982 resultados para typical steppe


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Endoplasmatic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) is a multifunctional enzyme involved in trimming of peptides to an optimal length for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Polymorphisms in ERAP1 have been associated with chronic inflammatory diseases, including ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriasis, and subsequent in vitro enzyme studies suggest distinct catalytic properties of ERAP1 variants. To understand structure-activity relationships of this enzyme we determined crystal structures in open and closed states of human ERAP1, which provide the first snapshots along a catalytic path. ERAP1 is a zinc-metallopeptidase with typical H-E-X-X-H-(X)18-E zinc binding and G-A-M-E-N motifs characteristic for members of the gluzincin protease family. The structures reveal extensive domain movements, including an active site closure as well as three different open conformations, thus providing insights into the catalytic cycle. A K 528R mutant strongly associated with AS in GWAS studies shows significantly altered peptide processing characteristics, which are possibly related to impaired interdomain interactions.


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It is well known that different arguments appeal to different people. We all process information in ways that are adapted to be consistent with our underlying ideologies. These ideologies can sometimes be framed in terms of particular axes or dimensions, which makes it possible to represent some aspects of an ideology as a region in the kind of vector space that is typical of many generalised quantum models. Such models can then be used to explain and predict, in broad strokes, whether a particular argument or proposal is likely to appeal to an individual with a particular ideology. The choice of suitable arguments to bring about desired actions is traditionally part of the art or science of rhetoric, and today's highly polarised society means that this skill is becoming more important than ever. This paper presents a basic model for understanding how different goals will appeal to people with different ideologies, and thus how different rhetorical positions can be adopted to promote the same desired outcome. As an example, we consider different narratives and hence actions with respect to the environment and climate change, an important but currently highly controversial topic.


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Background: The vast majority of BRCA1 missense sequence variants remain uncharacterised for their possible effect on protein expression and function, and therefore are unclassified in terms of their pathogenicity. BRCA1 plays diverse cellular roles and it is unlikely that any single functional assay will accurately reflect the total cellular implications of missense mutations in this gene. Objective: To elucidate the effect of two BRCA1 variants, 5236G>C (G1706A) and 5242C>A (A1708E) on BRCA1 function, and to survey the relative usefulness of several assays to direct the characterisation of other unclassified variants in BRCA genes. Methods and Results: Data from a range of bioinformatic, genetic, and histopathological analyses, and in vitro functional assays indicated that the 1708E variant was associated with the disruption of different cellular functions of BRCA1. In transient transfection experiments in T47D and 293T cells, the 1708E product was mislocalised to the cytoplasm and induced centrosome amplification in 293T cells. The 1708E variant also failed to transactivate transcription of reporter constructs in mammalian transcriptional transactivation assays. In contrast, the 1706A variant displayed a phenotype comparable to wildtype BRCA1 in these assays. Consistent with functional data, tumours from 1708E carriers showed typical BRCA1 pathology, while tumour material from 1706A carriers displayed few histopathological features associated with BRCA1 related tumours. Conclusions: A comprehensive range of genetic, bioinformatic, and functional analyses have been combined for the characterisation of BRCA1 unclassified sequence variants. Consistent with the functional analyses, the combined odds of causality calculated for the 1706A variant after multifactorial likelihood analysis (1:142) indicates a definitive classification of this variant as "benign". In contrast, functional assays of the 1708E variant indicate that it is pathogenic, possibly through subcellular mislocalisation. However, the combined odds of 262:1 in favour of causality of this variant does not meet the minimal ratio of 1000:1 for classification as pathogenic, and A1708E remains formally designated as unclassified. Our findings highlight the importance of comprehensive genetic information, together with detailed functional analysis for the definitive categorisation of unclassified sequence variants. This combination of analyses may have direct application to the characterisation of other unclassified variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2.


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An explicit near-optimal guidance scheme is developed for a terminal rendezvous of a spacecraft with a passive target in circular orbit around the earth. The thrust angle versus time profile for the continuous-thrust, constant-acceleration maneuver is derived, based on the assumption that the components of inertial acceleration due to relative position and velocity are negligible on account of the close proximity between the two spacecraft. The control law is obtained as a ''bilinear tangent law'' and an analytic solution to the state differential equations is obtained by expanding a portion of the integrand as an infinite series in time. A differential corrector method is proposed, to obtain real-time updates to the guidance parameters at regular time intervals. Simulation of the guidance scheme is carried out using the Clohessy-Wiltshire equations of relative motion as well as the inverse-square two-body equations of motion. Results for typical examples are presented.


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In high-speed aerospace vehicles, supersonic flutter is a well-known phenomenon of dynamic instability to which external skin panels are prone. In theory, the instability stage is expressed by the 'flutter critical parameter' Q(crit), which is a function of the stiffness-, and dynamic pressure parameters. For a composite skin panel, Q(crit) can be maximised by lay-up optimisation. Repeated-sublaminate lay-up schemes possess good potential for economical lay-up optimisation because the corresponding effort is limited to a family of sublaminates of few layers only. When Q(crit) is obtained for all sublaminates of a family, and the sublaminates ranked accordingly, the resulting ranking reveals not only the optimum lay-up, but also the near-optimum lay-ups, which are useful design alternatives, and the inferior lay-ups which should be avoided. In this paper, we examine sublaminate-ranking characteristics for a composite panel prone to supersonic flutter. In particular, we consider a simple supported midplane-symmetrical rectangular panel of typical aspect ratio alpha and flow angle psi, and for four-layered sublaminates, obtain the Q(crit)-based rankings for a wide range of the number of repeats, r. From the rankings, we find that an optimum lay-up can exist for which the outermost layer is oriented wide of, rather than along, the flow. Furthermore, for many lay-ups other than the optimum and the inferior, we see that as r increases, Q(crit) undergoes significant change in the course of converging. To reconcile these findings, eigenvalue-coalescence characteristics are discussed in detail for specific cases.


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Manganitelike double perovskite Sr2TiMnO6 (STMO) ceramics fabricated from the powders synthesized via the solid-state reaction route, exhibited dielectric constants as high as similar to 10(5) in the low frequency range (100 Hz-10 kHz) at room temperature. The Maxwell-Wagner type of relaxation mechanism was found to be more appropriate to rationalize such high dielectric constant values akin to that observed in materials such as KxTiyNi(1-x-y)O and CaCu3Ti4O12. The dielectric measurements carried out on the samples with different thicknesses and electrode materials reflected the influence of extrinsic effects. The impedance studies (100 Hz-10 MHz) in the 180-300 K temperature range revealed the presence of two dielectric relaxations corresponding to the grain boundary and the electrode. The dielectric response of the grain boundary was found to be weakly dependent on the dc bias field (up to 11 V/cm). However, owing to the electrode polarization, the applied ac/dc field had significant effect on the low frequency dielectric response. At low temperatures (100-180 K), the dc conductivity of STMO followed a variable range hopping behavior. Above 180 K, it followed the Arrhenius behavior because of the thermally activated conduction process. The bulk conductivity relaxation owing to the localized hopping of charge carriers obeyed the typical universal dielectric response.


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The correlation between magnetic and transport properties is examined by studying poly(4,4'-methylenedianiline)(PMDA) salts and their bases using EPR and conductivity measurements. Five different PMDA salts (doped polymers)were prepared by chemical polymerization of 4,4'-methylenedianiline using different protonic acids. The PMDA bases were obtained by dedoping the salts using ammonium hydroxide. Ambient temperature electrical conductivity measurements show evidence for the doped PMDA system to be highly disordered. The EPR spectra of the samples were recorded in the range 20-200 "C, and the results were analyzed on the basis of the polaron-bipolaron model, which is typical of nondegenerate systems. Both PMDA salts and their bases consist of self-trapped, highly mobile polarons or radical cations. EPR studies on PMDA salts show evidence for the presence of thermally activated and temperature independent (or Pauli type) paramagnetism while the bases show thermally activated, Pauli and Curie-Weiss types of paramagnetism. The paramagnetism arises due to polarons.It is proposed that charge transport takes place through both polarons and bipolarons.


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Lasers are very efficient in heating localized regions and hence they find a wide application in surface treatment processes. The surface of a material can be selectively modified to give superior wear and corrosion resistance. In laser surface-melting and welding problems, the high temperature gradient prevailing in the free surface induces a surface-tension gradient which is the dominant driving force for convection (known as thermo-capillary or Marangoni convection). It has been reported that the surface-tension driven convection plays a dominant role in determining the melt pool shape. In most of the earlier works on laser-melting and related problems, the finite difference method (FDM) has been used to solve the Navier Stokes equations [1]. Since the Reynolds number is quite high in these cases, upwinding has been used. Though upwinding gives physically realistic solutions even on a coarse grid, the results are inaccurate. McLay and Carey have solved the thermo-capillary flow in welding problems by an implicit finite element method [2]. They used the conventional Galerkin finite element method (FEM) which requires that the pressure be interpolated by one order lower than velocity (mixed interpolation). This restricts the choice of elements to certain higher order elements which need numerical integration for evaluation of element matrices. The implicit algorithm yields a system of nonlinear, unsymmetric equations which are not positive definite. Computations would be possible only with large mainframe computers.Sluzalec [3] has modeled the pulsed laser-melting problem by an explicit method (FEM). He has used the six-node triangular element with mixed interpolation. Since he has considered the buoyancy induced flow only, the velocity values are small. In the present work, an equal order explicit FEM is used to compute the thermo-capillary flow in the laser surface-melting problem. As this method permits equal order interpolation, there is no restriction in the choice of elements. Even linear elements such as the three-node triangular elements can be used. As the governing equations are solved in a sequential manner, the computer memory requirement is less. The finite element formulation is discussed in this paper along with typical numerical results.


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We apply the method of multiple scales (MMS) to a well known model of regenerative cutting vibrations in the large delay regime. By ``large'' we mean the delay is much larger than the time scale of typical cutting tool oscillations. The MMS upto second order for such systems has been developed recently, and is applied here to study tool dynamics in the large delay regime. The second order analysis is found to be much more accurate than first order analysis. Numerical integration of the MMS slow flow is much faster than for the original equation, yet shows excellent accuracy. The main advantage of the present analysis is that infinite dimensional dynamics is retained in the slow flow, while the more usual center manifold reduction gives a planar phase space. Lower-dimensional dynamical features, such as Hopf bifurcations and families of periodic solutions, are also captured by the MMS. Finally, the strong sensitivity of the dynamics to small changes in parameter values is seen clearly.


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Manganitelike double perovskite Sr2TiMnO6 (STMO) ceramics fabricated from the powders synthesized via the solid-state reaction route, exhibited dielectric constants as high as similar to 10(5) in the low frequency range (100 Hz-10 kHz) at room temperature. The Maxwell-Wagner type of relaxation mechanism was found to be more appropriate to rationalize such high dielectric constant values akin to that observed in materials such as KxTiyNi(1-x-y)O and CaCu3Ti4O12. The dielectric measurements carried out on the samples with different thicknesses and electrode materials reflected the influence of extrinsic effects. The impedance studies (100 Hz-10 MHz) in the 180-300 K temperature range revealed the presence of two dielectric relaxations corresponding to the grain boundary and the electrode. The dielectric response of the grain boundary was found to be weakly dependent on the dc bias field (up to 11 V/cm). However, owing to the electrode polarization, the applied ac/dc field had significant effect on the low frequency dielectric response. At low temperatures (100-180 K), the dc conductivity of STMO followed a variable range hopping behavior. Above 180 K, it followed the Arrhenius behavior because of the thermally activated conduction process. The bulk conductivity relaxation owing to the localized hopping of charge carriers obeyed the typical universal dielectric response.


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The family Myrtaceae in Chile comprises 26 species in 10 genera. The species occur in a diverse rangeof environments including humid temperate forests, swamps, riparian habitats and coastal xeromorphicshrublands. Most of these species are either endemic to Chile or endemic to the humid temperate forestsof Chile and Argentina. Although many taxa have very restricted distributions and are of conservationconcern, little is known about their biology and vegetative anatomy. In this investigation, we describe andcompare the leaf anatomy and micromorphology of all Chilean Myrtaceae using standard protocols forlight and scanning electron microscopy. Leaf characters described here are related to epidermis, cuticle,papillae, stomata, hairs, mesophyll, crystals, secretory cavities and vascular system. Nearly all the specieshave a typical mesophytic leaf anatomy, but some species possess xerophytic characters such as doubleepidermis, hypodermis, pubescent leaves, thick adaxial epidermis and straight epidermal anticlinal walls,which correlate with the ecological distribution of the species. This is the first report on leaf anatomyand micromorphology in most of these species. We identified several leaf characters with potential tax-onomic and ecological significance. Some combinations of leaf characters can reliably delimitate genera,while others are unique to some species. An identification key using micromorphological and anatomicalcharacters is provided to distinguish genera and species.


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A simple equivalent circuit model for the analysis of dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of serpentine folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was developed by considering the straight and curved portions of structure supporting the dominant TE10-mode of the rectangular waveguide. Expressions for the lumped capacitance and inductance per period of the slow-wave structure were derived in terms of the physical dimensions of the structure, incorporating the effects of the beam-hole in the lumped parameters. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for obtaining the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was simple yet accurate in predicting the dispersion and interaction impedance behaviour at millimeter-wave frequencies. The analysis was benchmarked against measurement as well as with 3D electromagnetic modeling using MAFIA for two typical slow-wave structures (one at the Ka-band and the other at the W-band) and close agreement observed.


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An analysis of rectangular folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was developed using conformal mapping technique through Schwarz's polygon transformation and closed form expressions for the lumped capacitance and inductance per period of the slow-wave structure were derived in terms of the physical dimensions of the structure, incorporating the effects of the beam hole in the lumped parameters. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for obtaining the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was benchmarked for two typical millimeter-wave structures, one operating in Ka-band and the other operating in Q-band, against measurement and 3D electromagnetic modeling using MAFIA.


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A direct method of solution is presented for singular integral equations of the first kind, involving the combination of a logarithmic and a Cauchy type singularity. Two typical cages are considered, in one of which the range of integration is a Single finite interval and, in the other, the range of integration is a union of disjoint finite intervals. More such general equations associated with a finite number (greater than two) of finite, disjoint, intervals can also be handled by the technique employed here.


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Oxygen release accompanying oxidation of vanadyl by diperoxovanadate was suppressed on addition of NADH. The added NADH was rapidly oxidized, oxygen in the medium was consumed, and the reaction terminated on exhaustion of either NADH or vanadyl. The consumption of oxygen and disappearance of NADH needed small concentrations of diperoxovanadate to initiate and increased with increase in the concentration of vanadyl and NADH or decrease of pH. The products of the reaction were found to be NAD(+) from NADH and vanadate oligomers from vanadyl and oxygen. The reaction was insensitive to catalase and was not dependent on H2O2. The reaction was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, cytochrome c, EDTA, Mn2+, histidine, and DMPO, but not by hydroxyl radical scavengers such as ethanol and benzoate, The ESR spectrum of the reaction mixture showed the presence of the 1:2:2:1 quartet signal typical of a DMPO-OH adduct, but this was not modified by ethanol, This oxygen radical species, possibly of (OV)-O-. type derived from diperoxovanadate, is proposed to have a role in the reactions of oxygen release and NADH oxidation