966 resultados para starter fertilizer


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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An expressive amount of produced hydrogen is generated by customers in-situ such as petrochemical, fertilizer and sugarcane industries. However, the most utilized feedstock is natural gas, a non-renewable and fossil fuel. The introduction of biohydrogen production process associated in a sugarcane industry is an alternative to diminish emissions and contribute to create a CO2 cycle, where the plants capture this gas by photosynthesis process and produces sucrose for ethanol production. The cost of production of ethanol has dramatically decreased (from about US$ 700/m3 in 1970s to US$ 200/m3 today), becoming this a good option at near term, inclusively for its utilization by customers localized in main regions (localized especially in regions such as Southeastern Brazil) Also in near future, it will possible the utilization of fuel cells as form of distributed generation. Its utilization could occur specially in peak hours, diminishing the cost of investments in newer transmission systems. A technical and economic analysis of steam reformer of ethanol to hydrogen production associated with sugarcane industry was recently performed. This technique will also allow the use of ethanol when its price is relatively low. This study was based on a previous R&D study (sponsored by CEMIG - State of Minas Gerais Electricity Company) where thermodynamic and economic analyses were developed, based in the development of two ethanol steam reformers prototypes.x In this study an analysis was performed considering the use of bagasse as source of heat in the steam reforming process. Its use could to diminish the costs of hydrogen production, especially at large scale, obtaining cost-competitive production and permitting that sugarcane industry produces hydrogen in large scale beyond ethylic alcohol, anhydrous alcohol (or ethanol) and sugar.


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The high rate of mineralization of organic matter on savannah soils, which is reached fi ve times faster than in temperate regions, leads us to the challenge of electing the best system of management that maintains and/or increase it in soil, guaranteeing its quality and sustainability. In this sense the present research aimed to study the effects of green, organic and mineral manure on the chemical properties on the chemical properties of an Oxisol, on Savannah area, cultivated with cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) under conventional tillage and no-tillage in the pasture fi eld (Brachiaria decumbens) for 20 years. The experimental design was a randomized block design with split plots. The main plots consisted of two treatments: conventional tillage and no-tillage, and the subplots of six treatments: control (no fertilizer), mineral fertilizer recommended for the crop, according to the soil chemical analysis, organic fertilizer (cattle manure - 20 t ha-1), organic fertilizer (cattle manure - 20 t ha-1) + 1/2mineral fertilization recommended according to the analysis of soil, green manure-1 (Crotalaria juncea) and green manure-2 (Pennisetum americanum). There were studied the following soil chemical properties: P, OM, pH, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Al + H, S, exchange capacity cations and base saturation. The soil samples for the analysis were performed on layers of 0,00-0,05 m, 0,05-0,10 and 0,10-0,20 m. Then it came the following conclusions: the fertilization interfere in soil chemical properties and the preparation did not interfere, the cattle manure and its association with the mineral fertilizer caused increasing level elements in the soil, Crotalaria juncea and Pennisetum americanum did not infl uence on soil chemical properties.


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Although the management of the coffee crop is well established in Brazil, there is still room for its improvement in relation natural resources available in each region, aiming the increase in productivity. Here are presented results regarding the fate of the fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to a coffee plantation related to the prevailing soil water conditions. Soil water balances are discussed, which allowed evaluation of the root distribution, determinations of the crop coefficient and of the soil water conditions during the development of the crop. Approximately, 60% of the root system was distributed in the 0-0.3 m soil layer and the average crop coefficient was 1.1 for 3 to 5 year old plants. Using an N label, the 15N, it was possible to study the distribution of N in the plant and in the soil and establishes general N balances, which also include losses like leaching and volatilization. After two years of ammonium sulfate application, at rates of 280 (1st year) and 350 (2nd year) kg.ha-1 of N, in four equal application performed during the period of positive growth rate, the recuperation of fertilizer N were 19.1% by the aerial plant part and 9.4% by the roots, 12.6% remained in the soil and 11.2% in the litter; 0.9% was lost by volatilization and 2.3% by leaching; 26.3% was exported through harvesting and 18.2% remained in non evaluated compartments. From the applied 630 kg.ha -1 of N during the two years, 180 kg.ha -1 of N were found in the plant (shoot and root), which corresponds to 28.6%; 150 kg.ha -1 of N remained available for the next years(soil and litter), and only 20 kg.ha -1 of N were effectively lost (volatilization and leaching).


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This research aimed to compare the development of four grasses species irrigated by dripping with an effluent from a domestic wastewater station treatment in a small rural community, and supply water from Sabesp. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the FCA/UNESP (Botucatu - SP) for 12 months in a completely randomized 4 × 3 factorial design, with four replications, totalizing 48 parcels. Grass species used in this experiment were: Santo Agostinho (Stenotaphrum secandatum (Walt.) Kuntze); Bermudas (Cynodum dactylon); Esmeralda (Zoysia japônica) and São Carlos (Axnopus sp). The treatments were: T1- Irrigation with re-use; T2- Irrigation with re-use + chemical fertilization and T3- Irrigation with supply water from Sabesp + chemical fertilization (control). Data were submitted to comparison of means by Tukey's test at 5 %. The results showed that nitrogen in the wastewater was enough for the good development of the grass species. However, its use caused higher potassium loss.


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Study objective was to evaluate economically a Nile tilapia juvenile production, employing different feeding techniques. Tilapia fingerlings of 8g were stocked at 5 fish m-2 stocking in 50 and 150 m2 ponds, during 75 days. Treatments were: inorganic fertilization (P205 and N); organic fertilization (poultry manure) and commercial ration (32% CP). Water quality results were considered adequate for fish rearing. In juvenile production there were significant differences among treatments for individual final weight, medians were: for inorganic fertilization 12.92g (13.35g in 50 m2 and 12.49g in 150 m2); for organic fertilization 30.55g (33.69g in 50 m2 and 27.40g in 150 m2) and for commercial ration 51.23g (52.90g in 50 m2 and 50.15g in 150 m2). Survival rate ranged from 63 to 71%, with no statistic difference. Commercial ration was effective to bigger juvenile production, with a better market value. Costs considered in economic analyses were tilapia fingerlings, fertilizer, ration, labor and installation depreciation. Obtained information showed that juvenile production in 50 m2 ponds is not viable economically and, in 150 m2, production is viable only when commercial ration is used.


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Although the information about nutritive solution for potted chrysanthemum is still incongruent, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nutritive solutions in the development of Miramar chrysanthemum cultivated in pots at FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment had a randomized block design with split-plot evaluation and treatments corresponding to four nutritive solutions consisting of commercial fertilizers (S1, S2, S3, S4) evaluated at 0, 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 days after rooting (DAE), with five replications. The plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, stem diameter, total dry matter mass of aerial part and roots; number and diameter of inflorescences, and physiological indexes of growth analysis were evaluated. The nutritive solutions did not interfere significantly in stem diameter, number and diameter of inflorescences and dry matter of roots, although S3 and S4 provided the highest plants, leaf area, number of leaves, total dry matter of aerial part. The physiological indexes showed that plants presented an accelerated growth from 14 to 28 DAE with S4 and S3 solutions and therefore they were considered the best solutions.


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Phosphorus is considered an essential element for plants, but it is found in low amounts in Brazilian soils, mainly in areas destined to pastures, and the application of organic matter contributes to the improvement of physical, chemical and biological soil attributes. The research had the objective of evaluating the application effects of the Bokashi organic compound on soil macro and micronutrients contents and leaves, as well as on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú dry mass yield, evaluating the potential of the organic fertilizer as phosphorus source, in comparison with conventional chemical fertilizers. Different organic compound doses supplied the soil with 17 kg P2O5 ha-1, 34 kg P2O5 ha-1, 68 kg P2O5 ha-1, 136 kg P 2O5 ha-1, and 204 kg P2O5 ha-1, comparing it with the conventional chemical fertilizer and the control. The results revealed that the organic fertilizer Bokashi can adequately replace the conventional chemical fertilizer of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú, supplying the soil and plant with appropriate nutrients levels and maintaining the dry mass yield.


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Nitrogen limitation in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) produces reduced productivity and seeds with low protein content and physiological quality. We assessed the effects of nitrogen fertilizer side dressing on the protein content and physiological quality of the seeds of P. vulgaris L. cultivars (cv.) IPR Juriti and Pérola grown in plots (soil type = Dystrophic Red Latosol) using a no-tillage system under a thick mulch of millet residues at the Experimental Station of UNESP-Ilha Solteira campus, located in Selvíria, MS (Köppen climate type = Aw) during autumn (March/June) and winter (June/September) 2005. For each cultivar, a randomized block experimental design was used with four replicates and factorially arranged treatments equivalent to 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg.ha-1 added nitrogen (as urea, containing 45% of N) applied as a side dressing during the V4-3 and V4-6 phenological stage corresponding to the 3rd and 6th completely opened trifoliolate leaf on the main stem. Supplementation with up to 120 kg.ha-1 nitrogen promoted a greater increase in crude protein at V4-3 (unsupplemented = 17.6% and 16.3%; 120 kg.ha-1 N = 24.1% and 22.3% for cv. IPR Juriti and Pérola, respectively) than at V4-6 (unsupplemented = 19.2% and 18.3%; 120 kg.ha-1 N = 21.3% and 20.3% for cv. IPR Juriti and Pérola, respectively). About 90% of the crude protein from cv. IPR Juriti was composed of soluble protein compared to 72% for the cv. Pérola. Albumins and globulins represented about 80% of the soluble protein and prolamins were lower at 0.6%. In conclusion, nitrogen fertilization up to 120 kg.ha-1 applied as a side dressing at the V4-3 phenological stage in no-tillage under a thick mulch of millet promoted a greater increase of crude protein in common bean seeds than at the V4-6 stage. The highest accumulation of soluble protein occurred at 90 kg.ha-1 applied nitrogen without having a significant influence on the physiological quality of the seeds.


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Phosphorus is considered an essential element for plants and it is found in small amounts in Brazilian soils. The filter cake residue, composed of a mixture of bagasse and decanting sludge, has high levels of organic matter, phosphorus and calcium. The phosphorus present in the filter cake is organic, and its release, as it happens to the nitrogen, occurs gradually by mineralization and by microorganisms attack in the soil. This study aimed to evaluate sugarcane vegetative growth and yield under fertilization with filter cake enriched with soluble phosphate. The experiment was carried out in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State, Brazil, by using a randomized complete block design, in a 5x4 factorial scheme, where the first factor consisted of filter cake doses (0 t ha-1, 0.5 t ha-1, 1.0 t ha-1, 2.0 t ha-1, and 4.0 t ha-1) and the second of phosphorus fertilizer doses (0 kg ha-1, 50 kg ha -1, 100 kg ha-1, and 200 kg ha-1 of P 2O5), with 4 repetitions, totalizing 80 plots. The experiment evaluated the tiller number, at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after planting, oBrix, and yield. The stalk yield and tillering were influenced by the filter cake rates applied to the soil. Filter cake doses and their combination with phosphate did not change the juice quality (Brix) at harvest.


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Mapping the plant nutritional condition allows viewing different regions in a cropping area, providing the producers with different criteria to use foliar and soil fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of the nutritional condition of canephora coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) regarding the site specific management of foliar and soil fertilization. In a one hectare area 60 georeferenced points were sampled at irregular intervals. There were five plants in each sampled point; two pairs of leaves were removed from the lateral branches (3 rd and 4 th pairs from extremity to the basis) in the cardinal points of each plant, counting up 40 leaves per point. The foliar samples were chemically analyzed for the following nutrients: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu and Zn. The same pattern of spatial dependence was presented with adjustment for K and B. Except for N and P, which presented random distribution, the other nutrients presented mild to severe spatial dependence justifying the geostatistical data analysis for making maps for differential and located, foliar and soil fertilizer application in coffee crop.


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The objective of this work was to assess the spatial variability of the chemical attributes of two coffee areas, managed in conventional and organic crop systems, and to calculate the percent of variation between them. In each area, a 40-point-mesh was sampled at 0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20 m layers, within the crown projection, for pH, SB, K, P, Ca and Mg analysis. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and geostatistics. From the soil chemical attributes map, the percent of variation between the systems' chemical attributes was determined by GIS algebraic operations. The results show that the soil chemical attributes present a spatial dependence in both systems and layers. Analysis of the soil chemical attributes showed less spatial variability in the organic system, in relation to the conventional, indicating homogeneous zones for different fertilizer applications. The percent of variation of the chemical attributes in the conventional system, in relation to the organic, at 0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20m layers are 54.80% and 35.61%, respectively.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study was conducted at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in order to assess the dynamics of cationic nutrients in roots and leaves and effects on dry matter production of roots and shoots in eggplant grown on conditions of increasing doses of potassium from two distinct sources (KCl and K 2SO 4). The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks in factorial 2 × 4 (two sources of potassium, KCl and K 2SO 4 and four doses of each source equivalent, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha -1 K 2O) comprising eight treatments with three replicates. For the experiment we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, silt 45 g and 340 g clay per kg soil). The characteristics evaluated were: soil electrical conductivity, mass of shoot and root material, content and ratio of K +, Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ in roots and leaves of eggplant. We conclude that excessive doses of sources of K 2O affected the production of dry matter of roots and shoots, as well as electrical conductivity. The accumulation and the relationship of Ca2+/K+, Mg 2+/K + were affected by increased K + concentration; K 2SO 4 was the fertilizer that was less damaging.


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Fertirrigation with phosphoric acid has been considered as an option to avoid drips from clogging. In some cases, this acid cause soil acidification and it can be substituted bypotassium hydroxide. This study had the objective of evaluating the effects of different phosphoric acid and potassium hydroxide doses, applied via fertirrigation, on soil fertility, plant nutrition and lettuce yield, compared to the conventional fertilization system. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, in the College of Agricultural Sciences, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP-Brazil. The experimental design was the completely randomized block, with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments consisted of the combinations of doses (25% and 50% of the recommended complete dose for the lettuce) and application ofcomplete dose (100%) of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) applied via fertirrigation, and a control (conventional fertilization system). The results showed that P and K availability in soil and nutrient concentration in plants were affected by treatments. Low phosphorus and potassium doses, applied via fertirrigation, were not efficient for the appropriate development of lettuce plants. The results showed that agronomic characteristics and commercial lettuce were affected by doses and application systems, especially the treatment with application of P and K full dose fertirrigation.