939 resultados para subglottic stenosis
La calcification de la valve aortique (CVA) est une maladie cardiovasculaire de plus en plus répandue, particulièrement en Amérique du Nord. Elle cause le rétrécissement de la valve aortique et le seul traitement actuellement disponible est le remplacement chirurgical. Des études menées par le Dr Patrick Mathieu (Institut de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec) ont montré qu’une surexpression d’une ectonucléotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiestérase de type 1 (ENPP1) est à l’origine de cette sténose. Une solution à cette maladie serait donc de trouver un inhibiteur d’ENPP1. Inspirées des travaux du groupe de Pfizer visant ENPP1 pour le traitement de la chondrocalcinose articulaire et l’ostéoarthrite, quelques familles d’inhibiteurs de type quinazoline-4-pipéridine sulfamides (QPS) ont été synthétisés et testées in vitro. Une étude en modélisation moléculaire sur le site potentiel de liaison des inhibiteurs sur ENPP1 est en cours, en collaboration avec le Pr Patrick Lagüe (Université Laval, Département de biochimie, microbiologie et bio-informatique) et son équipe pour optimiser le design de la structure des composés. Les composés d’une des familles, les QPS-pyrimidine, ont été testés in vitro sur quelques lignées cellulaires cancéreuses (HT-1080, HT-29, M21 et MCF-7) pour mesurer leur activité antiproliférative. Ces composés ont une inhibition de croissance médiane (IC50) de l’ordre du micromolaire et représentent donc un point de départ intéressant pour la mise au point de nouveaux traitements anticancéreux.
Introduccion: El canal lumbar estrecho es un motivo de consulta frecuente en el servicio de columna de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Derivado del tratamiento quirurgico se pueden generar múltiples complicaciones, entre las que se encuentra la transfusión sanguínea. Objetivo: Identificar los factores sociodemográficos, antecedentes personales y factores quirúrgicos asociados a transfusión sanguínea en cirugía canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá 2003- 2013. Materiales y métodos: Se aplicó en diseño de estudio observacional analítico transversal. Se incluyeron 367 pacientes sometidos a cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho a quienes se les analizaron variables de antecedentes personales, características sociodemograficas y factores quirúrgicos. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 57 años y la mayoría de pacientes fueron mujeres (55,6%). La mediana del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) fue de 24,9 clasificado como normal. Entre los antecedentes patológicos, la hipertensión arterial fue el más común (37,3%). La mayoría de pacientes (59,1%) presentaron clasificación ASA de II. El tipo de cirugía más prevalente fue el de descompresión (55,6%). En el 79,8% de los pacientes se intervinieron 2 niveles. Se realizó transfusión de glóbulos rojos en 26 pacientes correspondiente a 7,1% del total. En la mayoría de procedimientos quirúrgicos (42,5%) el sangrado fue clasificado como moderado (50-500 ml). En el modelo explicativo transfusión sanguínea en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho se incluyen: antecedente de cardiopatía (OR 4,68, P 0,034, IC 1,12 – 19,44), Sangrado intraoperatorio >500ml (OR 6,74, p 0,001, 2,09 – 21,74) y >2 niveles intervenidos (OR 3,97, p 0,023, IC 1,20 – 13,09). Conclusión: Como factores asociados a la transfusión sanguínea en el manejo quirúrgico del canal lumbar estrecho a partir de la experiencia de 10 años en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá se encontraron: enfermedad cardiaca, sangrado intraoperatorio mayor de 500ml y más de dos niveles intervenidos.
"Con la implementación estandarizada de la ecografía uretral se pretende tener un efecto directo en el diagnóstico oportuno, no invasivo y sin complicaciones inherentes a la instrumentación del tracto urinario bajo en los pacientes que padecen de estenosis uretral; que finalmente redundará en disminución de costos a corto y largo plazo gracias a la eliminación de estudios innecesarios y procedimientos terapéuticos infructuosos, beneficiando al paciente y al sistema de salud vigente en nuestro medio. Los sujetos con estenosis uretrales complejas podrían ser diagnosticados de manera rápida, sencilla y minimamente invasiva sin importar la localización de la anomalía y su complejidad". (Extracto de la introducción)
The functional and structural performance of a 5 cm synthetic small diameter vascular graft (SDVG) produced by the copolymerization of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel with low molecular weight dextran (PVA/Dx graft) associated to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-based therapies and anticoagulant treatment with heparin, clopidogrel and warfarin was tested using the ovine model during the healing period of 24 weeks. The results were compared to the ones obtained with standard expanded polyetetrafluoroethylene grafts (ePTFE graft). Blood flow, vessel and graft diameter measurements, graft appearance and patency rate (PR), thrombus, stenosis and collateral vessel formation were evaluated by B-mode ultrasound, audio and color flow Doppler. Graft and regenerated vessels morphologic evaluation was performed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. All PVA/Dx grafts could maintain a similar or higher PR and systolic / diastolic laminar blood flow velocities were similar to ePTFE grafts. CD14 (macrophages) and α-actin (smooth muscle) staining presented similar results in PVA/Dx/MSCs and ePTFE graft groups. Fibrosis layer was lower and endothelial cells were only detected at graft-artery transitions where it was added the MSCs. In conclusion, PVA/Dx graft can be an excellent scaffold candidate for vascular reconstruction, including clinic mechanically challenging applications, such as SDVGs, especially when associated to MSCs-based therapies to promote higher endothelialization and lower fibrosis of the vascular prosthesis, but also higher PR values.
It is still unknown whether traditional risk factors may have a sex specific impact on the severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) and subsequent mortality in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). We identified 14 793 patients who underwent coronary angiography for acute coronary syndromes in the ISACS-TC (NCT01218776) registry from 2010 to 2019. The main outcome measure was the association between conventional risk factors and severity of CAD and its relationship with 30-day mortality. Risk ratios (RRs) and 95% CIs were calculated from the ratio of the absolute risks of women versus men using inverse probability of weighting. Severity of disease was categorized as obstructive (≥50% stenosis) versus nonobstructive CAD, specifically Ischemia and No Obstructive Coronary Artery disease (INOCA) and Myocardial Infarction with Non obstructive Coronary Arteries (MINOCA). The RR ratio for obstructive CAD in women versus men among people without diabetes mellitus was 0.49(95%CI,0.41–0.60) and among those with diabetes mellitus was 0.89(95% CI,0.62–1.29), with an interaction by diabetes mellitus status of P =0.002. Exposure to smoking shifted the RR ratios from 0.50 (95% CI, 0.41–0.61) in nonsmokers to 0.75 (95%CI, 0.54–1.03) in current smokers, with an interaction by smoking status of P=0.018. There were no significant sex-related interactions with hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Women with obstructive CAD had higher 30-day mortality rates than men (RR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.48–2.07). No sex differences in mortality were observed in patients with INOCA/MINOCA. In conclusion, obstructive CAD in women signifies a higher risk for mortality compared with men. Current smoking and diabetes mellitus disproportionally increase the risk of obstructive CAD in women. Achieving the goal of improving cardiovascular health in women still requires intensive efforts toward further implementation of lifestyle and treatment interventions.
La stenosi valvolare aortica è la più frequente patologia valvolare cardiaca nei paesi sviluppati come diretta conseguenza dell’aumentata aspettativa di vita. In Europa si stima che il numero di soggetti sintomatici per stenosi valvolare aortica aumenterà da 1.3 milioni nel 2025 a 2.1 milioni in 2050. Di conseguenza la stenosi aortica ha e avrà un forte impatto sulla salute pubblica e sui costi che ne determina, poiché spesso associata a un declino funzionale dei pazienti ed aumentata incidenza di ospedalizzazione. D’altra parte è noto che la stenosi valvolare aortica severa non trattata si associa a prognosi infausta con una sopravvivenza del 50% a 2 anni dall’insorgenza dei sintomi e del 20% a 5 anni. Ad oggi non esiste una terapia medica efficace per la stenosi valvolare aortica in quanto andando a costituire un’ostruzione meccanica, resta di competenza del cardiochirurgo o del cardiologo interventista. La sostituzione valvolare aortica, sia essa chirurgica o percutanea, resta pertanto il solo trattamento definitivo per la stenosi valvolare aortica. Nel tempo il rischio operatorio è estremamente diminuito e i vantaggi in termini di miglioramento della qualità di vita sono evidenti. Questo progetto di ricerca prevede pertanto un’analisi delle più recenti tecnologie per il trattamento chirurgico della stenosi valvolare aortica a partire dalla tipologia di approccio chirurgico, se mini-invasivo o tradizionale, fino all’utilizzo delle più recenti protesi biologiche sutureless studiandone i vantaggi, svantaggi e risultati. Prima ancora, tuttavia, saranno analizzati i meccanismi di biologia molecolare alla base dell’eziologia della stenosi aortica al fine di poter identificare precocemente i pazienti, di prevedere l’andamento della patologia e forse, in futuro, anche di ipotizzare una terapia farmacologica mirata.
Background and Objectives: Carotid revascularization to prevent future vascular events is reasonable in patients with high-grade carotid stenosis. Currently, several biomarkers to predict carotid plaque development and progression have been investigated, among which microRNAs (miRs) are promising tools for the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. Methods and Results: A total of 49 participants were included in the study, divided into two main populations: Population 1 comprising symptomatic and asymptomatic inpatients, and Population 2 comprising asymptomatic outpatients. The study consisted of two main phases: a preliminary discovery phase and a validation phase, applying different techniques. MiR-profiles were performed on plasma and plaque tissue samples obtained from 4 symptomatic and 4 asymptomatic inpatients. MiRs emerging from profiling comparisons, i.e. miR-126-5p, miR-134-5p, miR-145-5p, miR-151a-5p, miR-34b, miR-451a, miR-720 and miR-1271-5p, were subjected to validation through RT-qPCR analysis in the total cohort of donors. Comparing asymptomatic and symptomatic inpatients, significant differences were reported in the expression levels of c-miRs for miR-126-5p and miR-1271-5p in blood, being more expressed in symptomatic subjects. In contrast, simultaneous evaluation of the selected miRs in plaque tissue samples did not confirm data obtained by the miR profiling, and no significant differences were observed. Using Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis, a circulating molecular signature (mir-126-5p, miR-1271-5p, albumin, C-reactive protein, and monocytes) was identified, allowing the distinction of the two groups in Population 1 (AUC = 0.795). Conclusions: Data emerging from this thesis suggest that c-miRs (i.e. miR-126-5p, miR-1271-5p) combined with selected haemato-biochemical parameters (albumin, C-reactive protein, and monocytes) produced a good molecular 'signature' to distinguish asymptomatic and symptomatic inpatients. C-miRs in blood do not necessarily reflect the expression levels of the same miRs in carotid plaque tissues since different mechanism can influence their expression.
Scopo Confrontare il trattamento transcatetere (TAVI) balloon-expandable con il trattamento chirurgico di sostituzione valvolare aortica (AVR) della stenosi valvolare aortica severa (SVAS) nella pratica clinica real world. Materiali e metodi Nel decennio 2010-2020, 1486 pazienti con SVAS isolata sono stati sottoposti a AVR (n=1049) o TAVI balloon-expandable (n=437) presso Hesperia Hospital Modena. Sono stati analizzati la Mortality nell’intera popolazione e gli episodi di ricovero cardiovascolare nei 5 anni precedenti e durante il follow-up nella popolazione residente in Emilia Romagna (n=1196) al momento della procedura (AVR n=879, TAVI balloon-expandable n=317). Risultati La popolazione TAVI è risultata mediamente più anziana di quella AVR (età media 82.2 vs. 72.7 anni) e maggiormente gravata da comorbidità. L’In-hospital mortality è stata del 1.4% nella AVR e 2.1% nella TAVI (pNS). La sopravvivenza a 5 anni è stata del 85.74% nella AVR e del 59.45% nella TAVI, con la TAVI come fattore predittivo di All-cause mortality (HR 1.44 95%CI 1.14-1.82). La riospedalizzazione per Heart Failure a 5 anni è stata del 20.6% per AVR e 51.3% per TAVI, con dialisi preoperatoria (HR 5.67 95%CI 3.06-10.49) come principale fattore predittivo. Il tasso di All Stroke a 5 anni è stato del 3.7% nella AVR e del 7.5% nella TAVI, con fibrillazione atriale preoperatoria come principale fattore predittivo (HR 1.91 95%CI 1.06-3.45). Il tasso di angioplastica coronarica percutanea (PCI) a 5 anni è stato del 3.1% sia nella AVR che nella TAVI, con previous PCI come principale fattore predittivo (HR 4.86 95%CI 2.57-9.21). L’impianto di pacemaker a 30 giorni è stato del 2.9% nella AVR e 3.4% nella TAVI (pNS). Conclusioni Nella pratica clinica real-world 2010-2020 di un centro cardiochirurgico a medio volume, la TAVI balloon-expandable ha mostrato una eccellente performance a 30 giorni in confronto con la AVR, che invece ha evidenziato una migliore performance durante follow-up.
Objectives: To investigate the use of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) for carotid artery stenting (CAS) procedures in patients with atherosclerotic stenosis. Examine possible markers that might identify the onset of new cerebral ischemic lesions on MRI. Specifically, attention was drawn to the morphological features of the used dual layer stent, which could be underestimated during traditional CAS procedures. Secondary goals are to compare the safety and efficacy of different CAS techniques and the accuracy of the vessel analysis software’s on pre-operative CTA examination used to quantify ICA stenosis with the gold standard IVOCT. Material and Methods: Ten patients underwent CAS procedure with flow-arrest technique and IVOCT evaluations prior to and following stent deployment, while five matched patients underwent CAS procedure with distal embolic protection device (EPD) technique. All patients underwent 24-hours 3T MRI examination to check for ischemic lesions; all patients were treated with the same dual-layer stent. Results: Patients with new ischemic lesions demonstrated peculiar stent configuration in the distal end, and a strong Spearman’s rank order correlation was found among the volume of new DWI lesions and the stent configuration in its distal end (Rs: 0.81; p <0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed in the total burden of new ischemic lesions for each technique. The vessel analysis software's on CTA comparison demonstrated a higher diagnostic accuracy in the degree of ICA stenosis compared to the gold standard of IVOCT of the specialized software (ROC curve = 0.63; p = 0.06) compared to the general software (ROC curve = 0.57, p = 0.31). Conclusions: Study’s results support the use of IVOCT to allow recognition of potential features that can predict the onset of new cerebral ischemic lesions. Additionally, IVOCT made it possible to evaluate specialized software's increased accuracy in the pre-operative evaluation of ICA atherosclerotic stenosis.