves and the energy is not conserved during interaction.


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The discovery of the soliton is considered to be one of the most significant events of the twentieth century. The term soliton refers to special kinds of waves that can propagate undistorted over long distances and remain unaffected even after collision with each other. Solitons have been studied extensively in many fields of physics. In the context of optical fibers, solitons are not only of fundamental interest but also have potential applications in the field of optical fiber communications. This thesis is devoted to the theoretical study of soliton pulse propagation through single mode optical fibers.


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Usually typical dynamical systems are non integrable. But few systems of practical interest are integrable. The soliton concept is a sophisticated mathematical construct based on the integrability of a class ol' nonlinear differential equations. An important feature in the clevelopment. of the theory of solitons and of complete integrability has been the interplay between mathematics and physics. Every integrable system has a lo11g list of special properties that hold for integrable equations and only for them. Actually there is no specific definition for integrability that is suitable for all cases. .There exist several integrable partial clillerential equations( pdes) which can be derived using physically meaningful asymptotic teclmiques from a very large class of pdes. It has been established that many 110nlinear wa.ve equations have solutions of the soliton type and the theory of solitons has found applications in many areas of science. Among these, well-known equations are Korteweg de-Vries(KdV), modified KclV, Nonlinear Schr6dinger(NLS), sine Gordon(SG) etc..These are completely integrable systems. Since a small change in the governing nonlinear prle may cause the destruction of the integrability of the system, it is interesting to study the effect of small perturbations in these equations. This is the motivation of the present work.


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A stand-alone power system is an autonomous system that supplies electricity to the user load without being connected to the electric grid. This kind of decentralized system is frequently located in remote and inaccessible areas. It is essential for about one third of the world population which are living in developed or isolated regions and have no access to an electricity utility grid. The most people live in remote and rural areas, with low population density, lacking even the basic infrastructure. The utility grid extension to these locations is not a cost effective option and sometimes technically not feasible. The purpose of this thesis is the modelling and simulation of a stand-alone hybrid power system, referred to as “hydrogen Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell (PVFC) hybrid system”. It couples a photovoltaic generator (PV), an alkaline water electrolyser, a storage gas tank, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), and power conditioning units (PCU) to give different system topologies. The system is intended to be an environmentally friendly solution since it tries maximising the use of a renewable energy source. Electricity is produced by a PV generator to meet the requirements of a user load. Whenever there is enough solar radiation, the user load can be powered totally by the PV electricity. During periods of low solar radiation, auxiliary electricity is required. An alkaline high pressure water electrolyser is powered by the excess energy from the PV generator to produce hydrogen and oxygen at a pressure of maximum 30bar. Gases are stored without compression for short- (hourly or daily) and long- (seasonal) term. A proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is used to keep the system’s reliability at the same level as for the conventional system while decreasing the environmental impact of the whole system. The PEM fuel cell consumes gases which are produced by an electrolyser to meet the user load demand when the PV generator energy is deficient, so that it works as an auxiliary generator. Power conditioning units are appropriate for the conversion and dispatch the energy between the components of the system. No batteries are used in this system since they represent the weakest when used in PV systems due to their need for sophisticated control and their short lifetime. The model library, ISET Alternative Power Library (ISET-APL), is designed by the Institute of Solar Energy supply Technology (ISET) and used for the simulation of the hybrid system. The physical, analytical and/or empirical equations of each component are programmed and implemented separately in this library for the simulation software program Simplorer by C++ language. The model parameters are derived from manufacturer’s performance data sheets or measurements obtained from literature. The identification and validation of the major hydrogen PVFC hybrid system component models are evaluated according to the measured data of the components, from the manufacturer’s data sheet or from actual system operation. Then, the overall system is simulated, at intervals of one hour each, by using solar radiation as the primary energy input and hydrogen as energy storage for one year operation. A comparison between different topologies, such as DC or AC coupled systems, is carried out on the basis of energy point of view at two locations with different geographical latitudes, in Kassel/Germany (Europe) and in Cairo/Egypt (North Africa). The main conclusion in this work is that the simulation method of the system study under different conditions could successfully be used to give good visualization and comparison between those topologies for the overall performance of the system. The operational performance of the system is not only depending on component efficiency but also on system design and consumption behaviour. The worst case of this system is the low efficiency of the storage subsystem made of the electrolyser, the gas storage tank, and the fuel cell as it is around 25-34% at Cairo and 29-37% at Kassel. Therefore, the research for this system should be concentrated in the subsystem components development especially the fuel cell.


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Artificial boundary conditions are presented to approximate solutions to Stokes- and Navier-Stokes problems in domains that are layer-like at infinity. Based on results about existence and asymptotics of the solutions v^infinity, p^infinity to the problems in the unbounded domain Omega the error v^infinity - v^R, p^infinity - p^R is estimated in H^1(Omega_R) and L^2(Omega_R), respectively. Here v^R, p^R are the approximating solutions on the truncated domain Omega_R, the parameter R controls the exhausting of Omega. The artificial boundary conditions involve the Steklov-Poincare operator on a circle together with its inverse and thus turn out to be a combination of local and nonlocal boundary operators. Depending on the asymptotic decay of the data of the problems, in the linear case the error vanishes of order O(R^{-N}), where N can be arbitrarily large.


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This article surveys the classical orthogonal polynomial systems of the Hahn class, which are solutions of second-order differential, difference or q-difference equations. Orthogonal families satisfy three-term recurrence equations. Example applications of an algorithm to determine whether a three-term recurrence equation has solutions in the Hahn class - implemented in the computer algebra system Maple - are given. Modifications of these families, in particular associated orthogonal systems, satisfy fourth-order operator equations. A factorization of these equations leads to a solution basis.


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In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir zunächst eine Verallgemeinerung der üblichen Sturm-Liouville-Probleme mit symmetrischen Lösungen und erklären eine umfassendere Klasse. Dann führen wir einige neue Klassen orthogonaler Polynome und spezieller Funktionen ein, welche sich aus dieser symmetrischen Verallgemeinerung ableiten lassen. Als eine spezielle Konsequenz dieser Verallgemeinerung führen wir ein Polynomsystem mit vier freien Parametern ein und zeigen, dass in diesem System fast alle klassischen symmetrischen orthogonalen Polynome wie die Legendrepolynome, die Chebyshevpolynome erster und zweiter Art, die Gegenbauerpolynome, die verallgemeinerten Gegenbauerpolynome, die Hermitepolynome, die verallgemeinerten Hermitepolynome und zwei weitere neue endliche Systeme orthogonaler Polynome enthalten sind. All diese Polynome können direkt durch das neu eingeführte System ausgedrückt werden. Ferner bestimmen wir alle Standardeigenschaften des neuen Systems, insbesondere eine explizite Darstellung, eine Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung, eine generische Orthogonalitätsbeziehung sowie eine generische Dreitermrekursion. Außerdem benutzen wir diese Erweiterung, um die assoziierten Legendrefunktionen, welche viele Anwendungen in Physik und Ingenieurwissenschaften haben, zu verallgemeinern, und wir zeigen, dass diese Verallgemeinerung Orthogonalitätseigenschaft und -intervall erhält. In einem weiteren Kapitel der Dissertation studieren wir detailliert die Standardeigenschaften endlicher orthogonaler Polynomsysteme, welche sich aus der üblichen Sturm-Liouville-Theorie ergeben und wir zeigen, dass sie orthogonal bezüglich der Fisherschen F-Verteilung, der inversen Gammaverteilung und der verallgemeinerten t-Verteilung sind. Im nächsten Abschnitt der Dissertation betrachten wir eine vierparametrige Verallgemeinerung der Studentschen t-Verteilung. Wir zeigen, dass diese Verteilung gegen die Normalverteilung konvergiert, wenn die Anzahl der Stichprobe gegen Unendlich strebt. Eine ähnliche Verallgemeinerung der Fisherschen F-Verteilung konvergiert gegen die chi-Quadrat-Verteilung. Ferner führen wir im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation einige neue Folgen spezieller Funktionen ein, welche Anwendungen bei der Lösung in Kugelkoordinaten der klassischen Potentialgleichung, der Wärmeleitungsgleichung und der Wellengleichung haben. Schließlich erklären wir zwei neue Klassen rationaler orthogonaler hypergeometrischer Funktionen, und wir zeigen unter Benutzung der Fouriertransformation und der Parsevalschen Gleichung, dass es sich um endliche Orthogonalsysteme mit Gewichtsfunktionen vom Gammatyp handelt.


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The motion of a viscous incompressible fluid flow in bounded domains with a smooth boundary can be described by the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. This description corresponds to the so-called Eulerian approach. We develop a new approximation method for the Navier-Stokes equations in both the stationary and the non-stationary case by a suitable coupling of the Eulerian and the Lagrangian representation of the flow, where the latter is defined by the trajectories of the particles of the fluid. The method leads to a sequence of uniquely determined approximate solutions with a high degree of regularity containing a convergent subsequence with limit function v such that v is a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations.


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In a similar manner as in some previous papers, where explicit algorithms for finding the differential equations satisfied by holonomic functions were given, in this paper we deal with the space of the q-holonomic functions which are the solutions of linear q-differential equations with polynomial coefficients. The sum, product and the composition with power functions of q-holonomic functions are also q-holonomic and the resulting q-differential equations can be computed algorithmically.


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The non-stationary nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations describe the motion of a viscous incompressible fluid flow for 0equations are well-posed or not. Therefore we use a particle method to develop a system of approximate equations. We show that this system can be solved uniquely and globally in time and that its solution has a high degree of spatial regularity. Moreover we prove that the system of approximate solutions has an accumulation point satisfying the Navier-Stokes equations in a weak sense.


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In the present paper we use a time delay epsilon > 0 for an energy conserving approximation of the nonlinear term of the non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations. We prove that the corresponding initial value problem (N_epsilon)in smoothly bounded domains G \subseteq R^3 is well-posed. Passing to the limit epsilon \rightarrow 0 we show that the sequence of stabilized solutions has an accumulation point such that it solves the Navier-Stokes problem (N_0) in a weak sense (Hopf).


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With this document, we provide a compilation of in-depth discussions on some of the most current security issues in distributed systems. The six contributions have been collected and presented at the 1st Kassel Student Workshop on Security in Distributed Systems (KaSWoSDS’08). We are pleased to present a collection of papers not only shedding light on the theoretical aspects of their topics, but also being accompanied with elaborate practical examples. In Chapter 1, Stephan Opfer discusses Viruses, one of the oldest threats to system security. For years there has been an arms race between virus producers and anti-virus software providers, with no end in sight. Stefan Triller demonstrates how malicious code can be injected in a target process using a buffer overflow in Chapter 2. Websites usually store their data and user information in data bases. Like buffer overflows, the possibilities of performing SQL injection attacks targeting such data bases are left open by unwary programmers. Stephan Scheuermann gives us a deeper insight into the mechanisms behind such attacks in Chapter 3. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a method to insert malicious code into websites viewed by other users. Michael Blumenstein explains this issue in Chapter 4. Code can be injected in other websites via XSS attacks in order to spy out data of internet users, spoofing subsumes all methods that directly involve taking on a false identity. In Chapter 5, Till Amma shows us different ways how this can be done and how it is prevented. Last but not least, cryptographic methods are used to encode confidential data in a way that even if it got in the wrong hands, the culprits cannot decode it. Over the centuries, many different ciphers have been developed, applied, and finally broken. Ilhan Glogic sketches this history in Chapter 6.


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The finite element method (FEM) is now developed to solve two-dimensional Hartree-Fock (HF) equations for atoms and diatomic molecules. The method and its implementation is described and results are presented for the atoms Be, Ne and Ar as well as the diatomic molecules LiH, BH, N_2 and CO as examples. Total energies and eigenvalues calculated with the FEM on the HF-level are compared with results obtained with the numerical standard methods used for the solution of the one dimensional HF equations for atoms and for diatomic molecules with the traditional LCAO quantum chemical methods and the newly developed finite difference method on the HF-level. In general the accuracy increases from the LCAO - to the finite difference - to the finite element method.