1000 resultados para 165-998B


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Cet article décrit, à l'intention des mdéecins de rpremier recours, les principes de base d'une action de secours lors d'un attentat (ou d'un accident) chimique impliquant de nombreuses victimes intoxiquées et/ou contaminées.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: APETx2, a toxin from the sea anemone Anthropleura elegantissima, inhibits acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3)-containing homo- and heterotrimeric channels with IC(50) values < 100 nM and 0.1-2 µM respectively. ASIC3 channels mediate acute acid-induced and inflammatory pain response and APETx2 has been used as a selective pharmacological tool in animal studies. Toxins from sea anemones also modulate voltage-gated Na(+) channel (Na(v) ) function. Here we tested the effects of APETx2 on Na(v) function in sensory neurones.¦EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Effects of APETx2 on Na(v) function were studied in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones by whole-cell patch clamp.¦KEY RESULTS: APETx2 inhibited the tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant Na(v) 1.8 currents of DRG neurones (IC(50) , 2.6 µM). TTX-sensitive currents were less inhibited. The inhibition of Na(v) 1.8 currents was due to a rightward shift in the voltage dependence of activation and a reduction of the maximal macroscopic conductance. The inhibition of Na(v) 1.8 currents by APETx2 was confirmed with cloned channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In current-clamp experiments in DRG neurones, the number of action potentials induced by injection of a current ramp was reduced by APETx2.¦CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: APETx2 inhibited Na(v) 1.8 channels, in addition to ASIC3 channels, at concentrations used in in vivo studies. The limited specificity of this toxin should be taken into account when using APETx2 as a pharmacological tool. Its dual action will be an advantage for the use of APETx2 or its derivatives as analgesic drugs.


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BACKGROUND: Exposure to combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) can lead to important metabolic changes and increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Computerized clinical decision support systems have been advocated to improve the management of patients at risk for CHD but it is unclear whether such systems reduce patients' risk for CHD. METHODS: We conducted a cluster trial within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) of HIV-infected patients, aged 18 years or older, not pregnant and receiving cART for >3 months. We randomized 165 physicians to either guidelines for CHD risk factor management alone or guidelines plus CHD risk profiles. Risk profiles included the Framingham risk score, CHD drug prescriptions and CHD events based on biannual assessments, and were continuously updated by the SHCS data centre and integrated into patient charts by study nurses. Outcome measures were total cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and Framingham risk score. RESULTS: A total of 3,266 patients (80% of those eligible) had a final assessment of the primary outcome at least 12 months after the start of the trial. Mean (95% confidence interval) patient differences where physicians received CHD risk profiles and guidelines, rather than guidelines alone, were total cholesterol -0.02 mmol/l (-0.09-0.06), systolic blood pressure -0.4 mmHg (-1.6-0.8), diastolic blood pressure -0.4 mmHg (-1.5-0.7) and Framingham 10-year risk score -0.2% (-0.5-0.1). CONCLUSIONS: Systemic computerized routine provision of CHD risk profiles in addition to guidelines does not significantly improve risk factors for CHD in patients on cART.


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For the recognition of sounds to benefit perception and action, their neural representations should also encode their current spatial position and their changes in position over time. The dual-stream model of auditory processing postulates separate (albeit interacting) processing streams for sound meaning and for sound location. Using a repetition priming paradigm in conjunction with distributed source modeling of auditory evoked potentials, we determined how individual sound objects are represented within these streams. Changes in perceived location were induced by interaural intensity differences, and sound location was either held constant or shifted across initial and repeated presentations (from one hemispace to the other in the main experiment or between locations within the right hemispace in a follow-up experiment). Location-linked representations were characterized by differences in priming effects between pairs presented to the same vs. different simulated lateralizations. These effects were significant at 20-39 ms post-stimulus onset within a cluster on the posterior part of the left superior and middle temporal gyri; and at 143-162 ms within a cluster on the left inferior and middle frontal gyri. Location-independent representations were characterized by a difference between initial and repeated presentations, independently of whether or not their simulated lateralization was held constant across repetitions. This effect was significant at 42-63 ms within three clusters on the right temporo-frontal region; and at 165-215 ms in a large cluster on the left temporo-parietal convexity. Our results reveal two varieties of representations of sound objects within the ventral/What stream: one location-independent, as initially postulated in the dual-stream model, and the other location-linked.


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« Notices sur quelques manuscrits arabes, par M. Woepke (fol. 1) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits, par M. Fauriel (fol. 6) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits (fol. 40) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits en caractère bengali, par M. Loiseleur Deslongchamps (fol. 58) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. arabes, par M. Hassler (fol. 94) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. arabes, par M. Reinaud (fol. 99) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux de l'ancienne maison de la Sorbonne, par M. Reinaud (fol. 126) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux de l'ancien couvent de l'Oratoire, par M. Reinaud (fol. 136) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux des différentes bibliothèques publiques de Paris (fol. 146) ; — Liste des livres et des mss. orientaux venus d'Alger et adressés à la Bibliothèque royale, le 30 nov. 1832 (fol. 152) ; — Note de quelques mss. orientaux appartenant à M. Wahl (fol. 156) ; — Mss. orientaux provenant de feu M. Schultz (fol. 157 et 159) ; — Mss., papiers et autres objets provenant de feu M. Schultz (fol. 163) ; — Collection Asselin (fol. 165 et 270) ; — Lettres et pièces relatives au fonds Asselin (fol. 263) ; — Mss. arabes, persans, samskrits et hindous tanys, cédés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. de Polier (fol. 291 et 293) ; — Évaluation de 47 mss. arabes, persans, maures, bengalis, etc., provenant de feu Ouessant, interprète de la Compagnie de Pondichéry (fol. 295) ; — Mss. arabes, turcs et persans de M. Ducaurroy (fol. 298) ; — Collection des mss. orientaux appartenant à la succession de feu M. le baron Rousseau, consul général à Tripoly de Barbarie (fol. 303) ; — Liste des mss. tamouls cédés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. Ducler (fol. 309) ; — Liste des mss. tamouls donnés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. Reydelet (fol. 311) ; — Mss, arabes et berbères de M. Delaporte père, 4848 (fol. 314) ; — État sommaire de quelques mss. réputés venir de feu M. Huet,... trouvés dans la maison Kerboeuf (fol. 323) ; — Mss. orientaux distraits du fonds Renaudot (fol. 324) ; — Mss. arabes rapportés d'Égypte par le citoyen Raiye (fol. 325) ; — Cinq volumes arabes mss. offerts à la Bibliothèque royale par S. A. R. Mgr le duc de Nemours (fol. 326) ; — Liste des livres qu'on a envoyés à Mrs de la Compagnie, en tamoul, 14 déc. 1729 (fol. 327) ; — Catalogue des mss. indiens de la Bibliothèque du Roi (fol. 328) ; — « Mémoire concernant l'acquisition des mss. persiens qu'il conviendroit de faire aux Indes pour la Bibliothèque du Roy » (fol. 362) ; — Mémoire de livres à rechercher dans le Levant pour la Bibliothèque du Roy (fol. 366) ; — État des mss. à rechercher à Constantinople pour la Bibliothèque impériale (fol. 384) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux appartenant à M. R. Johnson, 1806 (fol. 386) ; — Liste des mss. orientaux de la bibliothèque de sir Thomas Phillipps à Middlehill, 1829 (fol. 396) ; — Indication des mss. arabes les plus importants de la bibliothèque d'Alger (fol. 398) ; — Liste des livres et mss. venus d'Alger (fol. 402) ; — Liste des bibliothèques turques de Constantinople, 1854 (fol. 404) ; — Bibliothèque du sultan Ahmet III, au vieux sérail : catalogue des livres d'histoire, 1854 (fol. 408) ; — Note des mss. orientaux extraits de la bibliothèque de Vienne, que le conservatoire de la Bibliothèque impériale juge entièrement inutiles (fol. 416) ; — Notice par Ascari de l'ancien ms. syriaque 13 (fol. 418) ; — Manuscrits persans historiques de l'Indoustan, et livres en langue samscretam, apportés à la Bibliothèque du Roi en 1778 » (fol. 420).


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"paraphé suivant le procès verbal de la sept janvier 1727. Berthier"


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Acquis le 9 mars 1836 d'Armans-Alexis Monteil pour 150 francs; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, registre des acquisitions 1833-1848, n° 1885.


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A comparison of several physiological parameters of queens of Iridomyrmex humilis in experimental monogynous and polygynous colonies showed that queens in monogynous colonies became heavier, had more developed ovaries and laid about twice as many eggs. Workers in monogynous colonies were more attracted to queens, which therefore probably received more food. This may partially explain the higher weight and fecundity of queens in monogynous colonies of Iridomyrmex humilis and possibly other ant species. In polygynous colonies, queens differed greatly in their fecundity. These differences did not appear to be the result of a dominance hierarchy. These results are discussed from an evolutionary point of view. Two hypotheses of mutualism and colony level selection are proposed as an alternative to kin selection which is unlikely to be the exclusive selective influence in the evolution of polygyny either in I. humilis or in most other ant species.


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Entre l’11 i el 27 de març va tenir lloc l’expedició “Savage Islands Botanical Expedition 2013 – Expedição Botânica Ilhas Selvagens 2013”, que va constituir un dels moments més àlgids i alhora emocionants del projecte “Conservation of the critically endangered endemic flora of the Selvagens Islands, Atlantic Ocean”, finançat per The Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (http://www.speciesconservation.org/). Aquest projecte se centra en l’estudi de tres endemismes exclusius de l’arxipèlag de les Salvatges greument amenaçats, amb l’objectiu final d’implementar mesures efectives per a la seva conservació (vegeu http://www.speciesconservation.org/case‐studies‐projects//1651 per a més informació). Aquests tres endemismes (Euphorbia anachoreta, Asparagus nesiotes subsp. nesiotes i Argyranthemum thalassophilum) compten amb molts pocs efectius (abans de l’expedició s’estimava una mida poblacional inferior a la cinquantena per als dos primers, i de menys de 250 per al darrer) i tenen un gran interès des del punt de vista biogeogràfic atesos l’aïllament de l’arxipèlag (el territori terrestre més proper són les Illes Canàries, situades a uns 165 quilòmetres al sud) i la seva antiguitat geològica (prop de 30 milions d’anys, essent l’arxipèlag més antic de tota la Macaronèsia; Geldmacher et al., 2001).