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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: One of the seven key scientific priorities identified in the road map on HIV cure research is to 'determine the host mechanisms that control HIV replication in the absence of therapy'. This review summarizes the recent work in genomics and in epigenetic control of viral replication that is relevant for this mission. RECENT FINDINGS: New technologies allow the joint analysis of host and viral transcripts. They identify the patterns of antisense transcription of the viral genome and its role in gene regulation. High-throughput studies facilitate the assessment of integration at the genome scale. Integration site, orientation and host genomic context modulate the transcription and should also be assessed at the level of single cells. The various models of latency in primary cells can be followed using dynamic study designs to acquire transcriptome and proteome data of the process of entry, maintenance and reactivation of latency. Dynamic studies can be applied to the study of transcription factors and chromatin modifications in latency and upon reactivation. SUMMARY: The convergence of primary cell models of latency, new high-throughput quantitative technologies applied to the study of time series and the identification of compounds that reactivate viral transcription bring unprecedented precision to the study of viral latency.


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Summary Aims.-To explore whether fatigue-induced changes in spring-mass behavior during a 5000m self-paced run varied according to the runner's training status. Methods and results.-Six highly- and six well-trained triathletes completed a 5000m time trial. Running velocity and vertical stiffness decreased significantly (P < 0.05) with fatigue, whereas leg stiffness remained constant. None of these parameters displayed a significant interaction between fatigue and training status, despite vertical stiffness being higher (P < 0.05) in highly-trained triathletes. Conclusions.-During a 5000m self-paced run, impairments in leg-spring behavior that occur with fatigue are not affected by athletes' training status. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Objectifs.-Étudier, chez des athlètes de niveaux différents, les modifications de raideur mécanique liées à l'apparition de la fatigue lors d'une course de 5000 m. Synthèse des faits.-Six triathlètes très entraînés et six autres bien entraînés ont réalisé une course de 5000 m. La vitesse de course et la raideur verticale diminuaient significativement (p < 0,05) avec la fatigue, alors que la raideur de la jambe demeurait inchangée. Aucune interaction entre la fatigue et le niveau d'entraînement n'a été détectée, malgré des niveaux de raideur verticale plus élevés (p < 0,05) chez les sujets les mieux entraînés.


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BACKGROUND: The increasing use of erythropoietins with long half-lives and the tendency to lengthen the administration interval to monthly injections call for raising awareness on the pharmacokinetics and risks of new erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA). Their pharmacodynamic complexity and individual variability limit the possibility of attaining comprehensive clinical experience. In order to help physicians acquiring prescription abilities, we have built a prescription computer model to be used both as a simulator and education tool. METHODS: The pharmacokinetic computer model was developed using Visual Basic on Excel and tested with 3 different ESA half-lives (24, 48 and 138 hours) and 2 administration intervals (weekly vs. monthly). Two groups of 25 nephrologists were exposed to the six randomised combinations of half-life and administration interval. They were asked to achieve and maintain, as precisely as possible, the haemoglobin target of 11-12 g/dL in a simulated naïve patient. Each simulation was repeated twice, with or without randomly generated bleeding episodes. RESULTS: The simulation using an ESA with a half-life of 138 hours, administered monthly, compared to the other combinations of half-lives and administration intervals, showed an overshooting tendency (percentages of Hb values > 13 g/dL 15.8 ± 18.3 vs. 6.9 ± 12.2; P < 0.01), which was quickly corrected with experience. The prescription ability appeared to be optimal with a 24 hour half-life and weekly administration (ability score indexing values in the target 1.52 ± 0.70 vs. 1.24 ± 0.37; P < 0.05). The monthly prescription interval, as suggested in the literature, was accompanied by less therapeutic adjustments (4.9 ± 2.2 vs. 8.2 ± 4.9; P < 0.001); a direct correlation between haemoglobin variability and number of therapy modifications was found (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Computer-based simulations can be a useful tool for improving ESA prescription abilities among nephrologists by raising awareness about the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the various ESAs and recognizing the factors that influence haemoglobin variability.


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Summary The specific CD8+ T cell immune response against tumors relies on the recognition by the T cell receptor (TCR) on cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) of antigenic peptides bound to the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Such tumor associated antigenic peptides are the focus of tumor immunotherapy with peptide vaccines. The strategy for obtaining an improved immune response often involves the design of modified tumor associated antigenic peptides. Such modifications aim at creating higher affinity and/or degradation resistant peptides and require precise structures of the peptide-MHC class I complex. In addition, the modified peptide must be cross-recognized by CTLs specific for the parental peptide, i.e. preserve the structure of the epitope. Detailed structural information on the modified peptide in complex with MHC is necessary for such predictions. In this thesis, the main focus is the development of theoretical in silico methods for prediction of both structure and cross-reactivity of peptide-MHC class I complexes. Applications of these methods in the context of immunotherapy are also presented. First, a theoretical method for structure prediction of peptide-MHC class I complexes is developed and validated. The approach is based on a molecular dynamics protocol to sample the conformational space of the peptide in its MHC environment. The sampled conformers are evaluated using conformational free energy calculations. The method, which is evaluated for its ability to reproduce 41 X-ray crystallographic structures of different peptide-MHC class I complexes, shows an overall prediction success of 83%. Importantly, in the clinically highly relevant subset of peptide-HLAA*0201 complexes, the prediction success is 100%. Based on these structure predictions, a theoretical approach for prediction of cross-reactivity is developed and validated. This method involves the generation of quantitative structure-activity relationships using three-dimensional molecular descriptors and a genetic neural network. The generated relationships are highly predictive as proved by high cross-validated correlation coefficients (0.78-0.79). Together, the here developed theoretical methods open the door for efficient rational design of improved peptides to be used in immunotherapy. Résumé La réponse immunitaire spécifique contre des tumeurs dépend de la reconnaissance par les récepteurs des cellules T CD8+ de peptides antigéniques présentés par les complexes majeurs d'histocompatibilité (CMH) de classe I. Ces peptides sont utilisés comme cible dans l'immunothérapie par vaccins peptidiques. Afin d'augmenter la réponse immunitaire, les peptides sont modifiés de façon à améliorer l'affinité et/ou la résistance à la dégradation. Ceci nécessite de connaître la structure tridimensionnelle des complexes peptide-CMH. De plus, les peptides modifiés doivent être reconnus par des cellules T spécifiques du peptide natif. La structure de l'épitope doit donc être préservée et des structures détaillées des complexes peptide-CMH sont nécessaires. Dans cette thèse, le thème central est le développement des méthodes computationnelles de prédiction des structures des complexes peptide-CMH classe I et de la reconnaissance croisée. Des applications de ces méthodes de prédiction à l'immunothérapie sont également présentées. Premièrement, une méthode théorique de prédiction des structures des complexes peptide-CMH classe I est développée et validée. Cette méthode est basée sur un échantillonnage de l'espace conformationnel du peptide dans le contexte du récepteur CMH classe I par dynamique moléculaire. Les conformations sont évaluées par leurs énergies libres conformationnelles. La méthode est validée par sa capacité à reproduire 41 structures des complexes peptide-CMH classe I obtenues par cristallographie aux rayons X. Le succès prédictif général est de 83%. Pour le sous-groupe HLA-A*0201 de complexes de grande importance pour l'immunothérapie, ce succès est de 100%. Deuxièmement, à partir de ces structures prédites in silico, une méthode théorique de prédiction de la reconnaissance croisée est développée et validée. Celle-ci consiste à générer des relations structure-activité quantitatives en utilisant des descripteurs moléculaires tridimensionnels et un réseau de neurones couplé à un algorithme génétique. Les relations générées montrent une capacité de prédiction remarquable avec des valeurs de coefficients de corrélation de validation croisée élevées (0.78-0.79). Les méthodes théoriques développées dans le cadre de cette thèse ouvrent la voie du design de vaccins peptidiques améliorés.


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OBJECTIVE: Motor changes in major depression (MD) may represent potential markers of treatment response. Physiological rhythms (heart rate/gait cycle/hand movements) have been recently shown to be neither random nor regular but to display a fractal temporal organisation, possibly reflecting a unique central "internal clock" control. Sleep and mood circadian rhythm modifications observed in MD also suggest a role for this "internal clock". We set out to examine the fractal pattern of motor activity in MD. METHODS: Ten depressed patients (46±20 years) and ten age- and gender-matched healthy controls (48±21 years) underwent a 6-h ambulatory monitoring of spontaneous hand activity with a validated wireless device. Fractal scaling exponent (α) was analysed. An α value close to 1 means the pattern is fractal. RESULTS: Healthy controls displayed a fractal pattern of spontaneous motor hand activity (α: 1.0±0.1), whereas depressed patients showed an alteration of that pattern (α:1.2±0.15, p<0.01), towards a smoother organisation. CONCLUSION: The alteration of fractal pattern of hand activity by depression further supports the role of a central internal clock in the temporal organisation of movements. This novel way of studying motor changes in depression might have an important role in the detection of endophenotypes and potential predictors of treatment response.


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INTRODUCTION: The International Neuromodulation Society (INS) has determined that there is a need for guidance regarding safety and risk reduction for implantable neurostimulation devices. The INS convened an international committee of experts in the field to explore the evidence and clinical experience regarding safety, risks, and steps to risk reduction to improve outcomes. METHODS: The Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) reviewed the world literature in English by searching MEDLINE, PubMed, and Google Scholar to evaluate the evidence for ways to reduce risks of neurostimulation therapies. This evidence, obtained from the relevant literature, and clinical experience obtained from the convened consensus panel were used to make final recommendations on improving safety and reducing risks. RESULTS: The NACC determined that the ability to reduce risk associated with the use of neurostimulation devices is a valuable goal and possible with best practice. The NACC has recommended several practice modifications that will lead to improved care. The NACC also sets out the minimum training standards necessary to become an implanting physician. CONCLUSIONS: The NACC has identified the possibility of improving patient care and safety through practice modification. We recommend that all implanting physicians review this guidance and consider adapting their practice accordingly.


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Eukaryotic transcription is tightly regulated by transcriptional regulatory elements, even though these elements may be located far away from their target genes. It is now widely recognized that these regulatory elements can be brought in close proximity through the formation of chromatin loops, and that these loops are crucial for transcriptional regulation of their target genes. The chromosome conformation capture (3C) technique presents a snapshot of long-range interactions, by fixing physically interacting elements with formaldehyde, digestion of the DNA, and ligation to obtain a library of unique ligation products. Recently, several large-scale modifications to the 3C technique have been presented. Here, we describe chromosome conformation capture sequencing (4C-seq), a high-throughput version of the 3C technique that combines the 3C-on-chip (4C) protocol with next-generation Illumina sequencing. The method is presented for use in mammalian cell lines, but can be adapted to use in mammalian tissues and any other eukaryotic genome.


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Purpose:Lentiviral vectors are among the most efficient gene transfer tools for both dividing and non dividing cells, including pigmented epithelial cells of the retina. One of the latest developments in the field, which represents a significant advance in biosafety, consists in the use of non integrative lentiviral vectors (NILVs). These newly described tools were already shown to be efficient in various tissues, such as the retina. They allow prolonged transgene expression as long as the transduced cells do not divide or divide slowly. However, they were also shown to induce transgene expression less efficiently than their integrative counterparts. Further investigations are thus needed to improve their potential. To this aim, different strategies are under evaluation. In this study, we focused on using different integrase mutations. Methods:We considered different integrase mutations, including modifications in the catalytic site and in the C-terminal domain of the enzyme. Lentiviral vectors bearing these mutant integrases and allowing expression of various transgenes were produced and characterized in vitro and in vivo. In particular, we evaluated their transgene expression capability. Influence of integrase mutation on the residual integration activity was also investigated. Results:In line with the fact that the lentiviral integrase is involved in several steps of the replication cycle of lentiviruses, we observed that integrase mutations can modify lentiviral vector features, resulting in different transduction efficiencies as well as modulation of the integration activity. Conclusions:NILVs appear as suitable tools for gene transfer in the retina, particularly to transduce RPE cells. They can be advantageously used, for instance, to develop neuroprotective strategies aimed at rescuing photoreceptors from death in various retinal diseases.


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We demonstrate that thickness, optical constants, and details of the multilayer stack, together with the detection setting, strongly influence the photoluminescence spectra of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2. Due to multiple reflections of the visible light against the opaque silicon substrate, an interference pattern is built inside the oxide layer, which is responsible for the modifications in the measured spectra. This interference effect is complicated by the depth dependence of (i) the intensity of the excitation laser and (ii) the concentration of the emitting nanocrystals. These variations can give rise to apparent features in the recorded spectra, such as peak shifts, satellite shoulders, and even splittings, which can be mistaken as intrinsic material features. Thus, they can give rise to an erroneous attribution of optical bands or estimate of the average particle size, while they are only optical-geometrical artifacts. We have analyzed these effects as a function of material composition (Si excess fraction) and thickness, and also evaluated how the geometry of the detection setup affects the measurements. To correct the experimental photoluminescence spectra and extract the true spectral shape of the emission from Si nanocrystals, we have developed an algorithm based on a modulation function, which depends on both the multilayer sequence and the experimental configuration. This procedure can be easily extended to other heterogeneous systems.


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RESUME: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse Les canaux sodiques ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) participent à la signalisation neuronale dans les systèmes nerveux périphérique et central. Ces canaux non voltage dépendants sont impliqués dans l'apprentissage, l'expression de la peur, la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et la douleur. Les bases moléculaires sous-tendant leur activité ne sont pas encore totalement comprises. Ces canaux sont activés par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire et régulés, entre autres, par des ions tels que le Ca2+, le Zn2+ et le CI". La cristallisation de ASIC inactivé a été publiée. Le canal est un trimére de sous-unités identiques ou homologues. Chaque sous-unité a été décrite en analogie à un avant bras, un poignet et une main constituée d'un pouce, d'un doigt, d'une articulation, une boule β et une paume. Nous avons appliqué une approche bioinformatique systématique pour identifier les pH senseurs putatifs de ASICIa. Le rôle des pH senseurs putatifs a été testé par mutagénèse dirigée et des modifications chimiques combinées à une analyse fonctionnelle afin de comprendre comment les variations de ρ H ouvrent ces canaux. Les pH senseurs sont des acides aspartiques et glutamiques éparpillés sur la boucle extracellulaire suggérant que les changements de pH contrôlent l'activation et l'inactivation de ASIC en (dé)protonant ces résidus en divers endroits de la protéine. Par exemple lors de l'activation, la protonation des résidus à l'interface entre le pouce, la boule β et le doigt d'une même sous-unité induit un mouvement du pouce vers la bouie β et le doigt. De même lors de l'inactivation du canal les paumes des trois sous-unités formant une cavité se rapprochent. D'après notre approche bioinformatique, aucune histidine n'est impliquée dans la détection des variations de pH extracellulaire c'est-à-dire qu'aucune histidine ne serait un pH-senseur. Deux histidines de ASIC2a lient le Zn2+ et modifient l'affinité apparente du canal pour les protons. Une seule des deux est conservée parmi tous les ASICs, hASICIa H163. Elle forme un réseau de liaison hydrogène avec ses voisins conservés. L'étude détaillée de ce domaine, Pinterzone, montre son importance dans l'expression fonctionnelle des canaux. La perturbation de ce réseau par l'introduction d'un résidu hydrophobe (cystéine) par mutagénèse dirigée diminue l'expression du canal à la membrane plasmique. La modification des cystéines introduites par des réactifs spécifiques aux groupements sulfhydryle inhibe les canaux mutés en diminuant leur probabilité d'ouverture. Ces travaux décrivent les effets de l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire sur les canaux ASICs. ABSTRACT: Study of pH-dependent activation and inactivation of ASIC channels Benoîte BARGETON, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1G05 Lausanne, Switzerland The ASIC (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) sodium channels are involved in neuronal signaling in the central and peripheral nervous system. These non-voltage-gated channels are involved in learning, the expression of fear, neurodegeneration after ischemia and pain sensation. The molecular bases underlying their activity are not yet fully understood. ASICs are activated by extracellular acidification and regulated, eg by ions such as Ca2+, the Zn2+ and CI". The crystallization of inactivated ASIC has been published. The channel is a trimer of identical or homologous subunits. Each subunit has been described in analogy to a forearm, wrist and hand consisting of a thumb, a finger, a knuckle, a β-ball and a palm. We applied a systematic computational approach to identify putative pH sensor(s) of ASICIa. The role of putative pH sensors has been tested by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification combined with functional analysis in order to understand how changes in pH open these channels. The pH sensors are aspartic and glutamic acids distributed throughout the extracellular loop, suggesting that changes in pH control activation and inactivation of ASIC by protonation / deprotonation of many residues in different parts of the protein. During activation the protonation of various residues at the interface between the finger, the thumb and the β-ball induces the movement of the thumb toward the finger and the β-ball. During inactivation of the channel the palms of the three subunits forming a cavity approach each other. No histidine has been shown to be involved in extracellular pH changes detection, i.e. no histidine is a pH- sensor. Two histidines of ASIC2 bind Zn2+ and alter the apparent affinity of channel for protons. Only one of the two His is conserved among all ASICs, hASICIa H163. This residue is part of a network of hydrogen bonding with its conserved neighbors. The detailed study of this area, the interzone, shows its importance in the functional expression of ASICs. Disturbance of this network by the introduction of hydrophobic residues decreases the cell surface channel expression. Chemical modification of the introduced cysteines by thiol reactive compounds inhibits the mutated channels by a reduction of their open probability. These studies describe the effects of extracellular acidification on ASICs. RESUME GRAND PUBLIC: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse La transmission synaptique est un processus chimique entre deux neurones impliquant des neurotransmetteurs et leurs récepteurs. Un dysfonctionnement de certains types de synapses est à l'origine de beaucoup de troubles nerveux, tels que certaine forme d'épilepsie et de l'attention. Les récepteurs des neurotransmetteurs sont de très bonnes cibles thérapeutiques dans de nombreuses neuropathologies. Les canaux ASICs sont impliqués dans la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et les bloquer pourraient permettre aux patients d'avoir moins de séquelles. Les canaux ASICs sont des détecteurs de l'acidité qui apparaît lors de situations pathologiques comme l'ischémie et l'inflammation. Ces canaux sont également impliqués dans des douleurs. Cibler spécifiquement ces canaux permettrait d'avoir de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques car à l'heure actuelle l'inhibiteur de choix, l'amiloride, bloque beaucoup d'autres canaux empêchant son utilisation pour bloquer les ASICs. C'est pourquoi il faut connaître et comprendre les bases moléculaires du fonctionnement de ces récepteurs. Les ASICs formés de trois sous-unités détectent les variations de l'acidité puis s'ouvrent transitoirement pour laisser entrer des ions chargés positivement dans la cellule ce qui active la signalisation neuronale. Afin de comprendre les bases moléculaires de l'activité des ASICs nous avons déterminé les sites de liaison des protons (pH-senseurs), ligands naturels des ASICs et décrit une zone importante pour l'expression fonctionnelle de ces canaux. Grâce à une validation systématique de résultats obtenus en collaboration avec l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, nous avons décrit les pH-senseurs de ASICIa. Ces résultats, combinés à ceux d'autres groupes de recherche, nous ont permis de mieux comprendre comment les ASICs sont ouverts par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire. Une seconde étude souligne le rôle structural crucial d'une région conservée parmi tous les canaux ASICs : y toucher c'est diminuer l'activité de la protéine. Ce domaine permet l'harmonisation des changements dus à l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire au sein d'une même sous-unité c'est-à-dire qu'elle participe à l'induction de l'inactivation due à l'activation du canal Cette étude décrit donc quelle région de la protéine atteindre pour la bloquer efficacement en faisant une cible thérapeutique de choix.


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The system of no-till sowing stands out as being a technology that suits the objectives of more rational use of the soil and greater protection against the erosion. However, through till, any of it, occurs modifications of the soil's structure. This current work aims to study the influence of the energy state of the water and of the organic matter on the mechanism of compaction of Red Oxisol under no-till management system. Humid and non-deformed sample were collected in horizon AP of two agricultural areas under no-till, with and without rotation of cultures. In the laboratory, these samples were broken into fragments and sifted to obtain aggregates of 4 to 5 mm sized, which were placed in equilibrium under four matrix potentials. Thereafter, they were exposed to uni-dimensional compression with pressures varying from 32 to 1,000 kPa. The results in such a way show that the highest compressibility of aggregates both for the tilling with rotation of cultures as for the tilling without rotation of cultures, occurred for matrix potential -32 kPa (humidity of 0.29-0.32 kg kg-1, respectively), while the minor occurred for the potentials of -1 and -1,000 kPa (humidity of 0.35 and 0.27 kg kg-1, respectively), indicating that this soil should not be worked with humidity ranging around 0.29 to 0.32 kg kg-1 and the highest reduction of volume of aggregates was obtained for the mechanical pressures lower than 600 inferior kPa, indicating that these soils showed to be very influenced by compression, when exposed to mechanical work. Also, the aggregates of soil under no-till and rotation of crops presented higher sensitivity to the compression than the aggregates of soil under no-till and without rotation of crops, possibly for having better structural conditions given to a higher content of organic matter.


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ABSTRACT Fat oxidation kinetics: effect of exercise. During graded exercise, absolute whole body fat oxidation rates increase from low to moderate intensities, and then markedly decline at high intensities, implying an exercise intensity (Fatmax) at which the fat oxidation rate is maximal (MFO). The main aim of the present work was to examine the effect of exercise on whole body fat oxidation kinetics. For this purpose, a sinusoidal mathematical model (SIN) has been developped in the first study to provide an accurate description of the shape of fat oxidation kinetics during graded exercise, represented as a function of exercise intensity, and to determine Fatmax and MFO. The SIN model incorporates three independent variables (i.e., dilatation, symmetry, and translation) that correspond to main expected modulations of the basic fat oxidation curve because of factors such as mode of exercise or training status. The results of study 1 showed that the SIN model was a valuable tool to determine Fatmax and MFO, and to precisely characterize and quantify the different shape of fat oxidation kinetics through its three variables. The effectiveness of the SIN model to detect differences in fat oxidation kinetics induced by a specific factor was then confirmed in the second study, which quantitatively described and compared fat oxidation kinetics in two different popular modes of exercise: running and cycling. It was found that the mean fat oxidation kinetics during running was characterized by a greater dilatation and a rightward asymmetry compared with the symmetric parabolic curve in cycling. In the two subsequent studies, the effect of a prior endurance exercise of different intensities and durations on whole body fat oxidation kinetics was examined. Study 3 determined the impact of a 1-h continuous exercise bout at an exercise intensity corresponding to Fatmax on fat oxidation kinetics during a subsequent graded test, while study 4 investigated the effect of an exercise leading to a more pronounced muscle glycogen depletion. The results of these two latter studies showed that fat oxidation rates, MFO, and Fatmax were enhanced following endurance exercise, but were increased to a greater extent with a more severe mucle glycogen depletion, inducing therefore modifications in the postexercise fat oxidation kinetics (i.e., greater dilatation and rightward asymmetry). In perspective, further studies have been suggested 1) to assess physiological meaning of the three independent variables of the SIN model; and 2) to compare the effect of two different training programs on fat oxidation kinetics in obese subjects.


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Résumé de l'article L'hypovitaminose D3 est bien connue et courante chez la population âgée en Occident. Toutefois, elle est probablement sous-diagnostiquée chez les jeunes femmes immigrantes, bien qu'elle soit bien documentée, principalement en Angleterre dans la population Indo-Pakistanaise. Lorsque ce déficit est diagnostiqué, le traitement substitutif est simple et bon marché. Nous avons suspecté une haute prévalence chez de jeunes femmes requérantes d'asile, surtout chez celles provenant de cultures différant quant à l'exposition solaire et la diète. Nous publions donc une série de 11 cas de patientes avec une hypovitaminose D symptomatique issues de la consultation générale de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire. Toutes les patientes présentaient une anamnèse d'une faible exposition solaire et de douleurs osseuses diffuses, d'une fatigue, d'une faiblesse musculaire ou des modifications de la marche. Toutefois, les premiers diagnostics évoqués par les médecins étaient une possible somatisation (3 patientes), des douleurs dorso-lombaires chroniques (4 patientes) et des symptômes somatiques multiples et inexpliqués (3 patientes). Le diagnostic a été posé d'emblée chez une patiente seulement. La durée moyenne des plaintes avant la pose du diagnostic était de 38 mois et 5 jours. Avec le traitement de cholecalciférol et de calcium, les symptômes disparaissaient entre 1 et 3 mois, chez une patiente ils ont duré sept mois. Le taux moyen de 250H vitamine D3 était de 10.9 nmol/l (IR 21-131). Le taux moyen de calcium était de 2.19 mmol/l (2.15-2.55) et quatre patientes présentaient une hypocalcémie. Nous pensons donc que les femmes requérantes d'asile sont à risque d'une durée prolongée de symptômes, de part la possible haute prévalence de cette condition et la difficulté chez les médecins à la reconnaître. Le diagnostic d'hypovitaminose devrait être recherché chez les femmes requérantes d'asile souffrant de douleurs musculo-squelettiques de longue durée. Le premier diagnostic souvent évoqué, dans un contexte psychosocial souvent difficile, était de l'ordre d'un trouble somatoforme douloureux ou de somatisations. Toutefois, les douleurs liées à l'hypovitaminose D3 sont relativement bien définies ; elles sont symétriques, osseuses, débutent souvent dans la région lombaire pour ensuite s'étendre au bassin, aux membres inférieures proximalement et à la cage thoracique. Le traitement substitutif est simple, peu onéreux et il serait judicieux d'initier d'autres études pour évaluer le besoin d'une substitution de routine dans la population présentée. Abstract: Deficiency of vitamin D, which can lead to osteomalacia, is common in elderly patients in Western countries. However, it is still widely underdiagnosed in young immigrant women, even though the condition has been extensively reported in the immigrant Indo- Asian population in the United Kingdom since the 1960s. A recent study reports an average 59 months before diagnosis was established, and another study found a prevalence of 78% of hypovitaminosis D3 (compared with 58% in controls) in an Indo-Asian population attending a UK rheumatology clinic. When recognised, hypovitaminosis D3 is easily treatable. A study on osteomalacic myopathy in veiled Arabic women in Denmark found that muscle strength returned to normal (except in maximal voluntary con-traction) after six months' treatment. We expected to see this disease in female asylum seekers, especially in those from societies with different customs regarding exposure to sunlight and diet We report 11 cases of symptomatic hypovitaminosis D3 in female asylum seekers (table 1). We focus on the pathology encountered by the primary care doctors caring for these 11 patients, the length of time between the appearance of symptoms, and the establishment of the diagnosis of hypovitaminosis D3 as well as the women's response to treatment by the improvement of a wide range of clinical symptoms-bone pain, muscular weakness, and fatigue.


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Different management systems tend to modify soil structure and porosity over the years. The aim of this study was to study modifications in the morphostructure and porosity of dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol) under conventional tillage and no-tillage over a 31- year period. The study began with the description of soil profiles based on the cropping profile method, to identify the most compact structures, define sample collection points for physical and chemical analysis, and determine the water retention curve. A forest soil profile was described and used as reference. The results showed that, under conventional tillage, the microaggregate structure of the Oxisol was fragmented between 0 and 0.20 m, and compact (bulk density = 1.52 Mg m-3) in the sub-surface layer between 0.20 and 0.50 m. Under no-tillage, the structure became compacted (bulk density = 1.40 Mg m-3) between 0 and 0.60 m, but contained fissures and biopores. The volume of the class with a pore diameter of > 100 µm under no-tillage was limited, but practically non-existent in the conventional management system. On the other hand, the classes with a pore diameter of < 100 µm were not affected by the type of soil management system.


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This contribution builds upon a former paper by the authors (Lipps and Betz 2004), in which a stochastic population projection for East- and West Germany is performed. Aim was to forecast relevant population parameters and their distribution in a consistent way. We now present some modifications, which have been modelled since. First, population parameters for the entire German population are modelled. In order to overcome the modelling problem of the structural break in the East during reunification, we show that the adaptation process of the relevant figures by the East can be considered to be completed by now. As a consequence, German parameters can be modelled just by using the West German historic patterns, with the start-off population of entire Germany. Second, a new model to simulate age specific fertility rates is presented, based on a quadratic spline approach. This offers a higher flexibility to model various age specific fertility curves. The simulation results are compared with the scenario based official forecasts for Germany in 2050. Exemplary for some population parameters (e.g. dependency ratio), it can be shown that the range spanned by the medium and extreme variants correspond to the s-intervals in the stochastic framework. It seems therefore more appropriate to treat this range as a s-interval covering about two thirds of the true distribution.