999 resultados para seedling type


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The properties of a proposed model of N point particles in direct interaction are considered in the limit of small velocities. It is shown that, in this limit, time correlations cancel out and that Newtonian dynamics is recovered for the system in a natural way.


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Abstract The adult rat brain subventricular zone (SVZ) contains proliferative precursors that migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) and differentiate into mature neurons. Recruitment of precursors constitutes a potential avenue for brain repair. We have investigated the kinetics and cellular specificity of transgene expression mediated by AAV2/1 vectors (i.e., adeno-associated virus type 2 pseudotyped with AAV1 capsid) in the SVZ. Self-complementary (sc) and single-stranded (ss) AAV2/1 vectors mediated efficient GFP expression, respectively, at 17 and 24 hr postinjection. Transgene expression was efficient in all the rapidly proliferating cells types, that is, Mash1(+) precursors (30% of the GFP(+) cells), Dlx2(+) neuronal progenitors (55%), Olig2(+) oligodendrocyte progenitors (35%), and doublecortin-positive (Dcx(+)) migrating cells (40%), but not in the slowly proliferating glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive (GFAP(+)) neural stem cell pool (5%). Because cell cycle arrest by wild-type and recombinant AAV has been described in primary cultures, we examined SVZ proliferative activity after vector injection. Indeed, cell proliferation was reduced immediately after vector injection but was normal after 1 month. In contrast, migration and differentiation of GFP(+) precursors were unaltered. Indeed, the proportion of Dcx(+) cells was similar in the injected and contralateral hemispheres. Furthermore, 1 month after vector injection into the SVZ, GFP(+) cells, found, as expected, in the OB granular cell layer, were mature GABAergic neurons. In conclusion, the rapid and efficient transgene expression in SVZ neural precursors mediated by scAAV2/1 vectors underlines their potential usefulness for brain repair via recruitment of immature cells. The observed transient precursor proliferation inhibition, not affecting their migration and differentiation, will likely not compromise this strategy.


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Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA1) is a monogenic disorder of mineralocorticoid resistance characterized by salt wasting, hyperkalemia, high aldosterone levels, and failure to thrive. An autosomal recessive form (AR-PHA1) is caused by mutations in the epithelial sodium channel ENaC with usually severe and persisting multiorgan symptoms. The autosomal dominant form of PHA1 (AD-PHA1) is due to mutations in the mineralocorticoid receptor causing milder and transient symptoms restricted to the kidney. We identified a homozygous missense mutation in the SCNN1A gene (c.727T>C/p.Ser(243)Pro), encoding α-subunit of ENaC (α-ENaC) in a prematurely born boy with a severe salt-losing syndrome. The patient improved rapidly under treatment, and dietary salt supplementation could be stopped after 6 mo. Interestingly, the patient's sibling born at term and harboring the same homozygous Ser(243)Pro mutation showed no symptom of salt-losing nephropathy. In vitro expression of the αSer(243)Pro ENaC mutant revealed a slight but significant decrease in ENaC activity that is exacerbated in the presence of high Na(+) load. Our study provides the first evidence that ENaC activity is critical for the maintenance of salt balance in the immature kidney of preterm babies. Together with previous studies, it shows that, when the kidney is fully mature, the severity of the symptoms of AR-PHA1 is related to the degree of the ENaC loss of function. Finally, this study identifies a novel functional domain in the extracellular loop of ENaC.


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Crash Rates and Crash Densities on Secondary Roads in Iowa by Surface Type produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation.


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For a few years now, the study of quantum field theories in partially compactified space-time manifolds has acquired increasing importance in several domains of quantum physics. Let me just mention the issues of dimensional reduction and spontaneous compactification, and the multiple questions associated with the study of quantum field theories in the presence of boundaries (like the Casimir effect) and on curved space-time (manifolds with curvature and nontrivial topology), a step towards quantum gravity.


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OBJECTIVES: Capillary rarefaction is a hallmark of untreated hypertension. Recent data indicate that rarefaction may be reversed by antihypertensive treatment in nondiabetic hypertensive patients. Despite the frequent association of diabetes with hypertension, nothing is known on the capillary density of treated diabetic patients with hypertension. METHODS: We enrolled 21 normotensive healthy, 25 hypertensive only, and 21 diabetic (type 2) hypertensive subjects. All hypertensive patients were treated with a blocker of the renin-angiotensin system, and a majority had a home blood pressure ≤135/85 mmHg. Capillary density was assessed with videomicroscopy on dorsal finger skin and with laser Doppler imaging on forearm skin (maximal vasodilation elicited by local heating). RESULTS: There was no difference between any of the study groups in either dorsal finger skin capillary density (controls 101 ± 11 capillaries/mm(2) , nondiabetic hypertensive 99 ± 16, diabetic hypertensive 96 ± 18, p > 0.5) or maximal blood flow in forearm skin (controls 666 ± 114 perfusion units, nondiabetic hypertensive 612 ± 126, diabetic hypertensive 620 ± 103, p > 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective of the presence or not of type 2 diabetes, capillary density is normal in hypertensive patients with reasonable control of blood pressure achieved with a blocker of the renin-angiotensin system.


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In our recent paper by Monnin et al. [Med. Phys. 33, 411-420 (2006)], an objective analysis of the relative performance of a computed radiography (CR) system using both standard single-side (ST-VI) and prototype dual-side read (ST-BD) plates was reported. The presampled modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for the systems were determined at three different beam qualities representative of paediatric chest radiography, at an entrance detector air kerma of 5 microGy. Experiments demonstrated that, compared to the standard single-side read system, the MTF for the dual-side read system was slightly reduced, but a significant decrease in image noise resulted in a marked increase in DQE (+40%) in the low spatial frequency range. However, the DQE improvement for the ST-BD plate decreased with increasing spatial frequency, and, at spatial frequencies above 2.2 mm(-1), the DQE of the dual-side read system was lower than that of the single-side one.


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Rapport de synthèseLes troubles de la glycosylation (Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation, CDG) regroupent une famille de maladies multi-systémiques héréditaires causées par des défauts dans la synthèse de glycoconjugés. La glycosylation est une réaction enzymatique consistant à lier de façon covalente un glucide à une chaîne peptidique ou une protéine. Il existe deux types de glycosylation. La N-gjycosylation est l'addition de glucides aux chaînes peptidiques en croissance dès leur entrée dans la lumière du réticulum endoplasmique. Elle s'effectue sur les futures glycoprotéines membranaires et conduit à des chaînes de sucres courtes et ramifiées. La O-glycosylation est l'addition de glucides au niveau des résidus hydroxylés des acides aminés sérine et thréonine des chaînes peptidiques déjà présentes dans la lumière de l'appareil de Golgi. Elle est, dans la plupart des cas, effectuée sur îes protéoglycanes et conduit à des chaînes de sucres longues et non ramifiées. La classification des CDG repose sur le niveau de l'étape limitante de la glycosylation. Les CDG de type 1, plus fréquents, regroupent les déficits enzymatiques se situant en amont du transfert de Poligosaccharide sur la chaîne peptidique. Les CDG de type 2 regroupent ceux ayant lieu en aval de ce transfert. Parmi les nombreux différents sous-types de CDG, le CDG de type ld est causé par une anomalie de la mannosyltransferase, enzyme codée par le gène ALG3 (chromosome 3q27). Jusqu'à ce jour, six patients atteints de CDG ld ont été reportés dans la littérature. Notre travail a permis de décrire un septième patient et d'affiner les caractéristiques cliniques, biologiques, neuroradiologiques et moléculaires du CDG ld. Notre patient est notamment porteur d'une nouvelle mutation de type missense sur le gène ALG3. Tous les patients atteints de CDG ld présentent une encéphalopathie progressive avec microcéphalie, retard psychomoteur sévère et épilepsie. Une ostéopénie marquée est présente chez certains patients. Elle est parfois sous diagnostiquée et révélée uniquement lors de fracture pathologique. Les patients atteints de CDG ld présentent également des traits dysmorphiques typiques, mais aucune atteinte multi-systémique ou anomalie biologique spécifique n'est retrouvée telle que dans les autres types de CDG. Le dépistage biochimique des troubles de la glycosylation se fait par une analyse simple et peu coûteuse qui est l'analyse de la transferrine sérique par isoelectrofocusing ou par électrophorèse capillaire. Un tel dépistage devrait être effectué chez tout patient présentant une encéphalopathie d'origine indéterminée, et cela même en l'absence d'atteinte multi- systémique. Notre travail a été publié sous forme d'article de type « short report », peer-reviewed, dans le Journal of Inherited Metabolic Diseases. Le Journal est une révue spécialisée du domaine des erreirs innées du métabolisme. S'agissant d'un seul patient rapporté, l'article ne montre que très synthétiquement le travail effectué, Pour cette raison un complément à l'article avec matériel, méthodes et résultats figure ci-après et concerne la partie de recherche moléculaire de notre travail. La doctorante a non seulement encadré personnellement le patient au niveau clinique et biochimique, mais a plus particulièrement mis au point l'analyse moléculaire du gène ALG3 dans le laboratoire de Pédiatrie Moléculaire pour la première fois ; cela a impliqué l'étude du gène, le choix des oligonucleotides et l'optimisation des réactions d'amplification et séquençage.


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BACKGROUND: A novel dinucleotide variant TT/∆G (ss469415590) has been associated with hepatitis C virus clearance. AIM: To assess the role of the ss469415590 variant, compared with the known IL28B polymorphisms (rs8099917, rs12979860 and rs12980275) for predicting virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C, and its association with the CXCL10 chemokine serum levels - a surrogate marker of interferon-stimulated genes activation. METHODS: Multivariate analysis of factors predicting rapid and sustained virological response in 280 consecutive, treatment-naïve, nondiabetic, Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with peginterferon alpha and ribavirin. RESULTS: In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, the OR (95% CI) for rapid and sustained virological response for the wild-type ss469415590 TT was 9.88 (1.99-48.99) and 7.25 (1.91-27.51), respectively, similar to those found for rs12979860 CC [9.55 (1.93-47.37) and 6.30 (1.71-23.13)] and for rs12980275 AA [9.62 (1.94-47.77] and 7.83 (2.02-30.34)], but higher than for rs8099917 TT [4.8 (1.73-13.33) and 4.75 (2.05-10.98)]. In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, mean (SD) CXCL10 levels in patients with the TT/TT, TT/∆G and ∆G/∆G variants were, respectively, 355.1 (240.6), 434.4 (247.4) and 569.9 (333.3) (P = 0.04). In patients with genotypes 2 and 3 no significant association was found for TT/∆G with viral response. The predictive value of ss469415590 was stronger in patients with advanced fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The novel IL28B variants at marker ss469415590 predict response to IFN alpha in chronic hepatitis C patients, especially in those with advanced fibrosis. Their determination may be superior to that of known IL28B variants for patient management using IFN-based regimens.


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The recommendations for the treatment of type 2 diabetic patients are often centered on the glycemia. These clinical trials based on this approach show only a beneficial effects on the prevention of microangiopathy. The coronary artery disease which is the main cause of mortality among these patients, is not reduced. These data should be interpreted with a systemic prospect. The diabetes vascular complications have multifactorial causes and these clinical trials are motivated for the promotion of hypoglycemic agents. Fortunately, the STENO study offers another glance on the treatment of the diabetes, associating multirisk approach and patients' accompaniment. It obliges to have a critical glance on the research often moved by economic issues and gives to the center a humanistic approach based on the therapeutic relation.


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Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a small, ubiquitous, and potentially toxic aldehyde that is produced in vivo by lipid oxidation and that is able to affect gene expression. Tocopherol deficiency in the vitamin E2 mutant vte2-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana leads to massive lipid oxidation and MDA accumulation shortly after germination. MDA accumulation correlates with a strong visual phenotype (growth reduction, cotyledon bleaching) and aberrant GST1 (glutathione S-transferase 1) expression. We suppressed MDA accumulation in the vte2-1 background by genetically removing tri-unsaturated fatty acids. The resulting quadruple mutant, fad3-2 fad7-2 fad8 vte2-1, did not display the visual phenotype or the aberrant GST1 expression observed in vte2-1. Moreover, cotyledon bleaching in vte2-1 was chemically phenocopied by treatment of wild-type plants with MDA. These data suggest that products of tri-unsaturated fatty acid oxidation underlie the vte2-1 seedling phenotype, including cellular toxicity and gene regulation properties. Generation of the quadruple mutant facilitated the development of an in situ fluorescence assay based on the formation of adducts of MDA with 2-thiobarbituric acid at 37 degrees C. Specificity was verified by measuring pentafluorophenylhydrazine derivatives of MDA and by liquid chromatography analysis of MDA-2-thiobarbituric acid adducts. Potentially applicable to other organisms, this method allowed the localization of MDA pools throughout the body of Arabidopsis and revealed an undiscovered pool of the compound unlikely to be derived from trienoic fatty acids in the vicinity of the root tip quiescent center.


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The properties of a proposed model of N point particles in direct interaction are considered in the limit of small velocities. It is shown that, in this limit, time correlations cancel out and that Newtonian dynamics is recovered for the system in a natural way.