987 resultados para ‘Keep-out’ signal


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In this paper, we demonstrate synchronization of two electrically coupled MEMS oscillators incorporating nearly identical silicon tuning fork microresonators. It is seen that as the output of the oscillators are coupled, they exhibit a synchronized response wherein the output amplitudes and signal-to-noise ratios of the two oscillators are improved relative to the case where the two oscillators are uncoupled. The observed output frequency of each oscillator before coupling is 219402.4 Hz and 219403.6 Hz respectively. In contrast, when the oscillators are driven simultaneously, they lock at a common output frequency of 219401.3 Hz and their outputs are found to be out-of-phase with respect to each other. A 6 dBm gain in output power and a reduction in the phase fluctuations of the output signal are observed for the coupled oscillators compared to the case when the oscillators are uncoupled. © 2011 IEEE.


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Cadwalladr and Stoneman drew attention to the fact that dug-out canoe construction had ceased around the shores of Lake Albert by 1963. Up to this year, however, dug-out canoes were probably still landing the largest proportion of the commercial fisheries catch on the lake, and its associated waterways. It is only since this time that the catch from dug-outs has declined. and currently the commercial fisheries of the lake are based predominantly on motorised planked canoes.


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The University of Cambridge is unusual in that its Department of Engineering is a single department which covers virtually all branches of engineering under one roof. In their first two years of study, our undergrads study the full breadth of engineering topics and then have to choose a specialization area for the final two years of study. Here we describe part of a course, given towards the end of their second year, which is designed to entice these students to specialize in signal processing and information engineering topics for years 3 and 4. The course is based around a photo editor and an image search application, and it requires no prior knowledge of the z-transform or of 2-dimensional signal processing. It does assume some knowledge of 1-D convolution and basic Fourier methods and some prior exposure to Matlab. The subject of this paper, the photo editor, is written in standard Matlab m-files which are fully visible to the students and help them to see how specific algorithms are implemented in detail. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper develops an algorithm for finding sparse signals from limited observations of a linear system. We assume an adaptive Gaussian model for sparse signals. This model results in a least square problem with an iteratively reweighted L2 penalty that approximates the L0-norm. We propose a fast algorithm to solve the problem within a continuation framework. In our examples, we show that the correct sparsity map and sparsity level are gradually learnt during the iterations even when the number of observations is reduced, or when observation noise is present. In addition, with the help of sophisticated interscale signal models, the algorithm is able to recover signals to a better accuracy and with reduced number of observations than typical L1-norm and reweighted L1 norm methods. ©2010 IEEE.


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This paper is in two parts and addresses two of getting more information out of the RF signal from three-dimensional (3D) mechanically-swept medical ultrasound . The first topic is the use of non-blind deconvolution improve the clarity of the data, particularly in the direction to the individual B-scans. The second topic is imaging. We present a robust and efficient approach to estimation and display of axial strain information. deconvolution, we calculate an estimate of the point-spread at each depth in the image using Field II. This is used as of an Expectation Maximisation (EM) framework in which ultrasound scatterer field is modelled as the product of (a) a smooth function and (b) a fine-grain varying function. the E step, a Wiener filter is used to estimate the scatterer based on an assumed piecewise smooth component. In the M , wavelet de-noising is used to estimate the piecewise smooth from the scatterer field. strain imaging, we use a quasi-static approach with efficient based algorithms. Our contributions lie in robust and 3D displacement tracking, point-wise quality-weighted , and a stable display that shows not only strain but an indication of the quality of the data at each point in the . This enables clinicians to see where the strain estimate is and where it is mostly noise. deconvolution, we present in-vivo images and simulations quantitative performance measures. With the blurred 3D taken as OdB, we get an improvement in signal to noise ratio 4.6dB with a Wiener filter alone, 4.36dB with the ForWaRD and S.18dB with our EM algorithm. For strain imaging show images based on 2D and 3D data and describe how full D analysis can be performed in about 20 seconds on a typical . We will also present initial results of our clinical study to explore the applications of our system in our local hospital. © 2008 IEEE.


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We study three contractual arrangements—co-development, licensing, and co-development with opt-out options—for the joint development of new products between a small and financially constrained innovator firm and a large technology company, as in the case of a biotech innovator and a major pharma company. We formulate our arguments in the context of a two-stage model, characterized by technical risk and stochastically changing cost and revenue projections. The model captures the main disadvantages of traditional co-development and licensing arrangements: in co-development the small firm runs a risk of running out of capital as future costs rise, while licensing for milestone and royalty (M&R) payments, which eliminates the latter risk, introduces inefficiency, as profitable projects might be abandoned. Counter to intuition we show that the biotech's payoff in a licensing contract is not monotonically increasing in the M&R terms. We also show that an option clause in a co-development contract that gives the small firm the right but not the obligation to opt out of co-development and into a pre-agreed licensing arrangement avoids the problems associated with fully committed co-development or licensing: the probability that the small firm will run out of capital is greatly reduced or completely eliminated and profitable projects are never abandoned.


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A wide area and error free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system based on the use of multiple antennas used in cooperation to provide high quality ubiquitous coverage, is presented. The system uses an intelligent distributed antenna system (DAS) whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antenna pairs are used to allow greatly improved multiple tag identification performance over wide areas. The system is shown to increase the read accuracy of 115 passive UHF RFID tags to 100% from <60% over a 10m × 8m open plan office area. The returned signal strength of the tag backscatter signals is also increased by an average of 10dB and 17dB over an area of 10m 8m and 10m × 4m respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the DAS RFID system has improved immunity to tag orientation. Finally, the new system is also shown to increase the tag read speed/rate of a population of tags compared with a conventional RFID system. © 2012 IEEE.


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The measurement of cantilever parameters is an essential part of performing a calibrated measurement with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The thermal motion method is a widely used technique for calibrating the spring constant of an AFM cantilever, which can be applied to non-rectangular cantilevers. Given the trend towards high frequency scanning, calibration of non-rectangular cantilevers is of increasing importance. This paper presents two results relevant to cantilever calibration via the thermal motion method. We demonstrate the possibility of using the AFM's phase signal to acquire the thermal motion. This avoids the challenges associated with connecting the raw photodiode signal to a separate spectrum analyser. We also describe how numerical calculations may be used to calculate the parameters needed in a thermal motion calibration of a non-rectangular cantilever. Only accurate knowledge of the relative size of the in-plane dimensions of the cantilever is needed in this computation. We use this pair of results in the calibration of a variety of rectangular and non-rectangular cantilevers. We observe an average difference between the Sader and thermal motion values of cantilever stiffness of 10%.


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The nervous system implements a networked control system in which the plants take the form of limbs, the controller is the brain, and neurons form the communication channels. Unlike standard networked control architectures, there is no periodic sampling, and the fundamental units of communication contain little numerical information. This paper describes a novel communication channel, modeled after spiking neurons, in which the transmitter integrates an input signal and sends out a spike when the integral reaches a threshold value. The reciever then filters the sequence of spikes to approximately reconstruct the input signal. It is shown that for appropriate choices of channel parameters, stable feedback control over these spiking channels is possible. Furthermore, good tracking performance can be achieved. The data rate of the channel increases linearly with the size of the inputs. Thus, when placed in a feedback loop, small loop gains imply a low data rate. ©2010 IEEE.


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A wide area and error free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system based on the use of multiple antennas used in cooperation to provide high quality ubiquitous coverage, is presented. The system uses an intelligent distributed antenna system (DAS) whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antenna pairs are used to allow greatly improved multiple tag identification performance over wide areas. The system is shown to increase the read accuracy of 115 passive UHF RFID tags to 100% from <60% over a 10m x 8m open plan office area. The returned signal strength of the tag backscatter signals is also increased by an average of 10dB and 17dB over an area of 10m x 8m and 10m x 4m respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the DAS RFID system has improved immunity to tag orientation. Finally, the new system is also shown to increase the tag read speed/rate of a population of tags compared with a conventional RFID system.