993 resultados para seeds vigor


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Estudou-se os efeitos da utilização de lotes constituídos por sementes de milho de alto ou de baixo vigor, bem como a mistura desses em diferentes proporções, simulando-se o uso de lotes de sementes homogêneos e heterogêneos quanto ao vigor das sementes, sobre o crescimento inicial e produtividade das plantas. Observou-se que plantas originadas de sementes menos vigorosas foram inferiores às originadas de sementes mais vigorosas quanto ao crescimento inicial e, para os componentes de produção, as provenientes de sementes menos vigorosas não foram inferiores nas distribuições onde houve 100% de um tipo de semente, porém, foram inferiores quanto acúmulo de massa de matéria seca, número de grãos por fileira e produtividade de grãos nas demais distribuições. Assim, vigor de sementes está diretamente relacionado ao crescimento inicial das plantas; porém, seus efeitos não persistem até o final do ciclo da cultura quando há o uso de lotes homogêneos quanto ao vigor das sementes. O uso de lotes heterogêneos resulta em maior competição intraespecífica proporcionando menor capacidade competitiva às plantas provenientes de sementes de menos vigorosas, sendo estas dominadas pelas provenientes de sementes de alto vigor, refletindo negativamente em produção por planta.


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Xylopia aromatica is a native species from Brazil's "Cerrado", recommended for restoration ecology and also as a medicine. Its seeds have embryos with morphophysiological dormancy, making nursery propagation difficult. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of X-ray and tetrazolium tests for evaluating the viability of three seed lots, stored for different periods. All seeds were X-rayed (13 kV, 350 seconds) and samples used for tetrazolium and germination tests. In the tetrazolium test, seeds were submitted to six treatments at two temperatures (25 and 30 °C) with imbibition in distilled water and immersion in three concentrations of tetrazolium solution (0.5, 0.75 and 1%) at the two imbibition temperatures. Seeds for the germination test were placed for imbibition in distilled water and a 500 ppm Promalin® (6-Benzyladenine + GA4 + GA7) solution and later sown in sterilized sand. The embryo could not be observed with the X-ray test. However, those seeds observed with an undamaged endosperm did not differ in the percentages of seeds with firm and stained endosperms observed in the tetrazolium test for all the lots. The tetrazolium test is efficient for evaluating seed viability, principally if imbibed at 30 °C and immersed in a 0.5% solution at 30 °C.


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar a eficiência do sistema computadorizado de avaliação do vigor de sementes (SVIS®), em comparação com outros procedimentos disponíveis, em sementes de milho superdoce. Foram utilizadas sementes dos híbridos SWB 551 e SWB 585, cada uma representada por cinco lotes, conduzindo-se testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado (tradicional e com solução saturada de NaCl) e emergência de plântulas em campo. Para a determinação do vigor das sementes por meio do SVIS®, as plântulas foram avaliadas aos três dias após a semeadura do teste de germinação, sendo obtidos dados referentes ao índice de vigor, à uniformidade de desenvolvimento e ao comprimento de plântulas. Para ambos os híbridos avaliados, os resultados fornecidos pelo SVIS® foram coerentes com os do teste de envelhecimento acelerado tradicional. Concluiu-se que o SVIS® é eficiente para avaliação do vigor de sementes de milho superdoce, constituindo alternativa viável para a determinação do potencial fisiológico.


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Os efeitos do vigor de lotes de sementes sobre a emergência das plântulas e estabelecimento do estande, principalmente sob condições menos favoráveis de ambiente, estão bem documentados na literatura. Porém, há necessidade de intensificar a pesquisa para esclarecer as relações entre o potencial fisiológico das sementes e o desempenho das plantas em campo; este foi o principal objetivo deste estudo.Utilizaram-se duas cultivares de ervilha, 'Telefone Alta' (crescimento indeterminado) e 'Itapuã' (determinado), cada uma representada por quatro lotes armazenados, durante oito meses, em três ambientes: laboratório, câmara fria e seca (10 ºC e 30% de umidade relativa do ar) e ambiente controlado (20 ºC e 70% de umidade relativa do ar); este procedimento permitiu criar diferenças entre o potencial fisiológico dos lotes de cada cultivar. Após a determinação da germinação e do vigor (condutividade elétrica, envelhecimento acelerado, comprimento e emergência de plântulas), foi conduzido ensaio de campo, realizando-se avaliações do estande inicial e final, altura e área foliar de plantas, número de vagens e produção de grãos verdes e secos. O vigor das sementes de ervilha influencia a emergência de plântulas e o estabelecimento do estande em campo, especialmente em lotes pouco vigorosos. O vigor de sementes de ervilha afeta negativamente o desenvolvimento das plantas e a produção final, quando há redução acentuada do estande; a extensão desses efeitos é proporcional à intensidade dessa redução.


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Root-yield-1.06 is a major QTL affecting root system architecture (RSA) and other agronomic traits in maize. The effect of this QTL has been evaluated with the development of near isogenic lines (NILs) differing at the QTL position. The objective of this study was to fine map qroot-yield-1.06 by marker-assisted searching for chromosome recombinants in the QTL interval and concurrent root phenotyping in both controlled and field conditions, through successive generations. Complementary approaches such as QTL meta-analysis and RNA-seq were deployed in order to help prioritizing candidate genes within the QTL target region. Using a selected group of genotypes, field based root analysis by ‘shovelomics’ enabled to accurately collect RSA information of adult maize plants. Shovelomics combined with software-assisted root imaging analysis proved to be an informative and relatively highly automated phenotyping protocol. A QTL interval mapping was conducted using a segregating population at the seedling stage grown in controlled environment. Results enabled to narrow down the QTL interval and to identify new polymorphic markers for MAS in field experiments. A collection of homozygous recombinant NILs was developed by screening segregating populations with markers flanking qroot-yield-1.06. A first set of lines from this collection was phenotyped based on the adapted shovelomics protocol. QTL analysis based on these data highlighted an interval of 1.3 Mb as completely linked with the target QTL but, a larger safer interval of 4.1 Mb was selected for further investigations. QTL meta-analysis allows to synthetize information on root QTLs and two mQTLs were identified in the qroot-yield-1.06 interval. Trascriptomics analysis based on RNA-seq data of the two contrasting QTL-NILs, confirmed alternative haplotypes at chromosome bin 1.06. qroot-yield-1.06 has now been delimited to a 4.1-Mb interval, and thanks to the availability of additional untested homozygous recombinant NILs, the potentially achievable mapping resolution at qroot-yield-1.06 is c. 50 kb.


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Gli stress abiotici determinando modificazioni a livello fisiologico, biochimico e molecolare delle piante, costituiscono una delle principali limitazioni per la produzione agricola mondiale. Nel 2007 la FAO ha stimato come solamente il 3,5% della superficie mondiale non sia sottoposta a stress abiotici. Il modello agro-industriale degli ultimi cinquant'anni, oltre ad avere contribuito allo sviluppo economico dell'Europa, è stato anche causa di inquinamento di acqua, aria e suolo, mediante uno sfruttamento indiscriminato delle risorse naturali. L'arsenico in particolare, naturalmente presente nell'ambiente e rilasciato dalle attività antropiche, desta particolare preoccupazione a causa dell'ampia distribuzione come contaminante ambientale e per gli effetti di fitotossicità provocati. In tale contesto, la diffusione di sistemi agricoli a basso impatto rappresenta una importante risorsa per rispondere all'emergenza del cambiamento climatico che negli anni a venire sottoporrà una superficie agricola sempre maggiore a stress di natura abiotica. Nello studio condotto è stato utilizzato uno stabile modello di crescita in vitro per valutare l'efficacia di preparati ultra diluiti (PUD), che non contenendo molecole chimiche di sintesi ben si adattano a sistemi agricoli sostenibili, su semi di frumento preventivamente sottoposti a stress sub-letale da arsenico. Sono state quindi condotte valutazioni sia a livello morfometrico (germinazione, lunghezza di germogli e radici) che molecolare (espressione genica valutata mediante analisi microarray, con validazione tramite Real-Time PCR) arricchendo la letteratura esistente di interessanti risultati. In particolare è stato osservato come lo stress da arsenico, determini una minore vigoria di coleptile e radici e a livello molecolare induca l'attivazione di pathways metabolici per proteggere e difendere le cellule vegetali dai danni derivanti dallo stress; mentre il PUD in esame (As 45x), nel sistema stressato ha indotto un recupero nella vigoria di germoglio e radici e livelli di espressione genica simili a quelli riscontrati nel controllo suggerendo un effetto "riequilibrante" del metabolismo vegetale.


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A new prenylated pterocarpan, named morisianine, was isolated together with the known secondary metabolites erybraedin C, psoralen and angelicin from the seeds of Bituminaria morisiana. The structures of the compounds were elucidated mainly by 1D and 2D NMR experiments as well as mass spectrometry. The new compound was subjected to cytotoxicity screening against a panel of human cancer cells.


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Seed dispersal is one of the most important mechanisms shaping biodiversity, and animals are one of the key dispersal vectors. Animal seed dispersal can directly or indirectly be altered by invasive organisms through the establishment of new or the disruption of existing seed dispersal interactions. So far it is known for a few gastropod species that they ingest and defecate viable plant seeds and consequently act as seed dispersers, referred to as gastropodochory. In a multi-species experiment, consisting of five different plant species and four different gastropod species, we tested with a fully crossed design whether gastropodochory is a general mechanism across native gastropod species, and whether it is altered by the invasive alien slug species Arion lusitanicus. Specifically, we hypothesized that a) native gastropod species consume the seeds from all tested plant species in equal numbers (have no preference), b) the voracious invasive alien slug A. lusitanicus – similarly to its herbivore behaviour – consumes a higher amount of seeds than native gastropods, and that c) seed viability is equal among different gastropod species after gut passage. As expected all tested gastropod species consumed all tested plant species. Against our expectation there was a difference in the amount of consumed seeds, with the largest and native mollusk Helix pomatia consuming most seeds, followed by the invasive slug and the other gastropods. Seed damage and germination rates did not differ after gut passage through different native species, but seed damage was significantly higher after gut passage through the invasive slug A. lusitanicus, and their germination rates were significantly reduced.


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Arabidopsis amino acid transporters (AAPs) show individual temporal and spatial expression patterns. A new amino acid transporter, AAP8 was isolated by reverse transcription-PCR. Growth and transport assays in comparison to AAP1-5 characterize AAP8 and AAP6 as high affinity amino acid transport systems from Arabidopsis. Histochemical promoter-beta-glucuronidase (GUS) studies identified AAP6 expression in xylem parenchyma, cells requiring high affinity transport due to the low amino acid concentration in xylem sap. AAP6 may thus function in uptake of amino acids from xylem. Histochemical analysis of AAP8 revealed stage-dependent expression in siliques and developing seeds. Thus AAP8 is probably responsible for import of organic nitrogen into developing seeds. The only missing transporter of the family AAP7 was nonfunctional in yeast with respect to amino acid transport, and expression was not detectable. Therefore, AAP6 and -8 are the only members of the family able to transport aspartate with physiologically relevant affinity. AAP1, -6 and -8 are the closest AAP paralogs. Although AAP1 and AAP8 originate from a duplicated region on chromosome I, biochemical properties and expression pattern diverged. Overlapping substrate specificities paired with individual properties and expression patterns point to specific functions of each of the AAP genes in nitrogen distribution rather than to mere redundancy.


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BACKGROUND Hypoglycin A, found in seeds of Acer negundo, appears to cause seasonal pasture myopathy (SPM) in North America and is implicated in atypical myopathy (AM) in Europe. Acer negundo is uncommon in Europe. Thus, the potential source of hypoglycin A in Europe is unknown. HYPOTHESIS AND OBJECTIVES We hypothesized that seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus were the source of hypoglycin A in Europe. Our objective was to determine the concentration of hypoglycin A in seeds of A. pseudoplatanus trees located in pastures where previous cases of AM had occurred. ANIMALS None. METHODS University of Berne records were searched to retrospectively identify 6 farms with 10 AM cases and 11 suspected AM deaths between 2007 and 2011. During October 2012, A. pseudoplatanus seeds were collected from 2 to 6 trees per pasture on 6 AM farms (7 pastures) from trees in or close to 2 pastures on 2 control farms where AM had not been previously reported. Hypoglycin A in seeds was analyzed by GC-MS. RESULTS Acer pseudoplatanus trees were identified on all AM pastures. Hypoglycin A was detected in all A. pseudoplatanus seeds in highly variable concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 2.81 μg/mg (mean 0.69) on AM farms and 0.10 to 9.12 μg/mg (mean 1.59) on control farms. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Preventing horses from grazing pastures containing A. pseudoplatanus seeds during late fall and early spring might be the best means to prevent AM.