1000 resultados para 138-848D


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Correcting a Class III subdivision malocclusion is usually a challenge for an orthodontist, especially if the patient`s profile does not allow for any extractions. One treatment option is to use asymmetric intermaxillary elastics to correct the unilateral anteroposterior discrepancy. However, the success of this method depends on the individual response of each patient and his or her compliance in using the elastics. The objectives of this article were to present a successful treatment of a Class III subdivision patient with this approach and to illustrate and discuss the dentoskeletal changes that contributed to the correction. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:221-30)


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OBJECTIVES We sought to find out whether dobutamine echocardiography (DbE) could provide independent prediction of total and cardiac mortality, incremental to clinical and angiographic variables. BACKGROUND Existing outcome studies with DbE have examined composite end points, rather than death, over a relatively short follow-up. METHODS Clinical and stress data were collected in 3,156 patients (age 63 +/- 12 years, 1,801 men) undergoing DbE. Significant stenoses (>50% diameter) were identified in 70% of 1,073 patients undergoing coronary angiography. Total and cardiac mortality were identified over nine years of follow-up (mean 3.8 +/- 1.9). Cox models were used to analyze the effect of ischemia and other variables, independent of other determinants of mortality. RESULTS The dobutamine echocardiogram was abnormal in 1,575 patients (50%). Death occurred in 716 patients (23%), 259 of whom (8%) were thought to have died from cardiac causes. Patients with normal DbE had a total mortality of 8% per year and a cardiac mortality of 1% per year over the first four years of follow-up. Ischemia and the extent of abnormal wall motion were independent predictors of cardiac death, together with age and heart failure. In sequential Cox models, the predictive power of clinical data alone (model chi-square 115) was strengthened by adding the resting left ventricular function (model chi-square 138) and the results of DbE (model chi-square 181). In the subgroup undergoing coronary angiography, the power of the model was increased to a minor degree by the addition of coronary anatomy data. CONCLUSIONS Dobutamine echocardiography is an independent predictor of death, incremental to other data. While a normal dobutamine echocardiogram predicts low risk of cardiac death ton the order of 1% per year), this risk increases with the extent of abnormal wall motion at rest and stress, (J Am Coil Cardiol 2001;37:754-60) (C) 2001 by the American College of Cardiology.


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A cria????o das Fun????es Comissionadas T??cnicas (art. 53 da MP n.?? 2.048/2000) procura resolver problemas como a premia????o do desempenho t??cnico e a reten????o do servidor capacitado, para os quais n??o existem instrumentos adequados ?? disposi????o dos dirigentes. A concess??o da FCT deve ser precedida da avalia????o do grau de responsabilidade e complexidade t??cnica dos postos de trabalho. O seu provimento observaria o atendimento dos requisitos estipulados por essa avalia????o. O Ibama, o Incra, a ANVS, a SPU/MP, a ANP e o Denasus/MS atualmente contam com FCTs: os seus servidores j?? podem ter o seu desempenho devidamente reconhecido


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Este Caderno traz dois relat??rios de pesquisa internacionais. O primeiro objetiva fazer um levantamento do que se sabe sobre organiza????es de aprendizagem, traduzir as informa????es resultantes em orienta????es pr??ticas e desenvolver abordagens que possam ajudar gerentes a transformar seus locais de trabalho. O segundo relat??rio objetiva verificar a exist??ncia de um modelo canadense de administra????o p??blica canadense, identificando suas principais caracter??sticas distintivas de outros modelos


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Livro sobre Planejamento Estrat??gico, decorrente de curso do mesmo nome, realizado na ENAP em 2013, em parceria com o Centro Latino Americano de Administra????o para o Desenvolvimento (CLAD)


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Apresenta????o geral e discuss??o bibliogr??fica. Conceitos e tipos de planejamento. O pensamento complexo aplicado ?? gest??o governamental contempor??nea. O planejamento estrat??gico p??blico como ferramenta de implementa????o e gest??o de pol??ticas p??blicas. Os desafios e os atributos do planejamento governamental de longo prazo. Fun????es Cl??ssicas e Contempor??neas de Estado: arranjos institucionais-burocr??ticos, origem e perfil das pol??ticas p??blicas federais brasileiras. Planejamento Governamental e Gest??o P??blica no Brasil: hist??ria (s??culo XX) e contemporaneidade (s??culo XXI); Circuito Planejamento (formula????o, decis??o), Gest??o (monitoramento, desempenho, avalia????o), Controle (interno: m??todo CGU; externo: m??todo TCU), Participa????o (engajamento, avalia????o e controle social); Planejamento governamental e a estrat??gia de desenvolvimento brasileiro. A import??ncia da leitura dos atores para a viabilidade pol??tica da agenda governamental (Prof. A. Lassance): distin????o entre institui????es, organiza????es e atores; o que s??o os atores, como encontr??-los e como entender suas posi????es nos subsistemas de pol??ticas p??blicas; o poder de iniciativa, poder de agenda e agenda: tr??s coisas muito diferentes; m??todos para a leitura dos atores e an??lise da agenda pol??tica; t??cnicas, rotinas e sistem??ticas de varredura de temas e atores


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Desenvolve e aplica o Suporte de Identifica????o e Enfrentamento de Situa????es Problema (Siesp). Sob o ponto de vista descritivo, esse recurso busca ampliar e explicitar informa????es sobre situa????es problema existentes nas organiza????es, mas que n??o s??o facilmente percebidas. Sob o ponto de vista prescritivo, esse Suporte baseado na Metodologia de Sistemas Flex??veis (MSF) busca ampliar e explicitar conhecimentos a serem aproveitados para converter decis??es bem informadas em a????es oportunas de confronto da situa????o antes enquadrada como problem??tica, porque ela causa ou tem potencial para causar consequ??ncias indesej??veis. O contexto focalizado ?? o sistema de informa????o da Ag??ncia Nacional de Energia El??trica (ANEEL). O resultado desse trabalho ?? relatado neste artigo. Novos trabalhos poder??o ser realizados com o prop??sito de aplicar o SIESP em outras realidades organizacionais, com vistas a consolid??-lo como recurso ??til destinado a ampliar, explicitar e aproveitar conhecimentos.


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A complexa anatomia do recesso frontoetmoidal, bem como sua relação anatômica com estruturas vitais, explicam a razão do considerável cuidado que se tem durante a cirurgia para preservar estas estruturas e minimizar complicações relacionadas ao processo de cicatrização. A trefinação é um procedimento amplamente aceito para acesso ao seio frontal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o melhor ponto para se realizar a trefinação do seio frontal. MÉTODOS: Mensuração da profundidade do seio frontal em 3 pontos eqüidistantes da linha média (crista galli) em cortes tomográficos axiais. RESULTADOS: Foram medidos 138 seios frontais (69 pacientes). A profundidade do seio frontal medida a 0,5cm da linha média foi significativamente maior do que a 1,0 e 1,5cm, assim como a medida a 1,0cm foi significativamente maior do que a 1,5cm (12,22±4,25 vs 11,78±4,65 p<0,05; 12,22±4,25 vs 10,78±5,98 p<0,001; 11,78±4,65 vs 10,78±5,98 p<0,05). O trefinador usado (penetração máxima de 0,7cm) é seguro de ser usado em cerca de 80% dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: A trefinação pode ser realizada em pontos variáveis do seio frontal, mas a distância de 1cm da linha média parece ser mais segura e apresentar resultados estéticos melhores.


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Neste estudo objetivou-se avaliar e selecionar variedades de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) quanto à tolerância ao estresse salino e identificar, usando variedades de feijoeiro com diferentes graus de tolerância, variáveis que auxiliem na discriminagão de variedades de feijoeiro quanto à tolerância a esse tipo de estresse, independentemente do mecanismo apresentado pela planta. Os experimentos foram realizados em casa de vegetagão. Inicialmente foram avaliadas 48 variedades de P. vulgaris (alocadas nas subparcelas) em dois níveis de salinidade (distribuídos nas parcelas): solução nutritiva normal (SNN) a 0,81 dS m-1 e a teste (SNT) a 5,6 dS m-1, obtida pela adigão de NaCl no delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetigões. A partir da massa seca da parte aérea calculou-se a relagão percentual de crescimento alcançada na SNT relativo à SNN das variedades, que variou de 138,7 a 54,1 %, discriminando-as de acordo com o critério de Scott-Knott em duas populagões: uma com 14 variedades mais "tolerantes" e outra com 34 variedades, onde ficaram agrupadas variedades "moderadamente tolerantes" e "sensíveis". Para identificar variáveis de crescimento que permitam selecionar feijoeiros quanto à tolerância ao estresse salino duas variedades tolerantes (Vermelho e CNF 5574), uma medianamente tolerante (FT 83-86) e uma sensível (LM 30074), classificadas no experimento anterior, foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva com cinco níveis de salinidade (0,81; 2,7; 4,6; 6,5; e 8,4 dS m-1). Analisando-se a massa seca da raiz, do caule, do pecíolo, das folhas e da parte aérea, a área foliar e a área foliar específica, concluiu-se que a área foliar específica foi o índice que efetivamente mais contribuiu para a discriminação das variedades de feijoeiro quanto à tolerância à salinidade.


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Exposure to a novel environment triggers the response of several brain areas that regulate emotional behaviors. Here, we studied theta oscillations within the hippocampus (HPC)-amygdala (AMY)-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) network in exploration of a novel environment and subsequent familiarization through repeated exposures to that same environment; in addition, we assessed how concomitant stress exposure could disrupt this activity and impair both behavioral processes. Local field potentials were simultaneously recorded from dorsal and ventral hippocampus (dHPC and vHPC respectively), basolateral amygdala (BLA) and mPFC in freely behaving rats while they were exposed to a novel environment, then repeatedly re-exposed over the course of 3 weeks to that same environment and, finally, on re-exposure to a novel unfamiliar environment. A longitudinal analysis of theta activity within this circuit revealed a reduction of vHPC and BLA theta power and vHPC-BLA theta coherence through familiarization which was correlated with a return to normal exploratory behavior in control rats. In contrast, a persistent over-activation of the same brain regions was observed in stressed rats that displayed impairments in novel exploration and familiarization processes. Importantly, we show that stress also affected intra-hippocampal synchrony and heightened the coherence between vHPC and BLA. In summary, we demonstrate that modulatory theta activity in the aforementioned circuit, namely in the vHPC and BLA, is correlated with the expression of anxiety in novelty-induced exploration and familiarization in both normal and pathological conditions.


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Chronic stress impairs cognitive function, namely on tasks that rely on the integrity of cortico-limbic networks. To unravel the functional impact of progressive stress in cortico-limbic networks we measured neural activity and spectral coherences between the ventral hippocampus (vHIP) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in rats subjected to short term stress (STS) and chronic unpredictable stress (CUS). CUS exposure consistently disrupted the spectral coherence between both areas for a wide range of frequencies, whereas STS exposure failed to trigger such effect. The chronic stress-induced coherence decrease correlated inversely with the vHIP power spectrum, but not with the mPFC power spectrum, which supports the view that hippocampal dysfunction is the primary event after stress exposure. Importantly, we additionally show that the variations in vHIP-to-mPFC coherence and power spectrum in the vHIP correlated with stress-induced behavioral deficits in a spatial reference memory task. Altogether, these findings result in an innovative readout to measure, and follow, the functional events that underlie the stress-induced reference memory impairments.


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This work is developed in the context of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and has, as main purpose, the development of a mechatronic system that allows caring of bedridden patients with ongoing medical care terminal (MCT), by a single person. This system allows higher autonomy in domiciliary care, safety, comfort and hygiene of bedridden patients. It contributes to a large increase in their quality of life as well as the ease of monitoring by providers of continuous care, which, in many cases, may be the family itself. The product includes an embedded processing interface for acquiring physiological data to support online monitoring. The development of this project was focused on improving the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life and reducing healthcare costs in the area AAL. The developed societies currently face severe demographic changes: the world is aging at an unprecedented rate. In 2000, about 420 million people, or about 7 percent of the world population were over 65 years old. In 2050, that number will be near 1500 million people, about 16 percent of the world population. This demographic trend will be accompanied by the increase of people with physical limitations. This will impose new challenges for traditional health systems, not only for Portugal but also for all European countries. There is an urgent need to find solutions to improve the lives of people in their preferred environment by increasing their autonomy, self-confidence and mobility. Therefore, in the case of household scenarios, the provision of effective health services is of fundamental importance to the welfare and economic development of each country. This ongoing project aims to develop a mechatronic system to meet the diverse needs, namely: improving life, health care, safety, comfort, and remote monitoring of bedridden person.


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Polyembryonic seeds are characterized by the development of over one embryo in the same seed, which can be zygotic and nucellar. The objective of this work was to identify the genetic origin, whether zygotic or nucellar, of seedlings of polyembryonic seeds of 'Ubá' mango tree using ISSR markers, and relating them with the vigor of the seedlings. Thus, mangos were harvested in Visconde do Rio Branco (accession 102) and Ubá (accessions 112, 138, 152 and 159), whose seeds were germinated in plastic trays filled with washed sand. Fifty days after sowing, seedlings from five seeds of each one of the accessions 102, 112, 138, 159 and from 10 seeds of the accession 152, were analyzed. These sseedlings were characterized and evaluated for plant height, stem circumference and mass of fresh aerial part and the most vigorous seedling was the one displaying at least two of these traits higher than the other seedlings from seed. Leaves were collected for genomic DNA extraction, which was amplified using seven ISSR primers previously selected based on the amplification profile and considering the number and resolution of fragments. Zygotic seedlings were found in 18 seeds, which were the most vigorous in six seeds. The results evidenced the existence of genetic variability in orchards using seedlings grown from seeds, because the farmer usually uses the most vigorous ones, assuming that this is of nucellar origin. These results also indicate that the most vigorous seedling are not always nucellar, inasmuch as of 20% of the total seeds evaluated, the zygotic seedling was the most vigorous.


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Nowadays, different techniques are available for manufacturing full-arch implant-supported prosthesis, many of them based on an impression procedure. Nevertheless, the long-term success of the prosthesis is highly influenced by the accuracy during such process, being affected by factors such as the impression material, implant position, angulation and depth. This paper investigates the feasibility of a 3D electromagnetic motion tracking system as an acquisition method for modeling such prosthesis. To this extent, we propose an implant acquisition method at the patient mouth, using a specific prototyped tool coupled with a tracker sensor, and a set of calibration procedures (for distortion correction and tool calibration), that ultimately obtains combined measurements of the implant’s position and angulation, and eliminating the use of any impression material. However, in the particular case of the evaluated tracking system, the order of magnitude of the obtained errors invalidates its use for this specific application.