996 resultados para 0404 Geophysics
The purpose of this report is to serve as a written explanation of the accompanying geologic maps and columnar section. Each year the senior students in mining and geological engineering at the Montana School of Mines spend two weeks in the field where they learn the fundamentals of geologic mapping and related field studies. An additional week is spent at the school where maps are assembled, prints made, end other work is done in preparation for the writing of the report.
Pennsylvanian strata in Wyoming and adjacent areas have been the subject of much work and discussion. Most of the work has been due to the economic importance of the system as an oil producer in this region. Oil production from strata of Pennsylvanian age is rather recent history; and therefore, much of the available information is localized and incomplete.
Potential gold mines lie high among the rugged peaks of the Tobacco Root Mountains of southwestern Montana. This is a region where little geologic work has been done, though extensive mine operations have been carried on, and valuable ore has been shipped.
During recent years, duralumin and all aluminum alloys have been made the object of much discussion regarding their hardening mechanism. The commercial success of nearly all of the alloys of aluminum and magnesium is dependent on their ability to age or precipitation harden.
This investigation is concerned with the age-hardening process as exemplified by the aging of a commercial Cu-Be alloy and, in particular, with this process as determined by X-ray methods. The amount of information available on age-hardening of commercial alloys is scanty and what information there is, is inaccurate.
The Fort Union and Lance formations are widespread terrestrial sediments exposed in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Canada. Their stratigraphic position, especially that of the Lance, has long been in doubt, and has provoked much controversy among geologists.
The province of British Columbia, with an area of 359,279 square miles, includes a large part of the Canadian Cordillera that is the western mountains of Canada. It is the leading province of Canada in the production of lead, zinc, and silver, and third among the provinces in the output of gold, copper, and coal.
The Mike Horse mine, in the Huddelston mining district, is fifty-two miles northwest of Helena, Montana. The mine was discovered in 1898 by Joseph Heitmiller. There was only minor production from the date of discovery until 1915; the main drawback being lack of good road.
This investigation is a preliminary study of the beneficiation of Montana kyanite, and while preliminary in degree the information gained may serve as a guide for the eventual exploitation of this Montana resource.
The age of rocks found in drill cores, and consequently the depths to possible oil-bearing formations has in many localities been determined by micro-paleontologic studies during the past three decades. Of the different micro-fossils used in this work, foraminifera have been studied most, are the best described, and hence, by far the most helpful.
Although the alteration of properties resulting from the alloying of metals in their usual commercial forms has been extensively investigated, the field of electrodeposition of alloys is believed generally not to have received the attention that it merits.
When aluminum is allowed to stand in air or is heated in air, a thin oxide film is produced on the metal. If aluminum is made the anode in a suitable electrolyte and a current applied, a coating is obtained which is similar to that produced in air, but may be effected much quicker. This film is thicker, harder, more resistant to corrosion and abrasion, and more adhesive than the natural oxide. The film is porous and makes an excellent adsorptive for dyes and pigments.
The object of this research was to produce a workable electrolytic cell for the continuous deposition of manganese from aqueous sulphate solutions and determine the critical factors in its operation.
Millions of years of physiographic changes have conditioned us to the fact that our present drainage is a temporary feature. Rivers once flowing opposite to their present direction is not an unusual condition for physiographers to suggest.
The accelerated post-war demand for petroleum products with resultant high prices and dwindling reserves has spurred producers to an extensive search for new fields and for additional production in known fields. Exploration and discovery is dependent on the collection and correlation of vast amounts of data both in the field and that found in literature.