956 resultados para ovarian arteries


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Our long-term goal is the detection and characterization of vulnerable plaque in the coronary arteries of the heart using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) catheters. Vulnerable plaque, characterized by a thin fibrous cap and a soft, lipid-rich necrotic core is a precursor to heart attack and stroke. Early detection of such plaques may potentially alter the course of treatment of the patient to prevent ischemic events. We have previously described the characterization of carotid plaques using external linear arrays operating at 9 MHz. In addition, we previously modified circular array IVUS catheters by short-circuiting several neighboring elements to produce fixed beamwidths for intravascular hyperthermia applications. In this paper, we modified Volcano Visions 8.2 French, 9 MHz catheters and Volcano Platinum 3.5 French, 20 MHz catheters by short-circuiting portions of the array for acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI) applications. The catheters had an effective transmit aperture size of 2 mm and 1.5 mm, respectively. The catheters were connected to a Verasonics scanner and driven with pushing pulses of 180 V p-p to acquire ARFI data from a soft gel phantom with a Young's modulus of 2.9 kPa. The dynamic response of the tissue-mimicking material demonstrates a typical ARFI motion of 1 to 2 microns as the gel phantom displaces away and recovers back to its normal position. The hardware modifications applied to our IVUS catheters mimic potential beamforming modifications that could be implemented on IVUS scanners. Our results demonstrate that the generation of radiation force from IVUS catheters and the development of intravascular ARFI may be feasible.


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Anti-mullerian hormone, also called AMH, belongs to the large family of transforming growth factor P. Its role in the sexual differentiation of male fetus is now well known. Recently, AMH has been demonstrated to play an important role in the ovarian function. In fact, AMH seems to regulate the kinetics of follicular development, inhibiting the follicular recruitment and the follicular growth. Thus, this intra-gonadic cybernin could be a decisive determinant of the rapidity of follicular pool exhaustion. Today, some experimental data from the literature suggest that AMH could be a reliable marker of ovarian reserve. This review summarizes the present knowledge about AMH and its role in physiology but also in ovarian pathology.


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PURPOSE: Risk-stratified guidelines can improve quality of care and cost-effectiveness, but their uptake in primary care has been limited. MeTree, a Web-based, patient-facing risk-assessment and clinical decision support tool, is designed to facilitate uptake of risk-stratified guidelines. METHODS: A hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial of three clinics (two intervention, one control). PARTICIPANTS: consentable nonadopted adults with upcoming appointments. PRIMARY OUTCOME: agreement between patient risk level and risk management for those meeting evidence-based criteria for increased-risk risk-management strategies (increased risk) and those who do not (average risk) before MeTree and after. MEASURES: chart abstraction was used to identify risk management related to colon, breast, and ovarian cancer, hereditary cancer, and thrombosis. RESULTS: Participants = 488, female = 284 (58.2%), white = 411 (85.7%), mean age = 58.7 (SD = 12.3). Agreement between risk management and risk level for all conditions for each participant, except for colon cancer, which was limited to those <50 years of age, was (i) 1.1% (N = 2/174) for the increased-risk group before MeTree and 16.1% (N = 28/174) after and (ii) 99.2% (N = 2,125/2,142) for the average-risk group before MeTree and 99.5% (N = 2,131/2,142) after. Of those receiving increased-risk risk-management strategies at baseline, 10.5% (N = 2/19) met criteria for increased risk. After MeTree, 80.7% (N = 46/57) met criteria. CONCLUSION: MeTree integration into primary care can improve uptake of risk-stratified guidelines and potentially reduce "overuse" and "underuse" of increased-risk services.Genet Med 18 10, 1020-1028.


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CT and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) are ubiquitous in the clinic. Their preclinical equivalents are valuable imaging methods for studying disease models and treatment. We have developed a dual source/detector X-ray imaging system that we have used for both micro-CT and DSA studies in rodents. The control of such a complex imaging system requires substantial software development for which we use the graphical language LabVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). This paper focuses on a LabVIEW platform that we have developed to enable anatomical and functional imaging with micro-CT and DSA. Our LabVIEW applications integrate and control all the elements of our system including a dual source/detector X-ray system, a mechanical ventilator, a physiological monitor, and a power microinjector for the vascular delivery of X-ray contrast agents. Various applications allow cardiac- and respiratory-gated acquisitions for both DSA and micro-CT studies. Our results illustrate the application of DSA for cardiopulmonary studies and vascular imaging of the liver and coronary arteries. We also show how DSA can be used for functional imaging of the kidney. Finally, the power of 4D micro-CT imaging using both prospective and retrospective gating is shown for cardiac imaging.


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Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, flow in elastic pipes and blood vessels and extrusion of metals through dies. However a comprehensive computational model of these multi-physics phenomena is a considerable challenge. Until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply even to the extent in metal forming, for example, that the deformation of the die is totally ignored. More recently, strategies for solving the full coupling between the fluid and soild mechanics behaviour have developed. Conventionally, the computational modelling of fluid structure interaction is problematical since computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is solved using finite volume (FV) methods and computational structural mechanics (CSM) is based entirely on finite element (FE) methods. In the past the concurrent, but rather disparate, development paths for the finite element and finite volume methods have resulted in numerical software tools for CFD and CSM that are different in almost every respect. Hence, progress is frustrated in modelling the emerging multi-physics problem of fluid structure interaction in a consistent manner. Unless the fluid-structure coupling is either one way, very weak or both, transferring and filtering data from one mesh and solution procedure to another may lead to significant problems in computational convergence. Using a novel three phase technique the full interaction between the fluid and the dynamic structural response are represented. The procedure is demonstrated on some challenging applications in complex three dimensional geometries involving aircraft flutter, metal forming and blood flow in arteries.


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The incidence of hypertension is increasing as the number of patients with obesity and diabetes mellitus increases. Hypertension results when the peripheral vascular resistance is increased, the blood viscosity is elevated and/or the flow of blood through the main arteries is impeded. Chronic hypertension results in enlarged heart, myocardial damage and lung and renal abnormalities. While some causative factors such as obesity can be controlled, others for example genetics are more difficult to treat because often there is more than one factor involved. This paper explores how essential and secondary factors contribute to the incidence of hypertension and the physiological changes resulting from raised blood pressure. It proposes that although traditional treatment has some success, nurse-led clinics are having better success not only in controlling raised blood pressure but also in reducing cardiac, pulmonary and renal morbidity. It is more cost-effective, staff is more productive and clients are more compliant with treatment.


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La osteocondritis de los sesamoideos es una enfermedad infrecuente, que se puede dar en cualquiera de los dos sesamoideos, siendo una patología incapacitante. A pesar de que los sesamoideos juegan un papel fundamental en la mecánica del antepié, algunos trastornos que se dan en ellos a menudo se pasan por alto o son mal diagnosticados. Se revisa y analizan las características clínicas de la enfermedad, su tratamiento y las claves diagnósticas que nos permiten establecer un correcto diagnóstico diferencial con otros procesos patológicos que afectan a los sesamoideos.


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Multiple lines of evidence suggest that elevated plasma lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) concentrations are a significant risk factor for the development of a number of vascular diseases including coronary heart disease and stroke. Lp(a) consists of a low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-like moiety and an unique glycoprotein, apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), that is covalently attached to the apolipoproteinB-100 (apoB-100) component of LDL by a single disulfide bond. Many studies have suggested a role for Lp(a) in the process of endothelial dysfunction. Indeed, Lp(a) has been shown to increase both the expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells (EC), as well as monocyte and leukocyte chemotactic activity in these cells. We have previously demonstrated that Lp(a), through its apo(a) moiety, increases actomyosin-driven EC contraction which, as a consequence, increases EC permeability. In this thesis, we have demonstrated a role for the strong lysine-binding site in the kringle IV type 10 domain of apo(a) in increasing EC permeability, which occurs through a Rho/Rho kinase-dependent pathway. We have further validated these findings using mouse mesenteric arteries in a pressure myograph system. We also have dissected another major signaling pathway initiated by apo(a) that involves in a disruption of adherens junctions in EC. In this pathway, apo(a)/Lp(a) activates the PI3K/Akt/GSK3β-dependent pathway to facilitate nuclear translocation of beta-catenin. In the nucleus beta-catenin induced the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and the secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) from the EC. Finally, we have presented data to suggest a novel inflammatory role for apo(a) in which it induces the activation of nuclear factor-kappaB through promotion of the dissociation of IkappaB from the inactive cytoplasmic complex; this allows the nuclear translocation of NFkappaB with attendant effects on the transcription of pro-inflammatory genes. Taken together, our findings may facilitate the development of new drug targets for mitigating the harmful effects of Lp(a) on vascular EC which corresponds to an early step in the process of atherogenesis.


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Vascular smooth muscle cell migration is a significant contributor to many aspects of heart disease, and specifically atherosclerosis. Tissue damage in the arteries can result in the formation of a fatty streak. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) can then migrate to this site to form a fibrous cap, stabilizing the fatty plaque. Since cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries, this function of SMC is an essential area of study. The formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles were studied in this project as indicators that cell migration is occurring. The roles of the proteins p53, Rac, caldesmon and PTEN were investigated with regards to these actin-based structures. The tumour suppressor p53 is often reported to cause apoptosis, senescence or cell cycle arrest when stress is placed on a cell, but has recently been shown to regulate cell migration as well. It was determined in this project that p53 could inhibit the formation of both lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles. It was also shown that this could occur directly through an inhibition of the GTPase Rac. Previous studies have shown that p53 can upregulate caldesmon, a protein which is known to bind to and stabilize actin filaments while inhibiting Arp2/3-mediated branching. It was confirmed that p53 could upregulate caldesmon, and that caldesmon could inhibit the formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles. The phosphorylation of caldesmon by p21-associated kinase (PAK) or extracellular signal-related kinase (Erk) was shown to effectively reverse the ability of caldesmon to inhibit these structures. The role of phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) was also studied with regards to this signalling pathway. PTEN was shown to inhibit lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles through its lipid phosphatase activity. It was concluded that p53 can inhibit the formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles in vascular SMC, and that this occurs through Rac, caldesmon and PTEN.


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Lasioglossum malachurum, a bee species common across much of Europe, is obligately eusocial across its range but exhibits clear geographic variation in demography and social behaviour. This variation suggests that social interactions between queens and workers, opportunities for worker oviposition, and patterns of relatedness among nest mates may vary considerably, both within and among regions. In this study, we used three microsatellite loci with 12–18 alleles each to examine the sociogenetic structure of colonies from a population at Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias in southern Greece. These analyses reveal that the majority of colonies exhibit classical eusocial colony structure in which a single queen mated to a single male monopolizes oviposition. Nevertheless, we also detect low rates of multiqueen nest founding, occasional caste switching by worker-destined females, and worker oviposition of both gyne and male-producing eggs in the final brood. Previous evidence that the majority of workers show some ovarian development and a minority (17%) have at least one large oocyte contrasts with the observation that only 2–3% of gynes and males (the so-called reproductive brood) are produced by workers. An evaluation of the parameters of Hamilton's Rule suggests that queens benefit greatly from the help provided by workers but that workers achieve greater fitness by provisioning and laying their own eggs rather than by tending to the queen's eggs. This conflict of interest between the queen and her workers suggests that the discrepancy between potential and achieved worker oviposition is due to queen interference. Comparison of relatedness and maternity patterns in the Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias population with those from a northern population near Tübingen, Germany, points to a north–south cline of increasingly effective queen control of worker behaviour.


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BRCA1 is a tumour suppressor gene implicated in the predisposition to early onset breast and ovarian cancer. We have generated cell lines with inducible expression of BRCA1 to evaluate its role in mediating the cellular response to various chemotherapeutic drugs commonly used in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer. Induction of BRCA1 in the presence of Taxol and Vincristine resulted in a dramatic increase in cell death; an effect that was preceded by an acute arrest at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle and which correlated with BRCA1 mediated induction of GADD45. A proportion of the arrested cells were blocked in mitosis suggesting activation of both a G2 and a mitotic spindle checkpoint. In contrast, no specific interaction was observed between BRCA1 induction and treatment of cells with a range of DNA damaging agents including Cisplatin and Adriamycin. Inducible expression of GADD45 in the presence of Taxol induced both G2 and mitotic arrest in these cells consistent with a role for GADD45 in contributing to these effects. Our results support a role for both BRCA1 and GADD45 in selectively regulating a G2/M checkpoint in response to antimicrotubule agents and raise the possibility that their expression levels in cells may contribute to the toxicity observed with these compounds.


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BRCA1 encodes a tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in the germ line of women with a genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. BRCA1 has been implicated in a number of important cellular functions including DNA damage repair, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control, and ubiquitination. Using an Affymetrix U95A microarray, IRF-7 was identified as a BRCA1 transcriptional target and was also shown to be synergistically up-regulated by BRCA1 specifically in the presence of IFN-gamma, coincident with the synergistic induction of apoptosis. We show that BRCA1, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-1, and STAT2 are all required for the induction of IRF-7 following stimulation with IFN-gamma. We also show that the induction of IRF-7 by BRCA1 and IFN-gamma is dependent on the type I IFNs, IFN-alpha and IFN-beta. We show that BRCA1 is required for the up-regulation of STAT1, STAT2, and the type I IFNs in response to IFN-gamma. We show that BRCA1 is localized at the promoters of the molecules involved in type I IFN signaling leading to their up-regulation. Blocking this intermediary type I IFN step using specific antisera shows the requirement for IFN-alpha and IFN-beta in the induction of IRF-7 and apoptosis. Finally, we outline a mechanism for the BRCA1/IFN-gamma regulation of target genes involved in the innate immune response, which is dependent on type I IFN signaling.


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Anillin is an actin-binding protein that can bind septins and is a component of the cytokinetic ring. We assessed the anillin expression in 7,579 human tissue samples and cell lines by DNA micro-array analysis. Anillin is expressed ubiquitously but with variable levels of expression, being highest in the central nervous system. The median level of anillin mRNA expression was higher in tumors than normal tissues (median fold increase 2.58; 95% confidence intervals, 2.19-5.68, P < 0.0001) except in the central nervous system where anillin in RNA levels were lower in tumors. We developed a sensitive reverse transcription-PCR strategy to show that anillin mRNA is expressed in cell lines and in cDNA panels derived from fetal and adult tissues, thus validating the microarray data. We compared anillin with Ki67 in RNA expression and found a significant linear relationship between anillin and Ki67 mRNA expression (Spearmann r similar to 0.6, P < 0.0001). Anillin mRNA expression was analyzed during tumor progression in breast, ovarian, kidney, colorectal, hepatic, lung, endometrial, and pancreatic tumors and in all tissues there was progressive, increase in anillin mRNA expression from normal to benign to malignant to metastatic disease. Finally, we used anti-anillin sera and found nuclear anillin immuncireactivity to be widespread in normal tissues, often not correlating with proliferative compartments. These data provide insight into the existence of non proliferation-associated activities of anillin and roles in interphase nuclei. Thus, anillin is overexpressed in diverse common human tumors, but not simply as a consequence of being a proliferation marker. Anillin may have potential as a novel biomarker.


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Objective: This study investigated whether differences exist in atherogen-induced migratory behaviors and basal antioxidant enzyme capacity of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from human coronary (CA) and internal mammary (IMA) arteries. Methods: Migration experiments were performed using the Dunn chemotaxis chamber. The prooxidant [NAD(P)H oxidase] and antioxidant [NOS, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase] enzyme activities were determined by specific assays. Results: Chemotaxis experiments revealed that while both sets of VSMC migrated towards platelet-derived growth factor-BB (1-50 ng/ml) and angiotensin II (1-50 nM), neither oxidized-LDL (ox-LDL, 25-100 ng/ml) nor native LDL (100 ng/ml) affected chemotaxis in IMA VSMC. However, high dose ox-LDL produced significant chemotaxis in CAVSMC that was inhibited by pravastatin (100 nM), mevastatin (10 nM), losartan (10 nM), enalapril (1 micro.M), and MnTBAP (a free radical scavenger, 50 micro.M). Microinjection experiments with isoprenoids i.e. geranylgeranylpyrophosphate (GGPP) and farnesylpyrophosphate (FPP) showed distinct involvement of small GTPases in atherogeninduced VSMC migration. Significant increases in antioxidant enzyme activities and nitrite production along with marked decreases in NAD(P)H oxidase activity and superoxide levels were determined in IMA versus CA VSMC. Conclusions: Enhanced intrinsic antioxidant capacity may confer on IMAVSMC resistance to migration against atherogenic agents. Drugs that regulate ox-LDL or angiotensin II levels also exert antimigratory effects.


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Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is an endogenous vasodilator peptide that produces its effects by activation of CGRP(1) and CGRP(2) receptor subtypes, These receptor subtypes are characterized in functional studies using the agonist Cys(Acm)(2,7)-human-alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide (Cys(ACM)(2,7)-h-alpha-CGRP), which activates CGRP(2) receptors, and the antagonist h-alpha CGRP(8-37) which has a high affinity for CGRP, receptors and a low affinity for CGRP(2) receptors. Our aim was to identify factors that may limit the use of these drugs to characterize CGRP receptor subtypes. We studied CGRP receptors using isolated ring segments of pig coronary and basilar arteries studied in vitro. The affinity of the antagonist h-alpha CGRP(8-37) for inhibiting h-alpha CGRP-induced relaxation of coronary arteries (log(10) of the antagonist equilibrium dissociation constant = -5.33) was determined from Schild plots that had steep slopes. Therefore, we used capsaicin to investigate the role of endogenous CGRP in confounding affinity measurements for h-alpha CGRP(8-37). After capsaicin treatment, the slopes of the Schild plots were not different from one, and a higher affinity of h-CGRP(8-37) in blocking relaxation was obtained (log(10) of the antagonist equilibrium dissociation constant = -6.01). We also investigated the agonist activity of the putative CGRP, receptor selective agonist Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha-CGRP. We found that maximal relaxation of coronary arteries caused by Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP was dependent upon the level of contractile tone induced by KCI. We also determined the K-A for Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP and found that the K-A (817 nM) was not significantly different from the EC50 (503 nM) for this drug in causing relaxation, indicating that Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP is a partial agonist. Because experimental conditions affect the actions of h-CGRP(8-37) and Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP, the conditions must be carefully controlled to reliably identify CGRP receptor subtypes.