1000 resultados para orientamento :: 434 :: Ambiente e territorio
After several decades of systematic nature destruction, the discourse on biodiversity is the answer of what might be called “the irruption of the biological”, i.e. the biotic issue surviving as the core issue of the modern order. In this regard, the biodiversity discourse declares itself the sponsor of saving nature from destructive practices and capable to institute a culture of conservation instead. Nevertheless, there remain gaps in the discourse, which have been intended to be fi lled with discussions addressing lately the relevance of the local knowledge, the ways of life –habits and customs– and the traditional production, within the frame that supports the meaning of biodiversity. On the one hand, for industrialized countries governments and international governmental institutions, traditional knowledge is an asset of the humankind, which improved becomes a technological innovation that may be subject to patent and fi nally traded, without any benefit to the owners of the basis knowledge. On the other hand, for peasants, intellectuals, and local knowledge activists, ways of life and tradicional production are the basis for rebuilding the peasants’ and natives’ territory, to strengthen the limited independence and self-suffi ciency they live with, but with their active involvement in the determination of everything that affects them. Based on these considerations, spaces are being built to provide an answer to privatization, an answer based on the concept of “the communal” (Grain, 2005).
El articulo estudia desde un marco comparativo tres momentos de analisis territorial, buscando con ello captar los prosesos de cambio, evolucion o transformacion que se bienen dando en las ciencias ambientales en lo referido a sus lecturas de procesos territoriales y a los insumos que se generan en lo que se denomina la "imagen cartografica".
This article is an attempt to make an introduction, both empirical grounded and descriptive, of the dynamic that the collective action for peace shows in the Colombian society, with special emphasis in the geographical dimension. The article is developed in two main parts: firstly, the key characteristics of such social mobilization for peace are presented (an important and massive mobilization, which displays a varied repertoire of action forms and reaches a countrywide scale). Secondly, using the data of the Cinep’s collective action for peace database (Datapaz), the process of geographical expansion of those actions are showed. Tour periods of time are considered: the antecedents of the peace mobilization (1978-1985),the activation of the peace mobilization (1986-1992), the blossoming of the peace organizations and massive demonstrations (1993-1999), and, finally, the crisis of the massive demonstrations but a great dynamism at the local level (2000-2003). Summarizing, the article starts to elaborate which can be called a geography of peace; that is to say, it is an analysis that shows the geographical dynamic of the collective efforts for peace in the Colombian society. It aims to demonstrate that the Colombian reality is not only armed conflict, but also a growing confluence of initiatives and efforts towards finding alternatives to violence.
The study of the growth of large cities, in the urban periphery or the peri-urban areas specifically, it relates to environmental degradation due to urbanization, if it is estimated that since 2008 more than half of the world population living in urban areas, this sector is affected as it presents overcrowding, segregation and deterioration of physical conditions, which will impact on the social aspects within localities. This great urban growth has usually developed with the lack of environmental planning.So it is necessary to include urban development, guidelines towards environmental conservation and rehabilitation of the territory. The future of cities will depend largely on the actions taken now. As urban development inevitably requires planning urban settlements through sustainable development so as to provide alternative technologies, based on the reality of Latin American countries.In the peripheral area of the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, is taken as a case study of the town of La Venta del Astillero, which by its nature allows access and functionality to develop a set of criteria and indicators to urban sustainability, which can take as a model for other communities in the urban periphery.
En el actual contexto de globalizacion se origina un proceso de inversiones, en America Latina, hacia las areas metropolitanas. Y el estado, a pesar de ser un "actor marginal", cumple un papel protagonico en la configuracion de tales flujos de capital que hacen relacion a la construccion del territorio metropolitano.
La ciudad se convierte en un espacio de formación de sentido para quienes la habitan y también para quienes no residen en ella. A través de los dispositivos social: Construcción de un capital político y simbólico a partir de determinados referentes, el proceso de urbanización ocurrido en el siglo XX, con miras a terminarse en el siglo XXI, puede entenderse como un proceso de cambio de sentido, de invención de nuevas subjetividades sociales.
This paper describes women’s roles in the processes of territory construction and the Colombian Caribbean coast regionalization. First, we present women participation in the adaptation of the fi rst inhabitants, through their contribution to creating the most important cultures that emerged in that region, such as Tairona and Sinu. This paper also considers native women’s resistance actions against Spanish invasion; women participation in African, native, mestizo, zambo, and criollo freeing fi ghts against colonialism and in the consolidation of the Republic; along with their contribution to building the social fabric that consolidated the social life of new born towns and cities; which transformed women into family group integrators, new generation socializing forces, and sponsorsof the family structure performance. The second line of argument addressed in this article refers to women involvement in the regionalization of the Colombian Caribbean, by establishing and concluding that, although regionalization has happened, the recognition of its practical and strategic interests has not been guaranteed to allow changes in the social, economic, and political position. The reason is that, even though such interests were expressed insome forums held to reach an agreement on the vision and the requirements of the region, the social movement has not had any access to decision making, though this has not prevented its gaining strength in the last decades.
Santo Domingo Savio es un barrio de la Comuna Popular número 1,1 ubicado en el nororiente de la ciudad de Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia). Es un territorio formado a través de la ocupación marginal e ilegal de la tierra, que ha sido marcado por la violencia y la pobreza. El Estado, luego de años de abandono, ha implementado proyectos de desarrollo urbano que han generado infraestructura de transporte, espacio público y educación; proyectos que enmarcan la ciudad en el contexto de la competitividad. La actual dinámica territorial ha convertido esta comuna en un lugar atractivo para residentes y turistas, en un espacio reterritorializado por el Estado; además, ha transformado el lugar en un laboratorio de ciudad y en un modelo de renovación. Bajo este escenario, esta exploración pretende visualizar la territorialidad que en el transcurso del tiempo han tenido los diferentes actores en este espacio.
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En el marco del fenómeno de urbanización creciente, se verifican cambios en la configuración territorialque dan cuenta de la emergencia de procesos de expansión urbana dispersos en coexistenciacon las tradicionales formas de gradiente por periferización del modelo de ciudad compacta. Tantoen la reestructuración territorial de las áreas metropolitanas como de las ciudades de menor rango,se manifiestan cambios específicos caracterizados por dinámicas demográficas y económicas intensas,en correspondencia con significativas transformaciones de los entornos periurbanos y rurales.El estudio del crecimiento urbano en la ciudad de Tandil busca explicar las relaciones entre lasreconfiguraciones ocurridas en las áreas de crecimiento urbano reciente, y la planificación y gestiónterritorial. La tesis que subyace es que la política territorial favoreció las tendencias de expansiónurbana dispersas y de baja densidad, en articulación con las dinámicas del mercado de suelos rururbanosy nuevas demandas socioculturales. La política territorial ha tenido una alta capacidadde incidencia en la configuración del territorio a partir del reconocimiento de nuevas tendencias, fundamentalmente las asociadas al crecimiento extensivo, disperso y de baja densidad, porque susacciones y decisiones validan los nuevos modelos.
The gender, environment, and development approach proposes the study of women’s rights and obligations toward natural resources, as well as institutions and property relations that govern the access to such resources within specifi c socio-environmental contexts. From this viewpoint, this paper studies the fi shing activities of native women and men from Veracruz, Mexico, focusing on two processes: the gender construction of the fi shing arts and the gender socialization in fi shing activities. This paper shows that both processes make women specialize in certain water resources, which are important to securing feeding to their communities. An environmental policy with a gender perspective will be able to visualize woman roles in food provisioning, and to strengthen their control over the resources they currently manage, based on the environmental knowledge women have about them.
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El presente Proyecto se desarrolla en el CP Miguel Primo de Rivera, de Laredo (Cantabria) y en su entorno natural; los profesores que participan en él pertenecen al citado Centro. Los objetivos que se proponen son los siguientes: 1. Desarrollar actitudes de respeto hacia el medio natural. 2. Tomar conciencia de que en la naturaleza todo se recicla. 3. Desarrollar la creatividad. 4. Potenciar las habilidades manuales. Para conseguir estos objetivos se han desarrollado las siguientes actividades: Taller de reciclaje de cuero, taller de muñecos de lana, recogida de latas, chatarra y alumnio procedente de su entorno, clasificación de las basuras en casa, recogida de papel y cartón, taller de plástico, carta a todos los compañeros de la escuela para que cumplan las TRES R DEL RECICLAJE, visita a la planta incineradora de Meruelo, taller de reciclaje de papel, taller de encuadernación y representación teatral. La evaluación ha sido satisfactoria en cuanto al desarrollo y a los resultados. Los materiales que se han utilizado para estas experiencias han sido: para el cuero (sacabocados, tijeras, marcadores, agujas y papel), para el reciclaje de papel (batidoras, marcos, cortadores), para el reciclaje de la lana (agujas), para el reciclaje del plástico (ganchillos) y fotocopias.