940 resultados para teachers educators kindergarten - power relationships conflict - established and outsiders


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The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.


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Como en otras regiones argentinas, la zona rural de Córdoba no estuvo habitada sólo por propieta-rios, esclavos y peones. Hubo otros pobladores menos visibles y que sólo aparecen en los documentos producidos por otros protagonistas. Nuestro objetivo fue visualizar y analizar, en el diverso mundo rural cordobés, las relaciones de poder, dependencia y cooperación que se producen entre los actores. Se utilizaron cuatro indicadores principales: los contratos rurales, las relaciones entre amos y esclavos, los litigios en torno a la propiedad de la tierra y las relaciones de parentesco y proximidad. Se pudo observar una complicada trama de relaciones de tensión, poder, dependencia, cooperación, reconocimiento y protección que caracterizan las formas esenciales del régimen social vigente


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Como en otras regiones argentinas, la zona rural de Córdoba no estuvo habitada sólo por propieta-rios, esclavos y peones. Hubo otros pobladores menos visibles y que sólo aparecen en los documentos producidos por otros protagonistas. Nuestro objetivo fue visualizar y analizar, en el diverso mundo rural cordobés, las relaciones de poder, dependencia y cooperación que se producen entre los actores. Se utilizaron cuatro indicadores principales: los contratos rurales, las relaciones entre amos y esclavos, los litigios en torno a la propiedad de la tierra y las relaciones de parentesco y proximidad. Se pudo observar una complicada trama de relaciones de tensión, poder, dependencia, cooperación, reconocimiento y protección que caracterizan las formas esenciales del régimen social vigente


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The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.


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Como en otras regiones argentinas, la zona rural de Córdoba no estuvo habitada sólo por propieta-rios, esclavos y peones. Hubo otros pobladores menos visibles y que sólo aparecen en los documentos producidos por otros protagonistas. Nuestro objetivo fue visualizar y analizar, en el diverso mundo rural cordobés, las relaciones de poder, dependencia y cooperación que se producen entre los actores. Se utilizaron cuatro indicadores principales: los contratos rurales, las relaciones entre amos y esclavos, los litigios en torno a la propiedad de la tierra y las relaciones de parentesco y proximidad. Se pudo observar una complicada trama de relaciones de tensión, poder, dependencia, cooperación, reconocimiento y protección que caracterizan las formas esenciales del régimen social vigente


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The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.


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Como en otras regiones argentinas, la zona rural de Córdoba no estuvo habitada sólo por propieta-rios, esclavos y peones. Hubo otros pobladores menos visibles y que sólo aparecen en los documentos producidos por otros protagonistas. Nuestro objetivo fue visualizar y analizar, en el diverso mundo rural cordobés, las relaciones de poder, dependencia y cooperación que se producen entre los actores. Se utilizaron cuatro indicadores principales: los contratos rurales, las relaciones entre amos y esclavos, los litigios en torno a la propiedad de la tierra y las relaciones de parentesco y proximidad. Se pudo observar una complicada trama de relaciones de tensión, poder, dependencia, cooperación, reconocimiento y protección que caracterizan las formas esenciales del régimen social vigente


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Here we report 420 kyr long records of sediment geochemical and color variations from the southwestern Iberian Margin. We synchronized the Iberian Margin sediment record to Antarctic ice cores and speleothem records on millennial time scales and investigated the phase responses relative to orbital forcing of multiple proxy records available from these cores. Iberian Margin sediments contain strong precession power. Sediment "redness" (a* and 570-560 nm) and the ratio of long-chain alcohols to n-alkanes (C26OH/(C26OH + C29)) are highly coherent and in-phase with precession. Redder layers and more oxidizing conditions (low alcohol ratio) occur near precession minima (summer insolation maxima). We suggest these proxies respond rapidly to low-latitude insolation forcing by wind-driven processes (e.g., dust transport, upwelling, precipitation). Most Iberian Margin sediment parameters lag obliquity maxima by 7-8 ka, indicating a consistent linear response to insolation forcing at obliquity frequencies driven mainly by high-latitude processes. Although the lengths of the time series are short (420 ka) for detecting 100 kyr eccentricity cycles, the phase relationships support those obtained by Shackleton []. Antarctic temperature and the Iberian Margin alcohol ratios (C26OH/(C26OH + C29)) lead eccentricity maxima by 6 kyr, with lower ratios (increased oxygenation) occurring at eccentricity maxima. CO2, CH4, and Iberian SST are nearly in phase with eccentricity, and minimum ice volume (as inferred from Pacific d18Oseawater) lags eccentricity maxima by 10 kyr. The phase relationships derived in this study continue to support a potential role of the Earth's carbon cycle in contributing to the 100 kyr cycle.


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Sorption of volatile hydrocarbon gases (VHCs) to marine sediments is a recognized phenomenon that has been investigated in the context of petroleum exploration. However, little is known about the biogeochemistry of sorbed methane and higher VHCs in environments that are not influenced by thermogenic processes. This study evaluated two different extraction protocols for sorbed VHCs, used high pressure equipment to investigate the sorption of methane to pure clay mineral phases, and conducted a geochemical and mineralogical survey of sediment samples from different oceanographic settings and geochemical regimes that are not significantly influenced by thermogenic gas. Extraction of sediments under alkaline conditions yielded higher concentrations of sorbed methane than the established protocol for acidic extraction. Application of alkaline extraction in the environmental survey revealed the presence of substantial amounts of sorbed methane in 374 out of 411 samples (91%). Particularly high amounts, up to 2.1 mmol kg**-1 dry sediment, were recovered from methanogenic sediments. Carbon isotopic compositions of sorbed methane suggested substantial contributions from biogenic sources, both in sulfate-depleted and sulfate-reducing sediments. Carbon isotopic relationships between sorbed and dissolved methane indicate a coupling of the two pools. While our sorption experiments and extraction conditions point to an important role for clay minerals as sorbents, mineralogical analyses of marine sediments suggest that variations in mineral composition are not controlling variations in quantities of sorbed methane. We conclude that the distribution of sorbed methane in sediments is strongly influenced by in situ production.


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This paper examines factors that encourage firms to go into supply chain collaborations (SCC) and relationships between SCC and supply chain performances (SCP), using a questionnaire survey on Thai automotive and electronics industries in 2012. OLS regression results show firms established supplier evaluation and audit system, system of rewards for high-performance supplier and long-term transactions with their supply chain partners under a competitive pressure are more closely cooperate with these partners on information sharing and decision synchronization. Instrumental variables regression indicates SCC arisen from competitive pressure, supplier evaluation and audit, a system of rewards for high-performance supplier and long-term relationship causally influence SCP such as on-time delivery, responsiveness to fast procurement, flexibility to customer need, and profit.