986 resultados para 131
Trata-se do "Relatório Cruls", referente à 1ª Missão Cruls (1892-1893), durante o governo Floriano Peixoto
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)
This book elucidates the methods of molecular gas dynamics or rarefied gas dynamics which treat the problems of gas flows when the discrete molecular effects of the gas prevail under the circumstances of low density, the emphases being stressed on the basis of the methods, the direct simulation Monte Carlo method applied to the simulation of non-equilibrium effects and the frontier subjects related to low speed microscale rarefied gas flows. It provides a solid basis for the study of molecular gas dynamics for senior students and graduates in the aerospace and mechanical engineering departments of universities and colleges. It gives a general acquaintance of modern developments of rarefied gas dynamics in various regimes and leads to the frontier topics of non-equilibrium rarefied gas dynamics and low speed microscale gas dynamics. It will be also of benefit to the scientific and technical researchers engaged in aerospace high altitude aerodynamic force and heating design and in the research on gas flow in MEMS
[1] Molecular structure and energy states | (21) | ||
[2] Some basic concepts of kinetic theory | (51) | ||
[3] Interaction of molecules with solid surface | (131) | ||
[4] Free molecular flow | (159) | ||
[5] Continuum models | (191) | ||
[6] Transitional regime | (231) | ||
[7] Direct simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) method | (275) | ||
[8] Microscale slow gas flows, information preservation method | (317) | ||
[App. I] Gas properties | (367) | ||
[App. II] Some integrals | (369) | ||
[App. III] Sampling from a prescribed distribution | (375) | ||
[App. IV] Program of the couette flow | (383) | ||
Subject Index | (399) |
Segundo Richard R. Ramer, "Primeira edição. O autor, natural de Santos, SP, escreveu esta obra depois de ter feito um estudo cuidadoso em documentos contemporâneos...".
El aprovechamiento del medio rural para llevar acabo actividades turísticas no es algo nuevo en España. Sin embargo, no es hasta mediados de los 80 cuando el turismo rural empieza a tener un desarrollo mayor, apreciándose un crecimiento de la oferta, a medida que lo hacía la demanda. Este trabajo se circunscribe a este área y pretende determinar bajo qué circunstancias debe desarrollarse la gestión del marketing en este tipo turismo y establecer en qué medida sus peculiares características influyen en las actuaciones de las empresas en el ámbito rural.
In 1992 and 1993, researchers from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory initiated photo-identification studies on Alaskan killer whales, Orcinus orca. Waters from Kodiak Island west to the central and eastern Aleutian Islands and southeastern Bering Sea were surveyed. A total of 289 individual whales were identified. A photographic record of the whales encountered during these surveys is presented. When photographs of the 289 individual whales were compared among various regions in Alaska (Prince William Sound and Southeast Alaska) and areas outside Alaska (British Columbia, Washington, and California), 11 matches were found. The count is conservative because the 1992 and 1993 surveys were limited in geographical range, restricted to summer periods, and whales may have been missed along the survey trackline. Future research incorporating both photoidentification studies and line transect surveys will provide reliable abundance estimates of Alaskan killer whales. (PDF file contains 58 pages.)
En este artículo se analiza la incidencia y la difusión de la Gestión de la Calidad(GC) en las empresas vascas a lo largo de los últimos años. En primer lugar se realiza una breve introducción donde se analiza la difusión del paradigma de la calidad en el ámbito de la gestión y organización de empresas, para más adelante analizar la incidencia de este movimiento en las empresas vascas. Se analiza, asimismo, cuál ha sido la motivación de las empresas a la hora de implantar estas normas y modelos, así como cuáles han sido sus efectos, conforme a los resultados de sendos estudios de carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo llevados a cabo recientemente.
Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Piedad Frías Nogales e Iban Zaldúa (editores)
Die 25. Sitzung des Komitees für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse fand vom 3. bis 7. Juni 2002 in Aales und, Norwegen, statt. Die Tagung wurde von 131 Delegierten und Beobachtern aus 41 Mitgliedsstaaten und 2 internationalen Organisationen sowie FAO- und WHO-Personal (4)besucht. Die größten Delegationen stellten Frankreich (7), Thailand (7), USA (10) und Norwegen als Gastgeber (13).Die deutsche Delegation wurde von Dr. Achim Viereck(BMVEL) geleitet. Weitere Mitglieder waren Prof. Jörg Oehlenschläger (BFAFi, Sprecher), Dr. Andrea Sanwidi (BMVEL), Dr. Reinhard Schubring (BFAFi), Dr. Günter Klein (BgVV) und Dr. Jörn Scabell (Frozen Fish International als Vertreter des Bundesverbandes der deutschen Fischindustrie und des Fischgroßhandels). Die Sitzung, die von Peter Gullestad, dem norwegischen Generaldirektor für Fischerei, eröffnet wurde, leitete Dr. Bjorn Rothe Knudtsen, Regionaldirektor des norwegischen Direktorats für Fischerei und Aquakultur, Trondheim.
The formation of cerebral senile plaques composed of amyloid beta peptide (A beta) is a fundamental feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Glial cells and more specifically microglia become reactive in the presence of A beta. In a triple transgenic model of AD (3 x Tg-AD), we found a significant increase in activated microglia at 12 (by 111%) and 18 (by 88%) months of age when compared with non-transgenic (non-Tg) controls. This microglial activation correlated with A beta plaque formation, and the activation in microglia was closely associated with A beta plaques and smaller A beta deposits. We also found a significant increase in the area density of resting microglia in 3 x Tg-AD animals both at plaque-free stage (at 9 months by 105%) and after the development of A plaques (at 12 months by 54% and at 18 months by 131%). Our results show for the first time that the increase in the density of resting microglia precedes both plaque formation and activation of microglia by extracellular A beta accumulation. We suggest that AD pathology triggers a complex microglial reaction: at the initial stages of the disease the number of resting microglia increases, as if in preparation for the ensuing activation in an attempt to fight the extracellular A beta load that is characteristic of the terminal stages of the disease. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e1; doi:10.1038/cddis.2009.2; published online 14 January 2010
A subject of a change of authorised limits in 1994 for the discharge of liquid radioactive waste by the reprocessing plant Sellafield (UK) was an increase of these limits for certain radionuclides (3H, 14C, 60Co, 99Tc and 129I). It is investigated now how the radioactivity in marine biota from the North Sea and subsequently the public radiation exposure by ingestion has developed in the years since 1994. This is based on a compartment model for the Northeast Atlantic. Discharges of the reprocessing plants Dounreay (UK) and La Hague (F) are included in the assessment. It is deduced that about 60 % of 137Cs in the North Sea originate presently in the remobilisation of old Sellafield discharges from the Irish Sea sediment. A comparison with measured biota data shows that the model is conservative in the most cases. The public radiation exposure from ingestion of fish, crustaceans and molluscs from the central North Sea as the sum over 12 considered radionuclides has decreased from 1992 to 1998 from 0,13 to 0,08 μSv·y–1. For the southward and northward joined regions it was a little bit smaller with a similar decreasing trend.
Apresenta o regimento comum do Congresso Nacional.
A DFT/MD mutual iterative method was employed to give insights into the mechanism of voltage generation based on water-fitted single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Our calculations showed that a constant voltage difference of several mV would generate between the two ends of a carbon nanotube, due to interactions between the water dipole chains and charge carriers in the tube. Our work validates this structure of a water-fitted SWCNT as a promising candidate for a synthetic nanoscale power cell, as well as a practical nanopower harvesting device at the atomic level.
Aborda os crimes cibernéticos sob o ponto de vista da dificuldade de sua apuração.
Although one of the best possibilities for raising the animal protein of the diets of Nigerian is to increase the consumption of fish; particularly through the use of several methods of long term preservation techniques, such as drying, no radical approach has yet emerged. Although, a great deal of the artisanal fish catch is dried for the huge consumer and distant markets, the traditional methods of fish preservation need improvements to cope with demand for increased quantity, shelf-stable, and improved quality of fish products. The paper discusses drying requirements, heat and mass transfer, consumer acceptance, fuel sources, storage and marketing of dried fish products; and suggest ways and means of structurally transforming the artisanal technology of fish drying