936 resultados para retail cuts
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from R. Woodruff and Co. of St. Catharines, Dealers in Dry Goods for various items such as: buttons, gloves, toweling, ties, tape and undershirts, July 1, 1876.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from Gibb and Co. of Montreal, Merchants, Tailors and Gentlemen’s Haberdashers for a cloth sack coat, July 1876.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from W. J. and J. McCalla for groceries, Oct. 30, 1876.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from R. Woolworth and Co. of St. Catharines for clothing and personal items, Jan. 1, 1877.
Receipt to Sheriff Woodruff from Richard Peterson, butcher and dealer of fresh and salt meat, St. Catharines for $43.56 worth of meat, Sept.14, 1886.
Lists of items (2 pages, handwritten) which were bought and paid for by J. Roach and on the second page, a list of names with prices listed beside them, 1887-1890.