988 resultados para visual artwork, 2 panel painting


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The ability of integrating into a unified percept sensory inputs deriving from different sensory modalities, but related to the same external event, is called multisensory integration and might represent an efficient mechanism of sensory compensation when a sensory modality is damaged by a cortical lesion. This hypothesis has been discussed in the present dissertation. Experiment 1 explored the role of superior colliculus (SC) in multisensory integration, testing patients with collicular lesions, patients with subcortical lesions not involving the SC and healthy control subjects in a multisensory task. The results revealed that patients with collicular lesions, paralleling the evidence of animal studies, demonstrated a loss of multisensory enhancement, in contrast with control subjects, providing the first lesional evidence in humans of the essential role of SC in mediating audio-visual integration. Experiment 2 investigated the role of cortex in mediating multisensory integrative effects, inducing virtual lesions by inhibitory theta-burst stimulation on temporo-parietal cortex, occipital cortex and posterior parietal cortex, demonstrating that only temporo-parietal cortex was causally involved in modulating the integration of audio-visual stimuli at the same spatial location. Given the involvement of the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway in mediating audio-visual integration, the functional sparing of this circuit in hemianopic patients is extremely relevant in the perspective of a multisensory-based approach to the recovery of unisensory defects. Experiment 3 demonstrated the spared functional activity of this circuit in a group of hemianopic patients, revealing the presence of implicit recognition of the fearful content of unseen visual stimuli (i.e. affective blindsight), an ability mediated by the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway and its connections with amygdala. Finally, Experiment 4 provided evidence that a systematic audio-visual stimulation is effective in inducing long-lasting clinical improvements in patients with visual field defect and revealed that the activity of the spared retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway is responsible of the observed clinical amelioration, as suggested by the greater improvement observed in patients with cortical lesions limited to the occipital cortex, compared to patients with lesions extending to other cortical areas, found in tasks high demanding in terms of spatial orienting. Overall, the present results indicated that multisensory integration is mediated by the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway and that a systematic audio-visual stimulation, activating this spared neural circuit, is able to affect orientation towards the blind field in hemianopic patients and, therefore, might constitute an effective and innovative approach for the rehabilitation of unisensory visual impairments.


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In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit erfolgte die Beobachtung von Eisströmen und Schelfeisen an der Küste der Amundsen See in der West-Antarktis, unter Verwendung von ERS-SAR-Amplitudenbildprodukten. Bestandteile dieser Beobachtung waren die Erstellung eines Gletscherinventares, die Erstellung von Multitemporalbildern, die Auswertung von Veränderungen der Eisfronpositionen und - schwerpunktmäßig - die Bestimmung von Eisfließgeschwindigkeiten und deren räumlicher und zeitlicher Vergleich.


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In the present work we perform an econometric analysis of the Tribal art market. To this aim, we use a unique and original database that includes information on Tribal art market auctions worldwide from 1998 to 2011. In Literature, art prices are modelled through the hedonic regression model, a classic fixed-effect model. The main drawback of the hedonic approach is the large number of parameters, since, in general, art data include many categorical variables. In this work, we propose a multilevel model for the analysis of Tribal art prices that takes into account the influence of time on artwork prices. In fact, it is natural to assume that time exerts an influence over the price dynamics in various ways. Nevertheless, since the set of objects change at every auction date, we do not have repeated measurements of the same items over time. Hence, the dataset does not constitute a proper panel; rather, it has a two-level structure in that items, level-1 units, are grouped in time points, level-2 units. The main theoretical contribution is the extension of classical multilevel models to cope with the case described above. In particular, we introduce a model with time dependent random effects at the second level. We propose a novel specification of the model, derive the maximum likelihood estimators and implement them through the E-M algorithm. We test the finite sample properties of the estimators and the validity of the own-written R-code by means of a simulation study. Finally, we show that the new model improves considerably the fit of the Tribal art data with respect to both the hedonic regression model and the classic multilevel model.


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Abstract Originalsprache (englisch) Visual perception relies on a two-dimensional projection of the viewed scene on the retinas of both eyes. Thus, visual depth has to be reconstructed from a number of different cues that are subsequently integrated to obtain robust depth percepts. Existing models of sensory integration are mainly based on the reliabilities of individual cues and disregard potential cue interactions. In the current study, an extended Bayesian model is proposed that takes into account both cue reliability and consistency. Four experiments were carried out to test this model's predictions. Observers had to judge visual displays of hemi-cylinders with an elliptical cross section, which were constructed to allow for an orthogonal variation of several competing depth cues. In Experiment 1 and 2, observers estimated the cylinder's depth as defined by shading, texture, and motion gradients. The degree of consistency among these cues was systematically varied. It turned out that the extended Bayesian model provided a better fit to the empirical data compared to the traditional model which disregards covariations among cues. To circumvent the potentially problematic assessment of single-cue reliabilities, Experiment 3 used a multiple-observation task, which allowed for estimating perceptual weights from multiple-cue stimuli. Using the same multiple-observation task, the integration of stereoscopic disparity, shading, and texture gradients was examined in Experiment 4. It turned out that less reliable cues were downweighted in the combined percept. Moreover, a specific influence of cue consistency was revealed. Shading and disparity seemed to be processed interactively while other cue combinations could be well described by additive integration rules. These results suggest that cue combination in visual depth perception is highly flexible and depends on single-cue properties as well as on interrelations among cues. The extension of the traditional cue combination model is defended in terms of the necessity for robust perception in ecologically valid environments and the current findings are discussed in the light of emerging computational theories and neuroscientific approaches.


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„Ich bin, weil du bist“ – so lautet eines der Schlüsselzitate in What I Loved, dem 2003 erschienenen dritten Roman der zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Autorin Siri Hustvedt. Die Bedeutung von Beziehung und Interaktion für die Identitätsbildung spielt eine zentrale Rolle nicht nur in diesem Roman, sondern auch in ihrem Gesamtwerk, das vier Romane, ein memoir, drei Essay-Sammlungen und einen Lyrikband umfasst. Hustvedt erforscht die Identität als ein vielschichtiges Produkt bewusster und unbewusster Verknüpfungen innerhalb der sozialen und biologischen Umwelt. Das Bewusstsein wird als eine dialogisch geprägte Entität gezeigt, dessen Identität erst durch die Beziehung auf ein Anderes geformt werden kann. Um dem Mysterium der menschlichen Identitätsfindung nachzuspüren, bedient sich Hustvedt sowohl philosophischer, psychoanalytischer, biologischer als auch kunsttheoretischer Diskurse. In ihren Romanen stellt sich die Frage nach der Erklärung von Identität als komplexe Problematik dar: Ist die Beziehung zu anderen Menschen vor allem durch unsere Entwicklung als Kind und die Nähe zu Bezugspersonen geprägt? In welchem Ausmaß ist das Empfinden von Subjektivität beeinflusst von körperlichen und unbewussten Mechanismen? Inwiefern ist die Wahrnehmung visueller Kunst eine Kooperation zwischen Betrachter und Künstler? rnDiesen und anderen Fragen geht diese Dissertation nach, indem sie Hustvedts Werk als Anlass für eine Analyse intersubjektiver Strukturen der Identität nimmt. Die Intersubjektivitätsphiloso¬phien von Hegel, Buber, Bakhtin, Husserl, und Merleau-Ponty dienen hierbei als Ausgangspunkt für die Interpretation von relationaler Identität in Hustvedts Werken. Die Dissertation konzentriert sich auf Hustvedts Darstellung der Beziehung zwischen Selbst und Anderem in der Photographie und in der Malerei, der Überschreitung von Körpergrenzen in Hysterie und Anorexie sowie der Auswirkung des Verlustes von Bezugspersonen auf die persönliche Identität. Entscheidend für den Hustvedtschen Kunstbegriff ist das Zusammenspiel von Kunstobjekt, Künstler und Betrachter. Die Grenzen zwischen Innerem und Äußeren werden aufgelöst: mal wird der Rezipient Teil des Kunstwerks, mal verschmilzt der Künstler förmlich mit seinem Objekt. Auch hier wird wiederum deutlich, dass Identität nur in Wechselbeziehung und als zwischenmenschliche Kooperation entsteht. Hustvedt betritt durch ihre einzigartige Auseinandersetzung mit den Wechselbeziehungen und fragilen Grenzen zwischen Ich und Umwelt Neuland auf dem Gebiet der literarischen Identitätsforschung, da sie ihr Prinzip des „mixing,“ des unausweichlichen Eindringens fremder Substanz in die eigene Identität, aus dem Blickwinkel dieser verschiedenen Erklärungsansätze beleuchtet. rn


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The understanding of the coupling between superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) layers decoupled by non superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7 (PBCO) layers in c-axis oriented superlattices was the aim of this thesis. For this purpose two conceptually different kind of transport experiments have been performed. rnrnIn the first type of transport experiments the current is flowing parallel to the layers. Here the coupling is probed indirectly using magnetic vortex lines, which are penetrating the superlattice. Movement of the vortex segments in neighbouring YBCO layers is more or less coherent depending on the thickness of both the superconducting and non superconducting layers. This in-plane transport was measured either by sending an external current through bridges patterned in the superlattice or by an induced internal current. rnThe vortex-creep activation energy U was determined by analysis of the in-plane resistive transition in an external magnetic field B oriented along the c-axis. The activation energies for two series of superlattices were investigated. In one series the thickness of the YBCO layers was constant (nY=4 unit cells) and the number of the PBCO unit cells was varied, while in the other the number of PBCO layers was constant (nP=4) and nY varied. The correlation length of the vortex system was determined to be 80 nm along the c-axis direction. It was found that even a single PBCO unit cell in a superlattice effectively cuts the flux lines into shorter weakly coupled segments, and the coupling of the vortex systems in neighbouring layers is negligible already for a thickness of four unit cells of the PBCO layers. A characteristic variation of the activation energy for the two series of superlattices was found, where U0 is proportional to the YBCO thickness. A change in the variation of U0 with the current I in the specimen was observed, which can be explained in terms of a crossover in the vortex creep process, generated by the transport current. At low I values the dislocations mediated (plastic) vortex creep leads to thermally assisted flux-flow behaviour, whereas at high current the dc transport measurements are dominated by elastic (collective) creep.rnThe analysis of standard dc magnetization relaxation data obtained for a series superlattices revealed the occurrence of a crossover from elastic (collective) vortex creep at low temperature to plastic vortex creep at high T. The crossover is generated by the T dependent macroscopic currents induced in the sample. The existence of this creep crossover suggests that, compared with the well known Maley technique, the use of the normalized vortex creep activation energy is a better solution for the determination of vortex creep parameters.rnrnThe second type of transport experiments was to measure directly a possible Josephson coupling between superconducting CuO2 double planes in the superlattices by investigation of the transport properties perpendicular to the superconducting planes. Here three different experiments have been performed. The first one was to pattern mesa structures photolithographically as in previous works. The second used three-dimensional nanostructures cut by a focused ion beam. For the these two experiments insufficient patterning capabilities prevented an observation of the Josephson effect in the current voltage curves. rnA third experiment used a-axis and (110) oriented YBCO films, where in-plane patterning can in principle be sufficient to measure transport perpendicular to the superconducting planes. Therefore the deposition of films with this unusual growth orientation was optimized and investigated. The structural and microstructural evolution of c-axis to a-axis orientation was monitored using x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and magnetization measurements. Films with full a-axis alignment parallel to the substrate normal could be achieved on (100)SrTiO3. Due to the symmetry of the substrate the c-axis direction in-plane is twofold. Transferring the deposition conditions to films grown on (110)SrTiO3 allowed the growth of (110) oriented YBCO films with a unique in-plane c-axis orientation. While these films were of high quality by crystallographic and macroscopic visual inspection, electron microscopy revealed a coherent crack pattern on a nanoscale. Therefore the actual current path in the sample was not determined by the macroscopic patterning which prohibited investigations of the in-plane anisotropy in this case.rn


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The body is represented in the brain at levels that incorporate multisensory information. This thesis focused on interactions between vision and cutaneous sensations (i.e., touch and pain). Experiment 1 revealed that there are partially dissociable pathways for visual enhancement of touch (VET) depending upon whether one sees one’s own body or the body of another person. This indicates that VET, a seeming low-level effect on spatial tactile acuity, is actually sensitive to body identity. Experiments 2-4 explored the effect of viewing one’s own body on pain perception. They demonstrated that viewing the body biases pain intensity judgments irrespective of actual stimulus intensity, and, more importantly, reduces the discriminative capacities of the nociceptive pathway encoding noxious stimulus intensity. The latter effect only occurs if the pain-inducing event itself is not visible, suggesting that viewing the body alone and viewing a stimulus event on the body have distinct effects on cutaneous sensations. Experiment 5 replicated an enhancement of visual remapping of touch (VRT) when viewing fearful human faces being touched, and further demonstrated that VRT does not occur for observed touch on non-human faces, even fearful ones. This suggests that the facial expressions of non-human animals may not be simulated within the somatosensory system of the human observer in the same way that the facial expressions of other humans are. Finally, Experiment 6 examined the enfacement illusion, in which synchronous visuo-tactile inputs cause another’s face to be assimilated into the mental self-face representation. The strength of enfacement was not affected by the other’s facial expression, supporting an asymmetric relationship between processing of facial identity and facial expressions. Together, these studies indicate that multisensory representations of the body in the brain link low-level perceptual processes with the perception of emotional cues and body/face identity, and interact in complex ways depending upon contextual factors.


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Der visuelle Kortex ist eine der attraktivsten Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung der molekularen Mechanismen der synaptischen Plastizität im Gehirn. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass der Wachstumsfaktor brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor (BDNF) und die GABAerge Hemmung während der Entwicklung eine essentielle Funktion in der Regulierung der synaptischen Plastizität im visuellen Kortex besitzen. BDNF bindet u.a. an TrkB Rezeptoren, die das Signal intrazellular an unterschiedliche Effektormoleküle weiter vermitteln. Außer BDNF sind auch andere TrkB-Rezeptor Agonisten in der Literatur beschrieben. Einer davon ist das kürzlich identifizierte Flavonoid 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF), welchem eine neurotrophe Wirkung zugeschrieben wird. Im ersten Abschnitt der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wurde der Effekt dieses Agonisten auf die synaptische Übertragung und intrinsischen Zelleigenschaften im visuellen Kortex der Maus untersucht. Dies wurde mit Hilfe der whole-cell patch clamp Methode durchgeführt, wobei die synaptischen Eingänge der Pyramidalzellen der kortikalen Schicht 2/3 von besonderem Interesse waren.rnEine 30 minütige Inkubationszeit der kortikalen Schnitte mit 7,8 DHF (20µM) erzielte eine signifikante Reduktion der GABAergen Hemmung, während die glutamaterge synaptische Übertragung unverändert blieb. Des weiteren konnte in Gegenwart von 7,8 DHF eine Veränderung der intrinsischen neuronalen Zellmembraneigenschaften beobachtet werden. Dies wurde deutlich in der Erhöhung des Eingangwiderstandes und der Frequenz der induzierten Aktionspotentiale. Die chronische Applikation von 7,8 DHF in vivo bestätigte die selektive Wirkung von 7,8 DHF auf das GABAerge System. rnDie Rolle des BDNF-TrkB-Signalweges in der GABAergen Hemmung nach kortikalen Verletzungen ist bisher wenig verstanden. Eine häufig beschriebene elektrophysiologische Veränderung nach kortikaler Verletzung ist eine Reduktion in der GABAergen Hemmung. Im zweiten Abschnitt dieser Doktorarbeit wurde hierzu die Funktion des BDNF-TrkB-Signalweges auf die GABAerge Hemmung nach kortikaler Verletzung untersucht. Es wurde ein "ex-vivo/in-vitro“ Laser-Läsions Modell verwendet, wobei mittels eines Lasers im visuellen Kortex von WT und heterozygoten BDNF (+/−) Mäusen eine definierte, reproduzierbare Läsion induziert wurde. Nachfolgende elektrophysiologische Messungen ergaben, dass die Auswirkung einer Verletzung des visuellen Kortex auf die GABAerge Funktion signifikant von der basalen BDNF Konzentration im Kortex abhängt. Des weiteren konnte beobachtet werden, dass nach kortikaler Verletzung in WT Mäusen sowohl die Frequenz der basalen inhibitorischen, postsynaptischen Potentiale (mIPSCs) reduziert war, als auch ein erhöhtes Paired-Pulse Verhältnis vorlag. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf Veränderungen der präsynaptischen Funktion inhibitorischer Synapsen auf Pyramidalneurone hin. Im Gegensatz dazu konnte in BDNF (+/−) mice Mäusen eine erhöhte und gleichzeitig verlängerte mIPSC-Amplitude beobachtet werden, induziert durch Reizung afferenter Nervenfasern. Hieraus lässt sich schließen, dass kortikale Verletzungen in BDNF (+/−) mice Mäusen Auswirkungen auf die Eigenschaften von postsynaptischen GABAA-Rezeptoren haben. Die nachfolgende Gabe eines TrkB-Rezeptor Antagonisten bestätigte diese Ergebnisse für das GABAerge System post-Läsion. Dies zeigt auch, dass die Änderungen der synaptischen Hemmung nicht auf eine Reduktion der BDNF-Konzentration zurückzuführen sind. Zusammengefasst zeigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit, dass der BDNF-TrkB Signalweg eine wichtige Rolle in der Reorganisation der GABAergen Hemmung nach kortikalen Verletzungen spielt. So könnte ein TrkB-Rezeptor Agonist, wie das kürzlich entdeckte 7,8-DHF, über eine Modulation der BDNF-TrB Signalkaskade pharmakologisch die funktionelle Reorganisation des Kortex nach einer fokalen Gehirnverletzung fördern. rnrn


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BACKGROUND: Neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has a poor prognosis if left untreated, frequently resulting in legal blindness. Ranibizumab is approved for treating neovascular AMD. However, further guidance is needed to assist ophthalmologists in clinical practice to optimise treatment outcomes. METHODS: An international retina expert panel assessed evidence available from prospective, multicentre studies evaluating different ranibizumab treatment schedules (ANCHOR, MARINA, PIER, SAILOR, SUSTAIN and EXCITE) and a literature search to generate evidence-based and consensus recommendations for treatment indication and assessment, retreatment and monitoring. RESULTS: Ranibizumab is indicated for choroidal neovascular lesions with active disease, the clinical parameters of which are outlined. Treatment initiation with three consecutive monthly injections, followed by continued monthly injections, has provided the best visual-acuity outcomes in pivotal clinical trials. If continued monthly injections are not feasible after initiation, a flexible strategy appears viable, with monthly monitoring of lesion activity recommended. Initiation regimens of fewer than three injections have not been assessed. Continuous careful monitoring with flexible retreatment may help avoid vision loss recurring. Standardised biomarkers need to be determined. CONCLUSION: Evidence-based guidelines will help to optimise treatment outcomes with ranibizumab in neovascular AMD.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the performance of two laser fluorescence devices (LF, LFpen), conventional visual criteria (VE), ICDAS and radiographic examination on occlusal surfaces of primary teeth. Thirty-seven primary human molars were selected from a pool of extracted teeth, which were stored frozen at -20°C until use. Teeth were assessed twice by two experienced examiners using laser fluorescence devices (LF and LFpen), conventional visual criteria, ICDAS and bitewing radiographs, with a 2-week interval between measurements. After measurement, the teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. The highest sensitivity was observed for ICDAS at D(1) and D(3) thresholds, with no statistically significant difference when compared to the LF devices, except at the D(3) threshold. Bitewing radiographs presented the lowest values of sensitivity. Specificity at D(1) was higher for LFpen (0.90) and for VE at D(3) (0.94). When VE was combined with LFpen the post-test probabilities were the highest (94.0% and 89.2% at D(1) and D(3) thresholds, respectively). High values were observed for the combination of ICDAS and LFpen (92.0% and 80.0%, respectively). LF and LFpen showed the highest values of ICC for interexaminer reproducibility. However, regarding ICDAS, BW and VE, intraexaminer reproducibility was not the same for the two examiners. After primary visual inspection using ICDAS or not, the use of LFpen may aid in the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth. Bitewing radiographs may be indicated only for approximal caries detection.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate whether healthy first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients show reduced sensitivity performance, higher intra-individual variability (IIV) in reaction time (RT), and a steeper decline in sensitivity over time in a sustained attention task. Healthy first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients (n=23) and healthy control subjects (n=46) without a family history of schizophrenia performed a demanding version of the Rapid Visual Information Processing task (RVIP). RTs, hits, false alarms, and the sensitivity index A' were assessed. The relatives were significantly less sensitive, tended to have higher IIV in RT, but sustained the impaired level of sensitivity over time. Impaired performance on the RVIP is a possible endophenotype for schizophrenia. Higher IIV in RT, apparently caused by impaired context representations, might result in fluctuations in control and lead to more frequent attentional lapses.


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Commonality of activation of spontaneously forming and stimulus-induced mental representations is an often made but rarely tested assumption in neuroscience. In a conjunction analysis of two earlier studies, brain electric activity during visual-concrete and abstract thoughts was studied. The conditions were: in study 1, spontaneous stimulus-independent thinking (post-hoc, visual imagery or abstract thought were identified); in study 2, reading of single nouns ranking high or low on a visual imagery scale. In both studies, subjects' tasks were similar: when prompted, they had to recall the last thought (study 1) or the last word (study 2). In both studies, subjects had no instruction to classify or to visually imagine their thoughts, and accordingly were not aware of the studies' aim. Brain electric data were analyzed into functional topographic brain images (using LORETA) of the last microstate before the prompt (study 1) and of the word-type discriminating event-related microstate after word onset (study 2). Conjunction analysis across the two studies yielded commonality of activation of core networks for abstract thought content in left anterior superior regions, and for visual-concrete thought content in right temporal-posterior inferior regions. The results suggest that two different core networks are automatedly activated when abstract or visual-concrete information, respectively, enters working memory, without a subject task or instruction about the two classes of information, and regardless of internal or external origin, and of input modality. These core machineries of working memory thus are invariant to source or modality of input when treating the two types of information.


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Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in type 2 diabetes has increasingly been shown to display beneficial effects on glycemic control. SMBG is not only associated with a reduction of hemoglobin A1c but has also been demonstrated to increase patients' awareness of the disease. SMBG has also the potential to visualize and predict hypoglycemic episodes. International guidelines by the International Diabetes Federation, the European Society of Cardiology, and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and also the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes emphasize that SMBG is an integral part of self-management. More recently, two European consensus documents have been published to give recommendations for frequency and timing of SMBG also for various clinical scenarios. Recently, a European expert panel was held to further facilitate and enhance standardized approaches to SMBG. The aim was to present simple, clinically meaningful, and standardized SMBG strategies for type 2 diabetes. The panel recommended a less intensive and an intensive scheme for SMBG across the type 2 diabetes continuum. The length and frequency of SMBG performance depend on the clinical circumstances and the quality of glycemic control. The expert panel also recommended further evaluation of various schemes for SMBG in type 2 diabetes in clinical studies.


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We evaluated the near visual acuity of 40 dentists and its improvement by using different magnification devices. The acuity was tested with miniaturized E-optotype tests on a negatoscope under the following conditions: 1. natural visual acuity, 300 mm; 2. single lens loupe, 2×, 250 mm; 3. Galilean loupe, 2.5×, 380 mm; and 4. Keplerian loupe, 4.3×, 400 mm. In part 1, the influence of the magnification devices was investigated for all dentists. The Keplerian loupe obtained the highest visual acuity (4.64), followed by the Galilean loupe (2.43), the single lens loupe (1.42), and natural visual acuity (1.19). For part 2, the dentists were classified according to their age (visual acuity with all magnification devices (p<0.001). For part 3, the dentists were grouped according to their natural visual acuity. The group with the higher natural visual acuity achieved significantly higher visual acuity with all magnification devices than did the group of dentists with the lower natural visual acuity (p<0.01). It can be concluded that near visual acuity varies highly between individuals and decreases during the lifetime. Independent of age or natural vision, visual acuity can be significantly improved by using magnification devices.


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The aim of this study was to compare the in situ and in vitro performances of a laser fluorescence (LF) device (DIAGNOdent 2095) with visual inspection for the detection of occlusal caries in permanent teeth. Sixty-four sites were selected, and visual inspection and LF assessments were carried out, in vitro, three times by two independent examiners, with a 1-week interval between evaluations. Afterwards, the occlusal surfaces were mounted on the palatal portion of removable acrylic orthodontic appliances and placed in six volunteers. Assessments were repeated and validated by histological analysis of the tooth sections under a stereomicroscope. For both examiners, the highest intra-examiner values were observed for the visual inspection when in vitro and in situ evaluations were compared. The inter-examiner reproducibility varied from 0.61 to 0.64, except for the in vitro assessment using LF, which presented a lower value (0.43). The methods showed high specificity at the D(1) threshold (considering enamel and dentin caries as disease). In vitro evaluations showed the highest values of sensitivity for both methods when compared to the in situ evaluations at D(1) and D(2) (considering only dentinal caries as the disease) thresholds. For both methods, the results of sensitivity (at D(1) and D(2)) and accuracy (at D(1)) showed significant differences between in vitro and in situ conditions. However, the sensitivity (at D(1) and D(2)), specificity and accuracy (both at D(1)) of the methods were not significantly different when the same condition was considered. It can be concluded that visual inspection and LF showed better performance in vitro than in situ.