942 resultados para reasons for their existence
This article examines the priority bilateral relations of Brazil, named "strategic partnerships", both because of their tradition and historical relevance and due to the existence of political and economic cooperation projects. An assessment of these relationships, especially under Lula's administration, is made in this work, bearing in mind the concept of "strategic partnerships" and its development in Brazilian foreign policy. There will be considered partnerships with the US; Argentina; Japan; China; India; South Africa and the European Union. In the article, the meaning of the increase in these relationships is interpreted on the grounds of its significance to the international insertion strategy of Brazil
Women are increasingly active in the participation and consumption of tourism, representing a strong and unique market segment. Knowledge of the needs and preferences of female tourists represents a key success factor in the tourism industry. This preliminary study seeks to capture the underlying reasons for the travel decisions of the residents of the Urban Quadrilátero of Minho, investigating their tourist motivations from a gendered perspective. Insight on tourism motivation may be an important policy tool for tourism planners and managers in the development of products and marketing strategies. The empirical analysis is undertaken based on questionnaires administered in 2012 to residents of the Urban Quadrilátero of Minho. Preliminary results do not reveal significant gender differences in the importance that the local residents place on various tourism motivation factors.
In this investigation, a cluster analysis was used to separate Guimara˜es (Portugal) residents into clusters according to their perceptions of the impacts of tourism development. This approach is uncommonly applied to Portugal data and is even rarer for world heritage sites. The world heritage designation is believed to make an area more attractive to tourists. The clustering procedure analysed 400 data observations from a Guimara˜es resident survey and revealed the existence of three clusters: the Sceptics, the Moderately Optimistic and the Enthusiasts. The results were consistent with the empirical literature’s results, with the emergent nature of the destination found to be relevant. The fact that tourism is relatively recent in this destination has its major reflex in the devaluation by most of the residents of the negative impacts of tourism development.
Within the development of motor vehicles, crash safety (e.g. occupant protection, pedestrian protection, low speed damageability), is one of the most important attributes. In order to be able to fulfill the increased requirements in the framework of shorter cycle times and rising pressure to reduce costs, car manufacturers keep intensifying the use of virtual development tools such as those in the domain of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). For crash simulations, the explicit finite element method (FEM) is applied. The accuracy of the simulation process is highly dependent on the accuracy of the simulation model, including the midplane mesh. One of the roughest approximations typically made is the actual part thickness which, in reality, can vary locally. However, almost always a constant thickness value is defined throughout the entire part due to complexity reasons. On the other hand, for precise fracture analysis within FEM, the correct thickness consideration is one key enabler. Thus, availability of per element thickness information, which does not exist explicitly in the FEM model, can significantly contribute to an improved crash simulation quality, especially regarding fracture prediction. Even though the thickness is not explicitly available from the FEM model, it can be inferred from the original CAD geometric model through geometric calculations. This paper proposes and compares two thickness estimation algorithms based on ray tracing and nearest neighbour 3D range searches. A systematic quantitative analysis of the accuracy of both algorithms is presented, as well as a thorough identification of particular geometric arrangements under which their accuracy can be compared. These results enable the identification of each technique’s weaknesses and hint towards a new, integrated, approach to the problem that linearly combines the estimates produced by each algorithm.
Some ophthalmic surgeries require induction of mydriasis, however, drugs traditionally used for this purpose significantly reduces tear production. To evaluate the effect of acepromazine and tramadol, used alone or in combination, on pupil diameter, tear production, heart and respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure and rectal temperature, these drugs were administered to seven clinically normal dogs divided into three experimental groups (G1 - acepromazine; G2 - tramadol; G3 - tramadol + acepromazine) that differed only in the sedation protocol. Parameters were measured in four experimental moments. Miosis occurred in G1, in addition to reduced tear production and respiratory rate. No significant changes were found in the parameters assessed in G2, whereas in G3, there was decrease in tear production of the right eye, decrease in the respiratory rate and rectal temperature. Tramadol proved to be a drug suitable for pre-anesthetic procedures that require the maintenance of pupil diameter and keeps the tear production within normal parameters. However, the use of acepromazine alone or in combination with tramadol requires protection of the patient's eye surface to prevent the occurrence of undesirable ophthalmic changes.
The present study was designed to assess and segment local residents with respect to their perceived impacts of Guimarães tourism development. The residents of this municipality (located in the northern part of Portugal) are quite strong in their support to tourism. However, they do not keep a homogeneous perception of tourism impacts. A clusters analysis using data from a survey of 400 Guimarães residents’ has revealed the existence of three clusters, according the different degrees of perceived tourism impacts: the Skeptics - moderate in relation to the benefits (averages range from 2.89-3.74) and the ones more concerned with its costs (averages range from 2.86-3.74); the Moderately optimistic - very optimistic about the benefits of tourism (averages range from 3.74-4.51) and conscious of the costs (averages range from 2.71-3.49); the Enthusiasts - very optimistic about tourism benefits (averages range from 2.92-4.52) and little worried about its costs (averages range from 1.78-3.26). Following the data from the survey, the findings are discussed and a few conclusions are extracted.
Partindo da análise do conceito de inclusão de crianças com Síndrome de Down no primeiro ano do ensino básico nas escolas da Região Autónoma da Madeira, após a intervenção da Equipa de Intervenção Precoce, fazendo referência às expetativas das mães, este estudo aborda os principais fatores que poderão influenciar esta temática. Tem como objetivos analisar as expetativas das mães sobre o processo inclusivo de crianças com Trissomia 21 na transição do pré-escolar para o 1.º ciclo e compreender em que medida a Intervenção Precoce contribui para a existência de expetativas positivas ou negativas face à inclusão dos seus filhos. Ao mesmo tempo procura constatar-se quais as principais preocupações em relação à entrada dos seus filhos no primeiro ciclo. Este trabalho assenta numa abordagem qualitativa: os dados foram recolhidos através da realização de sete entrevistas a mães de crianças com Trissomia 21. Para a análise de informação recolhida, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo com categorias definidas à posteriori. Concluiu-se que as mães têm expetativas positivas em relação à inclusão dos seus filhos tendo, no entanto, expetativas negativas em relação aos serviços prestados pelas equipas de Intervenção Precoce no que se refere à adequação de serviços, nomeadamente, o tempo destinado ao apoio da Terapia da Fala que foi considerado insuficiente pela maioria das mães. Relativamente à entrada no primeiro ciclo, as principais preocupações prendem-se com a comunicação oral que o(a) seu (sua) filho(a) irá estabelecer com os professores e colegas, com a eventual falta de sensibilização dos docentes face à problemática da T21 e, no que se refere à aprendizagem, as maiores preocupações passam pelo acompanhamento do ritmo de trabalho dos colegas e com a capacidade, ou não, de ler e escrever.
This paper is the first to systematically analyze and compare the structures of city governance and administration for seven major cities in Latin America, four of which are megacities (population of over 10 million), and three others are large national capitals. U.S. and U. K. models of city administration are reviewed as baseline models against which differences in Latin American may be explored. Structures of Government in Latin America show several important features and trends: 1) the lack of metropolitan (cross jurisdictional) authority; 2) the existence of strong mayors and weak councils"; 3) high levels of partisanship; 4) overlapping rather than interlocking bureaucracies; 5) pressures towards the privatization of city services, but continuing tension over the desirability of public versus private control; 6) greater fiscal responsibility and autonomy; and 7), a continuing marginalization of public participation in megacity governance.In spite of these features, many cities throughout the region (regardless of whether they are megacity size or national capitals), are actively intensifying their efforts to develop more effective, accountable and democratic governance structures.
As stated by the New Institutional Economics theory, transaction costs play a relevant role in economics and, according to the extent of such costs, agents make investment decisions. Actually, transaction costs may represent a disincentive to entrepreneurship. This work aims to verify whether transaction costs are related to investment rate and foreign direct investment rate (FDI) in different business environments. The results suggest that foreign investors do not have precise information about other countries as domestic investors do; as it is observed, only the relation between transaction costs and investment rate is significant. Furthermore, there is evidence that the business environments of BRIC countries are less developed when compared to business environments of other countries in the study