956 resultados para murine cytomegalovirus


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OBJECTIVE: The antitumor effects of FK506-binding protein like (FKBPL) and its extracellular role in angiogenesis are well characterized; however, its role in physiological/developmental angiogenesis and the effect of FKBPL ablation has not been evaluated. This is important as effects of some angiogenic proteins are dosage dependent. Here we evaluate the regulation of FKBPL secretion under angiogenic stimuli, as well as the effect of FKBPL ablation in angiogenesis using mouse and zebrafish models.

APPROACH AND RESULTS: FKBPL is secreted maximally by human microvascular endothelial cells and fibroblasts, and this was specifically downregulated by proangiogenic hypoxic signals, but not by the angiogenic cytokines, VEGF or IL8. FKBPL's critical role in angiogenesis was supported by our inability to generate an Fkbpl knockout mouse, with embryonic lethality occurring before E8.5. However, whilst Fkbpl heterozygotic embryos showed some vasculature irregularities, the mice developed normally. In murine angiogenesis models, including the ex vivo aortic ring assay, in vivo sponge assay, and tumor growth assay, Fkbpl(+/-) mice exhibited increased sprouting, enhanced vessel recruitment, and faster tumor growth, respectively, supporting the antiangiogenic function of FKBPL. In zebrafish, knockdown of zFkbpl using morpholinos disrupted the vasculature, and the phenotype was rescued with hFKBPL. Interestingly, this vessel disruption was ineffective when zcd44 was knocked-down, supporting the dependency of zFkbpl on zCd44 in zebrafish.

CONCLUSIONS: FKBPL is an important regulator of angiogenesis, having an essential role in murine and zebrafish blood vessel development. Mouse models of angiogenesis demonstrated a proangiogenic phenotype in Fkbpl heterozygotes.


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The Campylobacter jejuni capsular polysaccharide is important for virulence and often contains a modified heptose. In strain ATCC 700819 (a.k.a. NCTC 11168), the modified heptose branches off from the capsular backbone and is directly exposed to the environment. We reported previously that the enzymes encoded by wcaG, mlghB and mlghC are involved in heptose modification. Here, we show that inactivation of any of these genes leads to production of capsule lacking modified heptose and alters the transcription of other capsule modification genes differentially. Inactivation of mlghB or mlghC, but not of wcaG, decreased susceptibility to bile salts and abrogated invasion of intestinal cells. All mutants showed increased sensitivity to serum killing, especially wcaG::cat, and had defects in colonization and persistence in chicken intestine, but did not show significant differences in adhesion, phagocytosis and intracellular survival in murine macrophages. Together, our findings suggest that the capsular heptose modification pathway contributes to bacterial resistance against gastrointestinal host defenses and supports bacterial persistence via its role in serum resistance and invasion of intestinal cells. Our data further suggest a dynamic regulation of expression of this pathway in the gastrointestinal tract.


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Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a major cause of opportunistic respiratory tract disease, and initiates infection by colonizing the nasopharynx. Bacterial surface proteins play determining roles in the NTHi-airways interplay, but their specific and relative contribution to colonization and infection of the respiratory tract has not been addressed comprehensively. In this study, we focused on the ompP5 and hap genes, present in all H. influenzae genome sequenced isolates, and encoding the P5 and Hap surface proteins, respectively. We employed isogenic single and double mutants of the ompP5 and hap genes generated in the pathogenic strain NTHi375 to evaluate P5 and Hap contribution to biofilm growth under continuous flow, to NTHi adhesion, and invasion/phagocytosis on nasal, pharyngeal, bronchial, alveolar cultured epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages, and to NTHi murine pulmonary infection. We show that P5 is not required for bacterial biofilm growth, but it is involved in NTHi interplay with respiratory cells and in mouse lung infection. Mechanistically, P5NTHi375 is not a ligand for CEACAM1 or α5 integrin receptors. Hap involvement in NTHi375-host interaction was shown to be limited, despite promoting bacterial cell adhesion when expressed in H. influenzae RdKW20. We also show that Hap does not contribute to bacterial biofilm growth, and that its absence partially restores the deficiency in lung infection observed for the ΔompP5 mutant. Altogether, this work frames the relative importance of the P5 and Hap surface proteins in NTHi virulence.


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Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) has emerged as an important opportunistic pathogen causing infection in adults suffering obstructive lung diseases. Existing evidence associates chronic infection by NTHi to the progression of the chronic respiratory disease, but specific features of NTHi associated with persistence have not been comprehensively addressed. To provide clues about adaptive strategies adopted by NTHi during persistent infection, we compared sequential persistent isolates with newly acquired isolates in sputa from six patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) identified three patients with consecutive persistent strains and three with new strains. Phenotypic characterisation included infection of respiratory epithelial cells, bacterial self-aggregation, biofilm formation and resistance to antimicrobial peptides (AMP). Persistent isolates differed from new strains in showing low epithelial adhesion and inability to form biofilms when grown under continuous-flow culture conditions in microfermenters. Self-aggregation clustered the strains by patient, not by persistence. Increasing resistance to AMPs was observed for each series of persistent isolates; this was not associated with lipooligosaccharide decoration with phosphorylcholine or with lipid A acylation. Variation was further analyzed for the series of three persistent isolates recovered from patient 1. These isolates displayed comparable growth rate, natural transformation frequency and murine pulmonary infection. Genome sequencing of these three isolates revealed sequential acquisition of single-nucleotide variants in the AMP permease sapC, the heme acquisition systems hgpB, hgpC, hup and hxuC, the 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase kdkA, the long-chain fatty acid transporter ompP1, and the phosphoribosylamine glycine ligase purD. Collectively, we frame a range of pathogenic traits and a repertoire of genetic variants in the context of persistent infection by NTHi.


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Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a frequent commensal of the human nasopharynx that causes opportunistic infection in immunocompromised individuals. Existing evidence associates lipooligosaccharide (LOS) with disease, but the specific and relative contributions of NTHi LOS modifications to virulence properties of the bacterium have not been comprehensively addressed. Using NTHi strain 375, an isolate for which the detailed LOS structure has been determined, we compared systematically a set of isogenic mutant strains expressing sequentially truncated LOS. The relative contributions of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid, the triheptose inner core, oligosaccharide extensions on heptoses I and III, phosphorylcholine, digalactose, and sialic acid to NTHi resistance to antimicrobial peptides (AMP), self-aggregation, biofilm formation, cultured human respiratory epithelial infection, and murine pulmonary infection were assessed. We show that opsX, lgtF, lpsA, lic1, and lic2A contribute to bacterial resistance to AMP; lic1 is related to NTHi self-aggregation; lgtF, lic1, and siaB are involved in biofilm growth; opsX and lgtF participate in epithelial infection; and opsX, lgtF, and lpsA contribute to lung infection. Depending on the phenotype, the involvement of these LOS modifications occurs at different extents, independently or having an additive effect in combination. We discuss the relative contribution of LOS epitopes to NTHi virulence and frame a range of pathogenic traits in the context of infection.


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Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among US women. Evidence supports the hypothesis that high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSC) may originate in the distal end of the fallopian tube. Although a heterogeneous disease, 96% of HGSC contain mutations in p53. In addition, the "p53 signature," or overexpression of p53 protein (usually associated with mutation), is a potential precursor lesion of fallopian tube derived HGSC suggesting an essential role for p53 mutation in early serous tumorigenesis. To further clarify p53-mutation dependent effects on cells, murine oviductal epithelial cells (MOE) were stably transfected with a construct encoding for the R273H DNA binding domain mutation in p53, the most common mutation in HGSC. Mutation in p53 was not sufficient to transform MOE cells but did significantly increase cell migration. A similar p53 mutation in murine ovarian surface epithelium (MOSE), another potential progenitor cell for serous cancer, was not sufficient to transform the cells nor change migration suggesting tissue specific effects of p53 mutation. Microarray data confirmed expression changes of pro-migratory genes in p53(R273H) MOE compared to parental cells, which could be reversed by suppressing Slug expression. Combining p53(R273H) with KRAS(G12V) activation caused transformation of MOE into high-grade sarcomatoid carcinoma when xenografted into nude mice. Elucidating the specific role of p53(R273H) in the fallopian tube will improve understanding of changes at the earliest stage of transformation. This information can help develop chemopreventative strategies to prevent the accumulation of additional mutations and reverse progression of the "p53 signature" thereby, improving survival rates.


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Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy, primarily because its origin and initiation factors are unknown. A secretory murine oviductal epithelial (MOE) model was generated to address the hypothesis that the fallopian tube is an origin for high-grade serous cancer. MOE cells were stably altered to express mutation in p53, silence PTEN, activate AKT, and amplify KRAS alone and in combination, to define if this cell type gives rise to tumors and what genetic alterations are required to drive malignancy. Cell lines were characterized in vitro and allografted into mice. Silencing PTEN formed high-grade carcinoma with wide spread tumor explants including metastasis into the ovary. Addition of p53 mutation to PTEN silencing did not enhance this phenotype, whereas addition of KRAS mutation reduced survival. Interestingly, PTEN silencing and KRAS mutation originating from ovarian surface epithelium generated endometrioid carcinoma, suggesting that different cellular origins with identical genetic manipulations can give rise to distinct cancer histotypes. Defining the roles of specific signaling modifications in tumorigenesis from the fallopian tube/oviduct is essential for early detection and development of targeted therapeutics. Further, syngeneic MOE allografts provide an ideal model for pre-clinical testing in an in vivo environment with an intact immune system.


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Fetal ovarian development and primordial follicle formation are imperative for adult fertility in the female. Data suggest the interleukin (IL)6-type cytokines, leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), IL6, oncostatin M (OSM) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), are able to regulate the survival, proliferation and differentiation of fetal murine germ cells (GCs) in vivo and in vitro. We postulated that these factors may play a similar role during early human GC development and primordial follicle formation. To test this hypothesis, we have investigated the expression and regulation of IL6-type cytokines, using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Expression of transcripts encoding OSM increased significantly across the gestational range examined (8-20 weeks), while expression of IL6 increased specifically between the first (8-11 weeks) and early second (12-16 weeks) trimesters, co-incident with the initiation of meiosis. LIF and CNTF expression remained unchanged. Expression of the genes encoding the LIF and IL6 receptors, and their common signalling subunit gp130, was also found to be developmentally regulated, with expression increasing significantly with increasing gestation. LIF receptor and gp130 proteins localized exclusively to GCs, including oocytes in primordial follicles, indicating this cell type to be the sole target of IL6-type cytokine signalling in the human fetal ovary. These data establish that IL6-type cytokines and their receptors are expressed in the human fetal ovary and may directly influence GC development at multiple stages of maturation.


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Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) is an important respiratory tract host defense protein, which is proteolytically inactivated by excessive neutrophil elastase (NE) during chronic Pseudomonas infection in the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. We generated two putative NE-resistant variants of SLPI by site-directed mutagenesis, SLPI-A16G and SLPI-S15G-A16G, with a view to improving SLPI’s proteolytic stability. Both variants showed enhanced resistance to degradation in the presence of excess NE as well as CF patient sputum compared with SLPI-wild type (SLPI-WT). The ability of both variants to bind bacterial lipopolysaccharides and interact with nuclear factor-κB DNA binding sites was also preserved. Finally, we demonstrate increased anti-inflammatory activity of the SLPI-A16G protein compared with SLPI-WT in a murine model of pulmonary Pseudomonas infection. This study demonstrates the increased stability of these SLPI variants compared with SLPI-WT and their therapeutic potential as a putative anti-inflammatory treatment for CF lung disease.


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The impending and increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance has led to a greater focus into developing alternative therapies as substitutes for traditional antibiotics for the treatment of multi-drug resistant infections.1 Our group has developed a library of short, cost-effective, diphenylalanine-based peptides (X1-FF-X2) which selective eradicate (viability reduced >90% in 24 hours) the most resistant biofilm forms of a range of Gram-positive and negative pathogens including: methicillin resistant and sensitive Staphyloccoccus aureus and Staphyloccoccus epidermidis; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli. They demonstrate a reduced cell cytotoxic profile (NCTC929 murine fibroblast) and limited haemolysis.2 Our molecules have the ability respond to subtle changes in pH, associated with bacterial infection, self-assembling to form β-sheet secondary structures and supramolecular hydrogels at low concentrations (~0.5%w/v). Conjugation of variety of aromatic-based drugs at the X1 position, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), confer further pharmacological properties to the peptide motif enhancing their therapeutic potential. In vivo studies using waxworms (Galleria mellonella) provide promising preliminary results demonstrating the low toxicity and high antimicrobial activity of these low molecular weight gelators in animal models. This work shows biofunctional peptide-based nanomaterials hold great promise for future translation to patients as antimicrobial drug delivery and biomaterial platforms.3 [1] G. Laverty, S.P. Gorman and B.F. Gilmore. Int.J.Mol.Sci. 2011, 12, 6566-6596. [2] G. Laverty, A.P. McCloskey, B.F. Gilmore, D.S. Jones, J Zhou, B Xu. Biomacromolecules. 2014, 15, 9, 3429-3439. [3] A.P. McCloskey, B.F. Gilmore and G.Laverty. Pathogens. 2014, 3, 791-821.


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It is widely accepted that silicon-substituted materials enhance bone formation, yet the mechanism by which this occurs is poorly understood. This work investigates the potential of using diatom frustules to answer on fundamental questions surrounding the role of silica in bone healing. Biosilica with frustules 20m were isolated from Cyclotella meneghiniana a unicellular microalgae that was sourced from the Mississippi River, USA. Silanisation chemistry was used to modify the surface of C. meneghiniana with amine (–NH2) and thiol (–SH) terminated silanes. Untreated frustules and both functionalised groups were soaked in culture medium for 24hrs. Following the culture period, frustules were separated from the conditioned medium by centrifugation and both were tested separately in vitro for cytotoxicity using murine-monocyte macrophage (J774) cell line. Cytotoxicity was measured using LDH release to measure damage to cell membrane, MTS to measure cell viability and live-dead staining. The expression and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF) were measured using ELISA. Our results found that diatom frustules and those functionalised with amino groups showed no cytotoxicity or elevated cytokine release. Diatom frustules functionalised with thiol groups showed higher levels of cytotoxicity. Diatom frustules and those functionalised with amino groups were taken forward to an in vivo mouse toxicity model, whereby the immunological response, organ toxicity and route of metabolism/excretion of silica were investigated. Histological results showed no organ toxicity in any of the groups relative to control. Analysis of blood Si levels suggests that modified frustules are metabolised quicker than functionalised frustules, suggesting that physiochemical attributes influence their biodistribution. Our results show that diatom frustules are non cytotoxic and are promising materials to better understand the role of silica in bone healing.


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BACKGROUND: Combined Fludarabine and Cyclophosphamide is now standard first-line therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and the addition of Rituximab improves outcome.

METHODS: We adopted a modified Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab (FCR) protocol in treating 39 patients (median age 57 years) with progressive or advanced CLL. Depending on CR, treatment was given for four or six cycles.

RESULT: Twenty-six patients were treatment naïve and 13 were pre-treated. Twelve patients had progressive Binet stage A, 16 stage B and 11 stage C disease. The overall response rate (ORR) was 100%, with 75% achieving CR. Neutropenia was the major toxicity in 71/187 (38%) of the cycles. There were five deaths, two from infection and three from progressive disease. Twenty-six of 31 patients have maintained their post-treatment disease status for a median of 17 months (2-41).

CONCLUSION: We conclude that FCR is a feasible, well-tolerated and effective treatment for patients with CLL.


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We have evaluated the effect of in vivo Campath-1G on engraftment and GVHD in 23 patients with severe aplastic anaemia transplanted from HLA-identical sibling donors. In 14 patients Campath 1g was given pre-transplant for up to 9 days in an attempt to overcome graft rejection (group 1). In nine patients Campath-1G was given pre-transplant, but also continued post-transplant until day +5 to reduce GVHD (group 2). There were three patients with late graft failure in group I following initial neutrophil engraftment, and four cases of grade II+ GVHD. In group II, two patients had early graft failure (no take), and there were no cases of acute GVHD out of seven evaluable patients. One patient in group I developed chronic GVHD of the liver, and two patients (one in each group) had transient localised chronic GVHD. PCR of short tandem repeats was used to evaluate chimaeric status in 13 patients. Of 11 patients with initial neutrophil engraftment, only one had 100% donor haemopoiesis at all times. The remaining patients had either transient mixed chimaerism or persistence of recipient (< 20%) cells. We conclude that in vivo Campath-1G is associated with a high incidence of mixed chimaerism which tips the balance away from GVHD but towards graft rejection.


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Hematopoietic chimerism was analyzed in serial bone marrow samples taken from 28 children following T-cell depleted unrelated donor bone marrow transplants (UD BMT) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Chimeric status was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of simple tandem repeat (STR) sequences (maximal sensitivity, 0.1%). At least two serial samples were examined in 23 patients. Of these, two had evidence of complete donor engraftment at all times and eight showed stable low level mixed chimerism (MC) (<1% recipient hematopoiesis). All 10 of these patients remain in remission with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. By contrast, 13 patients demonstrated a progressive return of recipient hematopoiesis. Five of these relapsed (4 to 9 months post BMT), one died of cytomegalovirus pneumonitis and seven remain in remission with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Five children were excluded from serial analysis as two serial samples were not collected before either relapse (3) or graft rejection (2). We conclude that as with sibling transplants, ex vivo T depleted UD BMT in children with ALL is associated with a high incidence of MC. Stable donor engraftment and low level MC always correlated with continued remission. However, detection of a progressive return of recipient cells did not universally correlate with relapse, but highlighted those patients at greatest risk. Serial chimerism analysis by PCR of STRs provides a rapid and simple screening technique for the detection of relapse and the identification of patients with progressive MC who might benefit from detailed molecular analysis for minimal residual disease following matched volunteer UD BMT for childhood ALL.


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Sepsis is the most frequent cause of death in hospitalized patients, and severe sepsis is a leading contributory factor to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). At present, there is no effective treatment for these conditions, and care is primarily supportive. Murine sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin-E (Siglec-E) and its human orthologs Siglec-7 and Siglec-9 are immunomodulatory receptors found predominantly on hematopoietic cells. These receptors are important negative regulators of acute inflammatory responses and are potential targets for the treatment of sepsis and ARDS. We describe a Siglec-targeting platform consisting of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles decorated with a natural Siglec ligand, di(α2→8) N-acetylneuraminic acid (α2,8 NANA-NP). This nanoparticle induced enhanced oligomerization of the murine Siglec-E receptor on the surface of macrophages, unlike the free α2,8 NANA ligand. Furthermore, treatment of murine macrophages with these nanoparticles blocked the production of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory cytokines in a Siglec-E-dependent manner. The nanoparticles were also therapeutically beneficial in vivo in both systemic and pulmonary murine models replicating inflammatory features of sepsis and ARDS. Moreover, we confirmed the anti-inflammatory effect of these nanoparticles on human monocytes and macrophages in vitro and in a human ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) model of lung injury. We also established that interleukin-10 (IL-10) induced Siglec-E expression and α2,8 NANA-NP further augmented the expression of IL-10. Indeed, the effectiveness of the nanoparticle depended on IL-10. Collectively, these results demonstrated a therapeutic effect of targeting Siglec receptors with a nanoparticle-based platform under inflammatory conditions.