993 resultados para % dry wt.


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The late Eocene through earliest Oligocene (40-32 Ma) spans a major transition from greenhouse to icehouse climate, with net cooling and expansion of Antarctic glaciation shortly after the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary. We investigated the response of the oceanic biosphere to these changes by reconstructing barite and CaCO3 accumulation rates in sediments from the equatorial and North Pacific Ocean. These data allow us to evaluate temporal and geographical variability in export production and CaCO3 preservation. Barite accumulation rates were on average higher in the warmer late Eocene than in the colder early Oligocene, but cool periods within the Eocene were characterized by peaks in both barite and CaCO3 accumulation in the equatorial region. We infer that climatic changes not only affected deep ocean ventilation and chemistry, but also had profound effects on surface water characteristics influencing export productivity. The ratio of CaCO3 to barite accumulation rates, representing the ratio of particulate inorganic C accumulation to Corg export, increased dramatically at the E/O boundary. This suggests that long-term drawdown of atmospheric CO2 due to organic carbon deposition to the seafloor decreased, potentially offsetting decreasing pCO2 levels and associated cooling. The relatively larger increase in CaCO3 accumulation compared to export production at the E/O suggests that the permanent deepening of the calcite compensation depth (CCD) at that time stems primarily from changes in deep water chemistry and not from increased carbonate production.


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IMAGES core MD01-2416 (51°N, 168°E) provides the first centennial-scale multiproxy record of Holocene variation in North Pacific sea-surface temperature (SST), salinity, and biogenic productivity. Our results reveal a gradual decrease in subarctic SST by 3-5 °C from 11.1 to 4.2 ka and a stepwise long-term decrease in sea surface salinity (SSS) by 2-3 p.s.u. Early Holocene SSS were as high as in the modern subtropical Pacific. The steep halocline and stratification that is characteristic of the present-day subarctic North Pacific surface ocean is a fairly recent feature, developed as a product of mid-Holocene environmental change. High SSS matched a salient productivity maximum of biogenic opal during Bølling-to-Early Holocene times, reaching levels similar to those observed during preglacial times in the warm mid-Pliocene prior to 2.73 Ma. Similar productivity spikes marked every preceding glacial termination of the last 800 ka, indicating recurrent short-term events of mid-Pliocene-style intense upwelling of nutrient-rich Pacific Deepwater in the Pleistocene. Such events led to a repeated exposure of CO2-rich deepwater at the ocean surface facilitating a transient CO2 release to the atmosphere, but the timing and duration of these events repudiate a long-term influence of the subarctic North Pacific on global atmospheric CO2 concentration.


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A set of 43 sediment cores from around the Canary Islands is used to characterise this region, which intersects meridional climatic regimes and zonal productivity gradients in a high spatial resolution. Using rapid and nondestructive core logging techniques we carried out Fe intensity and magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements and created a stack on the basis of five stratigraphic reference cores, for which a stratigraphic age model was available from d18O and 14C analyses on planktonic foraminifera. By correlation of the stack with the Fe and MS records of the other cores, we were able to develop age depth models at all investigated sites of the region. We present the bulk sediment accumulation rates (AR) of the Canary Islands region as an indicator of shifts in the upwelling-influenced areas for the Holocene (0-12 ky), the deglaciation (12-18 ky) and the last glacial (18-40 ky). General observations are an enhanced productivity during glacial times with highest values during the deglaciation. The main differences between the analysed time intervals we interpret as result of the sea-level effects, changes in the extent of high productivity areas, and current intensity.


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In marine environments, sediments from different sources are stirred and dispersed, generating beds that are composed of mixed and layered sediments of differing grain sizes. Traditional engineering formulations used to predict erosion thresholds are however, generally for unimodal sediment distributions, and so may be inadequate for commonly occurring coastal sediments. We tested the transport behavior of deposited and mixed sediment beds consisting of a simplified two-grain fraction (silt (D50 = 55 µm) and sand (D50 = 300 µm)) in a laboratory-based annular flume with the objective of investigating the parameters controlling the stability of a sediment bed. To mimic recent deposition of particles following large storm events and the longer-term result of the incorporation of fines in coarse sediment, we designed two suites of experiments: (1) "the layering experiment": in which a sandy bed was covered by a thin layer of silt of varying thickness (0.2 - 3 mm; 0.5 - 3.7 wt %, dry weight in a layer 10 cm deep); and (2) "the mixing experiment" where the bed was composed of sand homogeneously mixed with small amounts of silt (0.07 - 0.7 wt %, dry weight). To initiate erosion and to detect a possible stabilizing effect in both settings, we increased the flow speeds in increments up to 0.30 m/s. Results showed that the sediment bed (or the underlying sand bed in the case of the layering experiment) stabilized with increasing silt composition. The increasing sediment stability was defined by a shift of the initial threshold conditions towards higher flow speeds, combined with, in the case of the mixed bed, decreasing erosion rates. Our results show that even extremely low concentrations of silt play a stabilizing role (1.4% silt (wt %) on a layered sediment bed of 10 cm thickness). In the case of a mixed sediment bed, 0.18% silt (wt %, in a sample of 10 cm depth) stabilized the bed. Both cases show that the depositional history of the sediment fractions can change the erosion characteristics of the seabed. These observations are summarized in a conceptual model that suggests that, in addition to the effect on surface roughness, silt stabilizes the sand bed by pore-space plugging and reducing the inflow in the bed, and hence increases the bed stability. Measurements of hydraulic conductivity on similar bed assemblages qualitatively supported this conclusion by showing that silt could decrease the permeability by up to 22% in the case of a layered bed and by up to 70% in the case of a mixed bed.