981 resultados para silica-supported dodecatungstophosphoric acid
Liver fatty-acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is a cytoplasmic polypeptide that binds with strong affinity especially to long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). It is highly expressed in both the liver and small intestine, where it is thought to have an essential role in the control of the cellular fatty acid (FA) flux. Because expression of the gene encoding L-FABP is increased by both fibrate hypolipidaemic drugs and LCFAs, it seems to be under the control of transcription factors, termed peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), activated by fibrate or FAs. However, the precise molecular mechanism by which these regulations take place remain to be fully substantiated. Using transfection assays, we found that the different PPAR subtypes (alpha, gamma and delta) are able to mediate the up-regulation by FAs of the gene encoding L-FABP in vitro. Through analysis of LCFA- and fibrate-mediated effects on L-FABP mRNA levels in wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice, we have found that PPARalpha in the intestine does not constitute a dominant regulator of L-FABP gene expression, in contrast with what is known in the liver. Only the PPARdelta/alpha agonist GW2433 is able to up-regulate the gene encoding L-FABP in the intestine of PPARalpha-null mice. These findings demonstrate that PPARdelta can act as a fibrate/FA-activated receptor in tissues in which it is highly expressed and that L-FABP is a PPARdelta target gene in the small intestine. We propose that PPARdelta contributes to metabolic adaptation of the small intestine to changes in the lipid content of the diet.
The proteasome plays a crucial role in the proteolytic processing of antigens presented to T cells in the context of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. However, the rules governing the specificity of cleavage sites are still largely unknown. We have previously shown that a cytolytic T lymphocyte-defined antigenic peptide derived from the MAGE-3 tumor-associated antigen (MAGE-3(271-279), FLWGPRALV in one-letter code) is not presented at the surface of melanoma cell lines expressing the MAGE-3 protein. By using purified proteasome and MAGE-3(271-279) peptides extended at the C terminus by 6 amino acids, we identified predominant cleavages after residues 278 and 280 but no detectable cleavage after residue Val(279), the C terminus of the antigenic peptide. In the present study, we have investigated the influence of Pro(275), Leu(278), and Glu(280) on the proteasomal digestion of MAGE-3(271-285) substituted at these positions. We show that positions 278 and 280 are major proteasomal cleavage sites because they tolerate most amino acid substitutions. In contrast, the peptide bond after Val(279) is a minor cleavage site, influenced by both distal and proximal amino acid residues.
Mycophenolic acid, a selective inhibitor of the de novo synthesis of guanosine nucleotides in T and B lymphocytes, has been proposed to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in vitro by depleting the substrate (guanosine nucleotides) for reverse transcriptase. Here we show that mycophenolic acid induced apoptosis and cell death in a large proportion of activated CD4+ T cells, thus indicating that it may inhibit HIV infection in vitro by both virological mechanisms and immunological mechanisms (depletion of the pool of activated CD4+ T lymphocytes). Administration of mycophenolate mophetil, the ester derivate of mycophenolic acid, to HIV-infected subjects treated with anti-retroviral therapy and with undetectable viremia resulted in the reduction of the number of dividing CD4 + and CD8+ T cells and in the inhibition of virus isolation from purified CD4+ T-cell populations. Based on these results, the potential use of mycophenolate mophetil in the treatment of HIV infection deserves further investigation in controlled clinical trials.
Vaccines in schistosomiasis using homologous antigens have been studied extensively in experimentally infected mammalian hosts. Vaccines using heterologous antigens have received comparatively less attention. This review summarizes recent work on a heterologous 12 kDa Fasciola hepatica antigenic polypeptide which cross reacts with Schistosoma mansoni. A cDNA has been cloned and sequenced, and the predicted amino acid sequence of the recombinant protein has been shown to have significant (44) identity with a 14 kDa S. mansoni fatty acid binding protein. Thus in the parasitic trematodes fatty acid binding proteins may be potential vaccine candidates. The F. hepatica recombinant protein has been overexpressed and purified and denoted rFh15. Preliminary rFh15 migrates more slowly (i.e. may be slightly larger) than nFh12 on SDS-PAGE and has a predicted pI of 6.01 vs. observed pI of 5.45. Mice infected with F. hepatica develop antibodies to nFh12 by 2 weeks of infection vs. 6 weeks of infection to rFh15; on the other hand, mice with schistosomiasis mansoni develop antibodies to both nFh12 and rFh15 by 6 weeks of infection. Both the F. hepatica and S. mansoni cross-reactive antigens may be cross-protective antigens with the protection inducing capability against both species.
Sequence analysis reveals that the Bacillus subtilis 168 tuaABCDEFGH operon encodes enzymes required for the polymerization of teichuronic acid as well as for the synthesis of one of its precursors, the UDP-glucuronate. Mutants deficient in any of the tua genes, grown in batch cultures under conditions of phosphate limitation, were characterized by reduced amounts of uronate in their cell walls. The teichuronic acid operon belongs to the Pho regulon, as phosphate limitation induces its transcription. Placing the tuaABCDEFGH operon under the control of the inducible Pspac promoter allowed its constitutive expression independently of the phosphate concentration in the medium; the level of uronic acid in cell walls was dependent on the concentration of the inducer. Apparently, owing to an interdependence between teichoic and teichuronic acid incorporation into the cell wall, in examined growth conditions, the balance between the two polymers is maintained in order to insure a constant level of the wall negative charge.
The four dominant outer membrane proteins (46, 38, 33 and 28 kDa) were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in a semi-purified preparation of vesicle membranes of a Neisseria meningitidis (N44/89, B:4:P1.15:P5.5,7) strain isolated in Brazil. The N-terminal amino acid sequence for the 46 kDa and 28 kDa proteins matched that reported by others for class 1 and 5 proteins respectively, whereas the sequence (25 amino acids) for the 38 kDa (class 3) protein was similar to class 1 meningococcal proteins. The sequence for the 33 kDa (class 4) was unique and not homologous to any known protein.
Plants orient their growth depending on directional stimuli such as light and gravity, in a process known as tropic response. Tropisms result from asymmetrical accumulation of auxin across the responding organ relative to the direction of the stimulus, which causes differential growth rates on both sides of the organ. Here, we show that gibberellins (GAs) attenuate the gravitropic reorientation of stimulated hypocotyls of dark-grown Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings. We show that the modulation occurs through induction of the expression of the negative regulator of auxin signaling INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID INDUCIBLE19/MASSUGU2. The biological significance of this regulatory mechanism involving GAs and auxin seems to be the maintenance of a high degree of flexibility in tropic responses. This notion is further supported by observations that GA-deficient seedlings showed a much lower variance in the response to gravity compared to wild-type seedlings and that the attenuation of gravitropism by GAs resulted in an increased phototropic response. This suggests that the interplay between auxin and GAs may be particularly important for plant orientation under competing tropic stimuli.
The freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata is an intermediate host of the trematode Schistosoma mansoni. However, some strains of B. glabrata are resistant to successful infection by S. mansoni larvae. The present work examines the profile of organic acids present in S. mansoni-resistant and -susceptible strains of B. glabrata, in order to determine whether the type of organic acid present is related to susceptibility. The organic acids were extracted from the hemolymph of two susceptible B. glabrata strains (PR, Puerto Rico and Ba, Jacobina-Bahia from Brazil), and from the resistant strains 13-16-R1 and 10R2, using solid phase extraction procedures followed by high performance liquid chromatography. The organic acids obtained were analyzed and identified by comparison with known standards. Pyruvate, lactate, succinate, malate, fumarate, acetate, propionate, ß-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate were detected in all hemolymph samples. Under standard conditions, the concentration of each of these substances varied among the strains tested and appeared to be specific for each strain. An interesting variation was the low concentration of pyruvate in the hemolymph of PR-snails. Only the concentration of fumarate was consistently different (p£ 0.05) between resistant and susceptible strains
The siderophore pyochelin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is derived from one molecule of salicylate and two molecules of cysteine. Two cotranscribed genes, pchEF, encoding peptide synthetases have been identified and characterized. pchE was required for the conversion of salicylate to dihydroaeruginoate (Dha), the condensation product of salicylate and one cysteine residue and pchF was essential for the synthesis of pyochelin from Dha. The deduced PchE (156 kDa) and PchF (197 kDa) proteins had adenylation, thiolation and condensation/cyclization motifs arranged as modules which are typical of those peptide synthetases forming thiazoline rings. The pchEF genes were coregulated with the pchDCBA operon, which provides enzymes for the synthesis (PchBA) and activation (PchD) of salicylate as well as a putative thioesterase (PchC). Expression of a translational pchE'-'lacZ fusion was strictly dependent on the PchR regulator and was induced by extracellular pyochelin, the end product of the pathway. Iron replete conditions led to Fur (ferric uptake regulator)-dependent repression of the pchE'-'lacZ fusion. A translational pchD'-'lacZ fusion was also positively regulated by PchR and pyochelin and repressed by Fur and iron. Thus, autoinduction by pyochelin (or ferric pyochelin) and repression by iron ensure a sensitive control of the pyochelin pathway in P. aeruginosa.
Lipid bodies, inducible lipid-rich cytoplasmic inclusions, are characteristically abundant in cells associated with inflammation, including eosinophils. Here we reviewed the formation and function of lipid bodies in human eosinophils. We now have evidence that the formation of lipid bodies is not attributable to adverse mechanisms, but is centrally mediated by specific signal transduction pathways. Arachidonic acid and other cis fatty acids by an NSAID-inhibitable process, diglycerides, and PAF by a 5-lipoxygenase dependent pathway are potent stimulators of lipid body induction. Lipid body formation develops rapidly by processes that involve PKC, PLC, and de novo mRNA and protein synthesis. These structures clearly serve as repositoires of arachidonyl-phospholipids and are more than inert depots. Specific enzymes, including cytosolic phospholipase A2, MAP kinases, lipoxygenases and cyclooxygenases, associate with lipid bodies. Lipid bodies appear to be dynamic, organelle-like structures involved in intracellular pathways of lipid mobilization and metabolism. Indeed, increases in lipid body numbers correlated with enhanced production of both lipoxygenase- and cyclooxygenase-derived eicosanoids. We hypothesize that lipid bodies are distinct inducible sites for generating eicosanoids as paracrine mediators with varied activities in inflammation. The capacity of lipid body formation to be specifically and rapidly induced in leukocytes enhances eicosanoid mediator formation, and conversely pharmacologic inhibition of lipid body induction represents a potential novel and specific target for anti-inflammatory therapy.
Quartz veins ranging in size from less than 50 cm length and 5 cm width to greater than 10 m in length and 5 m in width are found throughout the Central Swiss Alps. In some cases, the veins are completely filled with milky quartz, while in others, sometimes spectacular void-filling quartz crystals are found. The style of vein filling and size is controlled by host rock composition and deformation history. Temperatures of vein formation, estimated using stable isotope thermometry and mineral equilibria, cover a range of 450 degrees C down to 150 degrees C. Vein formation started at 18 to 20 Ma and continued for over 10 My. The oxygen isotope values of quartz veins range from 10 to 20 permil, and in almost all cases are equal to those of the hosting lithology. The strongly rock-buffered veins imply a low fluid/rock ratio and minimal fluid flow. In order to explain massive, nearly morromineralic quartz formation without exceptionally large fluid fluxes, a mechanism of differential pressure and silica diffusion, combined with pressure solution, is proposed for early vein formation. Fluid inclusions and hydrous minerals in late-formed veins have extremely low delta D values, consistent with meteoric water infiltration. The change from rock-buffered, static fluid to infiltration from above can be explained in terms of changes in the large-scale deformation style occurring between 20 and 15 Ma. The rapid cooling of the Central Alps identified in previous studies may be explained in part, by infiltration of cold meteoric waters along fracture systems down to depths of 10 km or more. An average water flux of 0.15 cm 3 cm(-2)yr(-1) entering the rock and reemerging heated by 40 degrees C is sufficient to cool rock at 10 km depth by 100 degrees C in 5 million years. The very negative delta D values of < -130 permil for the late stage fluids are well below the annual average values measured in meteoric water in the region today. The low fossil delta D values indicate that the Central Alps were at a higher elevation in the Neogene. Such a conclusion is supported by an earlier work, where a paleoaltitude of 5000 meters was proposed on the basis of large erratic boulders found at low elevations far from their origin.
OBJECTIVES: Increasing evidence suggests that left ventricular remodeling is associated with a shift from fatty acid to glucose metabolism for energy production. The aim of this study was to determine whether left ventricular remodeling with and without late-onset heart failure after myocardial infarction is associated with regional changes in the expression of regulatory proteins of glucose or fatty acid metabolism. METHODS: Myocardial infarction was induced in rats by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In infarcted and sham-operated hearts the peri-infarction region (5-mm zone surrounding the region at risk), the interventricular septum and the right ventricular free wall were separated for analysis. RESULTS: At 8 and 20 weeks after LAD ligation, the peri-infarction region and the septum exhibited marked re-expression of atrial natriuretic factor [+252+/-37 and +1093+/-279%, respectively, in the septum (P<0.05)] and of alpha-smooth muscle actin [+34+/-10 and +43+/-14%, respectively, in the septum (P<0.05)]. At 8 weeks, when left ventricular hypertrophy was present without signs of heart failure, myocardial mRNA expression of glucose transporters (GLUT-1 and GLUT-4) was not altered, whereas mRNA expression of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) was significantly reduced in the peri-infarction region (-25+/-7%; P<0.05). In hearts exhibiting heart failure 20 weeks after infarct-induction there was a change in all three ventricular regions of both mRNA and protein content of GLUT-1 [+72+/-28 and +121+/-15%, respectively, in the peri-infarction region (P<0.05)] and MCAD [-29+/-9 and -56+/-4%, respectively, in the peri-infarction region (P<0.05)]. CONCLUSION: In rats with large myocardial infarction, progression from compensated remodeling to overt heart failure is associated with upregulation of GLUT-1 and downregulation of MCAD in both the peri-infarction region and the septum.