988 resultados para seismic reflection


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The Deep Sea Drilling Project, in addition to providing valuable information on the history and processes of development of the ocean, has significantly contributed to our knowledge of the chemical and physical nature of the upper oceanic crust. Among the important physical properties of the crust are its seismic velocity and structure, the interpretation of which requires laboratory studies of seismic velocities in oceanic rocks.


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From 0 to 277 m at Site 530 are found Holocene to Miocene diatom ooze, nannofossil ooze, marl, clay, and debrisflow deposits; from 277 to 467 m are Miocene to Oligocene mud; from 467 to 1103 m are Eocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, sandstone, and black shale in the lower portion; from 1103 to 1121 m are basalts. In the interval from 0 to 467 m, in Holocene to Oligocene pelagic oozes, marl, clay, debris flows, and mud, velocities are 1.5 to 1.8 km/s; below 200 m velocities increase irregularly with increasing depth. From 0 to 100 m, in Holocene to Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil oozes (excluding debris flows), velocities are approximately equivalent to that of the interstitial seawater, and thus acoustic reflections in the upper 100 m are primarily caused by variations in density and porosity. Below 100 or 200 m, acoustic reflections are caused by variations in both velocity and density. From 100 to 467 m, in Miocene-Oligocene nannofossil ooze, clay, marl, debris flows, and mud, acoustic anisotropy irregularly increases to 10%, with 2 to 5% being typical. From 467 to 1103 m in Paleocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and black shale in the lower portion of the hole, velocities range from 1.6 to 5.48 km/s, and acoustic anisotropies are as great as 47% (1.0 km/s) faster horizontally. Mudstone and uncemented sandstone have anisotropies which irregularly increase with increasing depth from 5 to 10% (0.2 km/s). Calcareous mudstones have the greatest anisotropies, typically 35% (0.6 km/s). Below 1103 m, basalt velocities ranged from 4.68 to 4.98 km/s. A typical value is about 4.8 km/s. In situ velocities are calculated from velocity data obtained in the laboratory. These are corrected for in situ temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and porosity rebound (expansion when the overburden pressure is released). These corrections do not include rigidity variations caused by overburden pressures. These corrections affect semiconsolidated sedimentary rocks the most (up to 0.25 km/s faster). These laboratory velocities appear to be greater than the velocities from the sonic log. Reflection coefficients derived from the laboratory data, in general, agree with the major features on the seismic profiles. These indicate more potential reflectors than indicated from the reflection coefficients derived using the Gearhart-Owen Sonic Log from 625 to 940 m, because the Sonic Log data average thin beds. Porosity-density data versus depth for mud, mudstone, and pelagic oozes agree with data for similar sediments as summarized in Hamilton (1976). At depths of about 400 m and about 850 m are zones of relatively higher porosity mudstones, which may suggest anomalously high pore pressure; however, they are more probably caused by variations in grain-size distribution and lithology. Electrical resistivity (horizontal) from 625 to 950 m ranged from about 1.0 to 4.0 ohm-m, in Maestrichtian to Santonian- Coniacian mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and sandstone. An interstitial-water resistivity curve did not indicate any unexpected lithology or unusual fluid or gas in the pores of the rock. These logs were above the black shale beds. From 0 to 100 m at Sites 530 and 532, the vane shear strength on undisturbed samples of Holocene-Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil ooze uniformly increases from about 80 g/cm**2 to about 800 g/cm**2. From 100 to 300 m, vane shear strength of Pleistocene-Miocene nannofossil ooze, clay, and marl are irregular versus depth with a range of 500 to 2300 g/cm**2; and at Site 532 the vane shear strength appears to decrease irregularly and slightly with increasing depth (gassy zone). Vane shear strength values of gassy samples may not be valid, for the samples may be disturbed as gas evolves, and the sediments may not be gassy at in situ depths.


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Major plastered drift sequences were imaged using high-resolution multichannel seismics during R/V Meteor cruises M63/1 and M75/3 south of the Mozambique Channel along the continental margin of Mozambique off the Limpopo River. Detailed seismic-stratigraphic analyses enabled the reconstruction of the onset and development of the modern, discontinuous, eddy-dominated Mozambique Current. Major drift sequences can first be identified during the Early Miocene. Consistent with earlier findings, a progressive northward shift of the depocenter indicates that, on a geological timescale, a steady but variable Mozambique Current existed from this time onward. It can furthermore be shown that, during the Early/Middle Miocene, a coast-parallel current was established off the Limpopo River as part of a lee eddy system driven by the Mozambique Current. Modern sedimentation is controlled by the interplay between slope morphology and the lee eddy system, resulting in upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Water. Drift accumulations at larger depths are related to the reworking of sediment by deep-reaching eddies that migrate southward, forming the Mozambique Current and eventually merging with the Agulhas Current.


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During ODP Leg 166, the recovery of cores from a transect of drill sites across the Bahamas margin from marginal to deep basin environments was an essential requirement for the study of the response of the sedimentary systems to sea-level changes. A detailed biostratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera was performed on ODP Hole 1006A for an accurate stratigraphic control. The investigated late middle Miocene-early Pliocene sequence spans the interval from about 12.5 Ma (Biozone N12) to approximately 4.5 Ma (Biozone N19). Several bioevents calibrated with the time scale of Berggren et al. (1995a,b) were identified. The ODP Site 1006 benthic oxygen isotope stratigraphy can be correlated to the corresponding deep-water benthic oxygen isotope curve from ODP Site 846 in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (Shackleton et al., 1995. Proc. ODP Sci. Res. 138, 337-356), which was orbitally tuned for the entire Pliocene into the latest Miocene at 6.0 Ma. The approximate stratigraphic match of the isotopic signals from both records between 4.5 and 6.0 Ma implies that the paleoceanographic signal from the Bahamas is not simply a record of regional variations but, indeed, represents glacio-eustatic fluctuations. The ODP Site 1006 oxygen and carbon isotope record, based on benthic and planktonic foraminifera, was used to define paleoceanographic changes on the margin, which could be tied to lithostratigraphic events on the Bahamas carbonate platform using seismic sequence stratigraphy. The oxygen isotope values show a general cooling trend from the middle to late Miocene, which was interrupted by a significant trend towards warmer sea-surface temperatures (SST) and associated sea-level rise with decreased ice volume during the latest Miocene. This trend reached a maximum coincident with the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. An abrupt cooling in the early Pliocene then followed the warming which continued into the earliest Pliocene. The late Miocene paleoceanographic evolution along the Bahamas margin can be observed in the ODP Site 1006 delta13C values, which support other evidence for the beginning of the closure of the Panama gateway at 8 Ma followed by a reduced intermediate water supply of water from the Pacific into the Caribbean at about 5 Ma. A general correlation of lower sedimentation rates with the major seismic sequence boundaries (SSBs) was observed. Additionally, the SSBs are associated with transitions towards more positive oxygen isotope excursions. This observed correspondence implies that the presence of a SSB, representing a density impedance contrast in the sedimentary sequence, may reflect changes in the character of the deposited sediment during highstands versus those during lowstands. However, not all of the recorded oxygen isotope excursions correspond to SSBs. The absence of a SSB in association with an oxygen isotope excursion indicates that not all oxygen isotope sea-level events impact the carbonate margin to the same extent, or maybe even represent equivalent sea-level fluctuations. Thus, it can be tentatively concluded that SSBs produced on carbonate margins do record sea-level fluctuations but not every sea-level fluctuation is represented by a SSB in the sequence stratigraphic record.


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Magnetic properties of volcanic rocks are controlled mainly by the physical and chemical state of their constituent ferromagnetic minerals. The most important parameters determining magnetic properties are concentration, composition, grain size, and oxidation state. In sea floor basalts, the main ferromagnetic minerals are titanomagnetites which are either unoxidized or, more commonly, have undergone various degrees of posteruptive low-temperature oxidation to become cationdeficient titanomagnetites, or titanomaghemites. The effects of this low-temperature alteration are seen in the increase of Curie temperature and decrease of saturation magnetization and lattice parameter of ferromagnetic minerals (Readman and O'Reilly, 1972). It is now believed that titanomaghemitization of newly formed mid-ocean ridge crust proceeds with a time constant of about 1 m.y., accompanying drastic decrease of the intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) (Johnson and Atwater, 1977).


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A number of C25 and C30 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) sulphur compounds (E.G., thiolanes, 1-oxo-thiolanes, thiophenes, and benzo[b]thiophenes) with 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)pentadecane and 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)nonadecane carbon skeletons were identified in sediments, ranging from Holocene to Upper Cretaceous. These identifications are based on mass spectral characterisation, desulphurisation, and, in some cases, by comparison of mass spectral and relative retention time data with those of authentic standards. The presence of unsaturated C25 and C30 HBI thiolanes in a Recent sediment from the Black Sea (age 3-6 ka) strongly supports their formation during early diagenesis. The co-occurrence of HBI polyenes (C25 and C30) and unsaturated HBI thiolanes (C25 and C30) possessing two double bonds less than the corresponding HBI polyenes, in this Recent sediment, testifies to the formation of unsaturated HBI thiolanes by a reaction of inorganic sulphur species with double bonds of the HBI polyenes. Furthermore, a diagenetic scheme for HBI sulphur compounds is proposed based on the identification of HBI sulphur compounds in sediment samples with different maturity levels.