965 resultados para 1876-1878


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Spencer Fullerton Baird (Fig. 1), a noted systematic zoologist and builder of scientific institutions in 19th century America, persuaded the U.S. Congress to establish the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries1 in March 1871. At that time, Baird was Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Following the death of Joseph Henry in 1878, he became head of the institution, a position he held until his own demise in 1887. In addition to his many duties as a Smithsonian official, including his prominent role in developing the Smithsonian’s Federally funded National Museum as the repository for governmental scientific collections, Baird directed the Fish Commission from 1871 until 1887. The Fish Commission’s original mission was to determine the reasons and remedies for the apparent decline of American fisheries off southern New England as well as other parts of the United States. In 1872, Congress further directed the Commission to begin a large fish hatching program aimed at increasing the supply of American food f


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O presente trabalho procura analisar os discursos de Francisco de Salles Torres Homem, produzidos na imprensa entre 1840 e 1849, momento em que fez parte da facção política liberal. No Período Regencial iniciou a sua atuação no jornalismo, e nos primeiros anos do Segundo Reinado, já aparecia como um importante redator de jornais, panfletário e político. Durante a Revolução Liberal de 1842, participou ativamente do conflito, e no período da Revolução Praieira em 1848, e escreveu o seu mais inflamado e comentado panfleto O Libelo do Povo, onde fez duras críticas ao governo, recebendo grande repercussão na imprensa da época. Esta foi considerada pelos seus biógrafos como a sua fase mais revolucionária, seus discursos foram produzidos em momentos específicos de grande debate de ideias, e expressavam as concepções políticas e ideológicas dos liberais. Naquela época, Salles Torres Homem utilizou à palavra impressa, para defender os interesses dos liberais ao poder.


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Pesquisar sobre escritoras portuguesas do século XIX não é tarefa das mais simples. A barreira maior é a escassez de fontes, que se deve, principalmente, ao papel que cabia à mulher na sociedade de oitocentos. Sem direitos políticos e restrita ao espaço privado, deveria estar sempre sob a dependência de um homem. Ao penetrar num espaço que não era o seu, é compreensível que as mulheres que ousaram se afirmar como escritoras o tenham feito a princípio sob o signo do anonimato. É o caso de Maria Peregrina de Sousa (1809-1894). Teve participação profunda nos periódicos literários da época, nos quais publicou romances, poemas e contos populares, utilizando pseudônimos como Uma obscura portuense, Mariposa ou suas iniciais, D. M. P. Por meio de um diálogo com a História, estudamos as obras Retalho do mundo (1859), Maria Isabel (1866), Henriqueta: romance original (1876) e Pepa (1846), da qual também fizemos a edição. Nosso objetivo é investigar, nesses textos, como o discurso do senso comum ora se confirma às vezes, ora é desestabilizado, e como algumas personagens poderiam contornar os interditos sociais. Ao trazer essa obscura portuense à luz, pretendemos também refletir sobre como uma autora pensava a sua realidade e qual o reflexo disso na sua produção literária.


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本文研究了采自辽宁西部下白垩统义县组和上三叠统羊草沟组的三种植物的生殖器官,它们分别属于银杏目 (Ginkgoales) 和茨康目 (Czekanowskiales)。辽宁银杏 (G. liaoningensis Liu, Crane, Li et Wang sp. nov.) 和纤细堆囊穗 (Sorosaccus gracilis Harris 1935 emend. Liu, Hueber, Li et Wang) 是银杏目植物的雄球花,通过将这两种雄球花与现存银杏 (Ginkgo biloba L.) 雄球花的对比研究,讨论了自晚三叠世至今银杏目雄性生殖器官可能的演化途径。蟹形薄果穗 (Leptostrobus cancer Harris 1951 emend. Liu, Li et Wang) 是茨康目植物的雌性生殖器官,我们根据辽西标本对该种的特征集要做了修订,并对薄果穗属 (Leptostrobus Heer 1876) 的种进行了讨论,将三个种归并到蟹形薄果穗薄。主要内容包括: 1. 银杏属植物雄球花——辽宁银杏 采自中国辽宁下白垩统义县组的辽宁银杏,为葇荑花序状,主轴基部有鳞片。小孢子叶螺旋排列在主轴上,小孢子叶上着生3—4个 (少数为2个) 卵形到椭圆形的小孢子囊。小孢子囊下垂,纵状开裂。成熟花粉粒单沟,长椭圆形;而未成熟的花粉粒处在四分体阶段。辽宁银杏的特征和现存银杏十分相似。主要差别在于辽宁银杏的小孢子叶着生3—4个 (少数为2个) 小孢子囊,而现存银杏的小孢子叶绝大多数着生2个小孢子囊。辽宁银杏在大小及小孢子囊数目上区别于其它的银杏属雄球花化石种,如:英国约克郡侏罗纪的胡顿银杏 (Ginkgo huttoni (Sternberg) Heer) 雄球花,加拿大阿尔贝塔晚白垩世一个未定名的银杏属雄球花。辽宁银杏 (化石) 和银杏 (现存) 的比较支持了根据银杏属胚珠器官而提出的缩减假说,因为自早白垩世至今,银杏属雄球花小孢子叶着生的小孢子囊的数目经历了从3—4个到2个的减少。 2. 银杏目植物雄球花——纤细堆囊穗 本文研究的纤细堆囊穗采自中国东北上三叠统羊草沟组。这种雄球花小孢子 叶末端的裂片在形态上差异很大,这是在以前对这种植物的研究中没有发现的重要特征。这些保存精美的化石对于纤细堆囊穗特征的阐明和修订以及种的复原很有帮助。将中国的标本与西伯利亚堆囊穗 (Sorosaccus sibiricus Prynada 1962)、小堆囊穗 (S. minor Harris 1935)、乌马尔堆囊穗 (S. umaltensis Krassilov 1972) 和被定为长叶拜拉 (Baiera longifolia (Pom.) Heer 1876) 的雄球花进行了比较,发现它们与纤细堆囊穗在特征上一致,故将它们处理为纤细堆囊穗的异名。同时,也讨论了堆囊穗属可能的演化意义。它可能是银杏属的远祖,经过小孢子囊数目的减少和小孢子叶长度的缩短而演化到现在的银杏,而辽西早白垩世的辽宁银杏可能代表了堆囊穗和现代银杏在演化上的一个中间阶段。 3. 茨康目雌性生殖器官——蟹形薄果穗 本文研究的蟹形薄果穗采自辽西上三叠统羊草沟组和下白垩统义县组。羊草沟组的材料是蟹形薄果穗属最早的纪录,从而该种的分布在时间上有了新的资料:从晚三叠世到早白垩世。据标本穗轴顶端的完整性,我们修订了蟹形薄果穗的特征集要和提供了它的复原图,并将三种薄果穗归并到蟹形薄果穗。我们也回顾了薄果穗属自1876年建立以来100多年的研究历史,并列出了该属所有材料,还讨论了该属各种的主要特征和建种依据。


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The effect of decreasing frost frequency on desert vegetation was documented in Grand Canyon by replication of historical photographs. Although views by numerous photographers of Grand Canyon have been examined, 400 Robert Brewster Stanton and Franklin A. Nims views taken in the winter of 1889-1890 provide the best information on recent plant distribution. In Grand Canyon, where grazing is limited by the rugged topography, vegetation dynamics are controlled by climate and by demographic processes such as seed productivity, recruitment, longevity and mortality. The replicated photographs show distribution and abundance of several species were limited by severe frost before 1889. Two of these, brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) and barrel cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus), have clearly expanded their ranges up-canyon and have increased their densities at sites where they were present in 1890. In 1890, brittlebush was present in warm microhabitats that provided refugia from frost damage. Views showing desert vegetation in 1923 indicate that Encelia expanded rapidly to near its current distribution between 1890 and 1923, whereas the expansion of Ferocactus occurred more slowly. The higher frequency of frost was probably related to an anomalous increase in winter storms between 1878 (and possibly 1862) and 1891 in the southwestern United States.


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Historical sources of the late-18th and 19th centuries were searched for information on coastal weather conditions in Southern California. Relatively calm winters until 1828 were followed by unusually stormy winters from about 1829 to 1839. Later periods were again predominantly calm, with notable exceptions related to the ENSO events of 1845 and 1878. Following decreases through the stormy 1830s, sizes of kelp forests appear to have rebounded in the 1840s. ENSO occurrences and eruption of the volcano Cosiguina in 1835 are likely causes for changing wind patterns. Our results link the unique AD 1840 Macoma leptonoidea pelecypod shell layer in laminated Santa Barbara Basin sediment ("Macoma event") to abruptly changing oceanographic and weather patterns.


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A knowledge of the specific composition of Ceylon fish fauna is essential to any programme of development of commercial fisheries, or the study of Ceylon's ichthyology and the need for cataloguing it has been keenly felt for many years. The need for cataloguing the whole of Ceylon's flora and fauna was stressed by the Natural Science Section of the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science during its 1952 annual sessions and it was then that the writer agreed to help satisfy this need by compiling an up-to-date check list of species of two families of fishes, the Clupeidae and the Carangidae, which are important in the beach seine fishery which he was studying at that time. In the course of this work it was decided to expand the check-list to make it comprehensive of all species of fish that have been recorded from Ceylon to date and to supply keys for their identification. This has involved a screening of the pioneer works of Bennet (1834) and Day (1878-1889) and the many subsequent references to Ceylon fish scattered through various scientific journals and other publications, some of them long out and now almost unobtainable.


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Three new highly oxygenated nortriterpenoids, wilsonianadilactones A-C (1-3), together with twelve known ones, i.e., 4-15, were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra wilsoniana. Their structures were established by means of extensive analysis o


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An innovative technique based on optical fibre sensing that allows continuous strain measurement has recently been introduced in structural health monitoring. Known as Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR), this distributed optical fibre sensing technique allows measurement of strain along the full length (up to 10km) of a suitably installed optical fibre. Examples of recent implementations of BOTDR fibre optic sensing in piles are described in this paper. Two examples of distributed optical fibre sensing in piles are demonstrated using different installation techniques. In a load bearing pile, optical cables were attached along the reinforcing bars by equally spaced spot gluing to measure the axial response of pile to ground excavation induced heave and construction loading. Measurement of flexural behaviour of piles is demonstrated in the instrumentation of a secant piled wall where optical fibres were embedded in the concrete by simple endpoint clamping. Both methods have been verified via laboratory works. © 2009 IOS Press.


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