954 resultados para socially responsible investment


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Knowledge has always been critically important to the development of aquaculture whether we are talking about the earliest aquaculture innovations starting in Asia or the more recent challenges confronting the sector worldwide. This panel reviewed selected national and regional case studies. Key topics for discussion include knowledge production and its communication and use (e.g. in new training and extension approaches) among the changing audiences (as aquaculture continues to attract an increasing variety of new stakeholders), and dealing with a widening set of change processes in recent times, often involving a complex mix of governance and social change challenges. We go on to suggest that aquaculture policy-makers, and stakeholders in general, need to better understand knowledge processes such as knowledge translation (implementation), knowledge networks (e.g. the role of farmers’ associations) and the use of knowledge platforms and brokers, all aimed at more effective dissemination and adoption of knowledge. Knowledge management by most stakeholders will become increasingly critical to the sustainable development of aquaculture and its movement towards attaining the goals set out in the Bangkok Declaration a decade back.


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Over the recent decades the most significant global imbalances have been between Asia-Pacific economies, with most attention directed to the imbalances of the largest economies, China, Japan and the United States. In contrast, this paper examines how external account imbalances and real long term interest rates are determined in smaller open economies. It first derives the proposition that external imbalances and long term interest rates move together whenever saving-investment shocks are predominantly domestically sourced, but move oppositely when saving-investment shocks mainly emanate abroad. It then shows that in the case of Australia, an Asia-Pacific economy that has borrowed heavily from abroad since the mid 1980's, rising net capital inflow has had a statistically significant negative impact on domestic real interest rates. This suggests that over that time net international lending rather than net foreign borrowing was mainly responsible for the variation in its external imbalance and real interest rates.


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Foreign direct investment (FDI), when considered homogenous, has case-specific result on sector diversification. However, FDI when disaggregated by its type, market-seeking FDI diversifies developed countries, while efficiency-seeking FDI diversifies developing countries, particularly in the manufacturing sector. Flexible labour markets and well-established financial markets also play important role in this context.


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(1) Data for loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta L.) nesting on the Greek island of Cephalonia were used to develop a model which predicted the optimum clutch size. (2) There was a positive linear relationship between the number of clutches into which eggs could be divided and the total time spent by a nesting turtle on the beach, and hence a negative relationship between the time invested on the beach per egg and clutch size. (3) A previous study indicated that energy expenditure for nesting turtles on land is very high, so there may be a selective pressure to maximize clutch size in order to minimize the energy expended per egg laid. As there appeared to be no counterselective pressures favouring small clutches, clutch size should be constrained by a female's egg-carryingc apacity,w hich in turn could be expected to be related to her body size. Hence, a positive relationship between clutch size and body size was predicted, and was found in the population under study.


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In this editorial the Editors of Addiction join over 500 public health leaders and 27 organizations in their endorsement of the ‘Statement of Concern’ addressed to the Director General of the World Health Organization. The Editors support the Statement’s contention that the global alcohol industry should have no role in the formulation of public health policies.


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The occurrence of so-called sticking points in a lift is pervasive in weight training practice. Biomechanically complex exercises often exhibit multi modal variation of effective force exerted against the load as a function of the elevation and velocity of the load. This results in a variety of possible loci for the occurrence of sticking points and makes the problem of designing the optimal training strategy to overcome them challenging. In this article a case founded on theoretical grounds is made against a purely empirical method. It is argued that the nature of the problem considered and the wide range of variables involved limit the generality of conclusions which can be drawn from experimental studies alone. Instead an alternative is described, whereby a recently proposed mathematical model of neuromuscular adaptation is employed in a series of computer simulations. These are used to examine quantitatively the effects of differently targeted partial range of motion (ROM) training approaches. Counter-intuitively and in contrast to common training practices, the key novel insight inferred from the obtained results is that in some cases the most effective approach for improving performance in an exercise with a sticking point at a particular point in the ROM is to improve force production capability at a different and possibly remote position in the lift. In the context of the employed model, this result is explained by changes in the neuromuscular and biomechanical environment for force production.