965 resultados para 040601 Geomorphology and Regolith and Landscape Evolution


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The traditional architecture of the centre of the city of Arequipa has been analyzed by comparing floor-plans of houses from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in order to explain the reasons behind the arrangement of their constructional elements and the evolution of said elements and floor-plans. The historic centre of Arequipa, a city located in the South of Perú, South America (Latitude 16°23' South, Longitude 71 °31' West), is based on a ground plan from 1540 that was set during the city's Spanish foundation. It was declared Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO. The manorial architecture is widely known for its decorated fronts and one-of-a-kind designs, but its differences with respect to the popular architecture are not based exclusively on decorative aspects. Peru's colonial period finished around 1825, but the barrel-vault, construction style continued in Arequipa through 1868, when an earthquake destroyed the city. Thereafter, the vaults were replaced by roofs made of rails, with cinders made out of the lava stone. The stately houses belonged to the founding families who settled around the main square on forty nine blocks that formed a square-grid, street layout. Also belonging to this category are the houses of landlords and traders from post-colonial times.


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A total of 106 potential duplicate cases involved 277 accessions were detected on the basis of passport data in the durum wheat collection maintained in the CRF-INIA. Similarity between accessions was measured by agro-morphological traits. The 90% of the agro-morphological duplication were verified with gliadin proteins, allowing identification of similar material with greater refinement than agro-morphological data. However, the results indicated not to decide for rationalisation only on the basis of molecular data.


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A total of 106 potential duplicate cases involved 277 accessions were detected on the basis of passport data in the durum wheat collection maintained in the CRF-INIA. Similarity between accessions was measured by agro-morphological traits. The 90% of the agro-morphological duplication were verified with gliadin proteins, allowing identification of similar material with greater refinement than agro-morphological data. However, the results indicated not to decide for rationalisation only on the basis of molecular data


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This work studied the combined use of gliadins and SSRs to analyse inter- and intra-accession variability of the Spanish collection of cultivated einkorn (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. monococcum) maintained at the CRF-INIA. In general, gliadin loci presented higher discrimination power than SSRs, reflecting the high variability of the gliadins. The loci on chromosome 6A were the most polymorphic with similar PIC values for both marker systems, showing that these markers are very useful for genetic variability studies in wheat. The gliadin results indicated that the Spanish einkorn collection possessed high genetic diversity, being the differentiation large between varieties and small within them. Some associations between gliadin alleles and geographical and agro-morphological data were found. Agro-morphological relations were also observed in the clusters of the SSRs dendrogram. A high concordance was found between gliadins and SSRs for genotype identification. In addition, both systems provide complementary information to resolve the different cases of intra-accession variability not detected at the agro-morphological level, and to identify separately all the genotypes analysed. The combined use of both genetic markers is an excellent tool for genetic resource evaluation in addition to agro-morphological evaluation.


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The research work as presented in this article covers the design of detached breakwaters since they constitute a type of coastal defence work with which to combat many of the erosion problems found on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. The main aim of this work is to formulate a functional and environmental (but not structural) design method, enabling the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater to be defined as a function of the effect it is wished to induce on the coast, and taking into account variables of a different nature (climate, geomorphology and geometry) influencing the changes the shoreline undergoes after its construction. With this article, it is intended to submit the final result of the investigation undertaken, applying the detached breakwater design method as developed to solving a practical case. Thus it may be shown how the method enables a detached breakwater’s geometric pre-sizing to be tackled at a place on the coast with certain climate, geomorphology and littoral dynamic characteristics, first setting the final state of equilibrium it is wanted to obtain therein after its construction.


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Forest connectivity restoration is a major goal in natural resource planning. Given the high amount of abandoned cultivated lands, setting efficient methods for the reforestation of agricultural lands offers a good opportunity to face this issue. However, reforestations must be carefully planned, which poses two main challenges. In first place, to determine those agricultural lands that, once reforested, would meet more effectively the planning goals. As a further step, in order to grant the success of the activity, it is fairly advisable to select those tree species that are more adapted to each particular environment. Here we intend to give response to both requirements by proposing a sequential and integrated methodology that has been implemented in two Spanish forest districts, which are formed by several landscape types that were previously defined and characterized. Using the software Conefor Sensinode, a powerful tool for quantifying habitat availability that is based on graph theory concepts, we determined the landscapes where forest planning should have connectivity as a major concern and, afterwards, we detected the agricultural patches that would contribute most to enhance connectivity if they were reforested. The subsequent reforestation species assessment was performed within these priority patches. Using penalized logistic regressions we fitted ecological niche models for the Spanish native tree species. The models were trained with species distribution data from the Spanish Forest Map and used climatic and lithological variables as predictors. Model predictions were used to build ordered lists of suitable species for each priority patch. The lists include dominant and non dominant tree species and allow adding biodiversity goals to the reforestation planning. The result of this combined methodology is a map of agricultural patches that would contribute most to uphold forest connectivity if they were reforested and a list of suitable tree species for each patch ordered by occurrence probability. Therefore the proposed methodology may be useful for suitable and efficient forest planning and landscape designing.


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PREDICT POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. Spatial and temporal evolution of the species under different climate scenarios. Generation of habitat suitability models (HSM)  high degree of uncertainty and limitations. The importance of their validation has been stressed. In this work we discuss the present potential distribution of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the Iberian Peninsula by using MaxEnt, and evaluate the influence of the different environmental variables. Our intention is to select a set of environmental variables that explains better their current distribution, to achieve the most accurate and reliable models. Then we project them to the past climatic conditions (21 to 0 kyrs BP), to evaluate the outputs with existing palaeo-ecological data.


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Tablas de Daimiel National Park is located in the Upper Guadiana Basin and represents one of the largest and most important wetlands in Europe. The long term ecological integrity of this wetland is inherently associated with the maintenance of a shallow groundwater table, namely the Western Mancha aquifer (WMA) or Aquifer 23. The intensive use of groundwater, mainly for irrigation, has led over the last decades to deep socio‐economic changes. Such intensive use has also lowered the water table of Aquifer 23, drastically reducing the flooded area of the wetland and threatening its ecological integrity. A number of plans and measures have been developed and implemented since the declaration of overexploitation of Aquifer 23 in the year 1987. The most recent one is the Special Plan for the Upper Guadiana (SPUG), approved in 2008. This Plan is the main measure to comply with achieving the objective of good quantitative and qualitative status required under the Water Framework Directive (2000). This paper offers a new type of integrated analysis which allows assessing under a common lens the physical, economic and social dimensions of groundwater use in the area. The first objective is to calculate the groundwater footprint of agricultural production in the Upper Guadiana basin and its evolution during 2000‐2008. For this purpose, we have applied the Extended Water Footprint (EWF) methodology ‐a novel approach based on the classical Water Footprint (WF) approach‐ that includes an assessment of the water productivity from an economic and social perspective. Compared to the classical WF, the EWF allows for a more complete overview of the sector, providing new insights for policy decisions (e.g. to define options and possibilities on water re‐allocation in order to achieve both better ecosystem conservation and social equity). The second objective is to use the EWF to compare the existing authorized and non‐authorized or illegal use of water. This allows us to discuss current initiatives by public authorities in relation to the existing frame of water rights


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Los sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) parecen ser una de las vías más prometedoras para generar electricidad a gran escala a precios competitivos. La investigación actual se centra en aumentar la eficiencia y la concentración de los sistemas para abaratar costes. Al mismo tiempo se investiga sobre la fiabilidad de los diferentes componentes que integran un sistema de concentración, ya que para que los sistemas de concentración sean competitivos es necesario que tengan una fiabilidad al menos similar a los sistemas basados en células de silicio. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de aspectos avanzados de células solares multi-unión diseñadas para trabajar a concentraciones ultra-altas. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo circuital tridimensional distribuido con el que simular el comportamiento de las células solares triple-unión bajo distintas condiciones de funcionamiento, así mismo se ha realizado una caracterización avanzada de este tipo de células para comprender mejor su modo de operación y así poder contribuir a mejorar su eficiencia. Finalmente, se han llevado a cabo ensayos de vida acelerados en células multiunión comerciales para conocer la fiabilidad de este tipo de células solares. Para la simulación de células solares triple-unión se ha desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral un modelo circuital tridimensinal distribuido el cuál integra una descripción completa de la unión túnel. De este modo, con el modelo desarrollado, hemos podido simular perfiles de luz sobre la célula solar que hacen que la densidad de corriente fotogenerada sea mayor a la densidad de corriente pico de la unión túnel. El modelo desarrollado también contempla la distribución lateral de corriente en las capas semiconductoras que componen y rodean la unión túnel. Por tanto, se ha podido simular y analizar el efecto que tiene sobre el funcionamiento de la célula solar que los concentradores ópticos produzcan perfiles de luz desuniformes, tanto en nivel de irradiancia como en el contenido espectral de la luz (aberración cromática). Con el objetivo de determinar cuáles son los mecanismos de recombinación que están limitando el funcionamiento de cada subcélula que integra una triple-unión, y así intentar reducirlos, se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización eléctrica de células solares monouni ón idénticas a las subcelulas de una triple-unión. También se ha determinado la curva corriente-tensión en oscuridad de las subcélulas de GaInP y GaAs de una célula dobleunión mediante la utilización de un teorema de reciprocidad electro-óptico. Finalmente, se ha analizado el impacto de los diferentes mecanismos de recombinación en el funcionamiento de la célula solar triple-unión en concentración. Por último, para determinar la fiabilidad de este tipo de células, se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo de vida acelerada en temperatura en células solares triple-unión comerciales. En la presente tesis doctoral se describe el diseño del ensayo, el progreso del mismo y los datos obtenidos tras el análisis de los resultados preliminares. Abstract Concentrator photovoltaic systems (CPV) seem to be one of the most promising ways to generate electricity at competitive prices. Nowadays, the research is focused on increasing the efficiency and the concentration of the systems in order to reduce costs. At the same time, another important area of research is the study of the reliability of the different components which make up a CPV system. In fact, in order for a CPV to be cost-effective, it should have a warranty at least similar to that of the systems based on Si solar cells. In the present thesis, we will study in depth the behavior of multijunction solar cells under ultra-high concentration. With this purpose in mind, a three-dimensional circuital distributed model which is able to simulate the behavior of triple-junction solar cells under different working conditions has been developed. Also, an advanced characterization of these solar cells has been carried out in order to better understand their behavior and thus contribute to improving efficiency. Finally, accelerated life tests have been carried out on commercial lattice-matched triple-junction solar cells in order to determine their reliability. In order to simulate triple-junction solar cells, a 3D circuital distributed model which integrates a full description of the tunnel junction has been developed. We have analyzed the behavior of the multijunction solar cell under light profiles which cause the current density photo-generated in the solar cell to be higher than the tunnel junction’s peak current density. The advanced model developed also takes into account the lateral current spreading through the semiconductor layers which constitute and surround the tunnel junction. Therefore, the effects of non-uniform light profiles, in both irradiance and the spectral content produced by the concentrators on the solar cell, have been simulated and analyzed. In order to determine which recombination mechanisms are limiting the behavior of each subcell in a triple-junction stack, and to try to reduce them when possible, an electrical characterization of single-junction solar cells that resemble the subcells in a triplejunction stack has been carried out. Also, the dark I-V curves of the GaInP and GaAs subcells in a dual-junction solar cell have been determined by using an electro-optical reciprocity theorem. Finally, the impact of the different recombination mechanisms on the behavior of the triple-junction solar cell under concentration has been analyzed. In order to determine the reliability of these solar cells, a temperature accelerated life test has been carried out on commercial triple-junction solar cells. In the present thesis, the design and the evolution of the test, as well as the data obtained from the analysis of the preliminary results, are presented.


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Abstract The creation of atlases, or digital models where information from different subjects can be combined, is a field of increasing interest in biomedical imaging. When a single image does not contain enough information to appropriately describe the organism under study, it is then necessary to acquire images of several individuals, each of them containing complementary data with respect to the rest of the components in the cohort. This approach allows creating digital prototypes, ranging from anatomical atlases of human patients and organs, obtained for instance from Magnetic Resonance Imaging, to gene expression cartographies of embryo development, typically achieved from Light Microscopy. Within such context, in this PhD Thesis we propose, develop and validate new dedicated image processing methodologies that, based on image registration techniques, bring information from multiple individuals into alignment within a single digital atlas model. We also elaborate a dedicated software visualization platform to explore the resulting wealth of multi-dimensional data and novel analysis algo-rithms to automatically mine the generated resource in search of bio¬logical insights. In particular, this work focuses on gene expression data from developing zebrafish embryos imaged at the cellular resolution level with Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy. Disposing of quantitative measurements relating multiple gene expressions to cell position and their evolution in time is a fundamental prerequisite to understand embryogenesis multi-scale processes. However, the number of gene expressions that can be simultaneously stained in one acquisition is limited due to optical and labeling constraints. These limitations motivate the implementation of atlasing strategies that can recreate a virtual gene expression multiplex. The developed computational tools have been tested in two different scenarios. The first one is the early zebrafish embryogenesis where the resulting atlas constitutes a link between the phenotype and the genotype at the cellular level. The second one is the late zebrafish brain where the resulting atlas allows studies relating gene expression to brain regionalization and neurogenesis. The proposed computational frameworks have been adapted to the requirements of both scenarios, such as the integration of partial views of the embryo into a whole embryo model with cellular resolution or the registration of anatom¬ical traits with deformable transformation models non-dependent on any specific labeling. The software implementation of the atlas generation tool (Match-IT) and the visualization platform (Atlas-IT) together with the gene expression atlas resources developed in this Thesis are to be made freely available to the scientific community. Lastly, a novel proof-of-concept experiment integrates for the first time 3D gene expression atlas resources with cell lineages extracted from live embryos, opening up the door to correlate genetic and cellular spatio-temporal dynamics. La creación de atlas, o modelos digitales, donde la información de distintos sujetos puede ser combinada, es un campo de creciente interés en imagen biomédica. Cuando una sola imagen no contiene suficientes datos como para describir apropiadamente el organismo objeto de estudio, se hace necesario adquirir imágenes de varios individuos, cada una de las cuales contiene información complementaria respecto al resto de componentes del grupo. De este modo, es posible crear prototipos digitales, que pueden ir desde atlas anatómicos de órganos y pacientes humanos, adquiridos por ejemplo mediante Resonancia Magnética, hasta cartografías de la expresión genética del desarrollo de embrionario, típicamente adquiridas mediante Microscopía Optica. Dentro de este contexto, en esta Tesis Doctoral se introducen, desarrollan y validan nuevos métodos de procesado de imagen que, basándose en técnicas de registro de imagen, son capaces de alinear imágenes y datos provenientes de múltiples individuos en un solo atlas digital. Además, se ha elaborado una plataforma de visualization específicamente diseñada para explorar la gran cantidad de datos, caracterizados por su multi-dimensionalidad, que resulta de estos métodos. Asimismo, se han propuesto novedosos algoritmos de análisis y minería de datos que permiten inspeccionar automáticamente los atlas generados en busca de conclusiones biológicas significativas. En particular, este trabajo se centra en datos de expresión genética del desarrollo embrionario del pez cebra, adquiridos mediante Microscopía dos fotones con resolución celular. Disponer de medidas cuantitativas que relacionen estas expresiones genéticas con las posiciones celulares y su evolución en el tiempo es un prerrequisito fundamental para comprender los procesos multi-escala característicos de la morfogénesis. Sin embargo, el número de expresiones genéticos que pueden ser simultáneamente etiquetados en una sola adquisición es reducido debido a limitaciones tanto ópticas como del etiquetado. Estas limitaciones requieren la implementación de estrategias de creación de atlas que puedan recrear un multiplexado virtual de expresiones genéticas. Las herramientas computacionales desarrolladas han sido validadas en dos escenarios distintos. El primer escenario es el desarrollo embrionario temprano del pez cebra, donde el atlas resultante permite constituir un vínculo, a nivel celular, entre el fenotipo y el genotipo de este organismo modelo. El segundo escenario corresponde a estadios tardíos del desarrollo del cerebro del pez cebra, donde el atlas resultante permite relacionar expresiones genéticas con la regionalización del cerebro y la formación de neuronas. La plataforma computacional desarrollada ha sido adaptada a los requisitos y retos planteados en ambos escenarios, como la integración, a resolución celular, de vistas parciales dentro de un modelo consistente en un embrión completo, o el alineamiento entre estructuras de referencia anatómica equivalentes, logrado mediante el uso de modelos de transformación deformables que no requieren ningún marcador específico. Está previsto poner a disposición de la comunidad científica tanto la herramienta de generación de atlas (Match-IT), como su plataforma de visualización (Atlas-IT), así como las bases de datos de expresión genética creadas a partir de estas herramientas. Por último, dentro de la presente Tesis Doctoral, se ha incluido una prueba conceptual innovadora que permite integrar los mencionados atlas de expresión genética tridimensionales dentro del linaje celular extraído de una adquisición in vivo de un embrión. Esta prueba conceptual abre la puerta a la posibilidad de correlar, por primera vez, las dinámicas espacio-temporales de genes y células.


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The objective of this thesis is model some processes from the nature as evolution and co-evolution, and proposing some techniques that can ensure that these learning process really happens and useful to solve some complex problems as Go game. The Go game is ancient and very complex game with simple rules which still is a challenge for the Artificial Intelligence. This dissertation cover some approaches that were applied to solve this problem, proposing solve this problem using competitive and cooperative co-evolutionary learning methods and other techniques proposed by the author. To study, implement and prove these methods were used some neural networks structures, a framework free available and coded many programs. The techniques proposed were coded by the author, performed many experiments to find the best configuration to ensure that co-evolution is progressing and discussed the results. Using co-evolutionary learning processes can be observed some pathologies which could impact co-evolution progress. In this dissertation is introduced some techniques to solve pathologies as loss of gradients, cycling dynamics and forgetting. According to some authors, one solution to solve these co-evolution pathologies is introduce more diversity in populations that are evolving. In this thesis is proposed some techniques to introduce more diversity and some diversity measurements for neural networks structures to monitor diversity during co-evolution. The genotype diversity evolved were analyzed in terms of its impact to global fitness of the strategies evolved and their generalization. Additionally, it was introduced a memory mechanism in the network neural structures to reinforce some strategies in the genes of the neurons evolved with the intention that some good strategies learned are not forgotten. In this dissertation is presented some works from other authors in which cooperative and competitive co-evolution has been applied. The Go board size used in this thesis was 9x9, but can be easily escalated to more bigger boards.The author believe that programs coded and techniques introduced in this dissertation can be used for other domains.


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Through the use of the Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement (DFOT) method, it is possible to measure the temperature in small intervals (on the order of centimeters) for long distances (on the order of kilometers) with a high temporal frequency and great accuracy. The heat pulse method consists of applying a known amount of heat to the soil and monitoring the temperature evolution, which is primarily dependent on the soil moisture content. The use of both methods, which is called the active heat pulse method with fiber optic temperature sensing (AHFO), allows accurate soil moisture content measurements. In order to experimentally study the wetting patterns, i.e. shape, size, and the water distribution, from a drip irrigation emitter, a soil column of 0.5 m of diameter and 0.6 m high was built. Inside the column, a fiber optic cable with a stainless steel sheath was placed forming three concentric helixes of diameters 0.2 m, 0.4 m and 0.6 m, leading to a 148 measurement point network. Before, during, and after the irrigation event, heat pulses were performed supplying electrical power of 20 W/m to the steel. The soil moisture content was measured with a capacitive sensor in one location at depths of 0.1 m, 0.2 m, 0.3 m and 0.4 m during the irrigation. It was also determined by the gravimetric method in several locations and depths before and right after the irrigation. The emitter bulb dimensions and shape evolution was satisfactorily measured during infiltration. Furthermore, some bulb's characteristics difficult to predict (e.g. preferential flow) were detected. The results point out that the AHFO is a useful tool to estimate the wetting pattern of drip irrigation emitters in soil columns and show a high potential for its use in the field.


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La tesis doctoral que se presenta realiza un análisis de la evolución del paisaje fluvial de las riberas de los ríos Tajo y Jarama en el entorno de Aranjuez desde una perspectiva múltiple. Contempla y conjuga aspectos naturales, tales como los hidrológicos, geomorfológicos y ecológicos; también culturales, como la regulación hidrológica y la gestión del agua, las intervenciones en cauce y márgenes, la evolución de la propiedad y los cambios de usos del suelo, fundamentalmente. Este análisis ha permitido identificar el sistema de factores, dinámico y complejo, que ha creado este paisaje, así como las interrelaciones, conexiones, condicionantes y dependencias de los descriptores paisajísticos considerados. Por ejemplo, se han estudiado las relaciones cruzadas observadas entre dinámica fluvial-propiedad de la tierra-estado de conservación, cuestiones que hasta la fecha no habían sido tratadas, evaluadas o cuantificadas en otros trabajos dedicados a esta zona. La investigación se ha organizado en tres fases fundamentales que han dado lugar a los capítulos centrales del documento (capítulos 2, 3 y 4). En primer lugar, se ha realizado una caracterización de los factores, naturales y culturales, que organizan el paisaje de este territorio eminentemente fluvial (geomorfología, factores climáticos e hidrológicos, vegetación, propiedad de la tierra y elementos culturales de significación paisajística). A continuación, se ha realizado el estudio de la evolución del paisaje fluvial mediante el análisis de diversos elementos, previamente identificados y caracterizados. Para ello se han procesado imágenes aéreas correspondientes a cinco series temporales así como varios planos antiguos, obteniendo una amplia base de datos que se ha analizado estadísticamente. Finalmente, se han contrastado los resultados parciales obtenidos en los capítulos anteriores, lo que ha permitido identificar relaciones causales entre los factores que organizan el paisaje y la evolución de los elementos que lo constituyen. También, interconexiones entre factores o entre elementos. Este método de trabajo ha resultado muy útil para la comprensión del funcionamiento y evolución de un sistema complejo, como el paisaje de la vega de Aranjuez, un territorio con profundas y antiguas intervenciones culturales donde lo natural, en cualquier caso, siempre subyace. Es posible que la principal aportación de este trabajo, también su diferencia más destacada respecto a otros estudios de paisaje, haya sido mostrar una visión completa y exhaustiva de todos los factores que han intervenido en la conformación y evolución del paisaje fluvial, destacando las relaciones que se establecen entre ellos. Esta manera de proceder puede tener una interesante faceta aplicada, de tal manera que resulta un instrumento muy útil para el diseño de planes de gestión de este territorio fluvial. No en vano, una parte sustancial de la vega del Tajo-Jarama en Aranjuez es un Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria (LIC) y su posterior e ineludible declaración como Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC) de la Red Natura 2000, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Directiva 92/43/CE, exige la elaboración de un Plan de Gestión que, en gran medida, podría nutrirse de lo presentado, analizado e interpretado en este trabajo. En este sentido, conviene señalar la conciencia ya asumida de considerar, por su carácter integrador de la realidad territorial, el paisaje como elemento clave para la gestión adecuada de la naturaleza y el territorio. Por otra parte, se considera que los resultados de esta Tesis Doctoral permitirían plantear medidas para la puesta en valor de un paisaje sobresaliente, cuyos límites sobrepasan con creces los que en la actualidad conforman el Paisaje Cultural declarado por la UNESCO. En suma, el análisis de este espacio fluvial realizado con la profundidad y amplitud que permite el método de trabajo seguido puede utilizarse para el diseño de estrategias que dirijan la evolución de este territorio en una línea que garantice su conservación global en términos paisajísticos, patrimoniales y ecológicos, permitiendo además, de este modo, su uso equilibrado como recurso económico, cultural o educativo. This doctoral thesis shows an analysis of fluvial landscape evolution from multiple perspectives on the banks of Tagus and Jarama rivers, around Aranjuez. The thesis contemplates and combines natural features, such as hydrological, geomorphological and ecological features, as well as cultural features, like hydrological regulation and water management, interventions in channels and margins, changes in ownership and land use changes, mainly. This analysis has allowed to identify the factors system, dynamic and complex, that this landscape has created, as well as the interrelationships, connections, constraints and dependencies among considered landscape descriptors. For example, we have studied the relationships observed among fluvial dynamics- land ownership -conservation status, issues not addressed, assessed or quantified up to now in other works about this area. The research is organized into three major phases that led to the paper's central chapters (Chapters 2, 3 and 4). First, there has been a characterization of the factors, both natural and cultural, that organize the landscape of this predominantly fluvial area (geomorphology, climate and hydrological factors, vegetation, land and cultural elements of landscape significance). Then, it was made to study of fluvial landscape evolution by analyzing various elements previously identified and characterized. Aerial images were processed for five series and several old maps, obtaining an extensive database, that has been analyzed statistically. Finally, we have contrasted the partial results obtained in the previous chapters, making it possible to identify causal relationships between the factors that organize the landscape and the evolution of the elements that constitute it. This working method has been very useful for understanding the operation and evolution of a complex system, as the landscape of the Vega de Aranjuez, a territory with deep and ancient cultural interventions where anyway, nature feature always lies. It is possible that the main contribution of this work, also its most prominent difference compared with other studies of landscape, has been to show a complete and exhaustive view of all factors involved in the formation and evolution of the fluvial landscape, highlighting the relationships established among them. This approach could have an interesting applied facet, so that is a very useful tool for designing management plans on this river territory. Not surprisingly, a substantial part of the valley of the Tagus-Jarama in Aranjuez is a Site of Community Importance (SCI) and their subsequent and inevitable declaration as Special Area of Conservation (SAC) of the Natura 2000 network, in accordance with the provisions Directive 92/43/EC, requires the development of a management plan that largely could draw on what was presented, analyzed and interpreted in this paper. In this regard, it should be noted conscience and assumed to consider, on the inclusiveness of territorial reality, the landscape as a key element for the proper management of nature and territory. On the other hand, it is considered that the results of this thesis allow to propose measures for enhancement of outstanding scenery, which go well beyond the boundaries that currently the Cultural Landscape declared by UNESCO. In sum, the analysis of this river area made with the depth and breadth that enables working method can be used to design strategies that address the evolution of this territory in a line that guarantees global conservation landscape terms, heritage and ecological, also, allowing its use as a balancing economic, cultural or educational resource.