975 resultados para retained placenta
Tutkimus on tehty tilaustyönä pienelle osakeyhtiölle, jonka varsinainen toiminta loppui vuoden 2007 lopussa. Yhtiö oli lopettaessaan toiminnan velaton ja omaisuus käsitti liiketilan, kaksi asuinhuoneistoa ja käteistä. Lisäksi yhtiöllä oli elinkeinoverolain alaisia tappioita, joita ei voitu käyttää ilman toimialan muuttamista. Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli selvittää edullisin tapa saada kiinteistöomaisuudesta tuotto, kun tutkittavan osakeyhtiön varsinainen toiminta on loppunut. Edullisinta tapaa mitataan yhtiön ja osakkaan maksamien verojen jälkeen jäävänä puhtaana tuottona osakkaalle. Tutkimuksen alussa on selvitetty eri toimintavaihtoehdot yhtiön varsinaisen toiminnan loppuessa. Päävaihtoehtoina on ollut toiminnan jatkaminen ennallaan osakeyhtiön muodossa, toimialan muuttaminen sijoitusyhtiöksi, yhtiön purkaminen ja osakekannan tai omaisuuden myyminen. Jokaisesta näistä vaihtoehdosta on tutkittu niiden veroseuraamukset yhtiön ja osakkaan kannalta sekä laskettu omistajan saama puhdas tuotto. Case-yhtiön omistajalle on kannattavinta vaihtaa yhtiön toimiala kiinteistösijoittamiseksi ja jatkaa toimintaa osakeyhtiönä, jolloin yhtiö saa käyttöönsä vanhat elinkeinoverolain alaiset tappionsa. Toimialan vaihtamisessa piilee verotuksellinen riski, jonka suuruuteen voidaan vaikuttaa. Yhtiön kannattaa jakaa joka vuosi yhtiön nettovarallisuudesta yhdeksän prosenttia osinkona, joka on osingonsaajalle verovapaata. Osinkona kannattaa pääsääntöisesti jakaa ensimmäisenä käteiset varat, seuraavana in natura –osinkona asuinhuoneistot ja viimeisenä liiketila. In natura –osinko kannattaa arvostaa alihintaan, jolloin yhtiö sekä omistaja säästävät veroissa.
This paper presents a composite index of early childhood health using a multivariate statistical approach. The index shows how child health varies across Colombian departments, -administrative subdivisions-. In recent years there has been growing interest in composite indicators as an efficient analysis tool and a way of prioritizing policies. These indicators not only enable multi-dimensional phenomena to be simplified but also make it easier to measure, visualize, monitor and compare a country’s performance in particular issues. We used data collected from the Colombian Demographic and Health Survey, DHS, for 32 departments and the capital city, Bogotá, in 2005 and 2010. The variables included in the index provide a measure of three dimensions related to child health: health status, health determinants and the health system. In order to generate the weight of the variables and take into account the discrete nature of the data, we employed a principal component analysis, PCA, using polychoric correlation. From this method, five principal components were selected. The index was estimated using a weighted average of the components retained. A hierarchical cluster analysis was also carried out. We observed that the departments ranking in the lowest positions are located on the Colombian periphery. They are departments with low per capita incomes and they present critical social indicators. The results suggest that the regional disparities in child health may be associated with differences in parental characteristics, household conditions and economic development levels, which makes clear the importance of context in the study of child health in Colombia.
Few studies have examined the workload or clinical spectrum of non-HIV infectious diseases outpatient consultations (IDOC). This retrospective study aims to describe IDOC referrals over the past 5 years. In total, 483 patients were referred (with an increase of 63% between 2009 and 2013). Most referrals were received from primary care clinicians (45%). Median patient age was 47 years, 57% of patients were men and 17% were immunosuppressed. Of the diagnoses retained, 74% were infectious, 20% were non-infectious and 6% were of unknown aetiology. Two community outbreaks were identified (tattoo-related mycobacterial infection and Q fever). In conclusion, the infectious diseases outpatient clinic, which has expanded progressively in the past 5 years, provides a specialised service for primary health clinicians and for public health.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o comprimento do colo uterino pela ultrassonografia transvaginal em uma população de gestantes normais e construir uma curva de normalidade no período de 20 a 34 semanas de gestação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, incluindo 145 gestantes normais, com feto único, vivo, sem enfermidades, entre 20 e 34 semanas de gravidez, examinadas nos serviços de ultrassonografia do Hospital Universitário Júlio Müller e de uma clínica privada. As gestantes foram submetidas a ultrassonografia endovaginal, com registro do comprimento cervical. Critérios de exclusão foram: parto prematuro, rotura prematura pré-termo das membranas, placenta prévia, uso de fármacos tocolíticos e/ou progesterona, cerclagem ou qualquer intervenção cirúrgica prévia no colo. A associação entre o comprimento do colo uterino e a idade gestacional foi examinada por regressão linear. RESULTADOS: O comprimento cervical diminuiu progressivamente em 0,8 mm a cada semana, à medida que a idade gestacional progrediu (r = -0,351; p < 0,001). As mulheres que tiveram afunilamento cervical apresentaram colo mais curto que as demais (p = 0,001). A interpolação dos percentis 5, 50 e 95 provê gráfico passível de ser utilizado como referência. CONCLUSÃO: O comprimento médio cervical em gestantes normais diminui 0,8 mm por semana, entre a 20ª e a 34ª semanas de gestação.
Channel activating proteases (CAP) are membrane-bound serine proteases that have been identified as in vitro activators of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Two of them are mainly studied in the laboratory. CAP1/Prss8 was previously shown implicated in colonic sodium homeostasis in vivo. In the first part of this thesis, we generated and characterized mice deficient for CAP2/Tmprss4. The mice are healthy and viable, and they do not show any obvious phenotype. We investigated ENaC activity and expression under regular and sodium- deficient diet, and we could demonstrate that CAP2 is not a major regulator of sodium homeostasis in vivo. We next studied whether CAP2 is implicated in potassium homeostasis. We detected a strong gender-dependency when CAP2 knock-out mice were put under a potassium-deficient diet. We showed in male mice an implication of CAP2 in the regulation of the colonic H+, K+- ATPase, and we propose an implication of membrane-associated progesterone receptors and their binding partners, as well as a possible cleavage-mediated glucocorticoid receptor signalling. We studied the possible interaction between CAPI and CAP2 by generating and characterizing two different mouse study groups, displaying different hypomorphic mutations in the CAPI gene, and deficient for CAP2. We demonstrate that balanced expression of CAPI and CAP2 is required for maintainance of skin integrity and for normal placental development. As CAPI knock-out embryos die due to a placental failure, the additional combined deletion of CAP2 resulted in survival until birth. We could evidence that CAPI and CAP2 are implicated in the same signalling pathway as proposed in cancer studies at the level of the placenta, implicating integrin a5, ERK, AKT, E- and N-cadherin. Furthermore, we investigated whether CAPI is implicated in the pathogenesis and susceptibility to experimental chronic colitis in a mutant rat model. By giving CAPI mutant rats Dextran sodium sulfate, we induced chronic inflammation of the colon, and we highlighted the protective role of CAPI at the histopathological and clinical levels. In conclusion, we showed that CAP2 is not a major regulator of ENaC-mediated sodium homeostasis in vivo, but rather a regulator of potassium homeostasis in a gender-dependent manner implicating the colonic H+, K+-ATPase, membrane progesterone receptors, and the glucocorticoid receptor. We have investigated whether CAPI and CAP2 interact at the functional level, and we show that a balanced expression of CAPI and CAP2 is required in the skin, but also in the placenta. Imbalanced expression of CAPI and CAP2 leads to impaired EMT-associated signalling. We have studied whether CAPI is implicated in the pathogenesis and susceptibility to chronic colitis, and we demonstrated the protective role of CAPI in distal colon. -- Les protéases activatrices de canal (CAP) sont des protéases à serine attachées à la membrane qui ont été identifiées comme activateurs in vitro du canal sodique épithélial (ENaC). Deux de ces protéases sont principalement étudiées dans le laboratoire. CAP1/Prss8 a été identifié préalablement comme impliqué dans l'homéostasie du sodium in vivo au niveau du côlon. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons généré et caractérisé des souris déficientes pour CAP2/Tmprss4. Les souris sont en bonne santé et viables, et elles ne présentent pas de phénotype visible. Nous avons étudié l'activité et l'expression d'ENaC sous diète normale et déficiente en sodium, et nous avons démontré que CAP2 n'est pas un régulateur essentiel de l'homéostasie sodique in vivo. Nous avons ensuite étudié si CAP2 est impliqué dans l'homéostasie du potassium. Nous avons détecté une forte dépendance du sexe lorsque les souris knock-out pour CAP2 étaient placées sous diète déficiente en potassium. Nous avons démontré dans les souris mâles une implication de CAP2 dans la régulation de la H+, K+- ATPase colonique, des récepteurs membranaires à la progestérone et de leur partenaires de liaison, ainsi que dans la possible signalisation médiée par le clivage du récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes. Nous avons étudié l'interaction possible entre CAPI et CAP2 en générant et en caractérisant deux groupes d'étude de souris différents, porteurs de différentes mutations hypomorphiques dans le gène de CAPI, et déficients pour CAP2. Nous avons pu montrer qu'une expression équilibrée de CAPI et CAP2 est requise pour le maintien de l'intégrité de la peau et pour le développement normal du placenta. Les embryons knock-out pour CAPI meurent suite à une défaillance placentaire, et la délétion additionnelle et combinée de CAP2 permet la survie jusqu'à la naissance. Nous supposons que CAPI et CAP2 sont impliqués dans la même voie de signalisation au niveau du placenta que celle proposée dans les études de cancer, impliquant l'intégrine a5, ERK, AKT, E- et N-cadhérine. De plus, nous avons étudié si CAPI est impliqué dans la pathogenèse et la susceptibilité de colite chronique expérimentale dans un modèle de rat mutant. En administrant aux rats mutants pour CAPI du Dextran sodium sulfate, nous avons induit une inflammation chronique du côlon, et nous avons pu mettre en évidence le rôle protecteur de CAPI au niveau histopathologique et au niveau clinique. En conclusion, nous avons démontré que CAP2 n'est pas un régulateur essentiel de l'homéostasie sodique médiée par ENaC in vivo, mais plutôt de l'homéostasie potassique d'une manière dépendante du sexe et impliquant la H+, K+-ATPase colonique, les récepteurs membranaires à la progestérone et le récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes. Nous avons étudié si CAPI et CAP2 interagissent au niveau fonctionnel, et nous avons montré qu'une expression équilibrée entre CAPI et CAP2 est requise dans la peau et le placenta. L'expression déséquilibrée de CAPI et CAP2 mène à une altération de la signalisation associée à l'EMT. Nous avons étudié si CAPI est impliqué dans la pathogenèse et la susceptibilité de colite chronique expérimentale, et nous avons démontré le rôle protecteur de CAPI dans le côlon distal.
Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia abortus are closely related intracellular bacteria exhibiting different tissue tropism that may cause severe but distinct infection in humans. C. psittaci causes psittacosis, a respiratory zoonotic infection transmitted by birds. C. abortus is an abortigenic agent in small ruminants, which can also colonize the human placenta and lead to foetal death and miscarriage. Infections caused by C. psittaci and C. abortus are underestimated mainly due to diagnosis difficulties resulting from their strict intracellular growth. We developed a duplex real-time PCR to detect and distinguish these two bacteria in clinical samples. The first PCR (PCR1) targeted a sequence of the 16S-23S rRNA operon allowing the detection of both C. psittaci and C. abortus. The second PCR (PCR2) targeted the coding DNA sequence CPSIT_0607 unique to C. psittaci. The two PCRs showed 100 % detection for ≥ 10 DNA copies per reaction (1000 copies ml- 1). Using a set of 120 samples, including bacterial reference strains, clinical specimens and infected cell culture material, we monitored 100 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity for the detection of C. psittaci and C. abortus for PCR1. When PCR1 was positive, PCR2 could discriminate C. psittaci from C. abortus with a positive predictive value of 100 % and a negative predictive value of 88 %. In conclusion, this new duplex PCR represents a low-cost and time-saving method with high-throughput potential, expected to improve the routine diagnosis of psittacosis and pregnancy complication in large-scale screening programs and also during outbreaks.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the HIV care cascade for Switzerland in the year 2012. DESIGN/METHODS: Six levels were defined: (i) HIV-infected, (ii) HIV-diagnosed, (iii) linked to care, (iv) retained in care, (v) on antiretroviral treatment (ART), and (vi) with suppressed viral load. We used data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) complemented by a nationwide survey among SHCS physicians to estimate the number of HIV-patients not registered in the cohort. We also used Swiss ART sales data to estimate the number of patients treated outside the SHCS network. Based on the number of patients retained in care, we inferred the estimates for levels (i) to (iii) from previously published data. RESULTS: We estimate that (i) 15 200 HIV-infected individuals lived in Switzerland in 2012 (margins of uncertainty, 13 400-19 300). Of those, (ii) 12 300 (81%) were diagnosed, (iii) 12 200 (80%) linked, and (iv) 11 900 (79%) retained in care. Broadly based on SHCS network data, (v) 10 800 (71%) patients were receiving ART, and (vi) 10 400 (68%) had suppressed (<200 copies/ml) viral loads. The vast majority (95%) of patients retained in care were followed within the SHCS network, with 76% registered in the cohort. CONCLUSION: Our estimate for HIV-infected individuals in Switzerland is substantially lower than previously reported, halving previous national HIV prevalence estimates to 0.2%. In Switzerland in 2012, 91% of patients in care were receiving ART, and 96% of patients on ART had suppressed viral load, meeting recent UNAIDS/WHO targets.
Whole-genome duplication (WGD) is usually followed by gene loss and karyotype repatterning. Despite evidence of new adaptive traits associated with WGD, the underpinnings and evolutionary significance of such genome fractionation remain elusive. Here, we use Buckler mustard (Biscutella laevigata) to infer processes that have driven the retention of duplicated genes after recurrent WGDs. In addition to the β- and α-WGD events shared by all Brassicaceae, cytogenetic and transcriptome analyses revealed two younger WGD events that occurred at times of environmental changes in the clade of Buckler mustard (Biscutelleae): a mesopolyploidy event from the late Miocene that was followed by considerable karyotype reshuffling and chromosome number reduction and a neopolyploidy event during the Pleistocene. Although a considerable number of the older duplicates presented signatures of retention under positive selection, the majority of retained duplicates arising from the younger mesopolyploidy WGD event matched predictions of the gene balance hypothesis and showed evidence of strong purifying selection as well as enrichment in gene categories responding to abiotic stressors. Retention of large stretches of chromosomes for both genomic copies supported the hypothesis that cycles of WGD and biased fractionation shaped the genome of this stress-tolerant polypolyloid, promoting the adaptive recruitment of stress-responding genes in the face of environmental challenges.
AIMS: There is no standard test to determine the fatigue resistance of denture teeth. With the increasing number of patients with implant-retained dentures the mechanical strength of the denture teeth requires more attention and valid laboratory test set-ups. The purpose of the present study was to determine the fatigue resistance of various denture teeth using a dynamic load testing machine. METHODS: Four denture teeth were used: Bonartic II (Candulor), Physiodens (Vita), SR Phonares II (Ivoclar Vivadent) and Trubyte (Dentsply). For dynamic load testing, first upper molars with a similar shape and cusp inclination were selected. The molar teeth were embedded in cylindrical steel molds with denture base material (ProBase, Ivoclar Vivadent). Dynamic fatigue loading was carried out on the mesio-buccal cusp at a 45° angle using dynamic testing machines and 2,000,000 cycles at 2Hz in water (37°C). Three specimens per group and load were submitted to decreasing load levels (at least 4) until all the three specimens no longer showed any failures. All the specimens were evaluated under a stereo microscope (20× magnification). The number of cycles reached before observing a failure, and its dependence on the load and on the material, has been modeled using a parametric survival regression model with a lognormal distribution. This allowed to estimate the fatigue resistance for a given material as the maximal load for which one would observe less than 1% failure after 2,000,000 cycles. RESULTS: The failure pattern was similar for all denture teeth, showing a large chipping of the loaded mesio-buccal cusp. In our regression model, there were statistically significant differences among the different materials, with SR Phonares II and Bonartic II showing a higher resistance than Physiodens and Trubyte, the fatigue resistance being estimated at around 110N for the former two, and at about 60N for the latter two materials. CONCLUSION: The fatigue resistance may be a useful parameter to assess and to compare the clinical risk of chipping and fracture of denture tooth materials.
It is well established that cytotoxic T lymphocytes play a pivotal role in the protection against intracellular pathogens and tumour cells. Such protective immune responses rely on the specific T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated recognition by CD8 T cells of small antigenic peptides presented in the context of class-I Major Histocompatibility Complex molecules (pMHCs) on the surface of infected or malignant cells. The strength (affinity/avidity) of this interaction is a major correlate of protection. Although tumour-reactive CD8 T cells can be observed in cancer patients, anti-tumour immune responses are often ineffective in controlling or eradicating the disease due to the relative low TCR affinity of these cells. To overcome this limitation, tumour-specific CD8 T cells can be genetically modified to express TCRs of improved binding strength against a defined tumour antigen before adoptive cell transfer into cancer patients. We previously generated a panel of TCRs specific for the cancer-testis antigen NY-ESO-l,57.165 with progressively increased affinities for the pMHC complex, thus providing us with a unique tool to investigate the causal link between the surface expression of such TCRs and T cell activation and function. We recently demonstrated that anti-tumour CD8 T cell reactivity could only be improved within physiological affinity limits, beyond which drastic functional declines were observed, suggesting the presence of multiple regulatory mechanisms limiting T cell activation and function in a TCR affinity-dependent manner. The overarching goal of this thesis was (i) to assess the precise impact of TCR affinity on T cell activation and signalling at the molecular level and (ii) to gain further insights on the mechanisms that regulate and delimitate maximal/optimized CD8 T cell activation and signalling. Specifically, by combining several technical approaches we characterized the activation status of proximal (i.e. CD3Ç, Lek, and ZAP-70) and distal (i.e. ERK1/2) signalling molecules along the TCR affinity gradient. Moreover, we assessed the extent of TCR downmodulation, a critical step for initial T cell activation. CD8 T cells engineered with the optimal TCR affinity variants showed increased activation levels of both proximal and distal signalling molecules when compared to the wild-type T cells. Our analyses also highlighted the "paradoxical" status of tumour-reactive CD8 T cells bearing very high TCR affinities, which retained strong proximal signalling capacity and TCR downmodulation, but were unable to propagate signalling distally (i.e. pERKl/2), resulting in impaired cell-mediated functions. Importantly, these very high affinity T cells displayed maximal levels of SHP-1 and SHP-2 phosphatases, two negative regulatory molecules, and this correlated with a partial pERKl/2 signalling recovery upon pharmacological SHP-l/SHP-2 inhibition. These findings revealed the putative presence of inhibitory regulators of the TCR signalling cascade acting very rapidly following tumour-specific stimulation. Moreover, the very high affinity T cells were only able to transiently express enhanced proximal signalling molecules, suggesting the presence of an additional level of regulation that operates through the activation of negative feedback loops over time, limiting the duration of the TCR-mediated signalling. Overall, the determination of TCR-pMHC binding parameters eliciting optimal CD8 T cell activation, signalling, and effector function while guaranteeing high antigen specificity, together with the identification of critical regulatory mechanisms acting proximally in the TCR signalling cascade, will directly contribute to optimize and support the development of future TCR-based adoptive T cell strategies for the treatment of malignant diseases. -- Les lymphocytes T CD8 cytotoxiques jouent un rôle prédominant dans la protection contre les pathogènes intracellulaires et les cellules tumorales. Ces réponses immunitaires dépendent de la spécificité avec laquelle les récepteurs T (TCR) des lymphocytes CD8 reconnaissent les peptides antigéniques présentés par les molécules du complexe Majeur de Histocompatibilité de classe I (pCMH) à la surface des cellules infectées ou malignes. La force (ou affinité/avidité) de l'interaction du TCR-pCMH est un corrélat majeur de protection. Les réponses immunitaires sont cependant souvent inefficaces et ne permettent pas de contrôler ou d'éliminer les cellules tumorales chez les patients atteint du cancer, et ce à cause de la relative faible reconnaissance des TCRs exprimés par les lymphocytes T CD8 envers les antigènes tumoraux. Afin de surmonter cette limitation, les cellules T anti-tumorales peuvent être génétiquement modifiées en les dotant de TCRs préalablement optimisés afin d'augmenter leur reconnaissance ou affinité contre les antigènes tumoraux, avant leur ré¬infusion dans le patient. Nous avons récemment généré des cellules T CD8 exprimant un panel de TCRs spécifiques pour l'antigène tumoral NY-ESO-l157.16J avec des affinités croissantes, permettant ainsi d'investiguer la causalité directe entre l'affinité du TCR-pCMH et la fonction des cellules T CD8. Nous avons démontré que la réactivité anti-tumorale pouvait être améliorée en augmentant l'affinité du TCR dans une intervalle physiologique, mais au delà duquel nous observons un important déclin fonctionnel. Ces résultats suggèrent la présence de mécanismes de régulation limitant l'activation des cellules T de manière dépendante de l'affinité du TCR. Le but de cette thèse a été (i) de définir l'impact précis de l'affinité du TCR sur l'activation et la signalisation des cellules T CD8 au niveau moléculaire et (ii) d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes qui régulent et délimitent l'activation et la signalisation maximale des cellules T CD8 optimisées. Spécifiquement, en combinant plusieurs approches technologiques, nous avons caractérisé l'état d'activation de différentes protéines de la voie de signalisation proximale (CD3Ç, Lek et ZAP-70) et distale (ERK1/2) le long du gradient d'affinité du TCR, ainsi que l'internalisation du TCR, une étape clef dans l'activation initiale des cellules T. Les lymphocytes T CD8 exprimant des TCRs d'affinité optimale ont montré des niveaux d'activation augmentés des molécules proximales et distales par rapport aux cellules de type sauvage (wild-type). Nos analyses ont également mis en évidence un paradoxe chez les cellules T CD8 équipées avec des TCRs de très haute affinité. En effet, ces cellules anti-tumorales sont capables d'activer leurs circuits biochimiques au niveau proximal et d'internaliser efficacement leur TCR, mais ne parviennent pas à propager les signaux biochimiques dépendants du TCR jusqu'au niveau distal (via phospho-ERKl/2), avec pour conséquence une limitation de leur capacité fonctionnelle. Finalement, nous avons démontré que SHP-1 et SHP-2, deux phosphatases avec des propriétés régulatrices négatives, étaient majoritairement exprimées dans les cellules T CD8 de très hautes affinités. Une récupération partielle des niveaux d'activation de ERK1/2 a pu être observée après l'inhibition pharmacologique de ces phosphatases. Ces découvertes révèlent la présence de régulateurs moléculaires qui inhibent le complexe de signalisation du TCR très rapidement après la stimulation anti-tumorale. De plus, les cellules T de très hautes affinités ne sont capables d'activer les molécules de la cascade de signalisation proximale que de manière transitoire, suggérant ainsi un second niveau de régulation via l'activation de mécanismes de rétroaction prenant place progressivement au cours du temps et limitant la durée de la signalisation dépendante du TCR. En résumé, la détermination des paramètres impliqués dans l'interaction du TCR-pCMH permettant l'activation de voies de signalisation et des fonctions effectrices optimales ainsi que l'identification des mécanismes de régulation au niveau proximal de la cascade de signalisation du TCR contribuent directement à l'optimisation et au développement de stratégies anti-tumorales basées sur l'ingénierie des TCRs pour le traitement des maladies malignes.
Nanogenotoxicity is a crucial endpoint in safety testing of nanomaterials as it addresses potential mutagenicity, which has implications for risks of both genetic disease and carcinogenesis. Within the NanoTEST project, we investigated the genotoxic potential of well-characterised nanoparticles (NPs): titanium dioxide (TiO2) NPs of nominal size 20 nm, iron oxide (8 nm) both uncoated (U-Fe3O4) and oleic acid coated (OC-Fe3O4), rhodamine-labelled amorphous silica 25 (Fl-25 SiO2) and 50 nm (Fl-50 SiO) and polylactic glycolic acid polyethylene oxide polymeric NPs - as well as Endorem® as a negative control for detection of strand breaks and oxidised DNA lesions with the alkaline comet assay. Using primary cells and cell lines derived from blood (human lymphocytes and lymphoblastoid TK6 cells), vascular/central nervous system (human endothelial human cerebral endothelial cells), liver (rat hepatocytes and Kupffer cells), kidney (monkey Cos-1 and human HEK293 cells), lung (human bronchial 16HBE14o cells) and placenta (human BeWo b30), we were interested in which in vitro cell model is sufficient to detect positive (genotoxic) and negative (non-genotoxic) responses. All in vitro studies were harmonized, i.e. NPs from the same batch, and identical dispersion protocols (for TiO2 NPs, two dispersions were used), exposure time, concentration range, culture conditions and time-courses were used. The results from the statistical evaluation show that OC-Fe3O4 and TiO2 NPs are genotoxic in the experimental conditions used. When all NPs were included in the analysis, no differences were seen among cell lines - demonstrating the usefulness of the assay in all cells to identify genotoxic and non-genotoxic NPs. The TK6 cells, human lymphocytes, BeWo b30 and kidney cells seem to be the most reliable for detecting a dose-response.
Bovine abortion of unknown infectious aetiology still remains a major economic problem. In this study, we focused on a new possible abortigenic agent called Parachlamydia acanthamoebae. Retrospective samples (n=235) taken from late-term abortions in cattle were investigated by real-time diagnostic PCR for Chlamydiaceae and Parachlamydia spp., respectively. Histological sections of cases positive by real-time PCR for any Chlamydia-related agent were further examined by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies. Chlamydophila abortus was detected only in three cases (1.3%) by real-time PCR and ArrayTube Microarray playing a less important role in bovine abortion compared to the situation in small ruminants in Switzerland. By real-time PCR as many as 43 of 235 (18.3%) cases turned out to be positive for Parachlamydia. The presence of Parachlamydia within placental lesions was confirmed in 35 cases (81.4%) by immunohistochemistry. The main histopathological feature in parachlamydial abortion was purulent to necrotizing placentitis (25/43). Parachlamydia should be considered as a new abortigenic agent in Swiss cattle. Since Parachlamydia may be involved in lower respiratory tract infections in humans, bovine abortion material should be handled with care given the possible zoonotic risk.
Chlamydophila abortus and Waddlia chondrophila cause abortion in ruminants. We investigated the role of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae in bovine abortion. Results of immunohistochemical analyses were positive in 30 (70%) of 43 placentas from which Chlamydia-like DNA was amplified, which supports the role of Parachlamydia spp. in bovine abortion.
The multi-element determination of Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ba, Pb, SO4= and Cl- in riverine water samples was accomplished by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The sample passed through a column containing the anionic resin AG1-X8 and the metals were determined directly. The retained anionic species were eluted and SO4= and Cl- were determined at m/z 48 and 35 correspondent to the ions SO+ and Cl+ formed at the plasma. Accuracy for metals was assessed by analysing the certified reference TM-26 (National Water Research Institute of Canada). Results for SO4= and Cl- were in agreement with those obtained by turbidimetry and spectrophotometry. LOD's of 0.1 µg l-1 for Cd, Ba and Pb; 0.2 µg l-1 for Al, Mn and Cu; 0.5 µg l-1 for Cr; 0.9 for Zn; 2.0 µg l-1for Ni , 60 µg l-1 for S and 200 µg l-1 Cl were attained.