991 resultados para tramp ants


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First, the guidance counselor profession in the province of Quebec will be described: the professional association to which it belongs, the required in- struction, the counselors' tasks and the institutions for which they work. There follows the description of the main current tendencies in career guidance devel- opment in this French-speaking area of Canada with about 7.2 million inhabit- ants, approximately one fourth of the total country population. Finally, a brief description of the Center for Research on Education and Labor of the University of Shebrooke as well as of some instruments that one of the teams is constructing will be provided.


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Industrial applications of computer vision sometimes require detection of atypical objects that occur as small groups of pixels in digital images. These objects are difficult to single out because they are small and randomly distributed. In this work we propose an image segmentation method using the novel Ant System-based Clustering Algorithm (ASCA). ASCA models the foraging behaviour of ants, which move through the data space searching for high data-density regions, and leave pheromone trails on their path. The pheromone map is used to identify the exact number of clusters, and assign the pixels to these clusters using the pheromone gradient. We applied ASCA to detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms and compared its performance with state-of-the-art clustering algorithms such as 1D Self-Organizing Map, k-Means, Fuzzy c-Means and Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means. The main advantage of ASCA is that the number of clusters needs not to be known a priori. The experimental results show that ASCA is more efficient than the other algorithms in detecting small clusters of atypical data.


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This paper presents an ant colony optimization algorithm to sequence the mixed assembly lines considering the inventory and the replenishment of components. This is a NP-problem that cannot be solved to optimality by exact methods when the size of the problem growth. Groups of specialized ants are implemented to solve the different parts of the problem. This is intended to differentiate each part of the problem. Different types of pheromone structures are created to identify good car sequences, and good routes for the replenishment of components vehicle. The contribution of this paper is the collaborative approach of the ACO for the mixed assembly line and the replenishment of components and the jointly solution of the problem.


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One of the main problems relief teams face after a natural or man-made disaster is how to plan rural road repair work tasks to take maximum advantage of the limited available financial and human resources. Previous research focused on speeding up repair work or on selecting the location of health centers to minimize transport times for injured citizens. In spite of the good results, this research does not take into account another key factor: survivor accessibility to resources. In this paper we account for the accessibility issue, that is, we maximize the number of survivors that reach the nearest regional center (cities where economic and social activity is concentrated) in a minimum time by planning which rural roads should be repaired given the available financial and human resources. This is a combinatorial problem since the number of connections between cities and regional centers grows exponentially with the problem size, and exact methods are no good for achieving an optimum solution. In order to solve the problem we propose using an Ant Colony System adaptation, which is based on ants? foraging behavior. Ants stochastically build minimal paths to regional centers and decide if damaged roads are repaired on the basis of pheromone levels, accessibility heuristic information and the available budget. The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of an example regarding the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and its performance is compared with another metaheuristic, GRASP.


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A pesar de los avances en materia de predicción, los desastres naturales siguen teniendo consecuencias devastadoras. Entre los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan los equipos de ayuda y rescate después de un desastre natural o provocado por el hombre se encuentra la planificación de las tareas de reparación de carreteras para conseguir la máxima ventaja de los limitados recursos económicos y humanos. En la presente Tesis Fin de Máster se intenta dar solución al problema de la accesibilidad, es decir, maximizar el número de supervivientes que consiguen alcanzar el centro regional más cercano en un tiempo mínimo mediante la planificación de qué carreteras rurales deberían ser reparadas dados unos recursos económicos y humanos limitados. Como se puede observar, es un problema combinatorio ya que el número de planes de reparación y conexiones entre las ciudades y los centros regionales crece de forma exponencial con el tamaño del problema. Para la resolución del problema se comienza analizando una adaptación básica de los sistemas de colonias de hormigas propuesta por otro autor y se proponen múltiples mejoras sobre la misma. Posteriormente, se propone una nueva adaptación más avanzada de los sistemas de colonias de hormiga al problema, el ACS con doble hormiga. Este sistema hace uso de dos tipos distintos de hormigas, la exploradora y la trabajadora, para resolver simultáneamente el problema de encontrar los caminos más rápidos desde cada ciudad a su centro regional más cercano (exploradora), y el de obtener el plan óptimo de reparación que maximice la accesibilidad de la red (trabajadora). El algoritmo propuesto se ilustra por medio de un ejemplo de gran tamaño que simula el desastre natural ocurrido en Haití, y su rendimiento es comparado con la combinación de dos metaheurísticas, GRASP y VNS.---ABSTRACT---In spite of the advances in forecasting, natural disaster continue to ocasionate devastating consequences. One of the main problems relief teams face after a natural or man-made disaster is how to plan rural road repair work to take maximum advantage of the limited available financial and human resources. In this Master´s Final Project we account for the accesability issue, that is, to maximize the number of survivors that reach the nearest regional center in a minimum time by planning whic rural roads should be repaired given the limited financial and human resources. This is a combinatorial problem since the number of possible repairing solutions and connections between cities and regional centers grows exponentially with the size of the problem. In order to solve the problem, we analyze the basic ant colony system adaptation proposed by another author and point out multiple improvements on it. Then, we propose a novel and more advance adaptation of the ant colony systems to the problem, the double- ant ACS. This system makes use of two diferent type of ants, the explorer and the worker, to simultaneously solve the problem of finding the shorthest paths from each city to their nearest regional center (explorer), and the problem of identifying the optimal repairing plan that maximize the network accesability (worker). The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of a big size example that simulates the natural disaster occurred in Haiti, and its performance is compared with a combination of two metaheuristics, GRASP and VNS.


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In this thesis we will discuss the setting of the parameters of the Max-Min Ant System. In the literature it is possible to find theoretical and practical considerations of these parameters, nevertheless it seems that they have not been studied in a joint manner. We propose a theoretical study of the relationship between them, giving the user some further knowledge at the time of setting the algorithm's parameters and some new idea are proposed. In particular, the number of ants is studied in more detail. Then we will study the settings of the Tmax and Tmin in a way which is diferent from the most commonly used technique, taking in consideration theoretical as well as experimental problems. Finally, some experiments are shown that demonstrate the validity of our proposals.


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Cancer relapse after surgery is a common occurrence, most frequently resulting from the outgrowth of minimal residual disease in the form of metastases. We examined the effectiveness of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) blockade as an adjunctive immunotherapy to reduce metastatic relapse after primary prostate tumor resection. For these studies, we developed a murine model in which overt metastatic outgrowth of TRAMP-C2 (C2) prostate cancer ensues after complete primary tumor resection. Metastatic relapse in this model occurs reliably and principally within the draining lymph nodes in close proximity to the primary tumor, arising from established metastases present at the time of surgery. Using this model, we demonstrate that adjunctive CTLA-4 blockade administered immediately after primary tumor resection reduces metastatic relapse from 97.4 to 44%. Consistent with this, lymph nodes obtained 2 weeks after treatment reveal marked destruction or complete elimination of C2 metastases in 60% of mice receiving adjunctive anti-CTLA-4 whereas 100% of control antibody-treated mice demonstrate progressive C2 lymph node replacement. Our study demonstrates the potential of adjunctive CTLA-4 blockade immunotherapy to reduce cancer relapse emanating from minimal residual metastatic disease and may have broader implications for improving the capability of immunotherapy by combining such forms of therapy with other cytoreductive measures including surgery.


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Advanced eusociality sometimes is given credit for the ecological success of termites, ants, some wasps, and some bees. Comprehensive study of bees fossilized in Baltic amber has revealed an unsuspected middle Eocene (ca. 45 million years ago) diversity of eusocial bee lineages. Advanced eusociality arose once in the bees with significant post-Eocene losses in diversity, leaving today only two advanced eusocial tribes comprising less than 2% of the total bee diversity, a trend analogous to that of hominid evolution. This pattern of changing diversity contradicts notions concerning the role of eusociality for evolutionary success in insects.


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The green lacewing Ceraeochrysa smithi (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae), like other members of its family, lays its eggs on stalks, but it is unusual in that it coats these stalks with droplets of an oily fluid. The liquid consists of a mixture of fatty acids, an ester, and a series of straight-chain aldehydes. Relative to the eggs of a congeneric chrysopid that lacks stalk fluid, the eggs of C. smithi proved well protected against ants. Components of the fluid, in an assay with a cockroach, proved potently irritant. Following emergence from the egg, C. smithi larvae imbibe the stalk fluid, thereby possibly deriving nutritive benefit, defensive advantage, or both.


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The life history of Harpegnathos saltator is exceptional among ants because both queens and workers reproduce sexually. Recently mated queens start new colonies alone, but later some of the offspring workers also become inseminated and take over the egg-laying role. This alternation seems associated with the existence of very complex underground nests, which are designed to survive floods. Longevity of ponerine queens is low (a consequence of limited caste dimorphism in this "primitive" subfamily), and upon the death of an H. saltator foundress, the nest represents a substantial investment. The queen's progeny should thus be strongly selected to retain the valuable nests. Unlike the flying queens, the workers copulate with males from their own colonies, and, thus, their offspring are expected to be highly related to the foundress. Colony fission appears not to occur because a daughter fragment would lack an adequate nest for protection. Thus, the annual production of queens in colonies with reproductive workers remains essential for the establishment of new colonies. This contrasts with various other ponerine species in which the queens no longer exist.


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Le formiche svolgono un importante ruolo all’interno degli ecosistemi ed alcune specie sono considerate keystone in quanto in grado di modificare la componente biotica e/o abiotica dell’ecosistema stesso. Sono animali ubiquitari che hanno colonizzato molteplici ambienti, compresi gli agroecosistemi. Negli agroecosistemi spesso svolgono un ruolo impattante determinando la diffusione o il regresso di specie di artropodi, alcune delle quali dannose alle colture. La presente ricerca tiene conto di un’ampia visione dei rapporti ecoetologici intercorrenti tra le formiche e la componente biotica di un ecosistema, utilizzando il concetto di rete multitrofica. In quest’ottica, si è pensato di costruire un sistema multitrofico costituito da una specie vegetale di interesse agrario (Cucumis sativus), dai suoi fitofagi naturali, divisi in fitomizi (afidi) (Aphis gossypii e Myzus persicae) e fitofagi masticatori (bruchi del lepidottero Mamestra brassicae), formiche (Formica pratensis) e predatori afidofagi (Aphidolets aphidimyza). Il sistema multitrofico è stato utilizzato sia per studiare l’aggressività delle formiche, sia per verificare l’esistenza di una comunicazione interspecifica tra le formiche e le piante (allelochimici). Gli studi sull’aggressività sono consistiti nel: • Verificare il livello di aggressività delle formiche nei confronti di un fitofago masticatore, competitore degli afidi nello sfruttare la pianta ospite. • Verificare se la presenza di afidi mutualisti fa variare il livello di aggressività delle formiche verso il competitore. • Verificare se esiste aggressività verso un predatore di afidi, i quali, secondo il paradigma della trofobiosi, dovrebbero essere difesi dalle formiche in cambio della melata. • Verificare se il predatore ha evoluto strategie volte ad eludere il controllo delle formiche sugli insetti che si approcciano alla colonia di afidi. Gli studi sui rapporti piante-formiche sono stati effettuati mediante olfattometro, osservando la risposta delle formiche alle sostanze volatili provenienti da piante infestate in modo differente con i fitofagi del sistema. Attraverso il trappolaggio e l’analisi gas-cromatografica delle sostanze prodotte dalle piante oggetto di studio abbiamo quindi individuato tipo e quantità di ogni composto volatile. Oltre alle piante di cetriolo, per questi esperimenti sono state utilizzate anche piante di patata (Solanum tuberosum). Dagli esperimenti sull’aggressività è risultato che le formiche manifestano un elevato potenziale predatorio, eradicando completamente la presenza dei bruchi sulle piante. Questo livello di aggressività tuttavia non cresce con la presenza degli afidi mutualisti che dovrebbero essere difesi dai competitori. Le formiche inoltre non sono in grado di sopprimere i predatori afidofagi che ipotizziamo riescano ad effettuare un camuffamento chimico, assumendo gli odori degli afidi dei quali si nutrono. I risultati degli esperimenti in olfattometro mostrano una chiara risposta positiva delle formiche verso gli odori di alcune delle piante infestate. Vi sono delle differenze nella risposta in funzione della specie di fitofago presente e della specie di pianta utilizzata. Nei trattamenti in cui erano presenti le piante di C. sativus, gli esperimenti in olfattometro hanno mostrato che le formiche rispondono in modo significativo agli odori emessi dalle piante in cui vi era la presenza del fitofago masticatore M. brassicae, solo o in associazione con A. gossypii. La presenza dei soli afidi, sia mutualisti (A. gossypii) sia non mutualisti (M. persicae), non ha invece indotto una risposta significativa nelle formiche rispetto agli odori delle piante non infestate. Nei trattamenti in cui erano presenti le piante di S. tuberosum la scelta delle formiche è stata significativa verso gli odori emessi dalle piante infestate con ciascuna delle singole specie di erbivori rispetto alle piante non infestate. Gli esperimenti sull’analisi delle sostanze volatili emesse dalle piante hanno confermato che gli organismi vegetali sono una vera centrale di produzione biochimica, infatti ben 91 composti volatili diversi sono stati individuati dall’analisi gas-cromatografica delle piante di cetriolo e 85 in quelle di patata. Dalle elaborazioni effettuate, rispettivamente 27 e 4 di essi sono prodotti esclusivamente dalle piante attaccate dai fitofagi. In generale, il cambiamento più consistente è dato dalla quantità di alcune sostanze volatili emesse dalle piante infestate rispetto a quelle integre che determina un cambiamento nei rapporti tra le sostanze che compongono i volatiles. E’ probabile che l’effetto attrattivo esercitato sulle formiche sia dato da un Blend di sostanze più che dai singoli composti presenti


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O gênero de formigas Octostruma Forel 1912 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) está restrito à região Neotropical; suas espécies ocorrem do México até a Argentina, são predadoras de pequenos artrópodes e podem nidificar no solo, serapilheira e em epífitas. No presente trabalho, a taxonomia do gênero é revista com base no exame de cerca de 4.000 exemplares. Reconheço 43 espécies de Octostruma, 34 espécies previamente conhecidas são consideradas válidas e redescritas e, portanto, nove são reconhecidas como novas. Além disso, indivíduos de castas e sexos ainda não registrados (machos, gines e ergatóides) são aqui descritos pela primeira vez para diferentes espécies. Novos registros de localidades expandem a distribuição geográfica conhecida para parte das espécies e informações sobre a biologia das espécies a partir de dados de rótulo e observações de campo, somados às poucas informações encontradas na literatura são compiladas neste trabalho. Uma chave de identificação para as operárias de todas as espécies do gênero é fornecida.


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Encore pieces: An old man's soliloquy / Roswell Field -- A n old sweetheart of mine / James Whitcomb Riley -- And the band played / Maurice E. McLaoughlin -- The ballad of the colors ; Ben Bolt / Thomas Dunn English -- A brave little girl ; Casey at the bat / Anon -- The cataract of Lodore / Robert Southey -- The countersign was Mary / Margaret Eytinge -- Dinnis Kilboo's sanatarium / Chas. T. Catlin -- A dude in a horse-car / G.W. Kyle -- Elsinore / Lucy H. Hooper -- Entertaining sister's beau / Bret Harte -- Family financiering ; Farmer John ; Father's voice ; A fly's cogitations / Anon -- Foreign views of the statue / Fred. Emerson Brooks -- Going to school / Anon -- Grandma -- The granger and the gambler / W.H. -- A great tune / John Habberton -- Hail fellow, well met / Albert Hardy -- Hans and Fritz -- How girls study / Belle McDonald -- Jack the evangelist / N.Y. Evangelist -- The kitchen clock / J.V. Cheney -- Life's magnet / Ella Wheeler Wilcox -- The little boy's prayer / S.M. Talbot -- Little Nan -- Little orphant Annie / James Whitcomb Riley -- A little woman / Eugene Field -- Maud Rosihue's choice / T. Edwin Leary -- The mischievous misses / James G. Small -- Miss Maloney on the Chinese question / Mary M. Dodge -- Mrs. Stuart learns how to skate / Clara Augusta -- My lover / Emma Mortimer White -- My garden / Anon -- Nancy / Arty Brace -- Now and then / Anon -- O captain, my captain / Walt Whitman -- The old man in a palace car / John H. Yates -- The orthod-ox team / Fred Emerson Brooks -- The porter's story / Maurice Edmunds -- The proposal -- Romeo and Juliet / The Poet-Scout -- Room enough for all / Anon -- The saint and the sinner / Madeline Bridges -- Sam / Albert Hardy -- A schoolroom idyl / Charles B. Going -- A telephone message -- The countersign / J. Hooker Hamersley -- Uncle Ned's defense / Anon -- Unforgiven / Frank McHale -- The valentine / Mary D. Brine -- Wash dolly up like that / Eleanor Kirk Ames -- What is a gentleman / N.L. O'D -- The witness / Anon -- Yellow roses / J. Hooker Hamersley.