954 resultados para tooth drifting
Objective: Our goal was to investigate the surface temperature variations in the cervical region via infrared thermography, as well as the temperature within the pulp chamber via thermocouples, of mandibular incisors when subjected to dental bleaching using two different 35% hydrogen peroxide gels, red (HP) and green (HPM), when activated by halogen light (HL) and LED light.Background Data: Temperatures increases of more than 5.5 degrees C are considered to be potentially threatening to pulp vitality, while those higher than 10 degrees C can result in periodontal injury.Materials and Methods: Tooth samples were randomly divided into four groups (n = 10 each), according to the bleaching agent and catalyst light source used.Results: Mean values and standard deviations of the temperature increases inside the pulp chamber in the HL groups were 4.4 degrees +/- 2.1 degrees C with HP, and 4.5 degrees +/- 1.2 degrees C with HPM; whereas in the groups using LED light, they were 1.4 degrees +/- 0.3 degrees C for HP, and 1.5 degrees +/- 0.2 degrees C for HPM. For the root surfaces, the maximum temperature increases in the groups irradiated with HL were 6.5 degrees +/- 1.5 degrees C for HP, and 7.5 degrees +/- 1.1 degrees C with HPM; whereas in the groups irradiated with LED light, they were 2.8 degrees +/- 0.7 degrees C with HP, and 3 degrees +/- 0.8 degrees C with HPM. There were no statistically significant differences in pulp and surface temperature increases between the groups using different gels, although the mean temperature increases were significantly higher for the groups irradiated with HL when compared with those irradiated with the LED light (p < 0.05 with Tukey's test).Conclusion: LED light may be safe for periodontal and pulp tissue when using this method, but HL should be used with care.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a reprodutibilidade de uma escala odontológica para avaliação da saúde bucal de crianças e adolescentes HIV+. A amostra, com delineamento não probabilístico, constituiu-se de 27 crianças e adolescentes HIV+. A escala foi aplicada, em duas ocasiões, com intervalo de sete dias. Estimou-se a reprodutibilidade intraexaminador pela estatística Kappa. Nas questões relativas à mãe, houve concordância máxima nos itens referentes à importância da saúde bucal, hábito de escovação diária e utilização de escova dental. A procura de atendimento odontológico motivado por estética e para manutenção de hálito puro apresentou concordância boa. Nas questões relativas à criança, observou-se concordância regular nos itens referentes ao fio dental. Com relação à organização do sistema de saúde, chama atenção a dificuldade dos respondentes em relatar o local e o profissional que realizou orientações educativas preventivas. A reprodutibilidade dos domínios percepção, cuidado e promoção foi de 0,48, 0,21 e 0,64, respectivamente. Sugere-se a necessidade de reestruturação das questões componentes dos algoritmos propostos pela escala para as dimensões de percepção e cuidado, a par da necessidade da saúde bucal ser inserida em programas de atendimento a portadores HIV+.
Interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) belongs to a family of nine transcription factors that share a highly conserved helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain and a less conserved protein-binding domain. Most IRFs regulate the expression of interferon-alpha and -beta after viral infection(1), but the function of IRF6 is unknown. The gene encoding IRF6 is located in the critical region for the Van der Woude syndrome (VWS; OMIM 119300) locus at chromosome 1q32-q41 (refs 2,3). The disorder is an autosomal dominant form of cleft lip and palate with lip pits(4), and is the most common syndromic form of cleft lip or palate. Popliteal pterygium syndrome (PPS; OMIM 119500) is a disorder with a similar orofacial phenotype that also includes skin and genital anomalies(5). Phenotypic overlap(6) and linkage data(7) suggest that these two disorders are allelic. We found a nonsense mutation in IRF6 in the affected twin of a pair of monozygotic twins who were discordant for VWS. Subsequently, we identified mutations in IRF6 in 45 additional unrelated families affected with VWS and distinct mutations in 13 families affected with PPS. Expression analyses showed high levels of Irf6 mRNA along the medial edge of the fusing palate, tooth buds, hair follicles, genitalia and skin. Our observations demonstrate that haploinsufficiency of IRF6 disrupts orofacial development and are consistent with dominant-negative mutations disturbing development of the skin and genitalia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The cetacean offal connection: Feces and vomits of spinner dolphins as a food source for reef fishes
At Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, southwest Atlantic, reef fishes associated with spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) were recorded when the cetaceans congregated in a shallow inlet. In the reef waters the dolphins engaged in several behaviors such as resting, aerial displays and other social interactions, as well as eliminative behaviors such as defecating and vomiting. Twelve fish species in seven families were recorded feeding on dolphin offal. The black durgon (Melichthys niger) was the most ubiquitous waste-eater, and its group size was positively and significantly correlated with dolphin group size. The durgons recognized the postures a dolphin adopts prior to defecating or vomiting, and began to converge to an individual shortly before it actually voided. Offal was quickly fed upon, and the fishes concentrated in the area occupied by the dolphins until the latter left the shallows. Since all the recorded offal-feeding species feed on plankton or drifting algae, feeding on cetacean droppings may be regarded as a switch from foraging on drifting organisms to foraging on drifting offal, a predictable food source in the inlet. Further instances of this cetacean-fish association are predicted to occur at sites where these mammals congregate over reefs with clear water and plankton-eating fishes.
We review the information currently available on the reproduction of the Amphisbaenia and provide original data on the reproductive biology of four Neotropical species: Amphisbaena alba; A. mertensi; Cercolophia roberti, and Leposternon infraorbitale. In total, we compiled data for 22 species: 17 Amphisbaenidae, 1 Rhineuridae, 3 Bipedidae, and 1 Trogonophidae. The majority of the species were oviparous with the exceptions of Loveridgea ionidesii, Monopeltis anchietae, M. capensis, and Trogonophis wiegmanni. Viviparity was interpreted as a derived trait that evolved independently for at least 3 times within the Amphisbaenia. In most species, reproduction is synchronized with the hot and rainy season and seems to vary with latitude. Although Amphisbaenia eggs have been found in ant nests, it remains disputable whether this is an obligatory or even a preferable location for egg-laying. Incubation time in A. mertensii lasts 59 days and this is the first report encompassing egg-laying to hatching for any Amphisbaenia species. Nonetheless, a two months incubation period seems to be the common rule for oviparous Amphisbaenia. The general pattern of reproductive output in Amphisbaenia is characterized by a low number of eggs/embryos per clutch whose individual size is comparatively large in relation to adult body size. Eggs are markedly elongated on the long axis and arranged in-line within the abdominal cavity possibly to prevent/diminish biomechanic drawbacks of egg bearing. Hatchlings of A. mertensi possess an egg-tooth implanted at the upper jaw, exhibit positive geotropism, and display defensive behaviors known to be present in adults. Our review shows that our current knowledge of Amphisbaenia reproduction is fragmentary, often based on the examination of small samples, and heavily dependent on the publication of anedoctal observations. Future publications on this subject are encouraged.
Quatro úteros provenientes de quatro fêmeas prenhas e dois indivíduos recém-nascidos de anequim, Isurus oxyrinchus, foram coletados na região Sudeste do Brasil durante os meses de setembro a novembro de 1993 e 1994. Todos os embriões estavam bem desenvolvidos, próximos ao estágio de nascimento, apresentando a dentição e órgãos internos bastante desenvolvidos. O comprimento total desses embriões variou entre 64,5 e 72,0 cm, e o maior número de embriões observado no interior de uma única fêmea foi 20. As observações aqui realizadas confirmam a oofagia como forma de nutrição dos embriões dessa espécie e sua periodicidade. A presença de dentes no estômago dos embriões sugere que a substituição dos dentes se inicia na fase uterina.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Descreve-se uma espécie nova para o gênero Astyanax Baird & Girard. A. argyrimarginatus procede da bacia do Rio Araguaia, Brasil. Esta espécie pode ser identificada por possuir uma mancha umeral negra horizontalmente ovalada, uma mancha negra no pedúnculo caudal, que se estende à extremidade dos raios caudais medianos, duas barras verticais castanho-escuras na região umeral e uma faixa lateral negra conspícua, bordeada por uma estreita faixa prateada. São discutidos outros caracteres que distinguem a espécie nova das demais espécies do gênero Astyanax portadoras de uma mancha umeral horizontalmente ovalada.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the efficacy of root reinforcements by light-cured composite resin or zirconium fiber post in simulated immature non-vital teeth. Fifty-six bovine incisors teeth were used for this study. The crown of each tooth was removed in the medium third to obtain a standard length of 30 mm. The specimens were divided into four groups (n = 14): G1) the root canals were instrumented and enlarged to simulate immature non-vital teeth and were reinforced with a light-cured composite resin using a translucent curing post (Luminex system); (G2) the specimens were instrumented, enlarged and they received root reinforcement with zirconium fiber post; G3 (positive control): they received similar treatment to the G1 and G2 groups, but did not receive root reinforcement; G4 (negative control): the roots were not weakened and did not receive reinforcement. Every tooth was submitted to compressive force using an Instron testing machine with an angle of 45&DEG; at a speed of 1 mm min(-1) until the fracture. The results showed a markedly increased resistance to fracture in the G1 and G2 (122.38 and 122.08 kgf, respectively). Among the results of G1 and G2 there was not any significant difference (P > 0.05) but they were significantly different from the control groups (P < 0.05). The conclusion is that the use of root reinforcements with zirconiun fiber post or composite resin can increase significantly the structural resistance of the weakened teeth, decreasing the risk of the fracture.
A high prevalence of dental trauma exists and its effects on function and esthetics deserve the attention of general dentists. The aim of this study was to assess the level of general dental practitioners' (GDPs) knowledge about guidelines for dental avulsion and its prevention using a questionnaire. The 21-item questionnaire was distributed among 264 GDPs and the survey was realized between August-November 2006. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using descriptive analysis and Pearson's Chi-square test to determine associations between knowledge regarding emergency treatment and dentists from public or private dental schools and years of experience. The results showed that the participants exhibited appropriate knowledge concerning procedures in cases of tooth avulsion and its prevention. The number of correct answers was low in relation to recommended treatment at the site of injury. Storage medium, preparation of the alveolus and splint time for receiving the avulsed tooth received a high number of correct answers. One statistically significant association between years of experience and recommended treatment at the site of the injury in the case an avulsed tooth (KH2 = 9.384, P = 0.009). In conclusion, this survey showed appropriate knowledge of dental avulsion management and its prevention among the surveyed dentists. The findings also showed that communication between dentists and the population is deficient, especially concerning practitioners of high risk and contact sports.
Odontogenic anomalies can occur as a result of conjoining or twinning defects. These include fusion, gemination and concrescence. This article presents two case reports of double teeth. In the first case reported, a 4-year-old white boy presented primary double teeth associated to the absence of the right permanent mandibular lateral incisor. In the second case, a 5-year-old white girl had a family history of anomaly in primary dentition. The girl and her mother presented double teeth in the primary dentition. Her mother showed hypodontia in the permanent dentition. Extra and intra oral clinical examination was made in both cases. Radiographic analyses showed the involvement of the permanent tooth. Authors conclude that double teeth in primary dentition have to be carefully analysed as they may be associated with anomalies in the permanent dentition. Correct diagnosis of the condition implicates in a better prognosis for the patient.
Aim To evaluate ex vivo effectiveness of the three formulations of bleaching materials for intracoronal bleaching of root filled teeth using the walking bleach technique.Methodology Extracted premolar teeth were stained artificially with human blood. After biomechanical preparation, the root canals were filled and a 3-mm thick intermediate base of zinc phosphate cement was placed at the level of the cementoenamel junction. The teeth were divided into four groups (n = 12): C (control, without bleaching material), A1 (sodium perborate + distilled water), A2 (sodium perborate + 10% carbamide peroxide) and A3 (sodium perborate + 35% carbamide peroxide). The bleaching materials were changed at 7 and 14 days. Evaluation of shade was undertaken with aid of the VITA Easyshade (TM) (Delta E*ab) and was performed after tooth staining and at 7, 14 and 21 days after bleaching, based on the CIELAB system. Data were analysed by ANOVA for repeated measurements, Tukey and Dunnett tests (alpha = 0.05).Results The Tukey test revealed that group A1 (10.58 +/- 4.83 Delta E*ab) was statistically different from the others (A2, 19.57 +/- 4.72 Delta E*ab and A3, 17.58 +/- 3.33 Delta E*ab), which were not different from each other. At 7 days: A1 was significantly different from A2; at 14 and 21 days: A2 and A3 were significantly better than A1; the Dunnett test revealed that the control group was different from A1, A2 and A3 at all periods (P < 0.05).Conclusion Sodium perborate associated with both 10% and 35% carbamide peroxide was more effective than when associated with distilled water.