998 resultados para pesquisa em abatedouro
The objective of this study is to present the trajectory of a research project (ALLEVATO, 2005) whose phenomenon of interest is the teaching of mathematics using problem solving with computers. The text is an attempt to portray this trajectory, from the point of view of the methodological route followed by the researcher, which was based on two main axes: the guidance of the educator Thomas A. Romberg (1992), and the guidelines provided by the foundations of qualitative research. The study was developed during a doctoral course offered by the Graduate Program in Mathematics Education at the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), Rio Claro campus.
Action-research is a model of scientific investigation which is not widely used in musical teaching, even considering its relevant application in the social sciences. David Tripp (2005) classifies it as a type of action-investigation which is used to define any process that follows a cycle where the practice is improved by the systematic oscillation from acting in the field of practice to investigating into it. With the approval by the Brazilian National Congress of Law 17,769, on August 18, 2008, and with the supplementary legislation, we understand that its use in the musical education would be beneficial. This justification has motivated the writing of this article, which approached the characteristics, functions and usefulness of the action-research. The consulted authors were, among others, D. Tripp, M. Thiollent, Maria A. Franco, G. Morceau, and Maria G. de Miranda. Two examples of Master's dissertations which adopted this type of research were mentioned.
The immunogenetic study of senile cataract showed that the association with the HLA antigens and Ia antigens suggests an influence of the antigenicity for cataractogenesis, but not a peculiar specificity. However, the investigation of the immunoglobulins in lens suggest that the lens pathology may be produced by antibodies reacting with the lens capsule and consequently interfering with the lens epithelial metabolism, and contributes to the complex mechanism of cataract formation.
Eight hundred and fifty sheep sera from 18 herds, located in 15 municipalities of the State of São Paulo, were examined by complement fixation test, indirect enzyme immunoassay and gel diffusion test for antibodies to Brucella ovis. The combination of the serological test results and the clinical and epidemiological data suggest that none of the examined animals was infected. The complement fixation and the gel diffusion tests showed good specificity, but the indirect enzyme immunoassay showed false positive results in nine of the sera.
BACKGROUND: One of the great difficulties in evaluating a voice is the judgment of quality through the perceptual auditive analysis--although frequently used--, as it is influenced by socioeconomic and cultural aspects as well as individual preferences. Many are the adjectives and methods used in this assessment, especially because of the subjectivity involved in the process, leading to incompatibilities between listeners and difficulties in reaching a consensus on the use of this or that terminology. In such a context, the voice laboratory and more specifically the acoustic computerized analysis, has guided and complemented speech-language treatments. Among the several possibilities of spectrographic analysis, the (Long-Term Average Spectrum--LTAS) quantifies the quality of voices, pointing differences between gender, age, professional--spoken and sang--and dysphonic voices. The LTAS has been used a lot in researches that investigate voice. As it evidences the contribution of the glottic source and of resonance to the quality of voice, it provides objective parameters for the evaluation of this aspect which usually depends on our auditive perception. AIM: to demonstrate how LTAS can be applied in voice research and in the speech-language therapy practice, describing both the technical aspects required for the production and interpretation of results, and its limitations. CONCLUSION: The area of voice research has developed a lot in these last two decades especially because of the advent of the voice and speech laboratory. For this reason, the knowledge about the applicability of more tools for voice analysis, as the LTAS, as well as the existing need for more studies in this area, will most certainly contribute for the creation of new research areas not only in the field of professional voice but also in the field of therapy.
Objective: To increase the knowledge base regarding pulmonology research in Brazil. Methods: A retrospective, observational study of the abstracts published in the Annals of the Brazilian Pulmonology and Phthisiology Conferences held from 1986 to 2004, quantifying the institutions of origin by geographic distribution and type, as well as categorizing the abstracts by study design and topic. Results: A total of 6467 abstracts were published. The institutions of origin were located, variously, in the Southeast (3870 abstracts), South (1309), Northeast (783), Central-West (267) and North (84). There were 94 abstracts originating from foreign institutions, especially from institutions in Portugal (56.3%) and the United States (13.8%). Most of the studies (5825) were conducted in public Brazilian institutions. There were 4234 clinical studies, 1994 case reports and 239 original research articles. A marked, progressive increase was observed in the number of clinical studies and case reports during the period evaluated. Overall, the most common themes were tuberculosis and other infections diseases (25.2%), following by oncology (11.6%), interstitial lung diseases (8.8%) and thoracic surgery (8.5%). Nevertheless, the number of abstracts on each topic varied widely from year to year. Conclusion: Public Brazilian institutions are the principal sources of pulmonology research in Brazil. Such research activity is concentrated in the southeastern part of the country. Case reports account for one-third of this activity. Although there was great variability in the subjects addressed, diseases that are highly prevalent in Brazil, such as tuberculosis and other infections diseases, were the most common topics.
In the present investigation were evaluated the sanitary conditions of poultry and several types of sausages retailed in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil for the determination of the most probable number of coliforms at 45°C/g besides the research of Salmonella using traditional methodology and PCR. In order to do so, 50 samples of poultry and 75 of sausages were collected from nine different establishments in the city, in the period of April to November of 2006. Of the 50 samples of chicken meat, 35 (70%) were out of the microbiologic parameters, according to Brazilian Sanitary Resolution RDC no 12 of Anvisa (>104 coliforms at 45°C/g). In this Resolution, the research of Salmonella is not demanded, but 4 samples (8%) presented the pathogen using the traditional methodology. That presence was confirmed by PCR, which was also positive in another 23, in a total of 27 positive samples (54%). Among 75 samples of sausages, 30 (40%) were out of the allowed limits, with 7 positive samples for Salmonella, using traditional methodology. However, if we consider PCR test, the number of positive samples increases to 42 (56%). Adding this number to coliforms microbiological limits, 86.7% of the analyzed sausages were inappropriate for the consumption.
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Since the 1990s, research into indigenous history has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively in Brazilian academia. Nevertheless the concepts of ethnohistory and indigenous history have been frequently used imprecisely. This article discusses the concept of ethnohistory and its development. Also, it discusses the interdisciplinary character of research into indigenous history and its social relevance. Questions are also raised about the training of human resources for teaching, the research into indigenous history, the teaching of it in the context of basic education and the professional ethics of the researcher.
This article presents an exercise in meta-comprehension of what has been researched on teaching probability and statistics in Brazil. This research was based on the work on this subject presented in the third International Symposium for Research in Mathematics Education (III SIPEM). Articles were selected from the proceedings of the event analyzed hermeneuticly according to the procedures of phenomenology. We observed no evidence of clustering of research on this topic in terms of region or institutions, and we also emphasize that research on the teaching of Probability and Statistics needs to advance toward a theoretical discussion that transcends the subjects being studied and makes broader and deeper links between theory and practice. Findings also indicate that this sub-area of research in mathematics education is in the process of constituting itself.
In this paper, we present GPIMEM, a group that has been developing research in Mathematics Education related to computers and other media since 1993 to understand how mathematical knowledge can be produced with these technological resources, in face-to-face as well as online distance education. Members of the group dialogue with different fields of knowledge such as philosophy, history, psychology, anthropology, sociology, arts and technology, among others, to inform their research. The research addresses various topics relevant to Mathematics Education, including methodological and epistemological aspects of teaching and learning, of mathematical modeling and teacher education, always within a qualitative research perspective. We begin with the historical presentation of the group, revealing its dynamics and organization of work, followed by reflections on qualitative research methodology and description of research conducted over the past five years. Finally, we present a synthesis of the theories developed by the group and expectations for the future.
We discuss the knowledge that has been constructed regarding Problem Solving in Math Education as a result of research developed by GTERP - Work and Study Group in Problem Solving, UNESP-Rio Claro/SP. The research is guided by the following general questions: How do students construct mathematical knowledge and how do teachers implement the methodology of Math Teaching-Learning-Evaluation through Problem Solving? Historical aspects of Problem Solving are very important in the configuration of the current trends for Problem Solving. One of them is the Methodology of Math Teaching-Learning- Evaluation through Problem Solving, based on clear foundations and an approach of renewal. In addition to that methodology, two aspects have been developed by the group: The conception of Math as a science of pattern and order and Discrete Mathematics. The knowledge constructed and the scientific production of GTERP prove its relevant contribution to intensifying dialogues between research and educational practice, students and teachers, and to increasing the possibilities of that practice particularly in Math work.