956 resultados para potassium chlorides
Hydrogen isotope fractionations between amphiboles, micas, and fluids in alkaline igneous intrusions
RÉSUMÉ DE LA THÈSE Les teneurs des amphiboles en éléments majeurs et en isotopes stables ont été analysées dans plusieurs complexes ignés alcalins et hyperalcalins, dans le but de déterminer l'importance des variations de composition des minéraux pour le fractionnement isotopique de l'hydrogène dans un système naturel minéral-magma-fluide. Cette étude se concentre principalement sur les syénites néphéliniques de complexes intrusifs alcalins bien connus mais à chimie variable, dont les amphiboles, ainsi que d'autres silicates hydratés tels que micas et eudialytes, lorsque cela était possible, ont été séparés. L'intérêt principal s'est porté sur le complexe alcalin d'Ilímaussaq de la Province du Gardar, au Sud du Groenland. Dans une optique de comparaison, nous avons collecté et analysé d'autres échantillons provenant du complexe de Tugtutôq (Sud Groenland), des complexes de Khibina et Lovozero (Péninsule de Kola, Russie), du Mont St-Hilaire et du Mont Royal (Canada) et de 6 autres du nord-ouest de la Namibie (Cape Cross, Okenyenya, Messum, Etaneno, Kalkfeld,et Okorusu). Les compositions isotopiques de l'hydrogène des amphiboles des ces différentes zones présentent de grandes variations (-227 à -700/00), ce qui est atypique pour des magmas d'origine mantellique. Les valeurs comprises entre -80 et -400/00 indiquent une provenance du manteau. Ces larges variations de compositions ainsi que l'extrême appauvrissement en isotope lourd de l'hydrogène (D), en comparaison avec d'autres roches ignées, semblent être propres.aux roches alcalines et hyperalcalines de ce type, ce qui indiquerait un processus commun. Les différents complexes alcalins choisis présentent un large intervalle de composition chimique des amphiboles. La caractérisation des amphiboles par microscopie électronique et par spectroscopie Mössbauer contribuent à observer le contrôle du Fe sur le fractionnement des isotopes de l'hydrogène. En effet, cela a mis en évidence un contrôle du Fe sur le fractionnement et même, dans le cas du complexe hyperalcalin d'Ilímaussaq, une relation entre le rapport Fei3+/FeT et les variations du rapport D/H. Les complexes étudiés diffèrent de par leur index agpaïtique (Na+K/Al) et également de par leur contenu en fer. Les plus hautes valeurs en Fe (27-35 wt%) et en éléments alcalins dans les amphiboles, ainsi que les teneurs de D/H les plus basses et leur grande variation, sont celles du complexe d'Ilímaussaq. Les amphiboles de la Péninsule de Kola et du Canada sont similaires, mais toutefois moins appauvries en D. En ce qui concerne les amphiboles des complexes du NO de la Namibie, elles présentent des compositions isotopiques de l'hydrogène magmatiques normales (-73 à -100 0/00), contiennent moins de Fe (15-17 wt%) et sont fortement enrichies en Ca et moins en Na. Dans ce cas, l'alcalinité est moins importante en comparaison des autres complexes étudiés. En dehors des teneurs en éléments alcalins des amphiboles, l'alcalinité des fluides s'avère également un facteur important, ce qui est cohérent avec certaines suggestions à partir de systèmes expérimentaux. Afin de mieux contraindre ce facteur, des expériences d'échanges hydrothermaux entre les amphiboles et les fluides de salinité différente ont été effectuées en simulant des conditions naturelles. L'approximation d'amphiboles naturelles de complexes ignés alcalins, couplée aux expériences d'échange, aide à préciser les facteurs contrôlant le fractionnement des isotopes de l'hydrogène dans les roches alcalines. Les valeurs extrêmement basses de 3D des amphiboles de ces complexes alcalins peuvent être dues à une combinaison de différents facteurs, telles qu'une haute alcalinité, une haute teneur en Fe et une faible profondeur d'intrusion. Les grandes variations ainsi que les faibles valeurs de SD des amphiboles étudiées peuvent résulter d'un processus magmatique interne et il est peu probable que de l'eau météorique soit impliquée et/ou que le dégazage magmatique ait joué un rôle. THESIS ABSTRACT Major element and stable isotope compositions of amphiboles were analyzed from a number of alkaline and peralkaline igneous complexes in order to determine the importance of compositional variations in minerals to hydrogen isotope fractionations in natural mineral-melt-fluid systems. The thesis mainly focuses on nepheline syenites of well-studied, but chemically variable alkaline intrusive rocks, from which amphiboles and, if possible, other hydrous silicates such as micas and eudialytes were separated. The system of primary interest was the alkaline Ilímaussaq Complex of the Gardar Province of South Greenland. For the purpose of comparison additional samples were collected and examined from the Tugtutôq Complex (South Greenland), the Khibina and Lovozero Complexes (Kola Peninsular, Russia), Mount St-Hilaire and Mount Royal (Canada) and six further complexes from NW Namibia (Cape Cross, Okenyenya, Messum, Etaneno, Kalkfeld, and Okorusu). The hydrogen isotope compositions of amphiboles from the localities studied differ greatly, which is atypical for amphiboles from mantle, range between - 227 and - 700/00 (latter compatible with a simple mantle origin). As this wide range in compositions and the extreme depletion in the heavy hydrogen isotope (D) content relative to other igneous rocks appear to be unique to alkaline to peralkaline rocks of this type, a common process is indicated. The different alkaline complexes chosen cover a wide range of amphibole chemical compositions. Detailed chemical characterization of amphiboles by electron microprobe and Mössbauer spectroscopy analyses helped to constrain the control of Fe on the H-isotope fractionations. Complete characterization of the chemical compositions of the amphiboles support Fe-control on fractionations and at least for the peralkaline Ilímaussaq complex a relationship between Fe3+/FeT ratios and variations in D/H. The studied complexes differ in their agpaitic index (Na+K/Al) and also in their Fe-content. The most iron (27-35 wt. %) and alkaline element rich amphiboles, with the lowermost D/H ratio, as well with very wide range, are the ones from Ilímaussaq complex. Similar, but less D depleted amphiboles are from the Kola Peninsula and the Canadian localities. The complexes described from NW Namibia have amphiboles with normal magmatic hydrogen isotope composition (-730/00 to -1000/00), and have less Fe-content (15-17 wt. %), and are more Ca-and less Na-rich. In this case alkalinity is not that important in comparison to the other studied complexes. Beside the alkaline element contents in the amphiboles, the alkalinity of the fluids has been found to be an important factor, in conjunction with earlier suggestions from experimental systems. To further constrain this factor, hydrothermal exchange experiments between amphiboles and fluids of different salinity simulating natural conditions were performed. The approach of examining natural amphiboles from alkaline igneous complexes in parallel to performing exchange experiments - helped to further constrain the factors controlling the H-isotope fractionations in alkaline rocks. The observed changes between the hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of amphiboles and fluids before and after the experiments suggest that another phase was produced during the experiments, which influenced the final hydrogen isotope composition of the system. This presumably hydrous phase has also influenced the Fe3 +/Fe2+ ratio of the amphiboles, which became more oxidized. The extremely low SD values of amphiboles in these alkaline complexes may be due to a combination of different factors such as high alkalinity, high Fe-content, and shallow intrusion depths. This wide range and the low SD values of the amphiboles studied might be a result of internal, magmatic processes and it is unlikely that meteoric water was involved and/or magmatic degassing played an important role. RÉSUMÉ DE LA THÈSE (pour le grand public) Fractionnement isotopique de l'hydrogène entre amphiboles, micas et fluides dans des intrusions alcalines Zsófia Wáczek Directeur de thèse, Prof. Torsten W. Vennemann Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie, Université de Lausanne Les roches alcalines et celles qui leurs sont associées sont des sources importantes de nombreux minéraux et minerais, tels l'apatite, le niobium, le diamant et autres pierres précieuses. Cette étude se concentre sur des complexes alcalins localisés dans le sud du Groenland, au Canada, dans la péninsule de Kola en Russie et au nord-ouest de la Namibie. Ces complexes sont composés de roches ayant cristallisé à partir de magmas et de fluides très enrichis en alcalins. Cet enrichissement permet la précipitation de minéraux inhabituels riches en potassium et/ou sodium, telles les amphiboles sodiques, également enrichies en fer. Les amphiboles étudiées ont des compositions calciques, sodi-calciques et sodiques, qui reflètent leurs différents environnements de formation. Des études précédentes ont révélé une large gamme de rapports isotopiques de l'hydrogène dans les amphiboles de roches hyperalcalines, dont certains extrêmement bas. Cette variation importante est très intrigante, sachant que des valeurs entre -40 et -800/00 correspondent à des silicates ignés hydratés et non altérés, alors que des valeurs descendant jusqu'a -1500/00 nécessiteraient une altération par de l'eau météorique et/ou une contamination par les roches environnantes ou des sédiments riches en matière organique. Dans lé cas précis du complexe d'Ilímaussaq (sud du Groenland), aucune de ces explications n'a pu être démontrée et des valeurs encore plus faibles ont été trouvées. Le complexe d'Ilímaussaq présente des valeurs de rapport isotopique de l'hydrogène entre -227 et -500/00 dans les amphiboles. Une origine mantellique permet d'expliquer les valeurs élevées, mais d'autres processus doivent entrer en jeu pour engendrer les valeurs les plus négatives. C'est à l'identification de ces processus que nous nous sommes attachés dans ce travail. Les grandes variations observées dans les teneurs en fer et dans le rapport Fe3+/FeT des roches et des minéraux de ces complexes sont corrélées avec d'autres paramètres chimiques, tels que la composition isotopique de l'hydrogène dans les amphiboles. Nous avons dès lors abordé les questions suivantes: quelle est la relation entre la teneur en fer des amphiboles et leur composition isotopique? Que nous apprennent les changements de la teneur en fer et les changements dans le rapport Fe3+/FeT sur les processus pétrologiques dans ces roches? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons analysé les compositions isotopiques de l'oxygène et de l'hydrogène dans les amphiboles et d'autres silicates hydratés. La composition chimique et le rapport Fe3+/FeT des amphiboles ont également été déterminés. Des expériences hydrothermales simulant des conditions naturelles ont été entreprises afin de mieux comprendre les processus de fractionnement isotopiques dans ces systèmes très alcalins. Nos conclusions sont les suivantes: (1) Les valeurs extrêmement faibles ainsi que les larges variations des rapports isotopiques de l'hydrogène des amphiboles de ces complexes alcalins sont dues à une combinaison de facteurs tels que la forte alcalinité, la haute teneur en fer et la profondeur très faible de l'intrusion. (2) Ces valeurs sont probablement le résultat de processus magmatiques internes. (3) Il est peu probable que les eaux météoriques et/ou le dégazage magmatique aient joué un rôle lors de la formation de ces amphiboles. (4) Certaines corrélations, en accord avec les études précédentes, ont pu être trouvées au niveau des concentrations en fer. (5) Dans le cas du complexe d'Ilímaussaq exclusivement, une relation a été trouvée entre le rapport Fe3+/FeT et la composition isotopique de l'hydrogène des amphiboles.
A passive sampling device called Monitor of NICotine or "MoNIC", was constructed and evaluated by IST laboratory for determining nicotine in Second Hand Tobacco Smoke (SHTS) or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). Vapour nicotine was passively collected on a potassium bisulfate treated glass fibre filter as collection medium. Analysis of collected nicotine on the treated filter by gas chromatography equipped with Thermoionic-Specific Detector (GC-TSD) after liquid-liquid extraction of 1mL of 5N NaOH : 1 mL of n-heptane saturated with NH3 using quinoline as internal standard. Based on nicotine amount of 0.2 mg/cigarette as the reference, the inhaled Cigarette Equivalents (CE) by non-smokers can be calculated. Using the detected CE on the badge for non-smokers, and comparing with amount of nicotine and cotinine level in saliva of both smokers and exposed non-smokers, we can confirm the use of the CE concept for estimating exposure to ETS. The regional CIPRET (Center of information and prevention of the addiction to smoking) of different cantons (Valais (VS), Vaud (VD), Neuchâtel (NE) and Fribourg (FR)) are going to organize a big campaign on the subject of the passive addiction to smoking. This campaign took place in 2007-2008 and has for objective to inform clearly the Swiss population of the dangerousness of the passive smoke. More than 3'900 MoNIC badges were gracefully distributed to Swiss population to perform a self-monitoring of population exposure level to ETS, expressed in term of CE. Non-stimulated saliva was also collected to determine ETS biomarkers nicotine/cotinine levels of participating volunteers. Results of different levels of CE in occupational and non-occupational situations in relation with ETS were presented in this study. This study, unique in Switzerland, has established a base map on the population's exposure to SHTS. It underscored the fact that all the Swiss people involved in this campaign (N=1241) is exposed to passive smoke, from <0.2 cig/d (10.8%), 1-2 to more than 10 cig/d (89.2%). In the area of high exposure (15-38 cig/d), are the most workers in public restaurant, cafe, bar, disco. By monitoring ETS tracer nicotine and its biomarkers, salivary nicotine and cotinine, it is demonstrated that the MoNIC badge can serve as indicator of CE passive smoking. The MoNIC badge, accompanied with content of salivary nicotine/cotinine can serve as a tool of evaluation of the ETS passive smoking and contributes to supply useful data for future epidemiological studies. It is also demonstrated that the salivary nicotine (without stimulation) is a better biomarker of ETS exposure than cotinine.
This study investigates the effects of digoxin, an inhibitor of the Na+ pump (Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase), on resting metabolic rate (RMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), and nutrient oxidation rate. Twelve healthy male subjects followed a double-blind protocol design and received either 1 mg/day digoxin or a placebo 2 days before indirect calorimetry measurements. Digoxin induced a 0.22 +/- 0.07 kJ/min or 3.8 +/- 1.5% (mean +/- SE, P = 0.01) decrease in RMR and a 0.40 +/- 0.13 kJ/min (P = 0.01) decrease in fat oxidation rate, whereas carbohydrate and protein oxidation rates did not change significantly. A dose-response relationship between serum digoxin and RQ was observed. These results suggest that digoxin reduces not only RMR but also fat oxidation rate by mechanisms that remain to be elucidated. Because a linkage and an association between genes coding the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and the RQ have been previously observed, the present demonstration of an effect of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibition on fat oxidation rate strengthens the concept that the activity of this enzyme may play a role in body weight regulation.
GLUT9 (SLC2A9) is a newly described urate transporter whose function, characteristics, and localization have just started to be elucidated. Some transport properties of human GLUT9 have been studied in the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system, but the type of transport (uniport, coupled transport system, stoichiometry ... .) is still largely unknown. We used the same experimental system to characterize in more detail the transport properties of mouse GLUT9, its sensitivity to several uricosuric drugs, and the specificities of two splice variants, mGLUT9a and mGLUT9b. [(14)C]urate uptake measurements show that both splice variants are high-capacity urate transporters and have a K(m) of approximately 650 microM. The well-known uricosuric agents benzbromarone (500 microM) and losartan (1 mM) inhibit GLUT9-mediated urate uptake by 90 and 50%, respectively. Surprisingly, phloretin, a glucose-transporter blocker, inhibits [(14)C]urate uptake by approximately 50% at 1 mM. Electrophysiological measurements suggest that urate transport by mouse GLUT9 is electrogenic and voltage dependent, but independent of the Na(+) and Cl(-) transmembrane gradients. Taken together, our results suggest that GLUT9 works as a urate (anion) uniporter. Finally, we show by RT-PCR performed on RNA from mouse kidney microdissected tubules that GLUT9a is expressed at low levels in proximal tubules, while GLUT9b is specifically expressed in distal convoluted and connecting tubules. Expression of mouse GLUT9 in the kidney differs from that of human GLUT9, which could account for species differences in urate handling.
Whether the response of the fetal heart to ischemia-reperfusion is associated with activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway is not known. In contrast, involvement of the sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channel (LCC) and the mitochondrial KATP (mitoKATP) channel has been established. This work aimed at investigating the profile of JNK activity during anoxia-reoxygenation and its modulation by LCC and mitoK(ATP) channel. Hearts isolated from 4-day-old chick embryos were submitted to anoxia (30 min) and reoxygenation (60 min). Using the kinase assay method, the profile of JNK activity in the ventricle was determined every 10 min throughout anoxia-reoxygenation. Effects on JNK activity of the LCC blocker verapamil (10 nM), the mitoK(ATP) channel opener diazoxide (50 microM) and the blocker 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD, 500 microM), the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) inhibitor Ru360 (10 microM), and the antioxidant N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine (MPG, 1 mM) were determined. In untreated hearts, JNK activity was increased by 40% during anoxia and peaked fivefold relative to basal level after 30-40 min reoxygenation. This peak value was reduced by half by diazoxide and was tripled by 5-HD. Furthermore, the 5-HD-mediated stimulation of JNK activity during reoxygenation was abolished by diazoxide, verapamil or Ru360. MPG had no effect on JNK activity, whatever the conditions. None of the tested pharmacological agents altered JNK activity under basal normoxic conditions. Thus, in the embryonic heart, JNK activity exhibits a characteristic pattern during anoxia and reoxygenation and the respective open-state of LCC, MCU and mitoKATP channel can be a major determinant of JNK activity in a ROS-independent manner.
The role of dietary sodium intake in the development, and its impact on the treatment, of hypertension are well recognized. However, many other nutritional compounds have been shown, or are believed, to influence blood pressure. Some compounds, such as caffeine and fructose, may raise arterial blood pressure, whereas others might lower arterial blood pressure, for example garlic, dark chocolate, fibers and potassium. In this article, we review several alimentary compounds and their (hypothesized) mechanisms of action, as well as the available evidence supporting a role of these compounds in the "non pharmacological" treatment and prevention of hypertension.
The diagnosis of synovial amyloidosis is based upon synovial biopsy. Synovial fluid (SF) in seven patients with amyloid arthropathy associated with chronic renal failure undergoing haemodialysis were studied. The SF and synovial samples of 10 consecutive patients with seronegative mono- or oligoarthritis served as controls. Six of the seven patients with amyloid positive synovial biopsy specimens showed amyloid in their SF. No amyloid was found in the synovial tissue or fluid of the 10 patients in the control group, the sensitivity being 87.7%. The finding of amyloid in SF was highly reproducible, showing its presence in the same joint on several occasions. The deposits were Congophilia resistant to potassium permanganate pretreatment, and the immunohistochemical analysis proved that they contained beta 2 microglobulin. The high sensitivity and good reproducibility of the method shows that the finding of amyloid in SF is sufficient for the diagnosis of synovial amyloidosis. It is possible to perform immunohis
This study was designed to evaluate in healthy volunteers the renal hemodynamic and tubular effects of the orally active angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan (DuP 753 or MK 954). Losartan or a placebo was administered to 23 subjects maintained on a high-sodium (200 mmol/d) or a low-sodium (50 mmol/d) diet in a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. The two 6-day diet periods were separated by a 5-day washout period. On day 6, the subjects were water loaded, and blood pressure, renal hemodynamics, and urinary electrolyte excretion were measured for 6 hours after a single 100-mg oral dose of losartan (n = 16) or placebo (n = 7). Losartan induced no significant changes in blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate, or renal blood flow in these water-loaded subjects, whatever the sodium diet. In subjects on a low-salt diet, losartan markedly increased urinary sodium excretion from 115 +/- 9 to 207 +/- 21 mumol/min (P < .05). The fractional excretion of endogenous lithium was unchanged, suggesting no effect of losartan on the early proximal tubule in our experimental conditions. Losartan also increased urine flow rate (from 10.5 +/- 0.4 to 13.1 +/- 0.6 mL/min, P < .05); urinary potassium excretion (from 117 +/- 6.9 to 155 +/- 11 mumol/min); and the excretion of chloride, magnesium, calcium, and phosphate. In subjects on a high-salt diet, similar effects of losartan were observed, but the changes induced by the angiotensin II antagonist did not reach statistical significance. In addition, losartan demonstrated significant uricosuric properties with both sodium diets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Résumé La Na,K-ATPase est une protéine transmembranaire, présente dans toutes les cellules de mammifères et indispensable à la viabilité cellulaire. Elle permet le maintien des gradients sodiques et potassiques à l'origine du potentiel membranaire en transportant 3 Na+ en dehors de la cellule contre 2 K+, grâce à l'énergie fournie par l'hydrolyse d'une molécule d'ATP. Le potentiel membranaire est indispensable au maintien de l'excitabilité cellulaire et à la transmission de l'influx nerveux. Il semblerait que la Na,K-ATPase soit liée à l'hypertension et à certains troubles neurologiques comme la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique (1VIFH). La MFH est une forme de migraine avec aura, qui se caractérise par une hémiparésie. Cette forme de migraine est très rare. Elle se transmet génétiquement sur un mode autosomique dominant. Plusieurs mutations localisées dans le gène de la Na,K-ATPase ont été identifiées durant ces 3 dernières années. C'est la première fois qu'une maladie génétique est associée au gène de la Na,K-ATPase. La compréhension du fonctionnement de cette protéine peut donner des informations sur les mécanismes conduisant à ces pathologies. On sait que la fonction d'une protéine est liée à sa structure. L'étude de sa fonction nécessite donc l'étude de sa structure. Alors que la structure de la SERCA a été déterminée à haute résolution, par cristallographie, celle de la Na,K-ATPase ne l'est toujours pas. Mais ces 2 ATPases présentent une telle homologie qu'un modèle de la Na,K-ATPase a pu être élaboré à partir de la structure de la SERCA. Les objectifs de cette étude sont d'une part, de comprendre le contrôle de l'accessibilité du K+ extracellulaire àses sites de liaison. Pour cela, nous avons ciblé cette étude sur la 2ìème et la 31eme boucle extracellulaire, qui relient respectivement les segments transmembranaires (STM) 3-4 et 5-6. Le choix s'est porté sur ces 2 boucles car elles bordent le canal des cations formés des 4ième' Sième et 6'ème hélices. D'autre part, nous avons également essayer de comprendre les effets des mutations, liées à la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique de type 2 (MFH2), sur la fonctionnalité de la Na,K-ATPase. Alors que les STM et les domaines cytoplasmiques sont relativement proches entre la Na,KATPase et la SERCA, les boucles extracellulaires présentent des différences. Le modèle n'est donc pas une approche fiable pour déterminer la structure et la fonction des régions extracellulaires. Nous avons alors utilisé une approche fonctionnelle faisant appel à la mutation dirigée puis à l'étude de l'activité fonctionnelle de la Na,K ATPase par électrophysiologie sur des ovocytes de Xenopus. En conclusion, nous pouvons dire que la troisième boucle extracellulaire participerait à la structure de la voie d'entrée des cations et que la deuxième boucle extracellulaire semble impliquée dans le contrôle de l'accessibilité des ions K+àses sites de liaison. Concernant les mutations associées à la MFH2, nos résultats ont montré une forte diminution de l'activité fonctionnelle de la pompe Na,K, inférieure aux conditions physiologiques de fonctionnement, et pour une des mutations nous avons observés une diminution de l'affmité apparente au K+ externe. Nous poumons faire l'hypothèse que l'origine pathologique de la migraine est liée à une diminution de l'activité de la pompe à Na+. Summary The Na,K-ATPase is a transmembrane protein, present in all mammalian cells and is necessary for the viability of the cells. It maintains the gradients of Na+ and K+ involved in the membrane potential, by transporting 3Na+ out the cell, and 2K+ into the cell, using the energy providing from one ATP molecule hydrolysis. The membrane potential is necessary for the cell excitability and for the transmission of the nervous signal. Some evidence show that Na,K-ATPase is involved in hypertension and neurological disorders like the Familial Hemiplegic Migraine (FHM). La FHM is a rare form of migraine characterised by aura and hemiparesis and an autosomal dominant transmission. Several mutations linked to the Na,KATPase gene have been identified during these 3 last years. It's the first genetic disorder associated with the Na,K-ATPase gene. Understand the function of this protein is important to elucidate the mechanisms implicated in these pathologies. The function of a protein is linked with its structure. Thus, to know the function of a protein, we need to know its structure. While the Ca-ATPase (SERCA) has been crystallised with a high resolution, the structure of the Na,K-ATPase is not known. Because of the great homology between these 2 ATPases, a model of the Na,K-ATPase was realised by comparing with the structure of the SERCA. The aim of this study is on one side, understand the control of the extracellular K+ accessibility to their binding sites. Because of theirs closed proximity with the cation pathway, located between the 4th, 5th and 6th helices, we have targeted this study on the 2nd and the 3rd extracellular loops linking respectively the transmembrane segment (TMS) 3 and 4, and the TMS 5 and 6. And on the other side, we have tried to understand the functional effects of mutations linked with the Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 2 (FHM2). In contrast with the transmembrane segments and the cytoplasmic domains, the extracellular loops show lots of difference between Na,K-ATPase and SERCA, the model is not a good approach to know the structure and the function of the extracellular loops. Thus, we have used a functional approach consisting in directed mutagenesis and the study of the functional activity of the Na,K-ATPase by electrophysiological techniques with Xenopus oocytes. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the third extracellular loop could participate in the structure of the entry of the cations pathway and that the second extracellular loop could control the K+ accessibility to their binding sites. Concerning the mutations associated with the FHM2, our results showed a strong decrease in the functional activity of the Na,K-pump under physiological conditions and for one of mutations, induce a decrease in the apparent external K+ affinity. We could make the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of migraine is related to the decrease in Na,K-pump activity. Résumé au large publique De la même manière que l'assemblage des mots forme des phrases et que l'assemblage des phrases forme des histoires, l'assemblage des cellules forme des organes et l'ensemble des organes constitue les êtres vivants. La fonction d'une cellule dans le corps humain peut se rapprocher de celle d'une usine hydroélectrique. La matière première apportée est l'eau, l'usine électrique va ensuite convertir l'eau en énergie hydraulique pour fournir de l'électricité. Le fonctionnement de base d'une cellule suit le même processus. La cellule a besoin de matières premières (oxygène, nutriments, eau...) pour produire une énergie sous forme chimique, l'ATP. Cette énergie est utilisée par exemple pour contracter les muscles et permet donc à l'individu de se déplacer. Morphologiquement la cellule est une sorte de petit sac rempli de liquide (milieu intracellulaire) baignant elle-même dans le liquide (milieu extracellulaire) composant le corps humain (un adulte est constitué environ de 65 % d'eau). La composition du milieu intracellulaire est différente de celle du milieu extracellulaire. Cette différence doit être maintenue pour que l'organisme fonctionne correctement. Une des différences majeures est la quantité de sodium. En effet il y a beaucoup plus de sodium à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur de la cellule. Bien que l'intérieur de la cellule soit isolé de l'extérieur par une membrane, le sodium arrive à passer à travers cette membrane, ce qui a tendance à augmenter la quantité de sodium dans la cellule et donc à diminuer sa différence de concentration entre le milieu extracellulaire et le milieu intracellulaire. Mais dans les membranes, il existe des pompes qui tournent et dont le rôle est de rejeter le sodium de la cellule. Ces pompes sont des protéines connues sous le nom de pompe à sodium ou Na,K-ATPase. On lui attribue le nom de Na,K-ATPase car en réalité elle rejette du sodium (Na) et en échange elle fait entrer dans la cellule du potassium (K), et pour fonctionner elle a besoin d'énergie (ATP). Lorsque les pompes à sodium ne fonctionnent pas bien, cela peut conduire à des maladies. En effet la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique de type 2, est une migraine très rare qui se caractérise par l'apparition de la paralysie de la moitié d'un corps avant l'apparition du mal de tête. C'est une maladie génétique (altération qui modifie la fonction d'une protéine) qui touche la pompe à sodium située dans le cerveau. On a découvert que certaines altérations (mutations) empêchent les pompes à sodium de fonctionner correctement. On pense alors que le développement des migraines est en partie dû au fait que ces pompes fonctionnent moins bien. Il est important de bien connaître la fonction de ces pompes car cela permet de comprendre des mécanismes pouvant conduire à certaines maladies, comme les migraines. En biologie, la fonction d'une protéine est étudiée à travers sa structure. C'est pourquoi l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'étudier la structure de la Na,K-ATPase afin de mieux comprendre son mécanisme d'action.
Estrone is a powerful growth-inducing hormone that is present in milk, mainly in the form of fatty acid esters, at concentrations that promote growth in experimental animals. We present here a method useful for the measurement of this natural hormone in foods and applied it to several common dairy products. Samples were frozen, finely powdered, and lyophilized then extracted with trichloromethane/methanol; the dry extract was saponified with potassium hydroxide. The free estrone evolved was extracted with ethyl acetate and was used for the estimation of total estrone content through radioimmunoassay. Application of the method to dairy products showed high relative levels of total estrone (essentially acyl-estrone) in milk, in the range of 1 ¿M, which were halved in skimmed milk. Free estrone levels were much lower, in the nanomolar range. A large proportion of estrone esters was present in all other dairy products, fairly correlated with their fat content. The amount of estrone carried by milk is well within the range, where its intake may exert a physiological response in the sucklings for which it is provided. These growth-inducing and energy expenditure-lowering effects may affect humans ingesting significant amounts of dairy products.
BACKGROUND: Controlled transcranial stimulation of the brain is part of clinical treatment strategies in neuropsychiatric diseases such as depression, stroke, or Parkinson's disease. Manipulating brain activity by transcranial stimulation, however, inevitably influences other control centers of various neuronal and neurohormonal feedback loops and therefore may concomitantly affect systemic metabolic regulation. Because hypothalamic adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels, which function as local energy sensors, are centrally involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis, we tested whether transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) causes an excitation-induced transient neuronal energy depletion and thus influences systemic glucose homeostasis and related neuroendocrine mediators.METHODS: In a crossover design testing 15 healthy male volunteers, we increased neuronal excitation by anodal tDCS versus sham and examined cerebral energy consumption with (31)phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Systemic glucose uptake was determined by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp, and neurohormonal measurements comprised the parameters of the stress systems.RESULTS: We found that anodic tDCS-induced neuronal excitation causes an energetic depletion, as quantified by (31)phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Moreover, tDCS-induced cerebral energy consumption promotes systemic glucose tolerance in a standardized euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp procedure and reduces neurohormonal stress axes activity.CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that transcranial brain stimulation not only evokes alterations in local neuronal processes but also clearly influences downstream metabolic systems regulated by the brain. The beneficial effects of tDCS on metabolic features may thus qualify brain stimulation as a promising nonpharmacologic therapy option for drug-induced or comorbid metabolic disturbances in various neuropsychiatric diseases.
The clinical pharmacology of a synthetic rat atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP) was evaluated in normal volunteers. During a dose-ranging study at 1-40 micrograms/min we observed a dose-dependent decrease in mean intra-arterial blood pressure, an acceleration of the heart rate and a transient increase in blood flow to the skin. During a 4-h constant-dose infusion at 0.5 and 5.0 micrograms/min, inulin clearance remained unchanged but there was a dose-related fall in paraaminohippurate (PAH) clearance and an increase in the filtration fraction. Urinary excretion of sodium, chloride and calcium increased in a dose-related fashion, but with the high dose the excretion curve had a bell-shape. No change in plasma renin activity, angiotensin II and aldosterone was observed during the rANP infusion despite the excretion of large amounts of sodium and a blood pressure reduction with the high dose. Indocyanine green clearance, a measure of hepatic blood flow, was significantly decreased by a 2-h rANP infusion at 1.0 microgram/min. In normal volunteers, therefore, rANP induced vasodilation and blood pressure reduction, a decrease in renal and hepatic blood flow and a natriuretic and transient diuretic effect without activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Atrial natriuretic peptide is cleared from plasma by clearance receptors and by enzymatic degradation by way of a neutral metalloendopeptidase. Inhibition of neutral metalloendopeptidase activity appears to provide an interesting approach to interfere with metabolism of atrial natriuretic peptide to enhance the renal and haemodynamic effects of endogenous atrial natriuretic peptide. In this study, the effects of SCH 34826, a new orally active neutral metalloendopeptidase inhibitor, have been evaluated in a single-blind, placebo-controlled study involving eight healthy volunteers who had maintained a high sodium intake for 5 days. SCH 34826 had no effect on blood pressure or heart rate in these normotensive subjects. SCH 34826 promoted significant increases in excretion of urinary sodium, phosphate, and calcium. The cumulative 5-hour urinary sodium excretion was 15.7 +/- 7.3 mmol for the placebo and 22.9 +/- 5, 26.7 +/- 6 (p less than 0.05), and 30.9 +/- 6.8 mmol (p less than 0.01) for the 400, 800, and 1600 mg SCH 34826 doses, respectively. During the same time interval, the cumulative urinary phosphate excretion increased by 0.3 +/- 0.4 mmol after placebo and by 1.5 +/- 0.3 (p less than 0.01), 1.95 +/- 0.3 (p less than 0.01), and 2.4 +/- 0.4 mmol (p less than 0.001) after 400, 800, and 1600 mg SCH 34826, respectively. There was no change in diuresis or excretion of urinary potassium and uric acid. The natriuretic response to SCH 34826 occurred in the absence of any change in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels but was associated with a dose-dependent elevation of urinary atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic guanosine monophosphate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Weathering steel is commonly used as a cost-effective alternative for bridge superstructures, as the costs and environmental impacts associated with the maintenance/replacement of paint coatings are theoretically eliminated. The performance of weathering steel depends on the proper formation of a surface patina, which consists of a dense layer of corrosion product used to protect the steel from further atmospheric corrosion. The development of the weathering steel patina may be hindered by environmental factors such as humid environments, wetting/drying cycles, sheltering, exposure to de-icing chlorides, and design details that permit water to pond on steel surfaces. Weathering steel bridges constructed over or adjacent to other roadways could be subjected to sufficient salt spray that would impede the development of an adequate patina. Addressing areas of corrosion on a weathering steel bridge superstructure where a protective patina has not formed is often costly and negates the anticipated cost savings for this type of steel superstructure. Early detection of weathering steel corrosion is important to extending the service life of the bridge structure; however, written inspection procedures are not available for inspectors to evaluate the performance or quality of the patina. This project focused on the evaluation of weathering steel bridge structures, including possible methods to assess the quality of the weathering steel patina and to properly maintain the quality of the patina. The objectives of this project are summarized as follows: Identify weathering steel bridge structures that would be most vulnerable to chloride contamination, based on location, exposure, environment, and other factors. Identify locations on an individual weathering steel bridge structure that would be most susceptible to chloride contamination, such as below joints, splash/spray zones, and areas of ponding water or debris. Identify possible testing methods and/or inspection techniques for inspectors to evaluate the quality of the weathering steel patina at locations discussed above. Identify possible methods to measure and evaluate the level of chloride contamination at the locations discussed above. Evaluate the effectiveness of water washing on removing chlorides from the weathering steel patina. Develop a general prioritization for the washing of bridge structures based on the structure’s location, environment, inspection observations, patina evaluation findings, and chloride test results.
In luminescence dating, the potassium concentration significantly contributes to the dose rate value in the age estimation. Within this study, fine-grain thermoluminescence dating has been applied on sherds of calcareous pottery of known age, excavated at a Roman site in Mallorca, Spain. For those of the samples that showed signs of severe potassium leaching, according to chemical and mineralogical examination, the thermoluminescence analysis provided overestimated dates. By using the known archaeological age of the samples, a corrected dose rate value can be estimated which provides the potassium concentration averaged for the burial period. Finally, a step-like model can then be used to estimate the fraction of the burial period after which most of the alteration effects took place.