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11-year satellite altimeter sea surface height (SSH) anomaly data from January 1993 to December 2003 are used to present the dominant spatial patterns and temporal variations of the South China Sea (SCS) surface circulation through Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. The first three EOF modes show the obvious seasonal variations of SSH in the SCS. EOF mode one is generally characterized by a basin-wide circulation. Mode two describes the double-cell basin scale circulation structure. The two cells were located off west of the Luzon Island and southeast of Vietnam, respectively. EOF mode three presents the mesoscale eddy structure in the western SCS, which develops into a strong cyclonic eddy rapidly from July to September. EOF mode one and mode three are also embedded with interannual signals, indicating that the SCS surface circulation variation is influenced by El Nino events prominently. The strong El Nino of 1997/98 obviously changed the SCS circulation structure. This study also shows that there existed a series of mesoscale eddies in the western SCS, and their temporal variation indicates intra-seasonal and interannual signals.


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Large amplitude internal solitary waves (ISWs) often exhibit highly nonlinear effects and may contribute significantly to mixing and energy transporting in the ocean. We observed highly nonlinear ISWs over the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (19A degrees 35'N, 112A degrees E) in May 2005 during the Wenchang Internal Wave Experiment using in-situ time series data from an array of temperature and salinity sensors, and an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). We summarized the characteristics of the ISWs and compared them with those of existing internal wave theories. Particular attention has been paid to characterizing solitons in terms of the relationship between shape and amplitude-width. Comparison between theoretical prediction and observation results shows that the high nonlinearity of these waves is better represented by the second-order extended Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) theory than the first-order KdV model. These results indicate that the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) is rich in highly nonlinear ISWs that are an indispensable part of the energy budget of the internal waves in the northern South China Sea.


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To discuss the intrusion of the Kuroshio into the SCS, we examined the mixing between the North Pacific and South China Sea (SCS) waters based on in-situ CTD data collected in August and September 2008 and the moored ADCP data taken from mid September 2008 to early July 2009. The CTD survey included four meridional sections from 119A degrees E to 122A degrees E around the Luzon Strait, during which pressure, temperature, and salinity were measured. The CTD data show that the isopycnal surface tilted from the SCS to the North Pacific; and it was steeper in the lower layers than in the upper ones. Meanwhile, we found strong vertical mixing taken place in the areas near 121A degrees E. The Kuroshio in high temperature and salinity intruded westward through Luzon Strait. The frequency of buoyancy was one order of magnitude greater than that of the common ones in the ocean, suggesting stronger stratification in the northeastern SCS. On the other hand, the long-term ADCP data show that before late October 2008, the direction of water flow in the SCS was eastward, and from November 2008 to late February 2009, it turned northwestward in the layers shallower than 150 m, while remained unchanged in deep layers from 200 to 450 m. From March to June 2009, the direction shifted with increasing depth from northward to southward, akin to the Ekman spiral. EOF analysis of the current time series revealed dominant empirical modes: the first mode corresponded to the mean current and showed that the Kuroshio intrusion occurred in the upper layers only from late December to early March. The temporal coefficient of the first and the second mode indicated clearly a dominant signal in a quasi-seasonal cycle.


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We applied a primitive equation ocean model to simulate submesoscale activities and processes over the shelf of the northern South China Sea (NSCS) with a one-way nesting technology for downscaling. The temperature and density fields showed that submesoscale activities were ubiquitous in the NSCS shelf. The vertical velocity was considerably enhanced in submesoscale processes and could reach an average of 58 m per day in the subsurface. At this point, the mixed layer depth also was deepened along the front, and the surface kinetic energy also increased with the intense vertical movement induced by submesoscale activity. Thus, submesoscale stirring/mixing is important for tracers, such as temperature, salinity, nutrients, dissolved organic, and inorganic carbon. This result may have implication for climate and biogeochemical investigations.


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Based on in-situ time series data from the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain in Wenchang area, a sequence of internal solitary wave (ISW) packets was observed in September 2005, propagating northwest on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS). Corresponding to different stratification of the water column and tidal condition, both elevation and depression ISWs were observed at the same mooring location with amplitude of 35 m and 25 m respectively in different days. Regular arrival of the remarkable ISW packets at approximately the diurnal tidal period and the dominance of diurnal internal waves in the study area, strongly suggest that the main energy source of the waves is the diurnal tide. Notice that the wave packets were all riding on the troughs and shoulders of the internal tides, they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects.


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To investigate the seasonal and interannual variations in biological productivity in the South China Sea (SCS), a Pacific basin-wide physical - biogeochemical model has been developed and used to estimate the biological productivity and export flux in the SCS. The Pacific circulation model, based on the Regional Ocean Model Systems (ROMS), is forced with daily air-sea fluxes derived from the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis between 1990 and 2004. The biogeochemical processes are simulated with a carbon, Si(OH)(4), and nitrogen ecosystem (CoSiNE) model consisting of silicate, nitrate, ammonium, two phytoplankton groups (small phytoplankton and large phytoplankton), two zooplankton grazers (small micrograzers and large mesozooplankton), and two detritus pools. The ROMS-CoSiNE model favourably reproduces many of the observed features, such as ChI a, nutrients, and primary production (PP) in the SCS. The modelled depth-integrated PP over the euphotic zone (0-125 m) varies seasonally, with the highest value of 386 mg C m (-2) d (-1) during winter and the lowest value of 156 mg C m (-2) d (-1) during early summer. The annual mean value is 196 mg C m (-2) d (-1). The model-integrated annual mean new production (uptake of nitrate), in carbon units, is 64.4 mg C m (-2) d (-1) which yields an f-ratio of 0.33 for the entire SCS. The modelled export ratio (e-ratio: the ratio of export to PP) is 0.24 for the basin-wide SCS. The year-to-year variation of biological productivity in the SCS is weaker than the seasonal variation. The large phytoplankton group tends to dominate over the smaller phytoplankton group, and likely plays an important role in determining the interannual variability of primary and new production.


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We conducted 28 dilution experiments during August-September 2007 to investigate the coupling of growth and microzooplankton grazing rates among ultraphytoplankton populations and the phytoplankton community and their responses to habitat variability (open-ocean oligotrophy, eddy-induced upwelling, and the Mekong River plume) in the western South China Sea. At the community level, standing stocks, growth, and grazing rates were strongly and positively correlated, and were related to the higher abundance of larger phytoplankton cells (diatoms) at stations with elevated chlorophyll concentration. Phytoplankton growth rates were highest (> 2 d(-1)) within an eastward offshore jet at 13 degrees N and at a station influenced by the river plume. Among ultraphytoplankton populations, Prochlorococcus dominated the more oceanic and oligotrophic stations characterized by generally lower biomass and phytoplankton community growth, whereas Synechococcus became more important in mesotrophic areas (eddies, offshore jet, and river plume). The shift to Synechococcus dominance reflected, in part, its higher growth rates (0.87 +/- 0.45 d(-1)) compared to Prochlorococcus (0.65 +/- 0.29 d(-1)) or picophytoeukaryotes (0.54 +/- 0.50 d(-1)). However, close coupling of microbial mortality rates via common predators is seen to play a major role in driving the dominance transition as a replacement of Prochlorococcus, rather than an overprinting of its steady-state standing stock.


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Eight cruises were conducted on the south Yellow Sea (SYS) from 1998 to 2005. Variations and the potential ecological risk of heavy metals were studied using the survey data collected during October 2003. The metal content (except for As) was high in the central area where the fine grain size sediments were dominant, and low inshore area where more coarse sediments were present. This suggested that grain size was important in determining distributions of heavy metals. In some local areas, other influencing factors, such as organic content, sedimentation rate, burial efficiency and metal's existing form were discussed. The annual averages of metals showed a stable trend with appreciable fluctuations in 8 years. Using potential ecological risk index (E (RI)) to evaluate the integrated pollution effect of heavy metals, 38.7% of the investigated area was in a moderate degree of contamination, while 77.8% was under moderate ecological risk. However, no distinct correlation was found between E (RI) and plankton biomass. In conclusion, the sediment quality of SYS was good, and the ecological risk was low in general.


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Copepod communities in onshore and offshore waters show a gradient from primarily near shore to primarily oceanic species. Understanding the transition between these communities is fundamental to determining the range of coastal influence. Copepod communities in the northern South China Sea (nSCS) were studied based on samples collected by vertically towing a net in 10 February-6 March (winter) and 26 August-6 September (summer) of 2004. Calanoida species richness, total copepod abundance, Shannon-Weaver diversity index, and onshore-offshore occurrence of dominant species showed obvious change from onshore to offshore waters. Although the offshore stations had lower abundance than the shelf stations, they had more species and larger diversity index. Abundance of some species (groups) with dominance index > 5% (Calanus sinicus, Euchaeta spp., Temora spp., Paracalanus parvus, and Subeucalanus subtenuis) declined from onshore to offshore waters. Warm water species (Pleuromamma abdominalis, P. gracilis, and P. robusta) occurred in offshore waters in both cruises. Station (q-type) cluster analysis in winter and summer separated copepod community into onshore and offshore communities at similar to 40% level of similarity. The two communities were divided at the position of similar to 100-m isobath. In summer, C. sinicus occurred in the upwelling area east of Hainan Island, indicating the presence of an oversummering stock of this species.


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Triterpanes and steranes in condensates from the YA13-1 gas field, Qiongdongnan Basin, were monitored. The YA13-1 condensates have unusual biomarker distributions dominated by terpanes and steranes derived from higher plants. Anomalously abundant 1 got-oleanane and remarkably abundant bicadinanes are present in the YA13-1 condensates, whereas the 17alpha-hopane contents are extremely low. Taraxastane and significantly abundant 17alpha-diahopanes occur in the condensates. In addition, a number of unknown C-29 and C-30 pentacyclic triterpanes including previously unreported compounds were detected in the condensates, some of which are significantly abundant. The unknown compounds may be terrestrial biomarkers. C-29 homologues are relatively predominant among the regular and rearranged steranes. The diasterane concentrations are markedly higher than those of regular steranes. The maturity of the YA13-1 condensates is relatively high, at the peak to late oil generation stage (corresponding to 0.85-1.10% Ro), based on sterane and terpane and including bicadinane maturity parameters (i.e. T/(T-1 + R) and 2T/R bicadinane ratios). The above maturity assessment result is different from that based on diamondoid maturity parameters (%Ro = 1.60-1.70) [Org. Geochem. 25 (1996) 179], which can be explained by a contribution of hydrocarbons from two sources at different depths. The YA13-1 condensates were probably generated from the Yacheng and Lingshui coal-bearing source rocks buried both in the Qiongdongnan Basin (3400-5000 m) and in the Yinggehai Basin (>5000 m). The possible contribution of lower maturity hydrocarbons from the Yacheng and Lingshui Formations (3400-4100 m) in the Qiongdongnan Basin to the YA13-1 gases and condensates should not be neglected. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The vertical fluxes and vertical transferring forms of 18 rare elements were studied for the first time in the coral reef ecosystem of Nansha Islands, South China Sea, by deploying sediment traps, The results showed that the vertical transferring flux of most of the measured rare elements in Yongshu lagoon were higher than that in Zhubi lagoon. The vertical transferring forms of rare elements were mainly in the carbonate form, but Ta, As, Th mainly in the ion-exchange form, Ag in iron-manganese oxide form and Sb in the organic matter + sulphide form. None of the 18 rare elements was transferred mainly in the form of detritus silicate to sea floor. This proved that rare elements originating from the earth's crust were redistributed in sinking particulates after they were brought into ocean. The relation between the fluxes and surface seawater temperature (STT) was also studied. The sensitivity of rare elements to SST was in order: Rb>V>As>Ti>U>Zn>Sb>Hf>Ag>Cs.


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The area of the southwestern Nansha Trough is one of the most productive areas of the southern South China Sea. It is a typical semi-deep sea area of transition from shoal to abyssal zone. To understand distributions and roles of nitrogen forms involved in biogeochemical cycling in this area, contents of nitrogen in four extractable forms: nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidation extractable form (SOEF-N), as well as in total nitrogen content (TN) in surface sediments were determined from samples collected from the cruise in April-May 1999. The study area was divided into three regions (A, B and C) in terms of clay sediment (< 4 mu m) content at < 40%, 40%-60% and > 60%, respectively. Generally, region C was the richest in the nitrogen of all forms and region A the poorest, indicating that the finer the grain size is, the richer the contents of various nitrogen are. The burial efficiency of total nitrogen in surface sediments was 28.79%, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen had been released and participated in biogeochemical recycling through sediment-water interface.


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We describe a new species of gerreid fish, Gerres septemfasciatus, based on four specimens collected from the northern South China Sea. G septemfasciatus most closely resembles G limbatus in general appearance. However, G. septemfasciatus is distinguished from the latter and other congeners by having 3 to 3.5 scales between the base of. the fifth dorsal spine and lateral line. This species has a distinctive color pattern, including 7-8 regular, vertical, blue-grayish bands on its side. The distribution of this species is currently known to include the Chinese coastal waters of the South China Sea, but may be also include the coastal waters of southeastern Asia.


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Thirty-four palaemonid species from the northern area of South China Sea are reported in the present paper, including two new species, Paranchistus lini, new species, and Periclimenes chacei, new species, and eight other species are reported for the first time from South China Sea: Leander tenuicornis (Say, 1818), Leandrites stenopus Holthuis, 1950, Palaemon debilis Dana, 1852, Urocaridella antonbrurnii (Bruce, 1967), Kemponia platycheles (Holthuis, 1952), Paraclimenes franklini (Bruce, 1990b), Paranchistus spondylis Suzuki, 1971, Periclimenes hirsutus Bruce, 1971.


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A new species, Axianassa sinica, from the Beibu Gulf (Gulf of Tonkin), northern South China Sea, is described and illustrated. The new species is readily distinguished from A. australis Rodrigues & Shimizu, 1992, by its acute rostrum, merus of pereopod 1 with a tooth distally on lower margin and an elongated telson.