952 resultados para raccoon dog
Periodontal tissue engineering is a complex process requiring the regeneration of bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament (PDL). Since cementum regeneration is poorly understood, we used a dog model of dental pulpal necrosis and in vitro cellular wounding and mineralization assays to determine the mechanism of action of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)(2), in cementogenesis. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) followed by qRT-PCR were used to assay responses of periapical tissues to Ca(OH)(2) treatment. Additionally, viability, proliferation, migration, and mineralization responses of human mesenchymal PDL cells to Ca(OH)(2) were assayed. Finally, biochemical inhibitors and siRNA were used to investigate Ca(OH)(2)-mediated signaling in PDL cell differentiation. In vivo, Ca(OH)(2)-treated teeth formed a neocementum in a STRO-1- and cementum protein-1 (CEMP1)-positive cellular environment. LCM-harvested tissues adjacent to the neocementum exhibited higher mRNA levels for CEMP1, integrin-binding sialoprotein, and Runx2 than central PDL cells. In vitro, Ca(OH)(2) and CEMP1 promoted STRO-1-positive cell proliferation, migration, and wound closure. Ca(OH)(2) stimulated expression of the cementum-specific proteins CEMP1 and PTPLA/CAP in an ERK-dependent manner. Lastly, Ca(OH)(2) stimulated mineralization by CEMP1-positive cells. Blocking CEMP1 and ERK function abolished Ca(OH)(2)-induced mineralization, confirming a role for CEMP1 and ERK in the process. Ca(OH)(2) promotes cementogenesis and recruits STRO-1-positive mesenchymal PDL cells to undergo cementoblastic differentiation and mineralization via a CEMP1- and ERK-dependent pathway.
Introduction: The objective of this study was to investigate the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MM Ps) in apical periodontitis and during the periapical healing phase after root canal treatment. Methods: Apical periodontitis was induced in dog teeth, and root canal treatment was performed in a single visit or by using an additional calcium hydroxide root canal dressing. One hundred eighty days after treatment the presence of inflammation was examined, and tissues were stained to detect bacteria. Bacterial status was correlated to the degree of tissue organization, and to further investigate molecules involved in this process, tissues were stained for MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-8, and MMP-9. Data were analyzed by using one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey test or Kruskal-Wallis followed by Dunn test. Results: Teeth with apical periodontitis that had root canal therapy performed in a single visit presented an intense inflammatory cell infiltrate. Periapical tissue was extremely disorganized, and this was correlated with the presence of bacteria. Higher MMP expression was evident, similar to teeth with untreated apical periodontitis. In contrast, teeth with apical periodontitis submitted to root canal treatment with calcium hydroxide presented a lower inflammatory cell infiltrate. This group had moderately organized connective tissue, lower prevalence of bacteria, and lower number of MMP-positive cells, similar to healthy teeth submitted to treatment. Conclusions: Teeth treated with calcium hydroxide root canal dressing exhibited a lower percentage of bacterial contamination, a lower MMP expression, and a more organized extracellular matrix, unlike those treated in a single visit. This suggests that calcium hydroxide might be beneficial in tissue repair processes. (J Endod 2010;36:231-237)
The occurrence of the insect vector (sand flies) with low rates of Leishmania infection, as well as autochthonous transmission in the absence of the natural vector in dogs, have been reported. These unexpected data suggest a hypothesis of other arthropods as a possible way of Leishmania transmission. The prevalence of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in fleas and ticks collected from dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL), as well as parasite viability, were evaluated herein. The presence of L. (L.) infantum was assayed by PCR and ELISA in ectoparasites and biological samples from 73 dogs living in a Brazilian endemic area. As the occurrence of Leishmania DNA in ticks and fleas is expected given their blood-feeding habits, we next investigated whether parasites can remain viable inside ticks. PCR and ELISA confirmed that 83% of the dogs had CVL. Fleas and ticks (nymphs, male and female adults) were collected in 55% and 63% of the 73 dogs, respectively. Out of the 60 dogs with CVL, 80% harbored ectoparasites infected with L. (L.) infantum. The infection rates of the ectoparasites were 23% and 50% for fleas and ticks, respectively. The RNA analysis of the extract from ticks left in laboratory conditions during 7 to 10 days after removal from CVL dogs showed that parasites were alive. In addition, live parasites were also detected inside adult ticks recently molted in laboratory conditions. These findings indicate a higher infection rate of L. (L.) infantum in ticks and fleas, but they do not conclusively demonstrate whether these ticks can act as vectors of CVL, despite the fact that their rates were higher than those previously described in Lutzomyia longipalpis. The presence of viable L. (L.) infantum in ticks suggests the possible importance of dog ectoparasites in CVL dissemination.
Sand flies were captured weekly with CDC light traps from December 2003 to November 2005 in three areas of Campo Grande, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. These areas incorporated two patches of remnant forest and five houses. The blood meals of engorged female sand flies were identified using the avidin-biotin system of immunoenzymatic ELISA capture. Most (327/355) of the females analysed were Lutzomyia longipalpis, of which 66.4% reacted with human blood, 64.8% with that of birds and 8.9% with that of dogs. Females that had taken human blood predominated in the residential areas and two forest patches. The following combinations of blood were also detected for L. longipalpis in some of the samples analysed: bird + human (43.4%), bird + human + dog (6.1%). The combination bird + human + dog + pig was also found for Nyssomyia whitmani. Dogs and pigs appear to have little attractiveness for L. longipalpis. The results obtained demonstrate the eclecticism and high anthropophily of L. longipalpis and raise new questions with regard to the importance of dogs in VL epidemiology and the possible role of man as a source of infection for sand flies. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An extensible internal device (EID) was developed to preserve growth plate during the treatment of fracture complications or segmental bone loss from tumour resection in children. Since this type of extensible, trans-physeal, internal fixation device has only been used in a few paediatric cases; the aim of this study was to evaluate an in vivo canine study, a surgical application of this device, and its interference with longitudinal growth of the non-fractured distal femur. Ton clinically healthy two- to three-month-old poodles weighing 1.5-2.3 kg were used. Following a medial approach to the right distal femur, one extremity of the EID, similar to a T-plate, was fixed in the femoral condyle with two cortical screws placed below the growth plate. The other extremity, consisting of an adaptable brim with two screw holes and a plate guide, was fixed in the third distal of the femoral diaphysis with two cortical screws. The EID was removed 180 days after application. All of the dogs demonstrated full weight-bearing after surgery. The values of thigh and stifle circumferences, and stifle joint motion range did not show any difference between operated and control hindlimbs. The plate slid in the device according to longitudinal bone growth, in all but one dog. In this dog, a 10.5% shortening of the femoral shaft was observed due to a lack of EID sliding. The other dogs had the some longitudinal lengths in both femurs. The EID permits longitudinal bone growth without blocking the distal femur growth plate if appropriately placed.
In the present study, the validation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for serodiagnosis of canine brucellosis is described. Two different antigenic extracts, obtained by heat or ultrasonic homogenization of microbial antigens from a wild isolate of Brucella canis bacteria, were compared by ELISA and Western blot (WB). A total of 145 canine sera were used to define sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the ELISA as follows: (1) sera from 34 animals with natural B. canis infection, confirmed by blood culture and PCR, as well as 51 sera samples from healthy dogs with negative results by the agar-gel immunodiffusion (ACID) test for canine brucellosis, were used as the control panel for B. cants infection; and (2) to scrutinize the possibility of cross reactions with other common dog infections in the same geographical area in Brazil, 60 sera samples from dogs harboring known infections by Leptospira sp., Ehrlichia canis, canine distemper virus (CDV), Neospora caninum, Babesia canis and Leishmania chagasi (10 in each group) were included in the study. The ELISA using heat soluble bacterial extract (HE-antigen) as antigen showed the best values of sensitivity (91.18%), specificity (100%) and accuracy (96.47%). In the WB analyses, the HE-antigen showed no cross-reactivity with sera from dogs with different infections, while the B. canis sonicate had various protein bands identified by those sera. The performance of the ELISA standardized with the heat soluble B. canis antigen indicates that this assay can be used as a reliable and practical method to confirm infection by this microorganism, as well as a tool for seroepidemiological studies. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The development of prostate cancer is believed to be a multistep process, progressing sequentially from normal epithelium, to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and, finally, to invasive neoplasia. Malignant stem cells within the basal cell layer of the prostatic epithelium are believed to play an important role in the failure of androgen-ablation therapy that occurs in the most advanced form of prostate cancer. The aim of the present study was to immunohistochemically characterize the lesions of canine PIN. Prostatic tissue from five dogs with PIN was compared with normal prostate tissue from nine further dogs. There was an increase in the number of basal epithelial cells in lesions consistent with PIN as defined by expression of the nuclear protein p63. These lesions had elevated expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and heterogeneous labelling for the nuclear androgen receptor (AR). These findings suggest that the basal cells present in PIN may play a role in canine prostate carcinogenesis and that the proliferation of these cells occurs despite the heterogeneous expression of the AR. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous studies showed that intercellular communication by gap junctions has a role in bone formation. The main connexin involved in the development, differentiation, and regulation of bone tissue is connexin (Cx) 43. In addition, Cx46 is also expressed, mostly localized within the trans-Golgi region. Alterations in the expression pattern and aberrant location of these connexins are associated with oncogenesis, demonstrating a deficient gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) capacity in neoplastic tissues. In this study, we evaluated normal and neoplastic bone tissues regarding the expression of Cx43 and Cx46 by immunofluorescence, gene expression of these connexins by real-time PCR, and their correlation with cell proliferation index and deposition of collagen. Fourteen neoplastic bone lesions, including 13 osteosarcomas and I multilobular tumor of bone, were studied. The mRNA levels of Cx43 were similar between normal and neoplastic bone tissue. In normal bone tissue, the Cx43 protein was found mainly in the intercellular membranes. However, in all bone tumors studied here, the Cx43 was present in both cell membranes and also aberrantly in the cytoplasm. Regarding only tumor samples, we determined a possible inverse correlation between Cx43 expression and cellular proliferation, although a positive correlation between Cx43 expression and collagen deposition was also noted. In contrast, Cx46 had lower levels of expression in neoplastic bone tissues when compared with normal bone and was found retained in the perinuclear region. Even though there are differences between these two connexins regarding expression in neoplastic versus normal tissues, we concluded that there are differences regarding the subcellular location of these connexins in normal and neoplastic dog bone tissues and suggest a possible correlation between these findings and some aspects of cellular proliferation and possibly differentiation.
Ticks are blood feeding parasites transmitting a wide variety of pathogens to their vertebrate hosts. The vector competence of ticks is tightly linked with their immune system. Despite its importance, our knowledge of tick innate immunity is still inadequate and the limited number of sufficiently characterized immune molecules and cellular reactions are dispersed across numerous tick species. The phagocytosis of microbes by tick hemocytes seems to be coupled with a primitive complement-like system, which possibly involves self/nonself recognition by fibrinogen-related lectins and the action of thioester-containing proteins. Ticks do not seem to possess a pro-phenoloxidase system leading to melanization and also coagulation of tick hemolymph has not been experimentally proven. They are capable of defending themselves against microbial infection with a variety of antimicrobial peptides comprising lysozymes, defensins and molecules not found in other invertebrates. Virtually nothing is known about the signaling cascades involved in the regulation of tick antimicrobial immune responses. Midgut immunity is apparently the decisive factor of tick vector competence. The gut content is a hostile environment for ingested microbes, which is mainly due to the antimicrobial activity of hemoglobin fragments generated by the digestion of the host blood as well as other antimicrobial peptides. Reactive oxygen species possibly also play an important role in the tick-pathogen interaction. The recent release of the Ixodes scapularis genome and the feasibility of RNA interference in ticks promise imminent and substantial progress in tick innate immunity research.
Arthropods display different mechanisms to protect themselves against infections, among which antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play an important role, acting directly against invader pathogens. We have detected several factors with inhibitory activity against Candida albicans and Micrococcus luteus on the surface and in homogenate of eggs of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. One of the anti-M. luteus factors of the egg homogenate was isolated to homogeneity. Analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) revealed that it corresponds to microplusin, an AMP previously isolated from the cell-free hemolymph of X (B.) microplus. Reverse transcription (RT) quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR) showed that the levels of microplusin mRNA gradually increase along ovary development, reaching an impressive highest value three days after the adult females have dropped from the calf and start oviposition. Interestingly, the level of microplusin mRNA is very low in recently laid eggs. An enhance of microplusin gene expression in eggs is observed only nine days after the onset of oviposition, achieving the highest level just before the larva hatching, when the level of expression decreases once again. Fluorescence microscopy analysis using an anti-microplusin serum revealed that microplusin is present among yolk granules of oocytes as well as in the connecting tube of ovaries. These results, together to our previous data. suggest that microplusin may be involved not only in protection of adult female hemocele, but also in protection of the female reproductive tract and embryos, what points this AMP as a considerable target for development of new methods to control R. (B.) microplus as well as the vector-borne pathogens. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) catalyzes the final and dedicated step in the synthesis of triacylglycerol, which is believed to involve the lipids oleoyl coenzyme A (OCoA) and dioleoyl-sn-glycerol (DOG) as substrates. In this work we investigated the interaction of a specific peptide, referred to as SIT2, on the C-terminal of DGAT1 (HKWCIRHFYKP) with model membranes made with OCoA and DOG in Langmuir monolayers and liposomes. According to the circular dichroism and fluorescence data, conformational changes on SIT2 were seen only on liposomes containing OCoA and DOG. In Langmuir monolayers, SIT2 causes the isotherms of neat OCoA and DOG monolayers to be expanded, but has negligible effect on mixed monolayers of OCoA and DOG. This synergistic interaction between SIT2 and DOG + OCoA may be rationalized in terms of a molecular model in which SIT2 may serve as a linkage between the two lipids. Our results therefore provide molecular-level evidence for the interaction between this domain and the substrates OCoA and DOG for the synthesis of triacylglycerol. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Helene Ugland, f. 11 feb.1877 i Norge. lärarinneexamen 1895 vid Strömsbo Laerarinde-skole, vilket betydde möte med socialistiska och kvinnopolitiska idéer och som blev avgörande för hennes fortsatta verksamhet. Det var också då som rätten till fria tankar började vibrera i hennes sinne. År 1895, arton år gammal, samma år som hon tar examen vid Kristiansand Seminarium, reser hon till Stockholm och håller föredrag om utilitarismen. Hon flyttade till Sverige år 1900 och bosatte sig så småningom i Göteborg. 1903 blev hon skriven i Masthuggets församling samtidigt som hon gifte sig med redaktören vid Ny Tid Anton Andersson och kom att kalla sig Ugland-AnderssonNär hennes man blev chefredaktör vid Östergötlands Folkblad flyttade de till Norrköping. Här fick också Helene arbete på tidningen och som den socialist hon var utnyttjade hon flitigt sitt utrymme i tidningen med att agitera. Dessutom reste hon mycket och höll föreläsningar inte minst om mänskliga rättigheter. Hon ansåg att kristendomen var humbug och tyckte att den hade för stor plats i skolan.Hon deltog i socialdemokratiska kvinnokonferenser där hon propagerade för fri kärlek, rätten till preventivmedel och annat som gynnade kvinnors kamp för jämställdhet. Dock blev hon missförstådd då hennes belackare skyllde henne för att förespråka lösaktigt leverne.Sina sista verksamma år tillbringade hon i Gnesta där hon blev kommunalpolitiker. Hon dog 1 aug.1940.
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka hur Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente drabbades av spanska sjukan under 1918-1920. Det har även jämförts hur detta regemente drabba¬des i jämförelse med Dalarnas och Västmanlands regementen under 1918. Frågeställning¬arna som besvarats handlar om hur många som insjuknade och dog, hur regementets ansva¬riga agerade samt vilka åtgärder som vidtogs när epidemin hade nått regementet. Det huvudsakliga materialet jag har använt mig av är förste provinsialläkarens årsberättelser och regementets inkomna och utgående skrivelser. Studiens resultat visar att Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente med sina cirka 500 sjuk¬domsfall och fyra dödsfall under epidemins första period, 1918 drabbades i hög grad i jämfö¬relse med Dalregementet, men i liten grad i jämförelse med Västmanlands rege¬mente. Anledningen till att regementet på Gotland klarade sig relativt lindrigt från spanska sjukan kan bero på att en fungerande sjukvård snabbt kunde sättas in samt att man vidtog andra åt¬gärder såsom inskränkningar på permissioner, striktare personlig hygien och renlighet i loka¬lerna samt skyddsympning.
This essay is about dogs that visit is used, whitin care of elderly. The dogs found caretakers once a week and one hour at a time. The focus has been placed on the dogs that go to the municipality's special accommodation and the research was done in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The focus of the narrowing of the work was done to the work situation for care staff to assess the impact of the visits the dogs presence. It was distributed questionnaires answered by care staff in which it concluded their visit to the dog's presence felt and how it impacted the situation. There has been much previous research done on how dogs affect the elderly in care. This has been done to see if the care staff perceive the same thing, and in turn experience any possible help of visiting dogs. What emerged in this study is that most are in favor of visits dog and they're older. The majority of respondents agreed that their work situation has become neither better nor worse then visit the dogs started to meet caretakers. This may be due to visit the dog is not enough time on site at each visit. Even the fact that care staff are not practicing with the caretakers memory to get them to remain in the state of mind that research shows that the older gets in. These can have an impact on how care staff perceive a possible means in visits of the dog.
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur det filmiska tv-spelet The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) har designats för att framkalla emotionella responser med hjälp av en normalitetsmodell. Det går ut på att objektivt identifiera intensiva ögonblick som avbryter/förändrar ett normalitetsläge. Detta leder till fokus på tre huvudpunkter för att förstå helhetsdesignen: produktion av emotion i filmsekvenser, produktion av emotion i spelsekvenser och deras samspel. Spelsekvenser visar sig framkalla emotion när fiendekonfrontationer avbryter spelarens trygga utforskande och skapar spänning genom att utsätta spelare för risker under intensiva sammandrabbningar. Filmsekvenser i sin tur använder realistiskt animerade scener för att uppmärksamma ansiktens betydelse under emotionella scener, samt för att etablera protagonistens normalitetssträvanden och den emotionella risk den medför. Avslutningsvis utgör samspel mellan film- och spelsekvenser en balanserad tonöverföring mellan varandra genom att både överraska spelaren i övergångar och genom att förhålla spelarens beteende med protagonistens splittrade normalitetssträvanden.