944 resultados para time-domain simulations


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The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is the most prominent form of tropical intraseasonal variability. This study investigated the following questions. Do inter-annual-to-decadal variations in tropical sea surface temperature (SST) lead to substantial changes in MJO activity? Was there a change in the MJO in the 1970s? Can this change be associated to SST anomalies? What was the level of MJO activity in the pre-reanalysis era? These questions were investigated with a stochastic model of the MJO. Reanalysis data (1948-2008) were used to develop a nine-state first order Markov model capable to simulate the non-stationarity of the MJO. The model is driven by observed SST anomalies and a large ensemble of simulations was performed to infer the activity of the MJO in the instrumental period (1880-2008). The model is capable to reproduce the activity of the MJO during the reanalysis period. The simulations indicate that the MJO exhibited a regime of near normal activity in 1948-1972 (3.4 events year(-1)) and two regimes of high activity in 1973-1989 (3.9 events) and 1990-2008 (4.6 events). Stochastic simulations indicate decadal shifts with near normal levels in 1880-1895 (3.4 events), low activity in 1896 1917 (2.6 events) and a return to near normal levels during 1918-1947 (3.3 events). The results also point out to significant decadal changes in probabilities of very active years (5 or more MJO events): 0.214 (1880-1895), 0.076 (1896-1917), 0.197 (1918-1947) and 0.193 (1948-1972). After a change in behavior in the 1970s, this probability has increased to 0.329 (1973-1989) and 0.510 (1990-2008). The observational and stochastic simulations presented here call attention to the need to further understand the variability of the MJO on a wide range of time scales.


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Based on our previous work, we investigate here the effects on the wind and magnetospheric structures of weak-lined T Tauri stars due to a misalignment between the axis of rotation of the star and its magnetic dipole moment vector. In such a configuration, the system loses the axisymmetry presented in the aligned case, requiring a fully three-dimensional (3D) approach. We perform 3D numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations of stellar winds and study the effects caused by different model parameters, namely the misalignment angle theta(t), the stellar period of rotation, the plasma-beta, and the heating index.. Our simulations take into account the interplay between the wind and the stellar magnetic field during the time evolution. The system reaches a periodic behavior with the same rotational period of the star. We show that the magnetic field lines present an oscillatory pattern. Furthermore, we obtain that by increasing theta(t), the wind velocity increases, especially in the case of strong magnetic field and relatively rapid stellar rotation. Our 3D, time-dependent wind models allow us to study the interaction of a magnetized wind with a magnetized extrasolar planet. Such interaction gives rise to reconnection, generating electrons that propagate along the planet`s magnetic field lines and produce electron cyclotron radiation at radio wavelengths. The power released in the interaction depends on the planet`s magnetic field intensity, its orbital radius, and on the stellar wind local characteristics. We find that a close-in Jupiter-like planet orbiting at 0.05 AU presents a radio power that is similar to 5 orders of magnitude larger than the one observed in Jupiter, which suggests that the stellar wind from a young star has the potential to generate strong planetary radio emission that could be detected in the near future with LOFAR. This radio power varies according to the phase of rotation of the star. For three selected simulations, we find a variation of the radio power of a factor 1.3-3.7, depending on theta(t). Moreover, we extend the investigation done in Vidotto et al. and analyze whether winds from misaligned stellar magnetospheres could cause a significant effect on planetary migration. Compared to the aligned case, we show that the timescale tau(w) for an appreciable radial motion of the planet is shorter for larger misalignment angles. While for the aligned case tau(w) similar or equal to 100 Myr, for a stellar magnetosphere tilted by theta(t) = 30 degrees, tau(w) ranges from similar to 40 to 70 Myr for a planet located at a radius of 0.05 AU. Further reduction on tau(w) might occur for even larger misalignment angles and/or different wind parameters.


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The heat conduction problem, in the presence of a change of state, was solved for the case of an indefinitely long cylindrical layer cavity. As boundary conditions, it is imposed that the internal surface of the cavity is maintained below the fusion temperature of the infilling substance and the external surface is kept above it. The solution, obtained in nondimensional variables, consists in two closed form heat conduction equation solutions for the solidified and liquid regions, which formally depend of the, at first, unknown position of the phase change front. The energy balance through the phase change front furnishes the equation for time dependence of the front position, which is numerically solved. Substitution of the front position for a particular instant in the heat conduction equation solutions gives the temperature distribution inside the cavity at that moment. The solution is illustrated with numerical examples. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4003542]


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This paper applies the concepts and methods of complex networks to the development of models and simulations of master-slave distributed real-time systems by introducing an upper bound in the allowable delivery time of the packets with computation results. Two representative interconnection models are taken into account: Uniformly random and scale free (Barabasi-Albert), including the presence of background traffic of packets. The obtained results include the identification of the uniformly random interconnectivity scheme as being largely more efficient than the scale-free counterpart. Also, increased latency tolerance of the application provides no help under congestion.


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Thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are hormone-dependent transcription regulators that play a major role in human health, development, and metabolic functions. The thyroid hormone resistance syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer are just a few examples of important diseases that are related to TR malfunctioning, particularly impaired hormone binding. Ligand binding to and dissociation from the receptor ultimately control gene transcription and, thus, detailed knowledge of binding and release mechanisms are fundamental for the comprehension of the receptor`s biological function and development of pharmaceuticals. In this work, we present the first computational study of ligand entry into the ligand binding domain (LBD) of a nuclear receptor. We report molecular dynamics simulations of ligand binding to TRs using a generalization of the steered molecular dynamics technique designed to perform single-molecule pulling simulations along arbitrarily nonlinear driving pathways. We show that only gentle protein movements and conformational adaptations are required for ligand entry into the LBDs and that the magnitude of the forces applied to assist ligand binding are of the order of the forces involved in ligand dissociation. Our simulations suggest an alternative view for the mechanisms ligand binding and dissociation of ligands from nuclear receptors in which ligands can simply diffuse through the protein surface to reach proper positioning within the binding pocket. The proposed picture indicates that the large-amplitude protein motions suggested by the apo- and holo-RXR alpha crystallographic structures are not required, reconciling conformational changes of LBDs required for ligand entry with other nuclear receptors apo-structures that resemble the ligand-bound LBDs.


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The propagation of an optical beam through dielectric media induces changes in the refractive index, An, which causes self-focusing or self-defocusing. In the particular case of ion-doped solids, there are thermal and non-thermal lens effects, where the latter is due to the polarizability difference, Delta alpha, between the excited and ground states, the so-called population lens (PL) effect. PL is a pure electronic contribution to the nonlinearity, while the thermal lens (TL) effect is caused by the conversion of part of the absorbed energy into heat. In time-resolved measurements such as Z-scan and TL transient experiments, it is not easy to separate these two contributions to nonlinear refractive index because they usually have similar response times. In this work, we performed time-resolved measurements using both Z-scan and mode mismatched TL in order to discriminate thermal and electronic contributions to the laser-induced refractive index change of the Nd3+-doped Strontium Barium Niobate (SrxBa1-xNb2O6) laser crystal. Combining numerical simulations with experimental results we could successfully distinguish between the two contributions to An. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ligand binding domain (LBD) of nuclear hormone receptors adopts a very compact, mostly alpha-helical structure that binds specific ligands with very high affinity. We use circular dichroism spectroscopy and high-temperature molecular dynamics Simulations to investigate unfolding of the LBDs of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs). A molecular description of the denaturation mechanisms is obtained by molecular dynamics Simulations of the TR alpha and TR beta LBDs in the absence and in the presence of the natural ligand Triac. The Simulations Show that the thermal unfolding of the LBD starts with the loss of native contacts and secondary Structure elements, while the Structure remains essentially compact, resembling a molten globule state. This differs From most protein denaturation simulations reported to date and suggests that the folding mechanism may start with the hydrophobic collapse of the TR LBDs. Our results reveal that the stabilities of the LBDs of the TR alpha and TR beta Subtypes are affected to different degrees by the binding of the isoform selective ligand Triac and that ligand binding confers protection against thermal denaturation and unfolding in a subtype specific manner. Our Simulations indicate two mechanisms by which the ligand stabilizes the LBD: (1) by enhancing the interactions between H8 and H 11, and the interaction of the region between H I and the Omega-loop with the core of the LBD, and (2) by shielding the hydrophobic H6 from hydration.


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Glycosyl hydrolases are enzymes capable of breaking the glycosidic linkage of polysaccharides and have considerable industrial and biotechnological applications. Driven by the later applications, it is frequently desirable that glycosyl hydrolases display stability and activity under extreme environment conditions, such as high temperatures and extreme pHs. Here, we present X-ray structure of the hyperthermophilic laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus (RmLamR) determined at 1.95 angstrom resolution and molecular dynamics simulation studies aimed to comprehend the molecular basis, for the thermal stability of this class of enzymes. As most thermostable proteins, RmLamR contains a relatively large number of salt bridges, which are not randomly distributed on the structure. On the contrary, they form clusters interconnecting beta-sheets of the catalytic domain. Not all salt bridges, however, are beneficial for the protein thermostability: the existence of charge-charge interactions permeating the hydrophobic core of the enzymes actually contributes to destabilize the structure by facilitating water penetration into hydrophobic cavities, as can be seen in the case of mesophilic enzymes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mobility of the side-chains is perturbed differently in each class of enzymes. The side-chains of loop residues surrounding the catalytic cleft in the mesophilic laminarinase gain mobility and obstruct the active site at high temperature. By contrast, thermophilic laminarinases preserve their active site flexibility, and the active-site cleft remains accessible for recognition of polysaccharide substrates even at high temperatures. The present results provide structural insights into the role played by salt-bridges and active site flexibility on protein thermal stability and may be relevant for other classes of proteins, particularly glycosyl hydrolases.


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Adequate initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations consist of arrangements of molecules distributed in space in such a way to approximately represent the system`s overall structure. In order that the simulations are not disrupted by large van der Waals repulsive interactions, atoms from different molecules Must keep safe pairwise distances. Obtaining Such a molecular arrangement can be considered it packing problem: Each type molecule must satisfy spatial constraints related to the geometry of the system, and the distance between atoms of different molecules Must be greater than some specified tolerance. We have developed a code able to pack millions of atoms. grouped in arbitrarily complex molecules, inside a variety of three-dimensional regions. The regions may be intersections of spheres, ellipses, cylinders, planes, or boxes. The user must provide only the structure of one molecule of each type and the geometrical constraints that each type of molecule must satisfy. Building complex mixtures, interfaces, solvating biomolecules in water, other solvents, or mixtures of solvents, is straight forward. In addition. different atoms belonging to the same molecule may also be restricted to different spatial regions, in Such a way that more ordered molecular arrangements call be built, as micelles. lipid double-layers, etc. The packing time for state-of-the-art molecular dynamics systems varies front a few seconds to a few Minutes in a personal Computer. The input files are simple and Currently compatible with PDB, Tinker, Molden, or Moldy coordinate files. The package is distributed as free software and call be downloaded front http://www.ime.unicamp.br/similar to martinez/packmol/. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals. Inc. J Comput Chem 30: 2157-2164, 2009


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Regression models for the mean quality-adjusted survival time are specified from hazard functions of transitions between two states and the mean quality-adjusted survival time may be a complex function of covariates. We discuss a regression model for the mean quality-adjusted survival (QAS) time based on pseudo-observations, which has the advantage of directly modeling the effect of covariates in the QAS time. Both Monte Carlo Simulations and a real data set are studied. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We study stochastic billiards on general tables: a particle moves according to its constant velocity inside some domain D R(d) until it hits the boundary and bounces randomly inside, according to some reflection law. We assume that the boundary of the domain is locally Lipschitz and almost everywhere continuously differentiable. The angle of the outgoing velocity with the inner normal vector has a specified, absolutely continuous density. We construct the discrete time and the continuous time processes recording the sequence of hitting points on the boundary and the pair location/velocity. We mainly focus on the case of bounded domains. Then, we prove exponential ergodicity of these two Markov processes, we study their invariant distribution and their normal (Gaussian) fluctuations. Of particular interest is the case of the cosine reflection law: the stationary distributions for the two processes are uniform in this case, the discrete time chain is reversible though the continuous time process is quasi-reversible. Also in this case, we give a natural construction of a chord ""picked at random"" in D, and we study the angle of intersection of the process with a (d - 1) -dimensional manifold contained in D.


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We present an efficient numerical methodology for the 31) computation of incompressible multi-phase flows described by conservative phase-field models We focus here on the case of density matched fluids with different viscosity (Model H) The numerical method employs adaptive mesh refinements (AMR) in concert with an efficient semi-implicit time discretization strategy and a linear, multi-level multigrid to relax high order stability constraints and to capture the flow`s disparate scales at optimal cost. Only five linear solvers are needed per time-step. Moreover, all the adaptive methodology is constructed from scratch to allow a systematic investigation of the key aspects of AMR in a conservative, phase-field setting. We validate the method and demonstrate its capabilities and efficacy with important examples of drop deformation, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, and flow-induced drop coalescence (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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The genome sequence of Aedes aegypti was recently reported. A significant amount of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) were sequenced to aid in the gene prediction process. In the present work we describe an integrated analysis of the genomic and EST data, focusing on genes with preferential expression in larvae (LG), adults (AG) and in both stages (SG). A total of 913 genes (5.4% of the transcript complement) are LG, including ion transporters and cuticle proteins that are important for ion homeostasis and defense. From a starting set of 245 genes encoding the trypsin domain, we identified 66 putative LG, AG, and SG trypsins by manual curation. Phylogenetic analyses showed that AG trypsins are divergent from their larval counterparts (LG), grouping with blood-induced trypsins from Anopheles gambiae and Simulium vittatum. These results support the hypothesis that blood-feeding arose only once, in the ancestral Culicomorpha. Peritrophins are proteins that interlock chitin fibrils to form the peritrophic membrane (PM) that compartmentalizes the food in the midgut. These proteins are recognized by having chitin-binding domains with 6 conserved Cys and may also present mucin-like domains (regions expected to be highly O-glycosylated). PM may be formed by a ring of cells (type 2, seen in Ae. aegypti larvae and Drosophila melanogaster) or by most midgut cells (type 1, found in Ae. aegypti adult and Tribolium castaneum). LG and D. melanogaster peritrophins have more complex domain structures than AG and T. castaneum peritrophins. Furthermore, mucin-like domains of peritrophins from T. castaneum (feeding on rough food) are lengthier than those of adult Ae. aegypti (blood-feeding). This suggests, for the first time, that type 1 and type 2 PM may have variable molecular architectures determined by different peritrophins and/or ancillary proteins, which may be partly modulated by diet.


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The rapid development of data transfer through internet made it easier to send the data accurate and faster to the destination. There are many transmission media to transfer the data to destination like e-mails; at the same time it is may be easier to modify and misuse the valuable information through hacking. So, in order to transfer the data securely to the destination without any modifications, there are many approaches like cryptography and steganography. This paper deals with the image steganography as well as with the different security issues, general overview of cryptography, steganography and digital watermarking approaches.  The problem of copyright violation of multimedia data has increased due to the enormous growth of computer networks that provides fast and error free transmission of any unauthorized duplicate and possibly manipulated copy of multimedia information. In order to be effective for copyright protection, digital watermark must be robust which are difficult to remove from the object in which they are embedded despite a variety of possible attacks. The message to be send safe and secure, we use watermarking. We use invisible watermarking to embed the message using LSB (Least Significant Bit) steganographic technique. The standard LSB technique embed the message in every pixel, but my contribution for this proposed watermarking, works with the hint for embedding the message only on the image edges alone. If the hacker knows that the system uses LSB technique also, it cannot decrypt correct message. To make my system robust and secure, we added cryptography algorithm as Vigenere square. Whereas the message is transmitted in cipher text and its added advantage to the proposed system. The standard Vigenere square algorithm works with either lower case or upper case. The proposed cryptography algorithm is Vigenere square with extension of numbers also. We can keep the crypto key with combination of characters and numbers. So by using these modifications and updating in this existing algorithm and combination of cryptography and steganography method we develop a secure and strong watermarking method. Performance of this watermarking scheme has been analyzed by evaluating the robustness of the algorithm with PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and MSE (Mean Square Error) against the quality of the image for large amount of data. While coming to see results of the proposed encryption, higher value of 89dB of PSNR with small value of MSE is 0.0017. Then it seems the proposed watermarking system is secure and robust for hiding secure information in any digital system, because this system collect the properties of both steganography and cryptography sciences.