987 resultados para national forest inventory
O zumbido traz grande repercussões a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, e temos dificuldade em quantificá-los. OBJETIVO: Determinar a reprodutibilidade e validade da tradução para língua portuguesa do Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), um questionário auto-aplicável que avalia a repercussão do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo do tipo transversal prospectivo foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente o questionário THI para a população brasileira de acordo com metodologia internacionalmente aceita e, então, respondido por 180 pacientes com zumbido. A avaliação de reprodutibilidade foi feita através do cálculo do alfa de Cronbach, enquanto que a validade foi testada através da comparação do THI com escala de depressão de Beck, calculando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: A tradução do THI apresenta boa validade interna, comparável com a demonstrada na versão original. Correlação alta foi observada entre o THI e a escala de Beck. CONCLUSÃO: A versão para a língua portuguesa é um instrumento válido e reprodutível para ser utilizado para quantificar o impacto do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes brasileiros que nos procuram com esse sintoma.
Um dos tópicos mais questionado nos estudos clínicos sobre zumbido é o método de mensuração do mesmo. As Escalas Visual-Análogas (EVAs) e o Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) são freqüentemente utilizados para este fim. OBJETIVO: Verificar a correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial através de um estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 43 pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial quantificaram o zumbido pelos dois métodos, sendo os escores comparados através do Coeficiente de Relação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Foi observada correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial existe correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI.
The conventional approach in the discipline of International Relations is to treat terrorist organizations as "non-state" actors of international relations. However, this approach is problematic due to the fact that most terrorist organizations are backed or exploited by some states. In this article, I take issue with the non-stateness of terrorist organizations and seek to answer the question of why so many states, at times, support terrorist organizations. I argue that in the face of rising threats to national security in an age of devastating wars, modern nation states tend to provide support to foreign terrorist organizations that work against their present and imminent enemies. I elaborate on my argument studying three cases of state support for terrorism: Iranian support for Hamas, Syrian support for the PKK, and American support for the MEK. The analyses suggest that, for many states, terror is nothing but war by other means.
Abstract This paper analyses public opinion during the João Goulart government in Brazil (1961-1964), focusing on public perceptions on domestic and foreign policies. We employ a recently declassified public opinion survey conducted on behalf of United States Information Agency (USIA) in urban areas. We found that the Brazilian public opinion was somewhat coherent, supporting redistributive reforms domestically and a neutralist approach in foreign affairs.
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate the dynamics of decomposition process of chopped secondary forest system, previously enriched with legumes Inga velutina Willd. and Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum (Willd.) Hochr. and the contribution of this process to the nutrient input to the cultivation of corn and bean under no-tillage. The experimental design was a randomized block, split plot with four replications. The plots were two species (I. velutina and S. pulcherrimum) and the subplots were seven times of evaluation (0, 7, 28, 63, 189, 252, 294 days after experiment installation). There was no difference (p ≥ 0.05) between the secondary forest systems enriched and no interaction with times for biomass waste, decomposition constant and half-life time. The waste of S. pulcherrimum trees had higher (p < 0.05) C/N ratio than that I. velutina. However, this one was higher (p < 0.05) in lignin content. Nevertheless, the dynamics of residue decomposition was similar. The corn yield was higher (p < 0.05) in cultivation under I.velutina waste. Meanwhile, the beans planted after corn, shows similar (p > 0.05) yield in both areas, regardless of the waste origin.
In 2012, Guimarães hosted the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). An evaluation of this event was needed because public, private, and community funds were involved. This analysis considers tourists as external and independent stakeholders who assessed the cultural activities developed during the event as well as the attributes of the city. The main objectives of the research conducted were to assess the visitors` motivations during the hosting of the Guimarães ECOC 2012, their perceptions towards the city and if national and international visitors kept different perceptions of it. For two months, in the summer of 2012, a survey was applied to 390 visitors. The results revealed that hosting the 2012 ECOC was a major contribution towards attracting new visitors to the city (though many of the visitors stayed only for a short period of time). Based on tourists’ perceptions, the tangible heritage was clearly detached from the set of attributes associated to Guimarães, whereas the intangible heritage was less noted. The Portuguese tourists seem to be more prone to value the tangible heritage than the foreign tourists. Overall, Guimarães received a very positive evaluation relating to the city’s image and, as stated by tourists, visiting it was declared to be highly recommended. Following the obtained empirical results, the need for changing the city’s promoted image emerges, which has been too centered on its tangible heritage. In doing so, it is believed that there will be longer overnight stays by visitors.
The field of eating disorders among athletes has recently been Preliminary Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Eating Inventory for Athletes Palmeira, A.L.(1); Veloso, S.(1); Falcão, M.J.(1); and Dosil, J.(2) Table 2. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha the focus of several publications, reflecting a growing field of interest and research (Dosil, 2008). Some sports demand a strict compliance to restrictive diets at different times of the competitive season, while others like, some types of gymnastics emphasize the thinness of the athletes. Hence there is a need to develop sound measures to evaluate the athletes eating habits and possible eating disorders. The Cuestionario de Hábitos Alimentarios del Deportista (CHAD), is one of these measures. It comprises 5 dimensions: i) Weight Gain Anxiety (e.g. If I eat too much I regret it afterwards; 12 items); ii) Body Image Worries (e.g., I’m always thinking about my body; 6 items,); iii) Irritability (e.g., If the coach speaks about weight matters, I feel anxious; 7 items); iv) Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction with Body Image (e.g., I’m satisfied with my appearance; 5 items); and v) Dieting (e.g., When the season ends, I keep practicing so that I don’t gain weight, 4 items).
The participation of citizens in public policies is an opportunity not only to educate them, but also to increase their empowerment. However, the best way for deploying participatory policies, defining their scope and approach, still remains an open and continuous debate. Using as a case study the Brazilian National Agency of Electric Energy (Aneel), with its public hearings about tariff review, this paper aims at analyzing the democratic aspects of these hearings and challenges the hypothesis of many scholars about the social participation bias in this kind of procedure. This study points out a majority participation of experts, contrasting with the political content of discussions. And, this way, it contributes to a critical analysis of the public hearings as a participatory tool, indicating their strengths and their aspects which deserve a special attention.
Perda auditiva: elevada prevalência da perda auditiva (14,1%), efeitos na comunicação, efeitos em aspectos psicossociais, cognitivos, da fala e linguagem. Avaliação da perda auditiva: baseia-se nos testes audiométricos psicoacústicos, base audiometria tonal, que permite estimar a sensibilidade auditiva (normal vs anormal), permite classificar o tipo e grau de perda auditiva, avaliação qualitativa com a utilização de escalas desenvolvidas para esse efeito, HHIA (Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults), instrumento desenvolvido a partir do HHIE (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly), para ser usado com pacientes de idade inferior a 65 anos.
This essay sees “through” an object produced by Portuguese folklore: the moliceiro boat of Ria de Aveiro, whose most original characteristic is the group of four different panels painted on each boat. These unique panels have echoed national mythologies and have undergone influence from institutional channels of instruction and propaganda for much of the twentieth century. We will analyse how this boat expresses the inventory of a community’s identity, imagination, and practices.
Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009
Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a validade fatorial e a validade interna da versão brasileira do Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 (EMI-2) e comparar os principais motivos para prática de exercício tendo em conta os contextos de academia e personal training. Um total de 588 praticantes de exercício da cidade de Pelotas/RS/Brasil (405 de academia e 183 de personal training) preencheram o EMI-2, o qual é constituído por 51 itens, agrupados em 14 motivos (fatores) para prática de exercício físico. A validade fatorial do EMI-2 foi testada através da realização de análises fatoriais confirmatórias e a validade interna através do alfa de Cronbach. Para a verificar o efeito do contexto nos motivos foi utilizada a MANOVA e calculado o tamanho do efeito. Os resultados obtidos dão suporte à estrutura original do EMI-2 com 14 fatores, nesta amostra. Verificou-se um efeito multivariado significativo do contexto sobre os motivos de prática [Wilks’ λ = 0.912, F (14, 573.000) = 3.9, p < 0.001, η² = 0.088]. Os motivos de “Prazer”, “Força e resistência”, “Desafio”, “Socialização”, “Competição” e “Reconhecimento Social” foram significativamente superiores no contexto de academia e os motivos de “Agilidade” e “Prevenção de Doenças” foram significativamente superiores no contexto de personal training.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the factorial validity and internal consistency of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS). METHODS: In a sample consisting of 705 Spanish professionals from diverse occupational sectors (health, education, police and so one), seven plausible factorial models hypothesized were compared using LISREL 8. RESULTS: The four-factor oblique solution and the three-factor oblique solution showed the best and similar fit. Deletion of Item 12 and Item 16, taking into consideration the suggestions in the manual, improved the goodness of fit for both models. The four-factor oblique model suggests that, in addition to Emotional Exhaustion (EE) and Depersonalization (DP), Personal Accomplishment (PA) consists of two components labeled here Self-Competence (Items 4, 7, 17, and 21) and the Existential Component (Items 9, 12, 18, and 19). However, the alpha coefficient was relatively low for the Self-Competence component, suggesting that it is more suitable to estimate the syndrome as a threedimensional construct. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for PA (alpha =.71) and EE (alpha =.85), and moderate for DP (alpha =.58). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the MBI-HSS offers factorial validity and its scales present internal consistency to evaluate the quality of working life for Spanish professionals.
Sendo as queixas da existência de acufenos um motivo frequente de procura da consulta de ORL (Otorrinolaringologia), e sendo frequente encontrar na literatura referências à depressão, à ansiedade, entre outras dimensões psicopatológicas, associadas a essas queixas, pretendemos com o nosso trabalho verificar a existência de eventuais correlações entre essas dimensões e a existência de acufenos. Para tal, utilizamos a escala de avaliação psicológica BSI (Brief Syntoms Inventory), que avalia nove dimensões psicológicas, tendo igualmente efectuado uma avaliação audiométrica nos indivíduos com queixas de acufenos. Estes indivíduos frequentavam a consulta de ORL de três hospitais, e apresentavam como queixa principal os acufenos. Os resultados obtidos nesses indivíduos, foram comparados com os resultados de um grupo de controlo. Dos resultados obtidos, é de destacar o facto de os elementos do sexo feminino com queixas de acufenos, apresentarem valores significativamente mais elevados para as dimensões de somatização e ansiedade fóbica. Relativamente ao nível de audição não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os diferentes níveis considerados e as mesmas dimensões. Quando comparamos os resultadosobtidos nas referidas dimensões entre o grupo de pacientes com acufenos e o grupo de controle, é de destacar o facto de existirem diferenças significativas para seis das nove dimensões avaliadas pela escala usada, o que vem confirmar os resultados encontrados na literatura, evidenciando o interesse do recurso a escalas de avaliação psicológica para referenciar o paciente, e abrir portas a estudos mais aprofundados nesta área.
ABSTRACT - Tinea pedis and onychomycosis are two rather diverse clinical manifestations of superficial fungal infections, and their etiologic agents may be dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte moulds or yeasts. This study was designed to statistically describe the data obtained as results of analysis conducted during a four year period on the frequency of Tinea pedis and onychomycosis and their etiologic agents. A questionnaire was distributed from 2006 to 2010 and answered by 186 patients, who were subjected to skin and/or nail sampling. Frequencies of the isolated fungal species were cross-linked with the data obtained with the questionnaire, seeking associations and predisposing factors. One hundred and sixty three fungal isolates were obtained, 24.2% of which composed by more than one fungal species. Most studies report the two pathologies as caused primarily by dermatophytes, followed by yeasts and lastly by non-dermatophytic moulds. Our study does not challenge this trend. We found a frequency of 15.6% of infections caused by dermatophytes (with a total of 42 isolates) of which T. rubrum was the most frequent species (41.4%). There was no significant association (p >0.05) among visible injury and the independent variables tested, namely age, gender, owning pet, education, swimming pools attendance, sports activity and clinical information. Unlike other studies, the variables considered did not show the expected influence on dermatomycosis of the lower limbs. It is hence necessary to conduct further studies to specifically identify which variables do in fact influence such infections.