999 resultados para 132-809
Vertebral and metaphyseal dysplasia, spasticity with cerebral calcifications, and strong predisposition to autoimmune diseases are the hallmarks of the genetic disorder spondyloenchondrodysplasia. We mapped a locus in five consanguineous families to chromosome 19p13 and identified mutations in ACP5, which encodes tartrate-resistant phosphatase (TRAP), in 14 affected individuals and showed that these mutations abolish enzyme function in the serum and cells of affected individuals. Phosphorylated osteopontin, a protein involved in bone reabsorption and in immune regulation, accumulates in serum, urine and cells cultured from TRAP-deficient individuals. Case-derived dendritic cells exhibit an altered cytokine profile and are more potent than matched control cells in stimulating allogeneic T cell proliferation in mixed lymphocyte reactions. These findings shed new light on the role of osteopontin and its regulation by TRAP in the pathogenesis of common autoimmune disorders.
Contient : 1° « Les Lamentacions monseigneur sainct BERNARD » ; 2° « Le Livre des Meditacions monseigneur saint BERnard » ; 3° « Les Contemplacions monseigneur saint AUGUSTIN » ; 4° « Une belle Oroison de saint AUGUSTIN » (fol. 55) : ; 5° « Les Meditacions saint AUGUSTIN pensant à Dieu » ; 6° « Ung Traitié comment on doit Dieu amer de tout son cueir » ; 7° « L'Ordonnance du char Heliez le prophete » (fol. 67) : ; 8° « Un Preschement de Nostre Seigneur Jhesu Crist » (fol. 69), parabole de la semence ; 9° « Ce sont les sept choses que cuer en qui Dieu habite doit avoir » (fol. 71) : ; 10° « Comment.IIII. pechiés mortelz sont signifiés par.IIII. bestes sauvaiges » (fol. 72) : ; 11° « De la Demande que fist la mere de saint Jehan et de saint Jaques à Nostre Seigneur Jhesu Crist » ; 12° « Le Livre de la misere de l'omme », par « LOTHIER » ; 13° « Le Livre des biens que tribulacion fait à l'ame » ; 14° « Aucuns bons Enseignements pour eschiver les pechies de luxure, d'avarice et d'accide » ; 15° « De l'Aage Adam, et comment il envoya Seth son filz en paradis terrestre » (fol. 130) : ; 16° « La Devise de la messe » (fol. 132) : ; 17° « L'Ordonnance comment on se doit confesser » (fol. 135) : ; 18° « Les Enseignements que le bon roy saint Loys fist et escript de sa main, et les envoya de Cartaige où il estoit au roy Phelippes son filz » ; 19° « Les Enseignements que... saint Loys... envoya... à la royne de Navarre sa fille » (fol. 140) : ; 20° « La Fin que le bon roy saint Loys ot à sa mort, que l'evesque de Thunes envoya à Thibaut, roy de Navarre » (fol. 141) : ; 21° « Le Livre maistre HUGUES DE SAINT VICTOR » ; 22° « Les Proverbes de SENEQUE, en prose » ; 23° « Les Dictz et Proverbes des Saiges », cinquantecinq quatrains ; 24° « Le Dit des philosophes du grant roy Alixandre, quant il fut mort », en seize vers (fol. 172) ; 25° « Ung beau Dictié c'on appelle : Je vois mourir », quarante-cinq sixains ; 26° « Le Pater noster en françois » ; 27° « La Meditacion de la mort »
L'obituaire, qui occupe les feuillets 1-11, est incomplet du mois de janvier. Des extraits, qui en ont été faits, par dom Estiennot, sont conservés dans le ms. lat. 12773, p. 91-92. A la fin du censier (fol. 125-132) sont transcrites plusieurs pièces, en roman, et en particulier, la charte de « sauveté » de Saint-Hilaire-de-Taillan (1303).
Fauré-Fremiet, Mme. Manuscrit(s) provenant d'elle
O uso de leguminosas para cobertura do solo e suprimento de N é uma técnica importante na conservação do solo e redução dos custos em fertilizantes minerais. No sul do Brasil, o enfoque principal da pesquisa tem sido sobre espécies de ciclo hibernal. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o efeito do cultivo intercalar de quatro leguminosas estivais [feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis ), guandu anão (Cajanus cajan), mucuna cinza (Stizolobium niveum ) e soja preta (Glycine sp.)] no fornecimento de N e rendimento de grãos do milho, em três doses de N mineral (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1), em comparação a um tratamento-testemunha, sem leguminosa. Dois experimentos foram realizados, em sistema de preparo mínimo-PM (1993 a 1997), com abertura de sulcos para semeadura do milho feita com arado de tração animal, e em sistema de preparo convencional-PC (1994 a 1997), com aração e duas gradagens na primavera-verão, num Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em Chapecó (SC). Na média das safras, a produção de matéria seca das leguminosas estivais variou de 1,26 a 5,48 Mg ha-1, e o N na fitomassa da parte aérea, de 31 a 132 kg ha-1. Em comparação ao tratamento-testemunha, sem N mineral, as leguminosas aumentaram o rendimento do milho em 17 a 93 % (423 a 2.256 kg ha-1), no PC, e em 12 a 43 % (281 a 1.030 kg ha-1), no PM, sendo estes incrementos equivalentes à aplicação de 12 a > 120 kg ha-1 de N mineral no PC e de 50 a 86 kg ha-1 de N mineral no PM. Portanto, o cultivo intercalar de leguminosas estivais, além de proteger o solo, representa uma técnica promissora no forneci-mento de N e aumento de rendimento do milho, recomendada principalmente para pequenas propriedades rurais, onde a colheita do milho é manual.
Aquest projecte es basa en el modelatge i simulació de sistemes utilitzant un simulador digital, i pretén ser una guia docent com a eina d’ajuda per a una assignatura que, a priori, s’impartirà a la Universitat de Vic. La simulació és una tècnica que permet representar el comportament de processos (físics, productius, de serveis, etc.) sense necessitat d’accedir al sistema real. Per analitzar, estudiar i millorar el comportament d’un sistema mitjançant la tècnica de la simulació digital és necessari primer desenvolupar un model conceptual que descrigui les variables d’interès, i després implementar-lo en un simulador per poder analitzar els resultats. ARENA és el software de simulació que s’estudia en aquest projecte i es presenta com una eina que permet la descripció complerta de l’experiència que una entitat desenvolupa a l’interior del sistema mentre flueix a través d’aquest. En concret s’utilitza la versió ARENA 10.0. Pel que fa a l’estructura del projecte, primerament s’introdueixen conceptes teòrics referents a la simulació, així com avantatges i inconvenients i els camps d’aplicació de la simulació. Seguidament i ja centrats en l’Arena, s’analitza un exemple senzill per començar-ne a veure el funcionament. Posteriorment, es van estudiant varis exemples amb complexitat progressiva. Aquests exemples es desenvolupen pas a pas de manera que es puguin anar provant amb el simulador. En el transcurs del projecte es van estudiant les eines de l’Arena i les seves possibilitats, així com els resultats obtinguts i les interpretacions d’aquests. Aquest projecte pretén, doncs, donar conceptes introductoris en el camp de la simulació en general, i, en particular, descriure eines bàsiques sobre el funcionament de l’Arena.
This article aims to help potential authors of geomorphological articles to get their work published. It identifies the basic characteristics of a good manuscript in geomorphology in terms of: (a) originality and significance; and (b) rigour. It uses these characteristics to define how an author should structure a conventional' manuscript in geomorphology by successfully identifying and justifying the motivation for the research; clearly and fully explaining the methods used; and presenting and discussing the results obtained. The article considers the importance of published literature in sustaining all elements of a manuscript in geomorphology. It also presents the natural symmetry that should exist between parts of a manuscript. These practical elements regarding the form and content of a manuscript are then developed through: (a) flagging some of the common mistakes made by authors drawing upon my experience as Managing Editor of the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms; (b) discussing the ethical and legal issues, including plagiarism, that relate to manuscript submission; (c) exploring the review process from the perspective of an author, including guidance on how best to respond to review comments in revising a manuscript. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
BACKGROUND: Appropriateness criteria for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) have been developed by experts' panels. Little is known about the acceptance of such recommendations by care providers. The aim was to explore how treatment decisions of practicing gastroenterologists differ from experts using a vignette case study and a focus group. METHODS: Seventeen clinical vignettes were drawn from clinical indications evaluated by the expert panel. A vignette case questionnaire asking for treatment options in 9-10 clinical situations was submitted to 26 practicing gastroenterologists. For each vignette case, practitioners' answers on treatments deemed appropriate were compared to panel decisions. Qualitative analysis was made based on focus group discussion to explore acceptance and divergence reasons. RESULTS: 239 clinical vignettes were completed, 98 for CD and 141 for UC. Divergence between proposed treatments and results from panels was more frequent for CD (34%) than for UC (27%). Among UC clinical vignettes, the main divergences with the panel were linked to 5-ASA failure assessment and to situations where stopping treatment was the main decision. For CD, the care provider propositions diverged with the panel in mild-to-moderate active disease, where practitioners were more prone to an accelerated step up than the panel's recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: In about one third of vignettes cases, IBD treatment propositions made by practicing gastroenterologists diverged as compared to expert recommendations. Practicing gastroenterologists may experience difficulties in applying recommendations in daily practice.
Aim: To compare a less intensive regimen based on high-dose imatinib (IM) to an intensive IM/HyperCVAD regimen in adults with Ph+ ALL, in terms of early response and outcome after stem cell transplantation (SCT). Methods: Patients aged 18-60 years with previously untreated Ph+ ALL not evolving from chronic myeloid leukemia were eligible if no contra-indication to chemotherapy and SCT (ClinicalTrials.gov ID, NCT00327678). After a steroid prephase allowing Ph and/or BCR-ABL diagnosis, cycle 1 differed between randomization arms. In arm A (IM-based), IM was given at 800 mg on day 1-28, combined with vincristine (2 mg, day 1, 8, 15, 22) and dexamethasone (40 mg, day 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, and 22-23) only. In arm B (IM/HyperCVAD), IM was given at 800 mg on day 1-14, combined with adriamycin (50 mg/m2, day 4), cyclophosphamide (300 mg/m2/12h, day 1, 2, 3), vincristine (2 mg, day 4 and 11), and dexamethasone (40 mg, day 1-4 and 11-14). All patients received a cycle 2 combining high-dose methotrexate (1 g/m2, day 1) and AraC (3 g/m2/12h, day 2 and 3) with IM at 800 mg on day 1-14, whatever their response. Four intrathecal infusions were given during this induction/consolidation period. Minimal residual disease (MRD) was centrally evaluated by quantitative RQ-PCR after cycle 1 (MRD1) and cycle 2 (MRD2). Major MRD response was defined as BCR-ABL/ABL ratio <0.1%. Then, all patients were to receive allogeneic SCT using related or unrelated matched donor stem cells or autologous SCT if no donor and a major MRD2 response. IM/chemotherapy maintenance was planned after autologous SCT. In the absence of SCT, patients received alternating cycles 1 (as in arm B) and cycles 2 followed by maintenance, like in the published IM/HyperCVAD regimen. The primary objective was non-inferiority of arm A in term of major MRD2 response. Secondary objectives were CR rate, SCT rate, treatment- and transplant-related mortality, relapse-free (RFS), event-free (EFS) and overall (OS) survival. Results: Among the 270 patients randomized between May 2006 and August 2011, 265 patients were evaluable for this analysis (133 arm A, 132 arm B; median age, 47 years; median follow-up, 40 months). Main patient characteristics were well-balanced between both arms. Due to higher induction mortality in arm B (9 versus 1 deaths; P=0.01), CR rate was higher in the less intensive arm A (98% versus 89% after cycle 1 and 98% versus 91% after cycle 2; P= 0.003 and 0.006, respectively). A total of 213 and 205 patients were evaluated for bone marrow MRD1 and MRD2. The rates of patients reaching major MRD response and undetectable MRD were 45% (44% arm A, 46% arm B; P=0.79) and 10% (in both arms) at MRD1 and 66% (68% arm A, 63.5% arm B; P=0.56) and 25% (28% arm A, 22% arm B; P=0.33) at MRD2, respectively. The non-inferiority primary endpoint was thus demonstrated (P= 0.002). Overall, EFS was estimated at 42% (95% CI, 35-49) and OS at 51% (95% CI, 44-57) at 3 years, with no difference between arm A and B (46% versus 38% and 53% versus 49%; P=0.25 and 0.61, respectively). Of the 251 CR patients, 157 (80 arm A, 77 arm B) and 34 (17 in both arms) received allogeneic and autologous SCT in first CR, respectively. Allogeneic transplant-related mortality was similar in both arms (31.5% versus 22% at 3 years; P=0.51). Of the 157 allografted patients, 133 had MRD2 evaluation and 89 had MRD2 <0.1%. In these patients, MRD2 did not significantly influence post-transplant RFS and OS, either when tested with the 0.1% cutoff or as a continuous log covariate. Of the 34 autografted patients, 31 had MRD2 evaluation and, according to the protocol, 28 had MRD2 <0.1%. When restricting the comparison to patients achieving major MRD2 response and with the current follow-up, a trend for better results was observed after autologous as compared to allogeneic SCT (RFS, 63% versus 49.5% and OS, 69% versus 58% at 3 years; P=0.35 and P=0.08, respectively). Conclusions: In adults, the use of TK inhibitors (TKI) has markedly improved the results of Ph+ ALL therapy, now close to those observed in Ph-negative ALL. We demonstrated here that chemotherapy intensity may be safely reduced when associated with high-dose IM. We will further explore this TKI-based strategy using nilotinib prior to SCT in our next GRAAPH-2013 trial. The trend towards a better outcome after autologous compared to allogeneic SCT observed in MRD responders validates MRD as an important early surrogate endpoint for treatment stratification and new drug investigation in this disease.