977 resultados para 13 kvinnoperspektiv på rätten


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[Acte royal. 1830-06-13]


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Persons with Down syndrome (DS) uniquely have an increased frequency of leukemias but a decreased total frequency of solid tumors. The distribution and frequency of specific types of brain tumors have never been studied in DS. We evaluated the frequency of primary neural cell embryonal tumors and gliomas in a large international data set. The observed number of children with DS having a medulloblastoma, central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor (CNS-PNET) or glial tumor was compared to the expected number. Data were collected from cancer registries or brain tumor registries in 13 countries of Europe, America, Asia and Oceania. The number of DS children with each category of tumor was treated as a Poisson variable with mean equal to 0.000884 times the total number of registrations in that category. Among 8,043 neural cell embryonal tumors (6,882 medulloblastomas and 1,161 CNS-PNETs), only one patient with medulloblastoma had DS, while 7.11 children in total and 6.08 with medulloblastoma were expected to have DS. (p 0.016 and 0.0066 respectively). Among 13,797 children with glioma, 10 had DS, whereas 12.2 were expected. Children with DS appear to be specifically protected against primary neural cell embryonal tumors of the CNS, whereas gliomas occur at the same frequency as in the general population. A similar protection against neuroblastoma, the principal extracranial neural cell embryonal tumor, has been observed in children with DS. Additional genetic material on the supernumerary chromosome 21 may protect against embryonal neural cell tumor development.


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Determina la distribución e intensidad de desove, distribución, composición y evaluación de la población de anchoveta, evolución del medio ambiente marino y observaciones de peces pelágicos.


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Expone la situación general del recurso anchoveta, su condición biológica, distribución, procesos de reagrupación de cardúmenes, accesibilidad para la pesca, su ambiente abiótico y un diagnóstico del estado del stock de la anchoveta.


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A cacauicultura da Amazônia está implantada em solos eutróficos, com predominância da Terra Roxa Estruturada, e em Latossolos ou Podzólicos distróficos, sendo desconhecidas as limitações nutricionais desses solos na fase produtiva do cacaueiro. As respostas do cacaueiro à aplicação de N, P e K foram determinadas em dois experimentos instalados nos municípios de Medicilândia, ao longo da Rodovia Transamazônica, e Benevides, Pará, em solos das unidades Terra Roxa Estrutura eutrófica (TR) e Latossolo Amarelo (LA), respectivamente. As lavouras de cacau do híbrido Sca 6 x Be 10 foram implantadas após o corte e queima da mata primária, utilizando-se, como esquema experimental, um fatorial NPK 2³ com tratamentos adicionais de P. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o P foi o principal nutriente que limitou a produção, provocando incrementos de produtividade (P < 0,01) da ordem de 13,7% (110 kg ha-1) e 44,3% (214 kg ha-1) nos solos TR e LA, respectivamente, na média do período 1987 a 1993. O K também aumentou (P < 0,01) o rendimento de amêndoas secas de cacau no solo LA, verificando-se, ainda, interações significativas (P < 0,05) entre N x K e P x K neste solo. A resposta linear do cacaueiro ao P e o aumento ou diminuição da taxa de infecção de vassoura-de-bruxa ao N, P e K evidenciam a necessidade de novas pesquisas para definir a dosagem econômica de P, de K e o efeito da interação dos nutrientes com a enfermidade.


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We evaluated the accuracy of skinfold thicknesses, BMI and waist circumference for the prediction of percentage body fat (PBF) in a representative sample of 372 Swiss children aged 6-13 years. PBF was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. On the basis of a preliminary bootstrap selection of predictors, seven regression models were evaluated. All models included sex, age and pubertal stage plus one of the following predictors: (1) log-transformed triceps skinfold (logTSF); (2) logTSF and waist circumference; (3) log-transformed sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds (logSF2); (4) log-transformed sum of triceps, biceps, subscapular and supra-iliac skinfolds (logSF4); (5) BMI; (6) waist circumference; (7) BMI and waist circumference. The adjusted determination coefficient (R² adj) and the root mean squared error (RMSE; kg) were calculated for each model. LogSF4 (R² adj 0.85; RMSE 2.35) and logSF2 (R² adj 0.82; RMSE 2.54) were similarly accurate at predicting PBF and superior to logTSF (R² adj 0.75; RMSE 3.02), logTSF combined with waist circumference (R² adj 0.78; RMSE 2.85), BMI (R² adj 0.62; RMSE 3.73), waist circumference (R² adj 0.58; RMSE 3.89), and BMI combined with waist circumference (R² adj 0.63; RMSE 3.66) (P < 0.001 for all values of R² adj). The finding that logSF4 was only modestly superior to logSF2 and that logTSF was better than BMI and waist circumference at predicting PBF has important implications for paediatric epidemiological studies aimed at disentangling the effect of body fat on health outcomes.


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L'analyse globale (tab. 1) révèle qu'à quelques rares exceptions, la biodiversité s'est notablement appauvrie entre 1900 et 1990. Durant les vingt dernières années, le recul des effectifs de nombreuses espèces et l'érosion de la surface de certains habitats ont pu être ralentis. Dans de rares cas une évolution positive a même été constatée. Ces développements, encourageants en soi, ne se sont toutefois opérés qu'à partir d'un très faible niveau de biodiversité. Sur le Plateau suisse notamment, son état est très préoccupant.Dans l'ensemble, il n'a pas été possible d'enrayer le déclin de la biodiversité; nous n'avons pas encore touché le fond. Selon nos prévisions pour 2020 une tendance générale à la hausse, voire un véritable inversement de tendance, n'est pas possible dans les conditions actuelles (lois, instruments et mesures, respectivement mise en oeuvre de ces outils). La persistance de cet appauvrissement est notamment imputable à l'intensification de l'exploitation agricole des régions de montagne, à l'extension du milieu urbain et à l'accroissement des activités de tourisme et de loisir. A cela s'ajoutent de nouveaux facteurs de menace, tels que l'expansion des espèces invasives et les répercussions directes et indirectes des changements climatiques qui augmenteront encore la pression sur les espèces et les écosystèmes déjà menacés.