973 resultados para neuronal stem cells migration


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This thesis investigates two distinct research topics. The main topic (Part I) is the computational modelling of cardiomyocytes derived from human stem cells, both embryonic (hESC-CM) and induced-pluripotent (hiPSC-CM). The aim of this research line lies in developing models of the electrophysiology of hESC-CM and hiPSC-CM in order to integrate the available experimental data and getting in-silico models to be used for studying/making new hypotheses/planning experiments on aspects not fully understood yet, such as the maturation process, the functionality of the Ca2+ hangling or why the hESC-CM/hiPSC-CM action potentials (APs) show some differences with respect to APs from adult cardiomyocytes. Chapter I.1 introduces the main concepts about hESC-CMs/hiPSC-CMs, the cardiac AP, and computational modelling. Chapter I.2 presents the hESC-CM AP model, able to simulate the maturation process through two developmental stages, Early and Late, based on experimental and literature data. Chapter I.3 describes the hiPSC-CM AP model, able to simulate the ventricular-like and atrial-like phenotypes. This model was used to assess which currents are responsible for the differences between the ventricular-like AP and the adult ventricular AP. The secondary topic (Part II) consists in the study of texture descriptors for biological image processing. Chapter II.1 provides an overview on important texture descriptors such as Local Binary Pattern or Local Phase Quantization. Moreover the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach are here introduced. Chapter II.2 shows that the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach improve the classification performance of cellular/sub-cellular part images, taken from six datasets. Chapter II.3 describes the case study of the classification of indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp2 cells, used for the antinuclear antibody clinical test. Finally the general conclusions are reported.


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In Leukemias, recent developments have demonstrated that the Hedgehog pathway plays a key-role in the peculiar ability of self renewal of leukemia stem cells. The aim of this research activity was to investigate, through a first in man, Phase I, open label, clinical trial, the role and the impact, mainly in terms of safety profile, adverse events and pharmacokinetics, of a Sonic Hedgehog inhibitor compound on a population of heavely pretreated patients affected by AML, CML, MF, or MDS, resistant or refractory to standard chemotherapy. Thirty-five patients have been enrolled. The drug was administered orally, in 28 days cycles, without rest periods. The compound showed a good safety profile. The half life was of 17-35 hours, justifying the daily administration. Significant signs of activity, in terms of reduction of bone marrow blast cell amount were seen in most of the patients enrolled. Interestingly, correlative biological studies demonstrated that, comparing the gene expression profyiling signature of separated CD34+ cells before and after one cycle of treatment, the most variably expressed genes were involved in the Hh pathway. Moreover, we observed that many genes involved in MDR (multidrug resistance)were significantly down regulated after treatment. These data might lead to future clinical trials based on combinatory approaches, including, for instance, Hh inhibitors and conventional chemotherapy.


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Con il termine IPC (precondizionamento ischemico) si indica un fenomeno per il quale, esponendo il cuore a brevi cicli di ischemie subletali prima di un danno ischemico prolungato, si conferisce una profonda resistenza all’infarto, una delle principali cause di invalidità e mortalità a livello mondiale. Studi recenti hanno suggerito che l’IPC sia in grado di migliorare la sopravvivenza, la mobilizzazione e l’integrazione di cellule staminali in aree ischemiche e che possa fornire una nuova strategia per potenziare l’efficacia della terapia cellulare cardiaca, un’area della ricerca in continuo sviluppo. L’IPC è difficilmente trasferibile nella pratica clinica ma, da anni, è ben documentato che gli oppioidi e i loro recettori hanno un ruolo cardioprotettivo e che attivano le vie di segnale coinvolte nell’IPC: sono quindi candidati ideali per una possibile terapia farmacologica alternativa all’IPC. Il trattamento di cardiomiociti con gli agonisti dei recettori oppioidi Dinorfina B, DADLE e Met-Encefalina potrebbe proteggere, quindi, le cellule dall’apoptosi causata da un ambiente ischemico ma potrebbe anche indurle a produrre fattori che richiamino elementi staminali. Per testare quest’ipotesi è stato messo a punto un modello di “microambiente ischemico” in vitro sui cardiomioblasti di ratto H9c2 ed è stato dimostrato che precondizionando le cellule in modo “continuativo” (ventiquattro ore di precondizionamento con oppioidi e successivamente ventiquattro ore di induzione del danno, continuando a somministrare i peptidi oppioidi) con Dinorfina B e DADLE si verifica una protezione diretta dall’apoptosi. Successivamente, saggi di migrazione e adesione hanno mostrato che DADLE agisce sulle H9c2 “ischemiche” spronandole a creare un microambiente capace di attirare cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (FMhMSC) e di potenziare le capacità adesive delle FMhMSC. I dati ottenuti suggeriscono, inoltre, che la capacità del microambiente ischemico trattato con DADLE di attirare le cellule staminali possa essere imputabile alla maggiore espressione di chemochine da parte delle H9c2.


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I nucleotidi trifosfato sono, dal punto di vista evoluzionistico, tra le molecole più antiche e conservate tra le specie. Oltre al ruolo che ricoprono nella sintesi degli acidi nucleici e nel metabolismo energetico della cellula, negli ultimi anni è emerso sempre di più il loro coinvolgimento nella regolazione di numerose funzioni cellulari. Questi importanti mediatori cellulari sono presenti nel microambiente e cambiamenti nella loro concentrazione extracellulare possono modulare la funzionalità cellulare. I nucleotidi trifosfato ATP e UTP, presenti nel microambiente midollare, sono dei potenti stimolatori dei progenitori emopoietici. Essi stimolano la proliferazione e l’attecchimento delle cellule staminali emopoietiche, così come la loro capacità migratoria, attraverso l’attivazione di specifici recettori di membrana, i recettori purinergici (P2R). In questo studio abbiamo dimostrato che ATP e UTP esercitano un effetto opposto sul compartimento staminale leucemico di leucemia acuta mieloide (LAM). Abbiamo dimostrato che le cellule leucemiche esprimono i recettori P2 funzionalmente attivi. Studi di microarray hanno evidenziato che, a differenza di ciò che avviene nelle CD34+, la stimolazione di cellule leucemiche con ATP induce la down-regolazione dei geni coinvolti nella proliferazione e nella migrazione, mentre up-regola geni inibitori del ciclo cellulare. Abbiamo poi confermato a livello funzionale, mediante test in vitro, gli effetti osservati a livello molecolare. Studi di inibizione farmacologica, ci hanno permesso di capire che l’attività inibitoria dell’ATP sulla proliferazione si esplica attraverso l’attivazione del recettore P2X7, mentre i sottotipi recettoriali P2 prevalentemente coinvolti nella regolazione della migrazione sono i recettori P2Y2 e P2Y4. Esperimenti di xenotrapianto, hanno evidenziato che l’esposizione ad ATP e UTP sia dei blasti leucemici sia delle cellule staminali leucemiche CD38-CD34+ diminuisce la loro capacità di homing e di engraftment in vivo. Inoltre, il trattamento farmacologico con ATP, di topi ai quali è stata indotta una leucemia umana, ha diminuito lo sviluppo della leucemia in vivo.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das in Kopf-Hals-Tumoren überexprimierte, hinsichtlich seiner Funktion jedoch kontrovers diskutierte Protein OSF-2 (Osteoblast specific factor-2) molekularbiologisch charakterisiert und funktionell analysiert. Die endogene OSF-2-Expression wurde in verschiedenen Zelllinien, Geweben, sowie in Primärzellen untersucht. Die durch das N-terminale Sekretionssignal verursachte Proteinsekretion konnte sowohl morphologisch als auch biochemisch nachgewiesen werden. In Microarray-Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl Tumorzellen als auch Tumor- assoziierte Fibroblasten OSF-2 exprimieren, wobei allerdings keine OSF-2-Isoformsignatur nachgewiesen werden konnte. In funktionellen Assays zeigte OSF-2 zwar keinen Einfluß auf die Proliferation von Kopf-Hals-Tumorzellen, stellte sich jedoch als wichtig für die Zellmigration und das Überleben der Zellen unter ungünstigen Wachstumsbedingungen heraus. Diese Ergebnisse konnten anhand von in vivo-Untersuchungen bestätigt werden. Das verbesserte Überleben der Zellen lässt sich wahrscheinlich durch die OSF-2-induzierte Aktivierung des “Survival Pathways“ Akt/PKB über die PI3-Kinase erklären. Bei den im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen humanen Tumorgewebes war es möglich eine neue Tumorzelllinie des frontalen Sinus zu etablieren und charakterisieren. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich um HPV-negative, morphologisch äußerst heterogene Zellen mit geringer Migrationsgeschwindigkeit handelt, die eine große Zahl an Chromosomenaberrationen aufweisen. Sie konnten ungünstige Wachstumsbedingungen wie Nährstoffmangel besser überleben als die im Vergleich untersuchte Kopf-Hals-Tumorzelllinie und waren dazu in der Lage nach subkutaner Injektion Tumorwachstum in immundefizienten Nacktmäusen zu initiieren. Aus der Tumorzellpopulation isolierte CD133+ Zellen erhöhten die Tumorinitiation erheblich, was auf das Vorhandensein von Tumorstammzellen innerhalb der CD133+ Zellfraktion hindeutet. Um die Bedeutung von OSF-2 als Zielstruktur für neue Krebsmedikamente einschätzen zu können, sind allerdings weitere Informationen über dessen funktionelle Bedeutung notwendig.


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Die Suppression von autoreaktiven T-Zellen ist eine Funktion von CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs). CD4+CD25+ Tregs unterdrücken autoaggressive Immunantworten. Galectin-10 und Foxp3 sind wichtige Proteine, die an dem supprimierenden Mechanismus der Tregs beteiligt sind. Galectin-10 ist eines der ältesten bekannten humanen Proteine, die nicht in anderen Spezies gefunden worden sind. Foxp3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der in menschlichen CD4+CD25+ Tregs und in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen nach Aktivierung exprimiert wird. Ein siRNA-vermittelter Knockdown dieses intrazellulären löslichen Proteins hebt die supprimierende Funktion der humanen CD4+CD25+ Tregs auf.rnDiese Arbeit beinhaltet in vitro durchgeführte Untersuchungen zur Ermöglichung eines Knockdown von Galectin-10 und/oder Foxp3 in humanisierten Mäusen. Es war möglich, ein Verfahren für die Produktion von lentiviralen Partikeln zu etablierten, die sich als effizientes Vehikel für den Gentransfer in humane Stammzellen und verschiedene Tumor- und Immunzellen erwiesen. Nach der Transduktion von AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen mit GFP-codierenden lentiviralen Partikeln konnte eine langfristige Expression von GFP erreicht werden. Außerdem war es möglich lentivirale Partikel zu erzeugen, die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codiert waren. Die erzeugten Partikel erwiesen sich als funktionell, indem sie eine deutliche Herunterregulation von Galectin-10 in konstitutiv Galectin-10 exprimierenden AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen bewirkten. Unsere Studie präsentierte außerdem eine erstmalige Untersuchung zum Nachweis von Galectin-10-Protein in Eosinophilen aus humanen CD34+ hämatopoetischen Stammzellen (HSC). Diese stabile in vitro Galectin-10-Expression bietet ein alternatives Untersuchungsmodell zu CD4+CD25+ Tregs, die nicht aus CD34+ HSC differenziert werden können. Der zusätzliche Einbau des GFP-Gens in die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codierende lentivirale Partikel war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Markierung von Zellen, die einen Galectin-10-Knockdown aufwiesen. Die neuen bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikel erwiesen sich sowohl in aus CD34+ HSC differenzierten Eosinophilen als auch in AML14.3D10 Zellen, die einen eosinophilen Phänotyp aufweisen, als funktionell. Schließlich konnte mit den bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikeln, die mit GFP und shRNA gegen Foxp3 codiert waren, eine Herunterregulation von Foxp3 in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen erreicht werden, was erneut die erfolgreiche Herstellung von funktionellen lentiviralen Partikeln bewies.rn


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY / PRINCIPLES: Interest groups advocate centre-specific outcome data as a useful tool for patients in choosing a hospital for their treatment and for decision-making by politicians and the insurance industry. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) requires significant infrastructure and represents a cost-intensive procedure. It therefore qualifies as a prime target for such a policy. METHODS: We made use of the comprehensive database of the Swiss Blood Stem Cells Transplant Group (SBST) to evaluate potential use of mortality rates. Nine institutions reported a total of 4717 HSCT - 1427 allogeneic (30.3%), 3290 autologous (69.7%) - in 3808 patients between the years 1997 and 2008. Data were analysed for survival- and transplantation-related mortality (TRM) at day 100 and at 5 years. RESULTS: The data showed marked and significant differences between centres in unadjusted analyses. These differences were absent or marginal when the results were adjusted for disease, year of transplant and the EBMT risk score (a score incorporating patient age, disease stage, time interval between diagnosis and transplantation, and, for allogeneic transplants, donor type and donor-recipient gender combination) in a multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate comparable quality among centres in Switzerland. They show that comparison of crude centre-specific outcome data without adjustment for the patient mix may be misleading. Mandatory data collection and systematic review of all cases within a comprehensive quality management system might, in contrast, serve as a model to ascertain the quality of other cost-intensive therapies in Switzerland.


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Among the many cell types that may prove useful to regenerative medicine, mounting evidence suggests that human term placenta-derived cells will join the list of significant contributors. In making new cell therapy-based strategies a clinical reality, it is fundamental that no a priori claims are made regarding which cell source is preferable for a particular therapeutic application. Rather, ongoing comparisons of the potentiality and characteristics of cells from different sources should be made to promote constant improvement in cell therapies, and such comparisons will likely show that individually tailored cells can address disease-specific clinical needs. The principle underlying such an approach is resistance to the notion that comprehensive characterization of any cell type has been achieved, neither in terms of phenotype nor risks-to-benefits ratio. Tailoring cell therapy approaches to specific conditions also requires an understanding of basic disease mechanisms and close collaboration between translational researchers and clinicians, to identify current needs and shortcomings in existing treatments. To this end, the international workshop entitled "Placenta-derived stem cells for treatment of inflammatory diseases: moving toward clinical application" was held in Brescia, Italy, in March 2009, and aimed to harness an understanding of basic inflammatory mechanisms inherent in human diseases with updated findings regarding biological and therapeutic properties of human placenta-derived cells, with particular emphasis on their potential for treating inflammatory diseases. Finally, steps required to allow their future clinical application according to regulatory aspects including good manufacturing practice (GMP) were also considered. In September 2009, the International Placenta Stem Cell Society (IPLASS) was founded to help strengthen the research network in this field.


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Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. Although the origin still remains to be resolved, a prevailing hypothesis implies the involvement of cancer stem cells (CSCs) responsible for tumor initiation, maintenance, and progression. Embryonic stem cell marker, OCT4, encoding the spliced variants OCT4A and OCT4B, has recently been shown to have a dual role; as a potential adult stem cell marker and as a CSC marker in germline and somatic tumors.


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This phase II trial investigated rituximab and cladribine in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Four induction cycles, comprising cladribine (0.1 mg/kg/day days 1-5, cycles 1-4) and rituximab (375 mg/m(2) day 1, cycles 2-4), were given every 28 days. Stem cell mobilization (rituximab 375 mg/m(2) days 1 and 8; cyclophosphamide 4 g/m(2) day 2; and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 10 microg/kg/day, from day 4) was performed in responders. Of 42 patients, nine achieved complete remission (CR), 15 very good partial remission, and two nodular partial remission (overall response rate 62%). Stem cell mobilization and harvesting (> or = 2 x 10(6) stem cells/kg body weight) were successful in 12 of 20 patients. Rituximab infusion-related adverse events were moderate. The main grade 3/4 adverse events during induction were neutropenia and lymphocytopenia. Rituximab plus cladribine was effective; however, the CR rate was modest and stem cell harvest was impaired in a large number of responding patients.


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Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a malignant myeloproliferative disease of hematopoietic stem cells. The disease progresses after several years from an initial chronic phase to a blast phase. Leukemia-specific T cells are regularly detected in CML patients and may be involved in the immunological control of the disease. Here, we analyzed the role of leukemia-specific CD8(+) T cells in CML disease control and the mechanism that maintains CD8(+) T-cell immunosurveillance in a retroviral-induced murine CML model. To study antigen-specific immune responses, the glycoprotein of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus was used as model leukemia antigen. Leukemia-specific CTL activity was detectable in vivo in CML mice and depletion of CD8(+) T cells rapidly led to disease progression. CML-specific CTL were characterized by the expression of the IL-7 receptor -chain. In addition, leukemia cells produced IL-7 that was crucial for the maintenance of leukemia-specific CTL and for disease control. Therefore, CML cells maintain the specific CD8(+) T-cell-mediated immune control by IL-7 secretion. This results in prolonged control of disease and probably contributes to the characteristic chronic phase of the disease.


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The fusion of mammalian cells into syncytia is a developmental process that is tightly restricted to a limited subset of cells. Besides gamete and placental trophoblast fusion, only macrophages and myogenic stem cells fuse into multinucleated syncytia. In contrast to viral cell fusion, which is mediated by fusogenic glycoproteins that actively merge membranes, mammalian cell fusion is poorly understood at the molecular level. A variety of mammalian transmembrane proteins, among them many of the immunoglobulin superfamily, have been implicated in cell-cell fusion, but none has been shown to actively fuse cells in vitro. Here we report that the FGFRL1 receptor, which is up-regulated during the differentiation of myoblasts into myotubes, fuses cultured cells into large, multinucleated syncytia. We used luciferase and GFP-based reporter assays to confirm cytoplasmic mixing and to identify the fusion inducing domain of FGFRL1. These assays revealed that Ig-like domain III and the transmembrane domain are both necessary and sufficient to rapidly fuse CHO cells into multinucleated syncytia comprising several hundred nuclei. Moreover, FGFRL1 also fused HEK293 and HeLa cells with untransfected CHO cells. Our data show that FGFRL1 is the first mammalian protein that is capable of inducing syncytium formation of heterologous cells in vitro.


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Wounded skin recruits progenitor cells, which repair the tissue defect. These cells are derived from stem cells in several niches in the skin. In addition, bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) are recruited and contribute to wound repair. We hypothesized that larger wounds recruit more cells from the bone marrow. Wild-type rats were lethally irradiated and transplanted with bone marrow cells from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats. Seven weeks later, 4, 10, and 20 mm wounds were created. The wound tissue was harvested after 14 days. The density of GFP-positive cells in the wounds and the adjacent tissues was determined, as well as in normal skin from the flank. Bone marrow-derived myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, and macrophages were also quantified. After correction for cell density, the recruitment of BMDCs (23±11%) was found to be independent of wound size. Similar fractions of GFP-positive cells were also detected in nonwounded adjacent tissue (29±11%), and in normal skin (26±19%). The data indicate that BMDCs are not preferentially recruited to skin wounds. Furthermore, wound size does not seem to affect the recruitment of BMDCs.


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Introduction Adequate migration and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells is essential for regeneration of large bone defects. To achieve this, modern graft materials are becoming increasingly important. Among them, electrospun nanofiber scaffolds are a promising approach, because of their high physical porosity and potential to mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM). Materials and Methods The objective of the present study was to examine the impact of electrospun PLLA nanofiber scaffolds on bone formation in vivo, using a critical size rat calvarial defect model. In addition we analyzed whether direct incorporation of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) into nanofibers could enhance the osteoinductivity of the scaffolds. Two critical size calvarial defects (5 mm) were created in the parietal bones of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Defects were either (1) left unfilled, or treated with (2) bovine spongiosa, (3) PLLA scaffolds alone or (4) PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds. Cranial CT-scans were taken at fixed intervals in vivo. Specimens obtained after euthanasia were processed for histology, histomorphometry and immunostaining (Osteocalcin, BMP-2 and Smad5). Results PLLA scaffolds were well colonized with cells after implantation, but only showed marginal ossification. PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds showed much better bone regeneration and several ossification foci were observed throughout the defect. PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds also stimulated significantly faster bone regeneration during the first eight weeks compared to bovine spongiosa. However, no significant differences between these two scaffolds could be observed after twelve weeks. Expression of osteogenic marker proteins in PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds continuously increased throughout the observation period. After twelve weeks osteocalcin, BMP-2 and Smad5 were all significantly higher in the PLLA/BMP-2 group than in all other groups. Conclusion Electrospun PLLA nanofibers facilitate colonization of bone defects, while their use in combination with BMP-2 also increases bone regeneration in vivo and thus combines osteoconductivity of the scaffold with the ability to maintain an adequate osteogenic stimulus.


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As opposed to culture on standard tissue-treated plastic, cell culture on three-dimensional scaffolds impedes additional challenges with respect to substrate preparation, cell seeding, culture maintenance, and analysis. We herewith present a general route for the culture of primary cells, differentiated cells, or stem cells on plasma-coated, electrospun scaffolds. We describe a method to prepare and fix the scaffolds in culture wells and discuss a convenient method for cell seeding and subsequent analysis by scanning electron microscopy or immunohistology.