965 resultados para spotsize converter
El origen del proyecto se encuentra en la mejora de un inversor trifásico sinusoidal comercial sobre la base del estudio de las técnicas de excitación óptimas para los IGBTs que lo componen en su etapa de potencia. En las primeras fases de planteamiento del proyecto se propone una idea mucho más ambiciosa, la realización de un nuevo convertidor de emergencia, destinado al sector ferroviario, para dar servicio de climatización. Este convertidor está formado por la asociación en cascada de un bloque DC/DC elevador y un bloque inversor DC/AC trifásico controlado mediante PWM con modulación sinusoidal. Se pretendía así dar solución a las siguientes problemáticas detectadas en los convertidores comercializados hasta el momento: un bloque elevador excesivamente sobredimensionado, subsistemas de control independientes para los dos bloques que configuran el convertidor, adicionalmente, la tarjeta driver se rediseña con cada cambio de especificaciones por parte de un nuevo cliente y finalmente, las comunicaciones tanto de diagnosis como de mantenimiento necesitaban una importante actualización. Inicialmente, se ha realizado un estudio teórico de los bloques elevador e inversor para poder realizar el diseño y dimensionamiento de sus componentes tanto semiconductores como electromagnéticos. Una vez completada la parte de potencia, se estudia el control que se realiza mediante medidas directas y simulación tanto de la estrategia de control del elevador como del inversor. Así se obtiene una información completa de la funcionalidad de las tarjetas existentes. Se desea realizar el diseño de una única tarjeta controladora y una única tarjeta de drivers para ambos bloques. Por problemas ajenos, en el transcurso de este proyecto se cancela su realización comercial, con lo que se decide al menos crear la placa de control y poder gobernar un convertidor ya existente, sustituyendo la tarjeta de control del bloque elevador. Para poder fabricar la placa de control se divide en dos tarjetas que irán conectadas en modo sándwich. En una tarjeta está el microcontrolador y en otra está todo el interface necesario para operar con el sistema: entradas y salidas digitales, entradas y salidas analógicas, comunicación CAN, y un pequeño DC/DC comercial que proporciona alimentación al prototipo. Se realiza un pequeño programa funcional para poder manejar el convertidor, el cual con una tensión de 110V DC, proporciona a la salida una tensión de 380V AC. Como ya se ha expuesto, debido a la cancelación del proyecto industrial no se profundiza más en su mejora y se decide proponerlo para su evaluación en su fase actual. ABSTRACT. The beginning of the project is found in the improvement of a commercial sine wave three phase inverter which is based in a study about optimal excitation techniques to IGBTs which compose in the power stage. In the early phases of project it is proposed a much more ambitious idea, the fact of a new emergency converter, proposed for the rail sector to work in an air condition unit. This converter is formed by an association of a block cascaded DC/DC booster and a block DC/AC inverter three-phase controlled by a sine wave modulation PWM. The purposed was to give a solution to following problems detected in commercial converters nowadays: an excessively oversized block boost, independent control subsystems for two blocks that configure the converter. In addition, driver board is redesigned with each specifications change demand it a new customer, and finally, the communications, diagnostic and maintenance that needed a important upgrade. Initially, it has been performed a theoretical study of boost and the inverter blocks to be able to perform the component’s design and the size (semiconductor and electromagnetic fields). Once finished power study, it is analysed the control performed using direct measures and simulation of boost control strategy and inverter. With this it is obtained complete information about existing cards functionality. The project is looking for the design of just one controller card and one drivers´ card for both blocks. By unrelated problems, during the course of this project a commercial realization. So at least its decided to create control board to be able to existing converter, replacing boost block’s control board. To be able to manufacture control board it is divided in two cards connected in sandwiching mode. In a card is microcontroller and in another is all needed interface to operate with the system: digital inputs and outputs, analogical inputs and outputs, CAN communication, and a small DC / DC business that provide power supply to the prototype. It is performed a small functional program to handle the converter, which with an input voltage 110V DC provides an output voltage 380V AC. As already has been exposed, due to industrial project cancellation it is decided no to continue with all improvements and directly to evaluate it in the current phase.
En este proyecto se aborda la transducción óptico-sonora utilizando métodos de tratamiento digital de imagen. Para llevar a cabo el proyecto se consideran únicamente métodos de bajo presupuesto, por lo que para realizar todo el proceso de conversión óptico-sonora se utilizan un ordenador y un escáner doméstico. Como el principal objetivo del proyecto es comprobar si es viable utilizar el tratamiento digital de imagen como conversor no se ha contemplado la utilización de equipamiento profesional. La utilidad de este proyecto está en la restauración del sonido de material fílmico con importantes degradaciones, tales que no sea posible su reproducción en un proyector. Con el prototipo que se propone, realizado con el software de programación Matlab, se consigue digitalizar el audio analógico de las películas en malas condiciones ya que la captura de audio se efectúa de manera óptica sobre las bandas sonoras. Lo conseguido en este proyecto cobra especial importancia si se tiene en cuenta la cantidad de material cinematográfico que hay en películas de celulosa. La conservación de dicho material requiere unas condiciones de almacenamiento muy específicas para que el soporte no se vea afectado, pero con el paso del tiempo es habitual que las bobinas de película presenten deformaciones o incluso ruptura. Aplicando métodos de tratamiento digital de imagen es posible restaurar el audio de fragmentos de película que no puedan ser expuestos a la tensión producida por los rodillos de los proyectores, incluso es posible recuperar el audio de fotogramas concretos ya que la digitalización del audio se realiza capturando la imagen de la forma de onda. Por ello, el procedimiento seguido para digitalizar la película debe ser poco intrusivo para garantizar la conservación del soporte fílmico. Cabe destacar que en este proyecto se ha realizado la conversión óptico-sonora sobre las bandas de sonido analógicas de área variable presentes en la película, pero el procedimiento es aplicable también a las bandas de área variable realizando modificaciones en el prototipo. Esto último queda fuera del objetivo de este proyecto, pero puede ser un trabajo futuro. ABSTRACT This project addresses optical to sound conversion using digital image processing methods. To carry out the project are considered only low-budget methods , so for all optical to sound conversion process using a computer and a home scanner . As the main application of this project is to test the feasibility of using the digital image processing as a converter does not contemplate the use of professional equipment. The main objective of this project is the restoration of sound film material with significant impairments , such is not possible playback on a projector. With the proposed prototype , made with Matlab programming software , you get digitize analog audio bad movies because the audio capture is performed optically on the soundtracks. The achievements in this project is especially important if you consider the amount of film material is in cellulose films . The preservation of such material requires a very specific storage conditions to which the support is not affected , but over time it is common for film reels presenting deformations or even rupture. Applying methods of digital image processing is possible to restore the audio from movie clips that can not be exposed to the tension produced by the rollers of the projectors , it is even possible to retrieve specific frames audio and audio that digitization is done by capturing the image of the waveform. Therefore, the procedure used to digitize the film should be bit intrusive to ensure the conservation of the film medium. Note that in this project was carried out optical to sound conversion on analog variable area soundtracks present in the film, but the procedure is applicable to variable-area bands making changes to the prototype. The latter is beyond the scope of this project, but can be a future work.
The constant development of digital systems in radio communications demands the adaptation of the current receiving equipment to the new technologies. In this context, a new Software Defined Radio based receiver is being implemented with the aim of carrying out different experiments to analyze the propagation of signals through the atmosphere from a satellite beacon. The receiver selected for this task is the PERSEUS SDR from the Italian company Microtelecom s.r.l. It is a software defined VLF-LF-MF-HF receiver based on an outstanding direct sampling digital architecture which features a 14 bit 80 MSamples/s analog-to-digital converter, a high-performance FPGA-based digital down-converter and a high-speed 480 Mbit/s USB2.0 PC interface. The main goal is to implement the related software and adapt the new receiver to the current working environment. In this paper, SDR technology guidelines are given and PERSEUS receiver digital signal processing is presented with the most remarkable results.
This paper presents the SAILSE Project (Sistema Avanzado de Información en Lengua de Signos Española ? Spanish Sign Language Advanced Information System). This project aims to develop an interactive system for facilitating the communication between a hearing and a deaf person. The first step has been the linguistic study, including a sentence collection, its translation into LSE (Lengua de Signos Española - Spanish Sign Language), and sign generation. After this analysis, the paper describes the interactive system that integrates an avatar to represent the signs, a text to speech converter and several translation technologies. Finally, this paper presents the set up carried out with deaf people and the main conclusions extracted from it.
This paper presents a novel self-timed multi-purpose sensor especially conceived for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The aim of the sensor is to measure performance variations during the life-cycle of the device, such as process variability, critical path timing and temperature variations. The proposed topology, through the use of both combinational and sequential FPGA elements, amplifies the time of a signal traversing a delay chain to produce a pulse whose width is the sensor’s measurement. The sensor is fully self-timed, avoiding the need for clock distribution networks and eliminating the limitations imposed by the system clock. One single off- or on-chip time-to-digital converter is able to perform digitization of several sensors in a single operation. These features allow for a simplified approach for designers wanting to intertwine a multi-purpose sensor network with their application logic. Employed as a temperature sensor, it has been measured to have an error of ±0.67 °C, over the range of 20–100 °C, employing 20 logic elements with a 2-point calibration.
In hybrid and electric vehicles, passengers sit very close to an electric system of significant power, which means that they may be subjected to high electromagnetic fields. The hazards of long-term exposure to these fields must be taken into account when designing electric vehicles and their components. Among all the electric devices present in the power train, the electronic converter is the most difficult to analyze, given that it works with different frequencies. In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the magnetic field created by a power electronics converter is proposed. After a brief overview of the recommendations of electromagnetic fields exposure, the magnetic field produced by an inverter is analyzed using finite element techniques. The results obtained are compared to laboratory measurements, taken from a real inverter, in order to validate the model. Finally, results are used to draw some conclusions regarding vehicle design criteria and magnetic shielding efficiency.
The paper shows the results of the new steps that have been done in the development of the tidal energy converter GESMEY. These are the design, construction and trials into the sea of a 1/10 scale prototype and also the construction with the same scale of the buoy BOSCEM, that anchors the device and lets it in the correct work position and depth, along the two directions of the flow that the daily tidal cycle have. Inside the paper is described the objectives and the methodology of the experimental trials that were ca rry out the last summer with the scale prototype. GESMEY is a new type of tidal energy converter (TEC) that has the capability to exploit currents in waters over forty meters by itself and it gets only using its internal ballast system the necessary equilibrium between hy drostatics and hydrodynamics forces to make the emersion and the immersion procedures without any other help. Finally the paper shows the description of the results obtained over the performance of the devices along the immersion, emersion and floating transport manoeuvres and afterwards the results, that were obtained along the generation power tests that were carried out, are shown.
The bandwidth achievable by using voltage mode control or current mode control in switch-mode power supply is limited by the switching frequency. Fast transient response requires high switching frequency, although lower switching frequencies could be more suitable for higher efficiency. This paper proposes the use of hysteretic control of the output capacitor $(C_{out})$ current to improve the dynamic response of the buck converter. An external voltage loop is required to accurately regulate the output voltage. The design of the hysteretic loop and the voltage loop are presented. Besides, it is presented a non-invasive current sensor that allows measuring the current in the capacitor. This strategy has been applied for DVS (dynamic voltage scaling) on a 5 MHz buck converter. Experimental results validate the proposed control technique and show fast transient response from 1.5 V to 2.5 V in 2 $mu{rm s}$.
In this paper, implementation and testing of non- commercial GaN HEMT in a simple buck converter for envelope amplifier in ET and EER transmission techn iques has been done. Comparing to the prototypes with commercially available EPC1014 and 1015 GaN HEMTs, experimentally demonstrated power supply provided better thermal management and increased the switching frequency up to 25MHz. 64QAM signal with 1MHz of large signal bandw idth and 10.5dB of Peak to Average Power Ratio was gener ated, using the switching frequency of 20MHz. The obtaine defficiency was 38% including the driving circuit an d the total losses breakdown showed that switching power losses in the HEMT are the dominant ones. In addition to this, some basic physical modeling has been done, in order to provide an insight on the correlation between the electrical characteristics of the GaN HEMT and physical design parameters. This is the first step in the optimization of the HEMT design for this particular application.
A Wearable Power System (WPS) is a portable power source utilized primarily to power the modern soldier’s electronic equipment. Such a system has to satisfy output power demands in the range of 20 W...200 W, specified as a 4-day mission profile and has a weight limit of 4 kg. To meet these demands, an optimization of a WPS, comprising an internal combustion (IC) engine, permanent magnetic three-phase electrical motor/generator, inverter, Li-batteries, DC-DC converters, and controller, is performed in this paper. The mechanical energy extracted from the fuel by IC engine is transferred to the generator that is used to recharge the battery and provide the power to the electrical output load. The main objectives are to select the engine, fuel and battery type, to match the weight of fuel and the number of battery cells, to find the optimal working point of engine and to minimize the system weight. To provide the second output voltage level of 14 VDC, a separate DC-DC converter is connected between the battery and the load, and optimized for the specified mission profile. A prototype of the WPS based on the optimization presented in the paper results in a total system weight of 3.9 kg and fulfils the mission profile.
Recently there has been an important increase in electric equipment, as well as, electric power demand in aircrafts applications. This prompts to the necessity of efficient, reliable, and low-weight converters, especially rectifiers from 115VAC to 270VDC because these voltages are used in power distribution. In order to obtain a high efficiency, in aircraft application where the derating in semiconductors is high, normally several semiconductors are used in parallel to decrease the conduction losses. However, this is in conflict with high reliability. To match both goals of high efficiency and reliability, this work proposes an interleaved multi-cell rectifier system, employing several converter cells in parallel instead of parallel-connected semiconductors. In this work a 10kW multi-cell isolated rectifier system has been designed where each cell is composed of a buck type rectifier and a full bridge DC-DC converter. The implemented system exhibits 91% of efficiency, high power density (10kW/10kg), low THD (2.5%), and n−1 fault tolerance which complies, with military aircraft standards.
The optimization of power architectures is a complex problem due to the plethora of different ways to connect various system components. This issue has been addressed by developing a methodology to design and optimize power architectures in terms of the most fundamental system features: size, cost and efficiency. The process assumes various simplifications regarding the utilized DC/DC converter models in order to prevent the simulation time to become excessive and, therefore, stability is not considered. The objective of this paper is to present a simplified method to analyze small-signal stability of a system in order to integrate it into the optimization methodology. A black-box modeling approach, applicable to commercial converters with unknown topology and components, is based on frequency response measurements enabling the system small-signal stability assessment. The applicability of passivity-based stability criterion is assessed. The stability margins are stated utilizing a concept of maximum peak criteria derived from the behavior of the impedance-based sensitivity function that provides a single number to state the robustness of the stability of a well-defined minor-loop gain.
Advanced control techniques like V2, Vout hysteresis or V2Ic can strongly reduce the required output capacitance in PowerSoC converters. Techniques to analyze power converters based on the analysis of the frequency response are not suitable for ripple-based controllers that use fast-scale dynamics to control the power stage. This paper proves that the use of discrete modeling together with Floquet theory is a very powerful tool to model the system and derive stable region diagrams for sensitivity analysis. It is applied to V 2Ic control, validating experimentally that Floquet theory predicts accurately subharmonic oscillations. This method is applied to several ripplebased controllers, providing higher accuracy when it is compared with other techniques based on the frequency response. The paper experimentally validates the usefulness of the discrete modeling and the Floquet theory on a 5 MHz Buck converter with a V 2Ic control.
An EMI filter design procedure for power converters is proposed. Based on a given noise spectrum, information about the converter noise source impedance and design constraints, the design space of the input filter is defined. The design is based on component databases and detailed models of the filter components, including high frequency parasitics, losses, weight, volume, etc.. The design space is mapped onto a performance space in which different filter implementations are evaluated and compared. A multi-objective optimization approach is used to obtain optimal designs w.r.t. a given performance function.
Ripple-based controls can strongly reduce the required output capacitance in PowerSoC converter thanks to a very fast dynamic response. Unfortunately, these controls are prone to sub-harmonic oscillations and several parameters affect the stability of these systems. This paper derives and validates a simulation-based modeling and stability analysis of a closed-loop V 2Ic control applied to a 5 MHz Buck converter using discrete modeling and Floquet theory to predict stability. This allows the derivation of sensitivity analysis to design robust systems. The work is extended to different V 2 architectures using the same methodology.