987 resultados para segmental torso masses


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The presence of NO during the regeneration period of a Pt-Ba/Al O Lean NO Trap (LNT) catalyst modifies significantly the evolution of products formed from the reduction of stored nitrates, particularly nitrogen and ammonia. The use of isotope labelling techniques, feeding NO during the storage period and NO during regeneration allows us to propose three different routes for nitrogen formation based on the different masses detected during regeneration, i.e. N (m/e = 28), N N (m/e = 29) and N (m/e = 30). It is proposed that the formation of nitrogen via Route 1 involves the reaction between hydrogen and NO released from the storage component to form NH mainly. Then, ammonia further reacts with NO located downstream to form N . In Route 2, it is postulated that the incoming NO reacts with hydrogen to form NH in the reactor zone where the trap has been already regenerated. This isotopically labelled ammonia travels through the catalyst bed until it reaches the regeneration front where it participates in the reduction of stored nitrates ( NO ) to form N N. The formation of N via Route 3 is believed to occur by the reaction between incoming NO and H . The modification of the hydrogen concentration fed during regeneration affects the relative importance of H or NH as reductants and thus the production of N via Route 1 and N N via Route 2.


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The star 1SWASP J024743.37-251549.2 was recently discovered to be a binary star in which an A-type dwarf star eclipses the remnant of a disrupted red giant star (WASP 0247-25 B). The remnant is in a rarely observed state evolving to higher effective temperatures at nearly constant luminosity prior to becoming a very low mass white dwarf composed almost entirely of helium, i.e. it is a pre-helium white dwarf (pre-He-WD). We have used the photometric database from theWide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) to find 17 eclipsing binary stars with orbital periods P = 0.7-2.2 d with similar light curves to 1SWASP J024743.37-251549.2. The only star in this group previously identified as a variable star is the brightest one, EL CVn, which we adopt as the prototype for this class of eclipsing binary star. The characteristic light curves of EL CVn-type stars show a total eclipse by an A-type dwarf star of a smaller, hotter star and a secondary eclipse of comparable depth to the primary eclipse. We have used new spectroscopic observations for six of these systems to confirm that the companions to the A-type stars in these binaries have very low masses (≈0.2M⊙). This includes the companion to EL CVn which was not previously known to be a pre-He-WD. EL CVn-type binary star systems will enable us to study the formation of very low mass white dwarfs in great detail, particularly in those cases where the pre-He-WD star shows non-radial pulsations similar to those recently discovered in WASP0247-25 B. © 2013 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.


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Many pathological conditions exist where tissues exhibit hypoxia or low oxygen tension. Hypoxic hypoxia arises when there is a reduction in the amount of oxygen entering the blood and occurs in healthy people at high altitude. In 1946, research sponsored by the United States Navy led to the collection and subsequent publication of masses of data demonstrating the physiological consequences and adaptations of ascent to high altitude. This article describes how a figure from a 1947 paper from the American Physiological Society Legacy collection (Houston CS, Riley RL. Respiratory and circulatory changes during acclimatization to high altitude. Am J Physiol 149: 565-588) may be used to allow students to review their understanding of some of the generalized effects of hypoxia on the body. In particular, this figure summarizes some of the adaptive responses that take place in the oxygen transport system as a consequence of prolonged hypoxia.


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The overall aim of this study was to assess the accuracy, reproducibility and stability of a high resolution passive stereophotogrammetry system to image a female mannequin torso, to validate measurements made on the textured virtual surface compared with those obtained using manual techniques and to develop an approach to make objective measurements of the female breast. 3D surface imaging was carried out on a textured female torso and measurements made in accordance with the system of mammometrics. Linear errors in measurements were less than 0.5 mm, system calibration produced errors of less than 1.0 mm over 94% over the surface and intra-rater reliability measured by ICC = 0.999. The mean difference between manual and digital curved surface distances was 1.36 mm with maximum and minimum differences of 3.15 mm and 0.02 mm, respectively. The stereophotogrammetry system has been demonstrated to perform accurately and reliably with specific reference to breast assessment. (C) 2011 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a sample of normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Nearby Supernova Factory data set with spectrophotometry at sufficiently late phases to estimate the ejected mass using the bolometric light curve.Wemeasure Ni masses from the peak bolometric luminosity, then compare the luminosity in the Co-decay tail to the expected rate of radioactive energy release from ejecta of a given mass. We infer the ejected mass in a Bayesian context using a semi-analytic model of the ejecta, incorporating constraints from contemporary numerical models as priors on the density structure and distribution of Ni throughout the ejecta. We find a strong correlation between ejected mass and light-curve decline rate, and consequently Ni mass, with ejected masses in our data ranging from 0.9 to 1.4 M. Most fast-declining (SALT2 x <-1) normal SNe Ia have significantly sub-Chandrasekhar ejected masses in our fiducial analysis.


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We present a first systematic comparison of superluminous Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at late epochs, including previously unpublished photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2007if, SN 2009dc and SNF20080723-012. Photometrically, the objects of our sample show a diverse late-time behaviour, some of them fading quite rapidly after a light-curve break at ∼ 150-200 d. The latter is likely the result of flux redistribution into the infrared, possibly caused by dust formation, rather than a true bolometric effect. Nebular spectra of superluminous SNe Ia are characterized by weak or absent [Fe III] emission, pointing at a low ejecta ionization state as a result of high densities. To constrain the ejecta and Ni masses of superluminous SNe Ia, we compare the observed bolometric light curve of SN 2009dc with synthetic model light curves, focusing on the radioactive tail after ∼60 d. Models with enough Ni to explain the light-curve peak by radioactive decay, and at the same time sufficient mass to keep the ejecta velocities low, fail to reproduce the observed light-curve tail of SN 2009dc because of too much γ -ray trapping.We instead propose a model with ∼1M of Ni and ∼2 M of ejecta, which may be interpreted as the explosion of a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (WD) enshrouded by 0.6-0.7 M of C/O-rich material, as it could result from a merger of two massive C/O WDs. This model reproduces the late light curve of SN 2009dc well. A flux deficit at peak may be compensated by light from the interaction of the ejecta with the surrounding material.


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The close proximity of short-period hot-Jupiters to their parent star means they are subject to extreme tidal forces. This has a profound effect on their structure and, as a result, density measurements that assume that the planet is spherical can be incorrect. We have simulated the tidally distorted surface for 34 known short-period hot-Jupiters, assuming surfaces of constant gravitational equipotential for the planet, and the resulting densities have been calculated based only on observed parameters of the exoplanet systems. Comparing these results to the density values, assuming the planets are spherical, shows that there is an appreciable change in the measured density for planets with very short periods (typically less than two days). For one of the shortest-period systems, WASP-19b, we determine a decrease in bulk density of 12% from the spherical case and, for the majority of systems in this study, this value is in the range of 1%-5%. On the other hand, we also find cases where the distortion is negligible (relative to the measurement errors on the planetary parameters) even in the cases of some very short period systems, depending on the mass ratio and planetary radius. For high-density gas planets requiring apparently anomalously large core masses, density corrections due to tidal deformation could become important for the shortest-period systems.


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Ice-marginal moraines are often used to reconstruct the dimensions of former ice masses, which are then used as proxies for palaeoclimate. This approach relies on the assumption that the distribution of moraines in the modern landscape is an accurate reflection of former ice margin positions during climatically controlled periods of ice margin stability. However, the validity of this assumption is open to question, as a number of additional, nonclimatic factors are known to influence moraine distribution. This review considers the role played by topography in this process, with specific focus on moraine formation, preservation, and ease of identification (topoclimatic controls are not considered). Published literature indicates that the importance of topography in regulating moraine distribution varies spatially, temporally, and as a function of the ice mass type responsible for moraine deposition. In particular, in the case of ice sheets and ice caps ( > 1000 km2), one potentially important topographic control on where in a landscape moraines are deposited is erosional feedback, whereby subglacial erosion causes ice masses to become less extensive over successive glacial cycles. For the marine-terminating outlets of such ice masses, fjord geometry also exerts a strong control on where moraines are deposited, promoting their deposition in proximity to valley narrowings, bends, bifurcations, where basins are shallow, and/or in the vicinity of topographic bumps. Moraines formed at the margins of ice sheets and ice caps are likely to be large and readily identifiable in the modern landscape. In the case of icefields and valley glaciers (10–1000 km2), erosional feedback may well play some role in regulating where moraines are deposited, but other factors, including variations in accumulation area topography and the propensity for moraines to form at topographic pinning points, are also likely to be important. This is particularly relevant where land-terminating glaciers extend into piedmont zones (unconfined plains, adjacent to mountain ranges) where large and readily identifiable moraines can be deposited. In the case of cirque glaciers (< 10 km2), erosional feedback is less important, but factors such as topographic controls on the accumulation of redistributed snow and ice and the availability of surface debris, regulate glacier dimensions and thereby determine where moraines are deposited. In such cases, moraines are likely to be small and particularly susceptible to post-depositional modification, sometimes making them difficult to identify in the modern landscape. Based on this review, we suggest that, despite often being difficult to identify, quantify, and mitigate, topographic controls on moraine distribution should be explicitly considered when reconstructing the dimensions of palaeoglaciers and that moraines should be judiciously chosen before being used as indirect proxies for palaeoclimate (i.e., palaeoclimatic inferences should only be drawn from moraines when topographic controls on moraine distribution are considered insignificant).


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Objective: The present investigation has been designed to study the incidence of the rectus stern muscle in German human cadavers dissected in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, trying to find a postulation for the development of such muscle when present. Design: Gross dissection of 130 cadavers, of both sexes, was performed throughout a period of 10 years. Setting: Department of Anatomy College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Intervention: Investigation of the origin and insertion of the rectus sterni and measurements of its length and width. Results: Two adult cadavers, one of each sex, had shown well-developed bilateral rectus stern muscles. All muscles identified were parasternal in position, being superficial to the medial portion of the pectoralis major muscle. Minor morphological differences were observed among the four muscle masses concerning their length, breadth, origin and insertion. Conclusion: The current study has determined the incidence of the rectus sterni muscle, in German cadavers to be 1.54% per bodies examined compared to 4% in cadavers from Saudis. Such a frequency is compared to that reported in different geographic populations. The rectus sterni muscle is innervated by the anterior cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerves. The description of the rectus sterni muscle and its incidence determined in the present study, might be of a great help for clinicians radiographing or tackling the pectoral region.


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Despite the importance of laughter in social interactions it remains little studied in affective computing. Respiratory, auditory, and facial laughter signals have been investigated but laughter-related body movements have received almost no attention. The aim of this study is twofold: first an investigation into observers' perception of laughter states (hilarious, social, awkward, fake, and non-laughter) based on body movements alone, through their categorization of avatars animated with natural and acted motion capture data. Significant differences in torso and limb movements were found between animations perceived as containing laughter and those perceived as nonlaughter. Hilarious laughter also differed from social laughter in the amount of bending of the spine, the amount of shoulder rotation and the amount of hand movement. The body movement features indicative of laughter differed between sitting and standing avatar postures. Based on the positive findings in this perceptual study, the second aim is to investigate the possibility of automatically predicting the distributions of observer's ratings for the laughter states. The findings show that the automated laughter recognition rates approach human rating levels, with the Random Forest method yielding the best performance.


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Background: In a selective group of patients accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) might be applied after conservative breast surgery to reduce the amount of irradiated healthy tissue. The role of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and voluntary moderately deep inspiration breath-hold (vmDIBH) techniques in further reducing irradiated healthy – especially heart – tissue is investigated.

Material and methods: For 37 partial breast planning target volumes (PTVs), three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) (3 – 5 coplanar or non-coplanar 6 and/or 10 MV beams) and VMAT (two partial 6 MV arcs) plans were made on CTs acquired in free-breathing (FB) and/or in vmDIBH. Dose-volume parameters for the PTV, heart, lungs, and breasts were compared. 

Results: Better dose conformity was achieved with VMAT compared to 3D-CRT (conformity index 1.24 0.09 vs. 1.49 0.20). Non-PTV ipsilateral breast receiving 50% of the prescribed dose was on average reduced by 28% in VMAT plans compared to 3D-CRT plans. Mean heart dose (MHD) reduced from 2.0 (0.1 – 5.1) Gy in 3D-CRT(FB) to 0.6 (0.1 – 1.6) Gy in VMAT(vmDIBH). VMAT is benefi cial for MHD reduction if MHD with 3D-CRT exceeds 0.5Gy. Cardiac dose reduction as a result of VMAT increases with increasing initial MHD, and adding vmDIBH reduces the cardiac dose further. Mean dose to the ipsilateral lung decreased from 3.7 (0.7 – 8.7) to 1.8 (0.5 – 4.0) Gy with VMAT(vmDIBH) compared to 3D-CRT(FB). VMAT resulted in a slight increase in the contralateral breast dose (DMean ) always remaining 1.9 Gy). 

Conclusions: For APBI patients, VMAT improves PTV dose conformity and delivers lower doses to the ipsilateral breast and lung compared to 3D-CRT. This goes at the cost of a slight but acceptable increase of the contralateral breast dose. VMAT reduces cardiac dose if MHD exceeds 0.5 Gy for 3D-CRT. Adding vmDIBH results in a further reduction of heart and ipsilateral lung dose. 


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Despite its importance in social interactions, laughter remains little studied in affective computing. Intelligent virtual agents are often blind to users’ laughter and unable to produce convincing laughter themselves. Respiratory, auditory, and facial laughter signals have been investigated but laughter-related body movements have received less attention. The aim of this study is threefold. First, to probe human laughter perception by analyzing patterns of categorisations of natural laughter animated on a minimal avatar. Results reveal that a low dimensional space can describe perception of laughter “types”. Second, to investigate observers’ perception of laughter (hilarious, social, awkward, fake, and non-laughter) based on animated avatars generated from natural and acted motion-capture data. Significant differences in torso and limb movements are found between animations perceived as laughter and those perceived as non-laughter. Hilarious laughter also differs from social laughter. Different body movement features were indicative of laughter in sitting and standing avatar postures. Third, to investigate automatic recognition of laughter to the same level of certainty as observers’ perceptions. Results show recognition rates of the Random Forest model approach human rating levels. Classification comparisons and feature importance analyses indicate an improvement in recognition of social laughter when localized features and nonlinear models are used.


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In recent years, wide-field sky surveys providing deep multi-band imaging have presented a new path for indirectly characterizing the progenitor populations of core-collapse supernovae (SN): systematic light curve studies. We assemble a set of 76 grizy-band Type IIP SN light curves from Pan-STARRS1, obtained over a constant survey program of 4 years and classified using both spectroscopy and machine learning-based photometric techniques. We develop and apply a new Bayesian model for the full multi-band evolution of each light curve in the sample. We find no evidence of a sub-population of fast-declining explosions (historically referred to as "Type IIL" SNe). However, we identify a highly significant relation between the plateau phase decay rate and peak luminosity among our SNe IIP. These results argue in favor of a single parameter, likely determined by initial stellar mass, predominantly controlling the explosions of red supergiants. This relation could also be applied for supernova cosmology, offering a standardizable candle good to an intrinsic scatter of 0.2 mag. We compare each light curve to physical models from hydrodynamic simulations to estimate progenitor initial masses and other properties of the Pan-STARRS1 Type IIP SN sample. We show that correction of systematic discrepancies between modeled and observed SN IIP light curve properties and an expanded grid of progenitor properties, are needed to enable robust progenitor inferences from multi-band light curve samples of this kind. This work will serve as a pathfinder for photometric studies of core-collapse SNe to be conducted through future wide field transient searches.


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Cao et al. reported a possible progenitor detection for the Type Ib supernovae iPTF13bvn for the first time. We find that the progenitor is in fact brighter than the magnitudes previously reported by approximately 0.7-0.2 mag with a larger error in the bluer filters. We compare our new magnitudes to our large set of binary evolution models and find that many binary models with initial masses in the range of 10-20M(circle dot) match this new photometry and other constraints suggested from analysing the supernova. In addition, these lower mass stars retain more helium at the end of the model evolution indicating that they are likely to be observed as Type Ib supernovae rather than their more massive, Wolf-Rayet counter parts. We are able to rule out typical Wolf-Rayet models as the progenitor because their ejecta masses are too high and they do not fit the observed SED unless they have a massive companion which is the observed source at the supernova location. Therefore only late-time observations of the location will truly confirm if the progenitor was a helium giant and not a Wolf-Rayet star.


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We present the results of a photometric and spectroscopic monitoring campaign of SN 2012ec, which exploded in the spiral galaxy NGC 1084, during the photospheric phase. The photometric light curve exhibits a plateau with luminosity L = 0.9 x 10(42) erg s(-1) and duration similar to 90 d, which is somewhat shorter than standard Type II-P supernovae (SNe). We estimate the nickel mass M(Ni-56) = 0.040 +/- 0.015 M-circle dot from the luminosity at the beginning of the radioactive tail of the light curve. The explosion parameters of SN 2012ec were estimated from the comparison of the bolometric light curve and the observed temperature and velocity evolution of the ejecta with predictions from hydrodynamical models. We derived an envelope mass of 12.6 M-circle dot, an initial progenitor radius of 1.6 x 10(13) cm and an explosion energy of 1.2 foe. These estimates agree with an independent study of the progenitor star identified in pre-explosion images, for which an initial mass of M = 14-22 M-circle dot was determined. We have applied the same analysis to two other Type II-P SNe (SNe 2012aw and 2012A), and carried out a comparison with the properties of SN 2012ec derived in this paper. We find a reasonable agreement between the masses of the progenitors obtained from pre-explosion images and masses derived from hydrodynamical models. We estimate the distance to SN 2012ec with the standardized candle method (SCM) and compare it with other estimates based on other primary and secondary indicators. SNe 2012A, 2012aw and 2012ec all follow the standard relations for the SCM for the use of Type II-P SNe as distance indicators.