946 resultados para replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD)


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On the basis of the lattice model of MORA and PLACE, Discrete Element Method, and Molecular Dynamics approach, another kind of numerical model is developed. The model consists of a 2-D set of particles linked by three kinds of interactions and arranged into triangular lattice. After the fracture criterion and rules of changes between linking states are given, the particle positions, velocities and accelerations at every time step are calculated using a finite-difference scheme, and the configuration of particles can be gained step by step. Using this model, realistic fracture simulations of brittle solid (especially under pressure) and simulation of earthquake dynamics are made.


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The behaviors of a crack in body-centered-cubic metal Mo under different loading modes were studied using the molecular dynamics method. Dislocation emission was observed near the crack tip in response to mode II loading with theta = 0 degrees in which theta is the inclination angle of the slip plane with respect to the crack plane, and two full dislocations were observed at the stress level of K-II = 1.17 MPa m(1/2) without any evidence of crack extension. Within the range of 0 degrees less than or equal to theta less than or equal to 45 degrees, crack extension was observed in response to mode I loading, and the effect of crystal orientation on the crack propagation was studied, The crack propagated along the [111] slip direction without any evidence of dislocations emission.


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The nearest-neighbour Lennard-Jones potential from the embedded-atom method is extended to a form that includes more than nearest neighbours. The model has been applied to study melting with molecular dynamics. The calculated melting point, fractional volume change on melting, heat of fusion and linear coefficients of thermal expansion are in good agreement with experimental data. We have found that the second and third neighbours influence the melting point distinctly.


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Freezing processes of liquid Cu nanoclusters with atoms of 147,309 and 561 are performed by means of molecular dynamics, which show that the structures of the obtained solid nanoclusters at room temperature arc, governed by the cooling rate and the cluste


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Classical fracture mechanics is based on the premise that small scale features could be averaged to give a larger scale property such that the assumption of material homogeneity would hold. Involvement of the material microstructure, however, necessitates different characteristic lengths for describing different geometric features. Macroscopic parameters could not be freely exchanged with those at the microscopic scale level. Such a practice could cause misinterpretation of test data. Ambiguities arising from the lack of a more precise range of limitations for the definitions of physical parameters are discussed in connection with material length scales. Physical events overlooked between the macroscopic and microscopic scale could be the link that is needed to bridge the gap. The classical models for the creation of free surface for a liquid and solid are oversimplified. They consider only the translational motion of individual atoms. Movements of groups or clusters of molecules deserve attention. Multiscale cracking behavior also requires the distinction of material damage involving at least two different scales in a single simulation. In this connection, special attention should be given to the use of asymptotic solution in contrast to the full field solution when applying fracture criteria. The former may leave out detail features that would have otherwise been included by the latter. Illustrations are provided for predicting the crack initiation sites of piezoceramics. No definite conclusions can be drawn from the atomistic simulation models such as those used in molecular dynamics until the non-equilibrium boundary conditions can be better understood. The specification of strain rates and temperatures should be synchronized as the specimen size is reduced to microns. Many of the results obtained at the atomic scale should be first identified with those at the mesoscale before they are assumed to be connected with macroscopic observations. Hopefully, "mesofracture mechanics" could serve as the link to bring macrofracture mechanics closer to microfracture mechanics.


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By means of Tersoff and Morse potentials, a three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation is performed to study atomic force microscopy cutting on silicon monocrystal surface. The interatomic forces between the workpiece and the pin tool and the atoms of workpiece themselves are simulated. Two partial edge dislocations are introduced into workpiece Si, it is found that the motion of dislocations does not occur during the atomic force microscopy cutting processing. Simulation results show that the shear stress acting on dislocations is far below the yield strength of Si. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We reported that work softening takes place during room-temperature rolling of nanocrystalline Ni at an equivalent strain of around 0.30. The work softening corresponds to a strain-induced phase transformation from a face-centered cubic (fcc) to a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice. The hardness decreases with increasing volume fraction of the bcc phase. When the deformed samples are annealed at 423 K, a hardening of the samples takes place. This hardening by annealing can be attributed to a variety of factors including the recovery transformation from the bcc to the fcc phase, grain boundary relaxation, and retardation of dislocation gliding by microtwins.


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Nanoindentation simulations on a binary metallic glass were performed under various strain rates by using molecular dynamics. The rate-dependent serrated plastic flow was clearly observed, and the spatiotemporal behavior of its underlying irreversible atomic rearrangement was probed. Our findings clearly validate that the serration is a temporally inhomogeneous characteristic of such rearrangements and not directly dependent on the resultant shear-banding spatiality. The unique spatiotemporal distribution of shear banding during nanoindentation is highlighted in terms of the potential energy landscape (PEL) theory.


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Deformation twins have been observed in nanocrystalline (nc) fcc metals with medium-to-high stacking fault energies such as aluminum, copper, and nickel. These metals in their coarse-grained states rarely deform by twining at room temperature and low strain rates. Several twinning mechanisms have been reported that are unique to nc metals. This paper reviews experimental evidences on deformation twinning and partial dislocation. emissions from grain boundaries, twinning mechanisms, and twins with zero-macro-strain. Factors that affect the twinning propensity and recent analytical models on the critical grain sizes for twinning are also discussed. The current issues on deformation twinning in nanocrystalline metals are listed.


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A novel stress-strain relation with two stages of linear elastic deformation is observed in [0 0 0 1]-oriented ZnO nanorods under uniaxial tensile loading. This phenomenon results from a phase transformation from wurtzite (WZ, P6(3)mc space group) to a body-centered tetragonal structure with four-atom rings (denoted as BCT-4) belonging to the P4(2)/mnm space group. The analysis here focuses on the effects of nanorod size and temperature on the phase transformation and the associated mechanical behavior. It is found that as size is increased from 19.5 to 45.5 angstrom, the critical stress for nucleation of the transformation decreases by 25% from 21.90 to 16.50 GPa and the elastic moduli of the WZ- and BCT-4-structured nanorods decrease by 24% (from 299.49 to 227.51 GPa) and 38% (from 269.29 to 166.86 GPa), respectively. A significant temperature effect is also observed, with the critical stress for transformation initiation decreasing 87.8% from 17.89 to 2.19 GPa as temperature increases from 300 to 1500 K. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the observation of a deformation twin formed by a recently proposed self-thickening, cross-slip twinning mechanism. This observation verifies one more twinning mechanism, in addition to those reported before, in nanocrystalline face-centered-cubic metals. In this mechanism, once the first Shockley partial is emitted from a grain boundary, and cross slips onto another slip plane, a deformation twin could nucleate and grow in both the primary and cross-slip planes without requiring the nucleation of additional Shockley partials from the grain boundary.


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A long-standing controversy exists between molecular dynamics simulations and experiments on the twinning propensity of nanocrystalline (NC) face-centered-cubic metals. For example, three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations rarely observed twins in NC Ni, whereas experiments readily observed them. Here this discrepancy is resolved by experimental observation of an inverse grain-size effect on twinning. Specifically, decreasing the grain size first promotes twinning in NC Ni and then hinders twinning due to the inverse grain-size effect. Interestingly, no inverse grain-size effect exists on stacking fault formation. These observations are explained by generalized planar fault energies and grain-size effect on partial emissions.


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Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the mechanical deformation behaviors of single-crystalline nickel nanowires are quite different from their bulk counterparts. Correlation between the obtained stress-strain curves and the visualized defect evolution during deformation processes clearly demonstrates that a sequence of complex dislocation slip events results in a state of dislocation starvation, involving the nucleation and propagation of dislocations until they finally escape from the wires, so that the wires deform elastically until new dislocations are generated. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.