987 resultados para vertebrate


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The past two decades have greatly improved our knowledge of vertebrate skeletal morphogenesis. It is now clear that bony morphology lacks individual descriptive specification and instead results from an interplay between positional information assigned during early limb bud deployment and its “execution” by highly conserved cellular response programs of derived connective tissue cells (e.g., chondroblasts and osteoblasts). Selection must therefore act on positional information and its apportionment, rather than on more individuated aspects of presumptive adult morphology. We suggest a trait classification system that can help integrate these findings in both functional and phylogenetic examinations of fossil mammals and provide examples from the human fossil record.


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The intensely studied MHC has become the paradigm for understanding the architectural evolution of vertebrate multigene families. The 4-Mb human MHC (also known as the HLA complex) encodes genes critically involved in the immune response, graft rejection, and disease susceptibility. Here we report the continuous 1,796,938-bp genomic sequence of the HLA class I region, linking genes between MICB and HLA-F. A total of 127 genes or potentially coding sequences were recognized within the analyzed sequence, establishing a high gene density of one per every 14.1 kb. The identification of 758 microsatellite provides tools for high-resolution mapping of HLA class I-associated disease genes. Most importantly, we establish that the repeated duplication and subsequent diversification of a minimal building block, MIC-HCGIX-3.8–1-P5-HCGIV-HLA class I-HCGII, engendered the present-day MHC. That the currently nonessential HLA-F and MICE genes have acted as progenitors to today’s immune-competent HLA-ABC and MICA/B genes provides experimental evidence for evolution by “birth and death,” which has general relevance to our understanding of the evolutionary forces driving vertebrate multigene families.


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Retinoids, vitamin A (retinol) and its metabolic derivatives, are required for normal vertebrate development. In murine embryonic stem (ES) cells, which remain undifferentiated when cultured in the presence of LIF (leukemia inhibitory factor), little metabolism of exogenously added retinol takes place. After LIF removal, ES cells metabolize exogenously added retinol to 4-hydroxyretinol and 4-oxoretinol and concomitantly differentiate. The conversion of retinol to 4-oxoretinol is a high-capacity reaction because most of the exogenous retinol is metabolized rapidly, even when cells are exposed to physiological (≈1 μM) concentrations of retinol in the medium. No retinoic acid or 4-oxoRA synthesis from retinol was detected in ES cells cultured with or without LIF. The cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP26 (retinoic acid hydroxylase) is responsible for the metabolism of retinol to 4-oxoretinol, and CYP26 mRNA is greatly induced (>15-fold) after LIF removal. Concomitant with the expression of CYP26, differentiating ES cells grown in the absence of LIF activate the expression of the differentiation marker gene FGF-5 whereas the expression of the stem cell marker gene FGF-4 decreases. The strong correlation between the production of polar metabolites of retinol and the differentiation of ES cells upon removal of LIF suggests that one important action of LIF in these cells is to prevent retinol metabolism to biologically active, polar metabolites such as 4-oxoretinol.


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A K+ channel gene has been cloned from Drosophila melanogaster by complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells defective for K+ uptake. Naturally expressed in the neuromuscular tissues of adult flies, this gene confers K+ transport capacity on yeast cells when heterologously expressed. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, expression yields an ungated K+-selective current whose attributes resemble the “leak” conductance thought to mediate the resting potential of vertebrate myelinated neurons but whose molecular nature has long remained elusive. The predicted protein has two pore (P) domains and four membrane-spanning helices and is a member of a newly recognized K+ channel family. Expression of the channel in flies and yeast cells makes feasible studies of structure and in vivo function using genetic approaches that are not possible in higher animals.


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In general, the transcriptional competence of a chromatin domain is correlated with increased sensitivity to DNase I cleavage. A recent observation that actively transcribing RNA polymerase II piggybacks a histone acetyltranferase activity [Wittschieben, B., Otero, G., de Bizemont, T., Fellows, J., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Ohba, R., Li, Y., Allis, C. D., Tempst, P. & Svejstrup, J. Q. (1999) Mol. Cell 4, 123–128] implies that the state of histone acetylation, and hence the ability of chromatin to fold, can be altered by a processive mechanism. In this article, it is proposed that tracking-mediated chromatin modification could create and/or maintain an open configuration in a complete chromatin domain including both intra- and extragenic regions. This mechanism suggests a putative functional role for the extragenic transcription observed at the β-globin and other loci in vertebrate cells.


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β-catenin, the vertebrate homolog of the Drosophila Armadillo protein, has been shown to have dual cellular functions, as a component of both the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex and the Wnt signaling pathway. At Wnt signaling, β-catenin becomes stabilized in the cytoplasm and subsequently available for interaction with transcription factors of the lymphocyte enhancer factor-1/T-cell factor family, resulting in a nuclear localization of β-catenin. Although β-catenin does not bind DNA directly, its carboxyl- and amino-terminal regions exhibit a transactivating activity still not well understood molecularly. Here we report the identification of an interaction partner of β-catenin, a nuclear protein designated Pontin52. Pontin52 binds β-catenin in the region of Armadillo repeats 2–5 and, more importantly, also binds the TATA box binding protein. We provide evidence for an in vivo multiprotein complex composed of Pontin52, β-catenin, and lymphocyte enhancer factor-1/T-cell factor. Our results suggest involvement of Pontin52 in the nuclear function of β-catenin.


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Many proximate factors determine a bird’s laying date, including environmental and social stimuli as well as individual responses to internal and external factors. However, the relative importance of these factors has not been experimentally demonstrated. Here we show that (i) large differences in the onset of first clutches between different populations result from variation in different responses to photoperiod and not from variation in responses to any other proximate factors and (ii) the same response mechanism causes maladaptive laying dates in habitats modified by humans. We present, to our knowledge, the first experimental demonstration that a single response mechanism is responsible for evolutionary adaptive intraspecific variation in a vertebrate life history trait.


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The achaete-scute genes encode essential transcription factors in normal Drosophila and vertebrate nervous system development. Human achaete-scute homolog-1 (hASH1) is constitutively expressed in a human lung cancer with neuroendocrine (NE) features, small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and is essential for development of the normal pulmonary NE cells that most resemble this neoplasm. Mechanisms regulating achaete-scute homolog expression outside of Drosophila are presently unclear, either in the context of the developing nervous system or in normal or neoplastic cells with NE features. We now provide evidence that the protein hairy-enhancer-of-split-1 (HES-1) acts in a similar manner as its Drosophila homolog, hairy, to transcriptionally repress achaete-scute expression. HES-1 protein is detected at abundant levels in most non-NE human lung cancer cell lines which lack hASH1 but is virtually absent in hASH1-expressing lung cancer cells. Moreover, induction of HES-1 in a SCLC cell line down-regulates endogenous hASH1 gene expression. The repressive effect of HES-1 is directly mediated by binding of the protein to a class C site in the hASH1 promoter. Thus, a key part of the process that determines neural fate in Drosophila is conserved in human lung cancer cells. Furthermore, modulation of this pathway may underlie the constitutive hASH1 expression seen in NE tumors such as SCLC, the most virulent human lung cancer.


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Nuclear hormone receptors comprise a characteristic family of transcription factors found in vertebrates, insects and nematodes. Here we show by cDNA and gene cloning that a Cnidarian, Tripedalia cystophora, possesses a retinoid receptor (jRXR) with remarkable homology to vertebrate retinoic acid X receptors (RXRs). Like vertebrate RXRs, jRXR binds 9-cis retinoic acid (Kd = 4 × 10−10 M) and binds to the DNA sequence, PuGGTCA as a monomer in vitro. jRXR also heterodimerizes with Xenopus TR beta on a thyroid responsive element of a direct repeat separated by 4 bp. A jRXR binding half-site capable of interacting with (His6)jRXR fusion protein was identified in the promoters of three T. cystophora crystallin genes that are expressed highly in the eye lens of this jellyfish. Because crystallin gene expression is regulated by retionoid signaling in vertebrates, the jellyfish crystallin genes are candidate in vivo targets for jRXR. Finally, an antibody prepared against (His6)jRXR showed that full-length jRXR is expressed at all developmental stages of T. cystophora except the ephydra, where a smaller form replaces is. These data show that Cnidaria, a diploblastic phylum ancestral to the triploblastic invertebrate and subsequent vertebrate lineages, already have an RXR suggesting that RXR is an early component of the regulatory mechanisms of metazoa.


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When treated with heat-killed bacterial cells, mosquito cells in culture respond by up-regulating several proteins. Among these is a 66-kDa protein (p66) that is secreted from cells derived from both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. p66 was degraded by proteolysis and gave a virtually identical pattern of peptide products for each mosquito species. The sequence of one peptide (31 amino acids) was determined and found to have similarity to insect transferrins. By using conserved regions of insect transferrin sequences, degenerate oligonucleotide PCR primers were designed and used to isolate a cDNA clone encoding an A. aegypti transferrin. The encoded protein contained a signal sequence that, when cleaved, would yield a mature protein of 68 kDa. It contained the 31-amino acid peptide, and the 3′ end exactly matched a cDNA encoding a polypeptide that is up-regulated when A. aegypti encapsulates filarial worms [Beerntsen, B. T., Severson, D. W. & Christensen, B. M. (1994) Exp. Parasitol. 79, 312–321]. This transferrin, like those of two other insect species, has conserved iron-binding residues in the N-terminal lobe but not in the C-terminal lobe, which also has large deletions in the polypeptide chain, compared with transferrins with functional C-terminal lobes. The hypothesis is developed that this transferrin plays a role similar to vertebrate lactoferrin in sequestering iron from invading organisms and that degradation of the structure of the C-terminal lobe might be a mechanism for evading pathogens that elaborate transferrin receptors to tap sequestered iron.


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We used targeted gene disruption in mice to ablate nonmuscle myosin heavy chain B (NMHC-B), one of the two isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II present in all vertebrate cells. Approximately 65% of the NMHC-B−/− embryos died prior to birth, and those that were born suffered from congestive heart failure and died during the first day. No abnormalities were detected in NMHC-B+/− mice. The absence of NMHC-B resulted in a significant increase in the transverse diameters of the cardiac myocytes from 7.8 ± 1.8 μm (right ventricle) and 7.8 ± 1.3 μm (left ventricle) in NMHC-B+/+ and B+/− mice to 14.7 ± 1.1 μm and 13.8 ± 2.3 μm, respectively, in NMHC-B−/− mice (in both cases, P < 0.001). The increase in size of the cardiac myocytes was seen as early as embryonic day 12.5 (4.5 ± 0.2 μm for NMHC-B+/+ and B+/− vs. 7.2 ± 0.6 μm for NMHC-B−/− mice (P < 0.01)). Six of seven NMHC-B−/− newborn mice analyzed by serial sectioning also showed structural cardiac defects, including a ventricular septal defect, an aortic root that either straddled the defect or originated from the right ventricle, and muscular obstruction to right ventricular outflow. Some of the hearts of NMHC-B−/− mice showed evidence for up-regulation of NMHC-A protein. These studies suggest that nonmuscle myosin II-B is required for normal cardiac myocyte development and that its absence results in structural defects resembling, in part, two common human congenital heart diseases, tetralogy of Fallot and double outlet right ventricle.


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Myostatin (GDF-8) is a member of the transforming growth factor β superfamily of secreted growth and differentiation factors that is essential for proper regulation of skeletal muscle mass in mice. Here we report the myostatin sequences of nine other vertebrate species and the identification of mutations in the coding sequence of bovine myostatin in two breeds of double-muscled cattle, Belgian Blue and Piedmontese, which are known to have an increase in muscle mass relative to conventional cattle. The Belgian Blue myostatin sequence contains an 11-nucleotide deletion in the third exon which causes a frameshift that eliminates virtually all of the mature, active region of the molecule. The Piedmontese myostatin sequence contains a missense mutation in exon 3, resulting in a substitution of tyrosine for an invariant cysteine in the mature region of the protein. The similarity in phenotypes of double-muscled cattle and myostatin null mice suggests that myostatin performs the same biological function in these two species and is a potentially useful target for genetic manipulation in other farm animals.


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We have asked whether comparative genome analysis and rat transgenesis can be used to identify functional regulatory domains in the gene locus encoding the hypothalamic neuropeptides oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin. Isotocin (IT) and vasotocin (VT) are the teleost homologues of these genes. A contiguous stretch of 46 kb spanning the Fugu IT-VT locus has been sequenced, and nine putative genes were found. Unlike the OT and vasopressin genes, which are closely linked in the mammalian genome in a tail-to-tail orientation, Fugu IT and VT genes are linked head to tail and are separated by five genes. When a cosmid containing the Fugu IT-VT locus was introduced into the rat genome, we found that the Fugu IT gene was specifically expressed in rat hypothalamic oxytocinergic neurons and mimicked the response of the endogenous OT gene to an osmotic stimulus. These data show that cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors mediating the cell-specific and physiological regulation of the OT and IT genes are conserved between mammals and fish. The combination of Fugu genome analysis and transgenesis in a mammal is a powerful tool for identifying and analyzing conserved vertebrate regulatory elements.


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Skipping of internal exons during removal of introns from pre-mRNA must be avoided for proper expression of most eukaryotic genes. Despite significant understanding of the mechanics of intron removal, mechanisms that ensure inclusion of internal exons in multi-intron pre-mRNAs remain mysterious. Using a natural two-intron yeast gene, we have identified distinct RNA–RNA complementarities within each intron that prevent exon skipping and ensure inclusion of internal exons. We show that these complementarities are positioned to act as intron identity elements, bringing together only the appropriate 5′ splice sites and branchpoints. Destroying either intron self-complementarity allows exon skipping to occur, and restoring the complementarity using compensatory mutations rescues exon inclusion, indicating that the elements act through formation of RNA secondary structure. Introducing new pairing potential between regions near the 5′ splice site of intron 1 and the branchpoint of intron 2 dramatically enhances exon skipping. Similar elements identified in single intron yeast genes contribute to splicing efficiency. Our results illustrate how intron secondary structure serves to coordinate splice site pairing and enforce exon inclusion. We suggest that similar elements in vertebrate genes could assist in the splicing of very large introns and in the evolution of alternative splicing.


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Passive and active immunization against outer surface protein A (OspA) has been successful in protecting laboratory animals against subsequent infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. Antibodies (Abs) to OspA convey full protection, but only when they are present at the time of infection. Abs inactivate spirochetes within the tick and block their transmission to mammals, but do not affect established infection because of the loss of OspA in the vertebrate host. Our initial finding that the presence of high serum titers of anti-OspC Abs (5 to 10 μg/ml) correlates with spontaneous resolution of disease and infection in experimentally challenged immunocompetent mice suggested that therapeutic vaccination with OspC may be feasible. We now show that polyclonal and monospecific mouse immune sera to recombinant OspC, but not to OspA, of B. burgdorferi resolve chronic arthritis and carditis and clear disseminated spirochetes in experimentally infected C.B.-17 severe combined immunodeficient mice in a dose-dependent manner. This was verified by macroscopical and microscopical examination of affected tissues and recultivation of spirochetes from ear biopsies. Complete resolution of disease and infection was achieved, independent of whether OspC-specific immune sera (10 μg OspC-specific Abs) were repeatedly given (4× in 3- to 4-day intervals) before the onset (day 10 postinfection) or at the time of fully established arthritis and carditis (days 19 or 60 postinfection). The results indicate that in mice spirochetes constitutively express OspC and are readily susceptible to protective OspC-specific Abs throughout the infection. Thus, an OspC-based vaccine appears to be a candidate for therapy of Lyme disease.