943 resultados para socioeconomic contexts


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BACKGROUND: Clinicians require specific skills to teach or supervise students in the workplace; however, there are barriers to accessing faculty member development, such as time, cost and suitability. The Clinical Supervision Support Across Contexts (ClinSSAC) programme was designed to provide accessible interprofessional educator training to clinical supervisors across a wide range of clinical settings. CONTEXT: In Australia there are increasing numbers of health care students, creating pressure on existing placements. Students are now increasingly learning in community settings, where clinicians have traditionally had less access to faculty member development. INNOVATION: An interprofessional team collaborated in the development and implementation of ClinSSAC. A total of 978 clinicians participated in a face-to-face, interactive, introductory module to clinical supervision; 672 people accessed the equivalent online core module, with 23 per cent completing all activities. Additional profession-and discipline-specific modules were also developed. IMPLICATIONS: Formal project evaluation found that most participants rated the workshops as helpful or very helpful for their roles as clinical supervisors. Interdisciplinary learning from the workshops was reported to enable cross-discipline supervision. Large participant numbers and favourable ratings indicate a continuing need for basic training in education. Key factors to workshop success included expert facilitators, the interprofessional context and interactive model. The online modules were an important adjunct, and provided context-specific resources, but the low online completion rate suggests protected face-to-face time for faculty member development is still required. Programmes such as ClinSSAC have the capacity to promote interprofessional education and practice. There are barriers to accessing faculty member development, such as time, cost and suitability.


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BACKGROUND:Associations between socioeconomic position (SEP) and the uptake of primary total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) is not well understood in the Australian population, thus potentially limiting equitable allocation of healthcare resources. We used the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry (AOA NJRR) to examine whether geographic or socioeconomic variations exist in TSA performed for a diagnosis of osteoarthritis 2007-11 for all Australians aged ≥40 years.

METHODS:Primary anatomical and reverse TSA data were extracted from the AOA NJRR which captures >99 % of all TSA nationally. Residential addresses were cross-referenced to Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011 Census data to identify SEP measured at the area-level (categorised into deciles), and geographic location defined as Australian State/Territory of residence. We used a Poisson distribution for the number of TSA over the study period, and modelled the effects of age, SEP and geographic location using multilevel modelling.

RESULTS:During 2007-11, we observed 6,123 TSA (62.2 % female). For both sexes, TSA showed a proportional increase with advancing age. TSA did not vary by SEP or geographic location, with the exception of greater TSA among men in New South Wales.

CONCLUSIONS:Using a national registry approach we provide the first reliable picture of TSA at a national level. The uptake of TSA was equitable across SEP; however, there was some variation between the States/Territories. With an aging population, it is imperative that monitoring of major surgical procedures continues, and be focused toward determining whether TSA uptake correlates with need across different social and area-based groups.


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This systematic review examined the impact of universal policies on socioeconomic inequities in obesity, dietary and physical activity behaviours among adults and children. PRISMA-Equity guidelines were followed. Database searches spanned from 2004 to August 2015. Eligible studies assessed the impact of universal policies on anthropometric, dietary or physical activity-related outcomes in adults or children according to socioeconomic position. Thirty-six studies were included. Policies were classified as agentic, agento-structural or structural, and their impact on inequities was rated as positive, neutral, negative or mixed according to the dominant associations observed. Most policies had neutral impacts on obesity-related inequities regardless of whether they were agentic (60% neutral), agento-structural (68% neutral) or structural (67% neutral). The proportion of positive impacts was similar across policy types (10% agentic, 18% agento-structural and 11% structural), with some differences for negative impacts (30% agentic, 14% agento-structural and 22% structural). The majority of associations remained neutral when stratified by participant population, implementation level and socioeconomic position measures and by anthropometric and behavioural outcomes. Fiscal measures had consistently neutral or positive impacts on inequities. Findings suggest an important role for policy in addressing obesity in an equitable manner and strengthen the case for implementing a broad complement of policies spanning the agency-structure continuum.


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Background: Portugal is among the European countriesmost severely hit by the economic recession and the fifth with the highest unemployment rate. Given that adolescents' development is highly influenced by their living contexts, monitoring the repercussions of the economic recession is essential for the evaluation and improvement of their current and future public health. Objective: To investigate youth perceived repercussions of the economic recession, its association with life satisfaction, as well as to assess differences across parental employment status and family perceived wealth. Methods: Data were drawn from the Portuguese 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged children survey, aWHO collaborative cross-national study, with a nationally representative sample of 2748 students (Mage = 14.7 years ± 1.2; 48% boys). Descriptive statistics and linear regression models were performed. Results: Levels of life satisfaction are lower when young people perceive that the economic recession generated negative lifestyle changes. Having unemployed parents was found to be significantly associated with perceiving such repercussions and family wealth to decrease the perception of repercussions of the recession. Conclusions: Findings enhance our understanding of how Portuguese youth are being affected by the socioeconomic conditions surrounding them. Such information contributes to improve future research and also allow some considerations about the policies aimed at protecting young people'swellbeing during a period of high unemployment and socioeconomic downturn.


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This study examined whether instrumental and normative learning contexts differentially influence 4- to 7-year-old children’s social learning strategies; specifically, their dispositions to copy an expert versus a majority consensus. Experiment 1 (N = 44) established that children copied a relatively competent “expert” individual over an incompetent individual in both kinds of learning context. In experiment 2 (N = 80) we then tested whether children would copy a competent individual versus a majority, in each of the two different learning contexts. Results showed that individual children differed in strategy, preferring with significant consistency across two different test trials to copy either the competent individual or the majority. This study is the first to show that children prefer to copy more competent individuals when shown competing methods of achieving an instrumental goal (Experiment 1) and provides new evidence that children, at least in our “individualist” culture, may consistently express either a competency or majority bias in learning both instrumental and normative information (Experiment 2). This effect was similar in the instrumental and normative learning contexts we applied.


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Alzheimer's disease makes great demands on care by assistants, due to the fact that they cannot distract their attention from patients while they are at the same time managing records. For that reason, technologies to complement this process need to be adapted. In this work we present a proposal to adapt identification technologies: Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communications (NFC), focusing especially on the last one. We fuse both technologies and apply them to an Alzheimer's day center. Patients are tagged with two kinds of labels: 13.56Mhz.Mifare for NFC and UHF for RFID. With the first one we tag the context, which means patients, devices (displays, exercise books, etc) and places. With a simple interaction, which involves touching tags with mobile phones, it is possible to manage the information easily. Moreover, with RFID, we localize each patient by the simple act of their passing by an antenna placed in the doors.


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This edited volume explores development in the so-called 'fragile', 'failed' and 'pariah' states. It examines the literature on both fragile states and their development, and offers eleven case studies on countries ranking in the 'very high alert' and 'very high warning' categories in the Fund for Peace Failed States Index.


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This thesis explores the social contexts and harms of combined alcohol and energy drink use. Findings show that these drinks are exclusively a social drink, are consumed in social groups, and are associated with heavier binge drinking sessions and celebrations. Consumers report being driven by intoxication modification and hedonistic motives. Consumers also report increased rates of many side effects, including cardiac issues and symptoms of anxiety and stress.


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This article presents one teacher’s perspective on issues of student difference. ‘Elissa’s’ account begins with her views as a pre-service teacher and continues through to her early career teaching. Elissa’s overwhelming tendency to construct students of difference as deficit alongside her efforts to ‘fix’ these deficits to align with an Anglo-Australian middle class ideal strongly resonate with concerns long expressed in the literature about teacher–student cultural discontinuity; teachers’ ill-preparedness for addressing student diversity; and the failure of universities to support pre-service teachers in this respect. Amid broader climates of unprecedented diversity where equity for marginalised groups is a mandated schooling goal, Elissa’s story is another cautionary tale. It further illuminates the gap between the kinds of teachers currently being produced and the kinds of teachers likely to realise social justice through education. As such it provides further warrant for rethinking how best to support teachers to productively address student diversity.


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El presente trabajo analiza la definición de la categoría posición socioeconómica (PSE) y las variables con las cuales se representa en los productos académicos del campo de la actividad física, además de su relación con la categoría de imagen corporal. Para lograr el objetivo, se rastrean elementos que permiten dar cuenta si los documentos de investigación se abordan desde alguno de los dos contextos: determinantes (DDSS) o determinación social de la salud (DSS). Se inicia con un rastreo global por medio de los motores de búsqueda, las bases de datos y los repositorios institucionales. Posteriormente se parametriza la ruta, desde las categorías imagen corporal (IC) y PSE. Las investigaciones pretenden dar cuenta de la evaluación a 15 años del programa "Salud para Todos" de la ONU de 2001, en el marco de los Objetivos Del Milenio. Se revisaron resúmenes de los productos, descartando aquellos donde la categoría PSE o sus descriptores asociados tuvieran un papel secundario. Se limitó a Latinoamérica y España por su tradición histórica colonizadora; con el ánimo de conocer la postura de esta comunidad frente al proceso globalizado de la salud en el mundo. Al grupo final se le aplican criterios parametrizados a partir de la revisión teórica, para responder los interrogantes basados en las implicaciones que tiene la PSE en el pensamiento actual de la producción científica en el campo de la actividad física; y cómo las otras categorías de análisis se ven o no manifiestas. El índice de calidad científica CASPe, determina la pertinencia de los textos. En el aspecto teórico, se encuentra que la categoría PSE, a pesar de ser muy utilizada, tiene una conceptualización difusa. Por tal motivo, se propone una definición de PSE sustentada en el pensamiento sociológico. En el aspecto empírico, al rastrear las variables con que se reemplaza la PSE en las investigaciones, se encuentran grandes diferencias y el uso de múltiples y disímiles subcategorías.


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Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.


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Seventh grade students share personal characteristics that are analyzed in this paper based on the teachers´ performance of the proper mediation for the students´ learning. The results of an investigation done with the model of teachers´ profiles at this level will be the basis for this paper (Alfaro et al, 2008a). We conclude that the biopsychosocial development and maturational stage of the transit-preteen-teen children must be the domain of faculty at this level, as well as, the socioeconomic context of family and social contexts of their students.


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The purpose of this paper is to share a proposal for teacher’s labor market integration in contexts of high social5 vulnerability. This paper is the result of a research conducted in a priority attention primary school6 of the central canton of Heredia7. It explored the labor market integration process of teachers, considering the community, family and student reality of a population social risk. The research that supports this proposal is based on a qualitative approach, since the diagnosis process is not intended to provide answers that could be commonly applied to other education centers in similar contexts, but to make an exploratory approach of teachers’ reality and their integration process into education institutions of high social vulnerability. Therefore, although this paper intends to share this experience, it does not aim to unify integration practices, but to be an input in carrying out similar processes.  (5) The concept of high social vulnerability is understood based on Sojo’s approach (2003), which defines it as marginal urban communities in areas considered by the Costa Rican government as priority areas with the greatest social, economic backwardness in the country, and high rates of violence, leisure, unemployment and drug addiction. (6) Translator’s note: The Costa Rican education system is composed of primary education (1st-6th grade) and secondary education (7th-11th grade). (7)A public primary school in the circuit 02 of the Province of Heredia.