975 resultados para stimulus equivalence
The set of optimal matchings in the assignment matrix allows to define a reflexive and symmetric binary relation on each side of the market, the equal-partner binary relation. The number of equivalence classes of the transitive closure of the equal-partner binary relation determines the dimension of the core of the assignment game. This result provides an easy procedure to determine the dimension of the core directly from the entries of the assignment matrix and shows that the dimension of the core is not as much determined by the number of optimal matchings as by their relative position in the assignment matrix.
This paper derives the HJB (Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman) equation for sophisticated agents in a finite horizon dynamic optimization problem with non-constant discounting in a continuous setting, by using a dynamic programming approach. A simple example is used in order to illustrate the applicability of this HJB equation, by suggesting a method for constructing the subgame perfect equilibrium solution to the problem.Conditions for the observational equivalence with an associated problem with constantdiscounting are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the case of free terminal time. Strotz¿s model (an eating cake problem of a nonrenewable resource with non-constant discounting) is revisited.
1. The blood flow, PO2, pH and PCO2 have been estimated in portal and suprahepatic veins as well as in hepatic artery of fed and overnight starved rats given an oral glucose load. From these data the net intestinal, hepatic and splanchnic balances for oxygen and bicarbonate were calculated. The oxygen consumption of the intact animal has also been measured under comparable conditions. 2. The direct utilization of oxygen balances as energy equivalents when establishing the contribution of energy metabolism of liver and intestine to the overall energy expenses of the rat, has been found to be incorrect, since it incorporates the intrinsic error of interorgan proton transfer through bicarbonate. Liver and intestine produced high net bicarbonate balances in all situations tested, implying the elimination (by means of oxidative pathways, i.e. consuming additional oxygen) of high amounts of H+ generated with bicarbonate. The equivalence in energy output of the oxygen balances was then corrected for bicarbonate production to 11-54% lower values. 3. Intestine and liver consume a high proportion of available oxygen, about one-half in basal (fed or starved) conditions and about one-third after gavage, the intestine consumption being about 15% in all situations tested and the liver decreasing its oxygen consumption with gavage.
Action representations can interact with object recognition processes. For example, so-called mirror neurons respond both when performing an action and when seeing or hearing such actions. Investigations of auditory object processing have largely focused on categorical discrimination, which begins within the initial 100 ms post-stimulus onset and subsequently engages distinct cortical networks. Whether action representations themselves contribute to auditory object recognition and the precise kinds of actions recruiting the auditory-visual mirror neuron system remain poorly understood. We applied electrical neuroimaging analyses to auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) in response to sounds of man-made objects that were further subdivided between sounds conveying a socio-functional context and typically cuing a responsive action by the listener (e.g. a ringing telephone) and those that are not linked to such a context and do not typically elicit responsive actions (e.g. notes on a piano). This distinction was validated psychophysically by a separate cohort of listeners. Beginning approximately 300 ms, responses to such context-related sounds significantly differed from context-free sounds both in the strength and topography of the electric field. This latency is >200 ms subsequent to general categorical discrimination. Additionally, such topographic differences indicate that sounds of different action sub-types engage distinct configurations of intracranial generators. Statistical analysis of source estimations identified differential activity within premotor and inferior (pre)frontal regions (Brodmann's areas (BA) 6, BA8, and BA45/46/47) in response to sounds of actions typically cuing a responsive action. We discuss our results in terms of a spatio-temporal model of auditory object processing and the interplay between semantic and action representations.
Abstract In social insects, workers perform a multitude of tasks, such as foraging, nest construction, and brood rearing, without central control of how work is allocated among individuals. It has been suggested that workers choose a task by responding to stimuli gathered from the environment. Response-threshold models assume that individuals in a colony vary in the stimulus intensity (response threshold) at which they begin to perform the corresponding task. Here we highlight the limitations of these models with respect to colony performance in task allocation. First, we show with analysis and quantitative simulations that the deterministic response-threshold model constrains the workers' behavioral flexibility under some stimulus conditions. Next, we show that the probabilistic response-threshold model fails to explain precise colony responses to varying stimuli. Both of these limitations would be detrimental to colony performance when dynamic and precise task allocation is needed. To address these problems, we propose extensions of the response-threshold model by adding variables that weigh stimuli. We test the extended response-threshold model in a foraging scenario and show in simulations that it results in an efficient task allocation. Finally, we show that response-threshold models can be formulated as artificial neural networks, which consequently provide a comprehensive framework for modeling task allocation in social insects.
Collective behaviour enhances environmental sensing and decision-making in groups of animals. Experimental and theoretical investigations of schooling fish, flocking birds and human crowds have demonstrated that simple interactions between individuals can explain emergent group dynamics. These findings indicate the existence of neural circuits that support distributed behaviours, but the molecular and cellular identities of relevant sensory pathways are unknown. Here we show that Drosophila melanogaster exhibits collective responses to an aversive odour: individual flies weakly avoid the stimulus, but groups show enhanced escape reactions. Using high-resolution behavioural tracking, computational simulations, genetic perturbations, neural silencing and optogenetic activation we demonstrate that this collective odour avoidance arises from cascades of appendage touch interactions between pairs of flies. Inter-fly touch sensing and collective behaviour require the activity of distal leg mechanosensory sensilla neurons and the mechanosensory channel NOMPC. Remarkably, through these inter-fly encounters, wild-type flies can elicit avoidance behaviour in mutant animals that cannot sense the odour--a basic form of communication. Our data highlight the unexpected importance of social context in the sensory responses of a solitary species and open the door to a neural-circuit-level understanding of collective behaviour in animal groups.
Abstract : Activation of naïve T lymphocytes is essential for the onset of an adaptive immune response against a pathogenic threat. T lymphocytes are activated through the engagement of their highly specific cell surface antigen-receptor (TCR), together with co-stimulatory receptors, by activated antigen-presenting cells that display antigenic peptide fragments from the pathogen that they have detected. Dissection of the mechanisms that modulate TCR- and co-stimulation- induced signals is therefore crucial for the understanding of the molelcular basis of adaptive immune responses. Following antigen-receptor triggering, the Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1 (CBM) proteins assemble into an oligomeric complex, which is essential for activation of the NF-κB and JNK signaling pathways in lymphocytes. In this work, by using human epithelial and lymphocytic cell lines, we identified the TNF-receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins TRAF3 and TRAF7 as new binding partners of Bcl10 and Carma1, respectively. We could show that TRAF3 is required for the proper transcriptional upregulation of IL-2 in activated T cells, and that endogenous TRAF3 is recruited to Bcl10 following TCR engagement. Although the mechanisms used by TRAF3 to modulate the transcriptional activation of the IL-2 promoter are not elucidated, the stimulus-dependent association ofTRAF3 with its direct binding partner Bcl10 suggests that TRAF3 is regulating Bcl10 function in TCR-activated lymphocytes. We also demonstrated that TRAF7 acts as a negative regulator of Carma1-induced NFκB-and AP1-dependent transcription by overexpression in 293T cells. These data suggest that TRAF7 could contribute to the negative regulation of TCR-dependent Carma1 functions. Finally, we showed that Carma1 is processed upon antigen-receptor triggering in B and T cell lines, as well as in primary human CTLs, and that this processing is dependent on the proteolytic activity of Malt1. Collectively, this work contributes to describe new proteins and regulatory mechanisms that modulate CBM-dependent functions in activated lymphocytes. Furthermore, it uncovers new tracks that could lead to a better molecular understanding of the complex interplay between the activatory and inhibitory regulators associated with the CBM complex. Résumé : L'activation des lymphocytes T naifs est une étape essentielle à la mise en place d'une réponse immunitaire adaptative pour combattre une infection. Après la détection d'un pathogène, les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes exposent à leur surface des fragments peptidiques provenant du pathogène, qui activent le récepteur à antigène (TCR) spécifique des lymphocytes T, ainsi que des molécules co-stimulatrices qui contribuent à l'activation complète des lymphocytes T. La caractérisation des mécanismes qui modulent les cascades de signaux émanant du TCR et des récepteurs de co-stimulation est essentielle à la compréhension du fonctionnement moléculaire de la réponse immunitaire adaptative. La ligation du TCR induit la formation d'un complexe oligomérique comprenant les protéines Carma1, Bcl10 et Malt1, qui est essentiel à l'activation des voies de signalisation cellulaires NF-κB et JNK induisant l'activation complète des lymphorctes T. Dans cette étude, à l'aide de lignées de cellules humaines épithéliales et lymphocytaires, nous avons identifié que deux protéines de la famille des TRAF (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Factor), TRAF3 et TRAF7, s'associent à Bc110 et à Carma1, respectivement. Les TRAFs sont d'importants régulateurs des voies de signalisation dans les cellules du système immunitaire inné et adaptatif. Nous avons démontré que TRAF3 était important pour permettre la transcription de l'interleukine-2 (IL-2) dans les lymphocytes T activés, et que TRAF3 s'associait à Bc110 à la suite de la stimulation du TCR Les mécanismes que TRAF3 utilise pour moduler l'activation du promoteur de l'IL-2 ne sont pas connus, mais l'association de TRAF3 à Bc110 suite à la stimulation du TCR suggère que TRAF3 régule la fonction de Bc110. Nous avons également identifié TRAF7 comme un nouveau régulateur négatif des voies NF-κB et JNK induites par surexpression de la protéine Carma1. Nos données suggèrent que TRAF7 pourrait également contribuer à la régulation négative de la fonction de Carma1 dans les lymphocytes activés. Enfin, nous avons découvert que Carma1 était clivé suite à la stimulation du TCR, et que ce clivage dépendait de l'activité protéolytique de Malt1. Cette étude contribue ainsi à la description de nouvelles protéines et de nouveaux mécanismes qui modulent l'activité du complexe CBM dans les lymphocytes activés, et ouvre la voie à la caractérisation moléculaire de ces nouveaux mécanismes importants pour la régulation de la réponse immunitaire adaptative.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear receptors involved in lipid and glucose homeostasis, inflammation and wound healing. In addition to ligand binding, phosphorylation can also regulate PPARs; the biological effects of phosphorylation depend on the stimulus, the kinase, the PPAR isotype, the residue modified, the cell type and the promoter investigated. The study of this dual regulation mode, which allows PPARs to integrate signals conveyed by lipophilic ligands with those coming from the plasma membrane, may ultimately offer new therapeutic strategies.
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Scale (HVIC) and the Auckland Individualism and Collectivism Scale (AICS). The sample consisted of 1,403 working individuals from Switzerland (N = 585) and from South Africa (N = 818). Principal component factor analyses indicated that a two-factor structure replicated well across the two countries for both scales. In addition, the HVIC four-factor structure replicated well across countries, whereas the responsibility dimension of individualism of the AICS replicated poorly. Confirmatory factor analyses provided satisfactory support to the original theoretical models for both the HVIC and the AICS. Equivalence measurement indices indicated that the cross-cultural replicability properties of both instruments are generally acceptable. However, canonical correlations and correlations between the HVIC and AICS dimensions confirm that these two instruments differ in their underlying meaning of the individualism and collectivism constructs, suggesting that these two instruments assess individualism and collectivism differently.
The alpha-1 adrenergic receptors (alpha(1)ARs) are critical in sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction. The specific role of each alpha(1)AR subtype in regulating vasoconstriction remains highly controversial. Limited pharmacological studies suggest that differential alpha(1)AR responses may be the result of differential activation of junctional versus extrajunctional receptors. We tested the hypothesis that the alpha(1B)AR subtype is critical in mediating sympathetic junctional neurotransmission. We measured in vivo integrated cardiovascular responses to a hypotensive stimulus (induced via transient bilateral carotid occlusion [TBCO]) in alpha(1B)AR knockout (KO) mice and their wild-type (WT) littermates. In WT mice, after dissection of the carotid arteries and denervation of aortic baroreceptor buffering nerves, TBCO produced significant pressor and positive inotropic effects. Both responses were markedly attenuated in alpha(1B)AR KO mice (change systolic blood pressure 46+/-8 versus 11+/-2 mm Hg; percentage change in the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship [ESPVR] 36+/-7% versus 12+/-2%; WT versus KO; P<0.003). In vitro alpha(1)AR mesenteric microvascular contractile responses to endogenous norepinephrine (NE; elicited by electrical field stimulation 10 Hz) was markedly depressed in alpha(1B)AR KO mice compared with WT (12.4+/-1.7% versus 21.5+/-1.2%; P<0.001). In contrast, responses to exogenous NE were similar in alpha(1B)AR KO and WT mice (22.4+/-7.3% versus 33.4+/-4.3%; NS). Collectively, these results demonstrate a critical role for the alpha(1B)AR in baroreceptor-mediated adrenergic signaling at the vascular neuroeffector junction. Moreover, alpha(1B)ARs modulate inotropic responses to baroreceptor activation. The critical role for alpha(1B)AR in neuroeffector regulation of vascular tone and myocardial contractility has profound clinical implications for designing therapies for orthostatic intolerance.
ATP, released by both neurons and glia, is an important mediator of brain intercellular communication. We find that selective activation of purinergic P2Y1 receptors (P2Y1R) in cultured astrocytes triggers glutamate release. By total internal fluorescence reflection imaging of fluorescence-labeled glutamatergic vesicles, we document that such release occurs by regulated exocytosis. The stimulus-secretion coupling mechanism involves Ca2+ release from internal stores and is controlled by additional transductive events mediated by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and prostaglandins (PG). P2Y1R activation induces release of both TNFalpha and PGE2 and blocking either one significantly reduces glutamate release. Accordingly, astrocytes from TNFalpha-deficient (TNF(-/-)) or TNF type 1 receptor-deficient (TNFR1(-/-)) mice display altered P2Y1R-dependent Ca2+ signaling and deficient glutamate release. In mixed hippocampal cultures, the P2Y1R-evoked process occurs in astrocytes but not in neurons or microglia. P2Y1R stimulation induces Ca2+ -dependent glutamate release also from acute hippocampal slices. The process in situ displays characteristics resembling those in cultured astrocytes and is distinctly different from synaptic glutamate release evoked by high K+ stimulation as follows: (a) it is sensitive to cyclooxygenase inhibitors; (b) it is deficient in preparations from TNF(-/-) and TNFR1(-/-) mice; and (c) it is inhibited by the exocytosis blocker bafilomycin A1 with a different time course. No glutamate release is evoked by P2Y1R-dependent stimulation of hippocampal synaptosomes. Taken together, our data identify the coupling of purinergic P2Y1R to glutamate exocytosis and its peculiar TNFalpha- and PG-dependent control, and we strongly suggest that this cascade operates selectively in astrocytes. The identified pathway may play physiological roles in glial-glial and glial-neuronal communication.
RESUME La dissémination extramédullaire des cellules blastiques est une complication majeure des leucémies myéloïdes (LMA) ou lymphoïdes aiguës (LLA). La migration des cellules blastiques dépend de mécanismes semblables à ceux qui régulent la migration des leucocytes dans un site d'inflammation. Parmi ceux-ci, les oligosaccharides fucosylés décorant les ligands des sélectines jouent un rôle clé en interagissant avec les sélectines. PSGL-1 (P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand-1) est une protéine de 240 kD, exprimée à la surface des leucocytes, permettant de soutenir le roulement leucocytaire sur les sélectines, le long de la paroi vasculaire. L'interaction de PSGL-1 avec les sélectines nécessite des modifications post-traductionnelles de type sialylation, sulfatation , N et 0-glycosylation. Parmi les enzymes impliqués, les α1,3-fucosyltransférases jouent un rôle important dans la biosynthèse d'oligosaccharides fucosylés, ligands des sélectines (sLex, Lex, VIM-2, CLA). Comme l'expression des α1,3-fucosyltransférases par les cellules blastiques leucémiques n'a pas été étudiée précédemment, nous l'avons recherchée dans 120 cas de leucémies aiguës. Les ARNm des FucT-IV et -VII ont été détectés, par RT-PCR, dans tous les cas testés. L'ARNm de la FucT-IX n'a été observé que dans 40% des leucémies aiguës (48/120). L'ARNm de la FucT-IX est détecté dans 65% des LMA (47/72) et, moins fréquemment, dans 26% des LLA (11/42). A noter que les cas de LLA exprimant la FucT-IX correspondent essentiellement à des LLA secondaires à la transformation d'une leucémie myéloïde chronique ou des LLA de la lignée B de type leucémie/lymphome de Burkitt. L'expression de PSGL-1 et des oligosaccharides fucosylés par les blastes varie significativement parmi les LMA et les LLA : Lex, VIM-2 et sLex étant exprimés plus fréquemment par les myéloblastes que par les lymphoblastes. Le rôle des FucT-IV, -VII et -IX dans la synthèse des Lex, VIM-2, CLA et sLex a été examiné en exprimant l'ADNc de chaque FucT dans des cellules CHO. L'immunophénotypisation des transfectants indique que la FucT-VII synthétise sLex et CLA, mais pas Lex et VIM-2. Lex et VIM-2 sont générés par la FucT-IV. La FucT-IX ne participe qu'à la synthèse de Lex, sa capacité de synthèse de VIM-2 dans les cellules CHO est très faible. Le rôle de la FucT-IX dans la régulation du roulement cellulaire dépendant des sélectines a été testé dans des conditions de flux. Les vitesses de roulement des cellules CHO co-exprimant la FucT-LX, la core-2 01,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase et PSGL-1 sont très élevées sur la P-sélectine (médiane : 497.95 µm/s, n=96) alors qu'elles sont beaucoup plus lentes sur la E-sélectine (médiane 7 µm/s, n=64). Les recrutements sur la E-sélectine des cellules CHO-C2F9PSGL¬1 et des CHO-C2F7PSGL-1 sont similaires (moyenne ± SEM : 127.44 ± 4.38 vs. 151.16 ± 3.16 cellules/min/mm2, n=5). Celui des cellules CHO-C2F4PSGL-1 est par contre plus faible (54.20 ± 2.13 cellules/min/mm2, n=5). Ces résultats indiquent que la FucT-IX est impliquée dans la biosynthèse de Lex, VIM-2 et CLA et qu'elle régule l'interaction des cellules CHO avec la E-sélectine. Contrairement aux FucT-IV et -VII, la FucT-IX ne joue qu'un rôle mineur dans la régulation du roulement cellulaire sur la L- et la P-sélectine. L'expression fréquente de la FucT-IX par les myéloblastes suggère qu'elle pourrait participer avec les FucT-IV et -VII à la régulation de la migration cellulaire dépendant de la E-sélectine. Finalement, ce travail de thèse a été étendu à l'identification des protéines cytoplasmiques qui interagissent avec le domaine cytoplasmique de PSGL-1 et qui pourraient être impliquées dans la transmission de signaux intracellulaires. Les ligands intracellulaires de PSGL-1 seront identifiés par la technique du double hybride qui nous a déjà permis de confirmer que syk et la N-moésine se lient au domaine cytoplasmique de PSGL-1. Des ligands supplémentaires seront identifiés employant une librairie provenant des cellules souches hématopoïétiques comme proie. ABSTRACT Blast cell dissemination is a major complication of acute myeloblastic (AML) and lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Blast cell migration is dependent on mechanisms that are similar to those which regulate leukocyte migration into inflammatory lesions. Among them, fticosylated oligosaccharides that decorate selectin ligands play a key role by interacting with selectins. PSGL-1 (P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand-1) is a 240 kD glycoprotein constitutively expressed on leucocytes and which supports leukocyte rolling on selectins. PSGL-1 interaction with selectins is dependent on post-translational modifications such as sialylation, sulfation, N- and 0-glycosylation. Among the involved enzymes, the α1,3-fucosyltransferases (FucT) play a major role in generating cell surface glycoconjugates carrying fucosylated oligosaccharides which interact with selectins (sLex, Lex, VIM-2, CLA). Since no information is available on the expression of α1,3-fucosyltransferases by leukemic blast cells, we examined it in 120 cases of acute leukemia. FucT-IV and -VII mRNAs were detected, by RT-PCR, in all tested cases. In contrast, the presence of FucT-IX mRNA was shown in only 40% of patients with acute leukemia (48/120). FucT-IX mRNA was detected in 65% of AML (47/72) and, less frequently, in 26% of ALL (11/42). Importantly, all ALL cases expressing FucT-IX were either secondary leukemia resulting from the transformation of chronic myelocytic leukemia in acute lymphoblastic leukemia or mature B-ALL (FAB L3 subtype or Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia according to WHO classification). FucT-IX was not detected in precursor B or T-ALL. The expression of PSGL-1 and fucosylated epitopes was significantly different among AML and ALL, Lex, VIM-2 and sLex being more frequently expressed by myeloblasts than by lymphoblasts. The role of FucT-IV, -VII and -IX in the biosynthesis of Lex, VIM-2, CLA and sLex was examined by expressing the cDNA of each α1,3-FucT in CHO cells. Immunophenotypic analysis of CHO transfectants indicated that FucT-VII synthesizes sLex and CLA but not Lex or VIM-2. Lex and CLA were generated by both FucT-IV and -IX. FucT-IV and FucT-IX differed in their ability to synthesize VIM-2, FucT-IX being less efficient than FucT-IV. The role of FucT-IX in regulating selectin-dependent rolling was assessed under hydrodynamic flow conditions. P-selectin-dependent interactions were transient and occurred at high velocities (median: 497.95 1,µm/s, n=96). In contrast, much slower rolling velocities were observed on E-selectin (median: 7 µm/s, n=64). The recruitment of CHO-C2F9PSGL-1 and CHO-C2F7PSGL-1 cells was similar on E-selectin (mean ± SEM: 127.44 ± 4.38, n=5 vs 151.16 ± 3.16 cells/min/mm2, n=5). In the other hand, CHO-C2F4PSGL-1 cells were less efficiently recruited on E-selectin (54.20 ± 2.13 cells/min/mm2, n=5). This results indicate that FucT-IX is involved in the biosynthesis of Lex, VIM-2 and CLA and that it confers E-selectin binding activity to CHO cells. By contrast to FucT-IV and -VII, FucT-IX had a minor role in regulating P- and L-selectin-dependent rolling on CHO transfectants. The frequent expression of FucT-IX in myeloblasts suggests that it may participate with FucT-IV and -VII in regulating E-selectin-dependent cell migration into tissues. Finally, this thesis work was extended to the identification of the cytoplasmic proteins interacting with cytoplasmic domain of PSGL-1 that may be involved in transducing intracellular signals. We planned to identify these intracellular ligands of PSGL-1 by using the double hybrid technique and already confirmed that syk and N-moesin bind to the cytoplasmic domain of PSGL-1. Additional PSGL-1 ligands will be sought by the same technique using a CD34+ stem cell library as pray. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC : L'adhésion et la migration leucocytaire sont nécessaires à de nombreux processus cellulaires comme la régulation de l'hématopoïèse, mais aussi dans la pathogenèse de l'artériosclérose, des maladies inflammatoires et de la métastatisation des cellules cancéreuses. Les molécules impliquées constituent depuis peu des cibles pour la thérapie du cancer. La migration leucocytaire vers un site d'inflammation dépend de mécanismes complexes, se déroulant en plusieurs étapes, nécessitant l'interaction séquentielle de molécules d'adhésion leucocytaires et endothéliales. Ainsi, chronologiquement, suite à un stimulus inflammatoire, les leucocytes « roulent » sur les cellules endothéliales, sont activées, s'arrêtent et traversent la paroi endothéliale (diapédèse) pour migrer dans les tissus environnants inflammés selon un gradient chimiotactique. La première étape de roulement met en jeu deux molécules principales : PSGL-1 (P-Sélectine Glycoprotéine Ligand-1) du coté des leucocytes et les sélectines du coté de l'endothélium de la paroi vasculaire. L'interaction entre ces deux molécules nécessite des décorations de ces protéines par des sucres, des résidus sulfates et des acides sialiques. Le sucre essentiel à la liaison demeure le fucose qui est attaché aux protéines grâce à des enzymes de la famille des fucosyltransferases. Actuellement, neuf fucosyltransférases humaines ont été identifiées et désignées sous FucT-I à IX. La FucT-IX, dernière fucosyltransférase clonée, a un faible degré d'homologie avec les autres fucosyltransférases mais sa séquence est extrêmement conservée entre les espèces. Ceci traduit son importance par une forte résistance à la pression évolutive. L'examen de son expression au sein de 120 cas de leucémies aiguës a mis en évidence son comportement atypique. En effet, alors que les autres FucTs sont toujours présentes, la FucT¬IX ne s'exprime que dans un cas sur deux en moyenne avec une préférence plus importante pour les leucémies myéloïdes. Ainsi, une étude plus approfondie de cet enzyme à mis en évidence sa capacité à induire une interaction cellulaire plus spécifique de la E-sélectine. Elle décore non seulement des protéines de surface, mais aussi certainement les glycolipides constituant la membrane cellulaire.
The direct effect of human capital on economic growth has been widely analysed in the economic literature. This paper, however, focuses on its indirect effect as a stimulus for private investment in physical capital. The methodological framework used is the duality theory, estimating a cost system aggregated with human capital. Empirical evidence is given for Spain for the period 1980-2000. We provide evidence on the indirect effect of human capital in making private capital investment more attractive. Among the main explanations forthis process, we observe that higher worker skill levels enable higher returns to be extracted from investment in physical capital.
Light adaptation is crucial for coping with the varying levels of ambient light. Using high-density electroencephalography (EEG), we investigated how adaptation to light of different colors affects brain responsiveness. In a within-subject design, sixteen young participants were adapted first to dim white light and then to blue, green, red, or white bright light (one color per session in a randomized order). Immediately after both dim and bright light adaptation, we presented brief light pulses and recorded event-related potentials (ERPs). We analyzed ERP response strengths and brain topographies and determined the underlying sources using electrical source imaging. Between 150 and 261ms after stimulus onset, the global field power (GFP) was higher after dim than bright light adaptation. This effect was most pronounced with red light and localized in the frontal lobe, the fusiform gyrus, the occipital lobe and the cerebellum. After bright light adaptation, within the first 100ms after light onset, stronger responses were found than after dim light adaptation for all colors except for red light. Differences between conditions were localized in the frontal lobe, the cingulate gyrus, and the cerebellum. These results indicate that very short-term EEG brain responses are influenced by prior light adaptation and the spectral quality of the light stimulus. We show that the early EEG responses are differently affected by adaptation to different colors of light which may contribute to known differences in performance and reaction times in cognitive tests.
During the last decade, the discovery that astrocytes possess a nonelectrical form of excitability (Ca21-excitability) that leads to the release of chemical transmitters, an activity called ''gliotransmission'', indicates that these cells may have additional important roles in brain function. Elucidating the stimulus-secretion coupling leading to the exocytic release of chemical transmitters (such as glutamate, Bezzi et al., Nature Neurosci, 2004) may therefore clarify i) whether astrocytes represent in full a new class of secretory cells in the brain and ii) whether they can participate to the fast brain signaling in the brain. Here by using a recently developed approach for studying vesicle recycling dynamics at synapses (Voglmaier et al., Neuron, 2006; Balaji and Ryan, PNAS, 2007) combined with epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) imaging, we investigated the spatiotemporal characteristics of stimulus-secretion coupling leading glutamate exocytosis of synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes. We performed the analysis at both the whole-cell and single-vesicle levels providing the first system for comparing exo-endocytic processes in astrocytes with those in neurons. Both the time course and modalities of secretion in astrocytes present more similarities to neurons then previously expected. We found that 1. the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-evoked exocytosis reached the maximum on a ms time scale and that 2. ER tubuli formed sub-micrometer domains beneath the plasma membrane in close proximity to exocytic vesicles, where fusion events were spatiotemporally correlated with fast Ca21 events.