955 resultados para multi-scale analysis


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Acoustic estimates of herring and blue whiting abundance were obtained during the surveys using the Simrad ER60 scientific echosounder. The allocation of NASC-values to herring, blue whiting and other acoustic targets were based on the composition of the trawl catches and the appearance of echo recordings. To estimate the abundance, the allocated NASC -values were averaged for ICES-squares (0.5° latitude by 1° longitude). For each statistical square, the unit area density of fish (rA) in number per square nautical mile (N*nm-2) was calculated using standard equations (Foote et al., 1987; Toresen et al., 1998). To estimate the total abundance of fish, the unit area abundance for each statistical square was multiplied by the number of square nautical miles in each statistical square and then summed for all the statistical squares within defined subareas and over the total area. Biomass estimation was calculated by multiplying abundance in numbers by the average weight of the fish in each statistical square then summing all squares within defined subareas and over the total area. The Norwegian BEAM soft-ware (Totland and Godø 2001) was used to make estimates of total biomass.


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To study the propagation of the uncertainty from basic data across different scale and physics phenomena -> through complex coupled multi-physics and multi-scale simulations


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This study forms part of wider research conducted under a EU 7 th Framework Programme (COmputationally Driven design of Innovative CEment-based materials or CODICE). The ultimate aim is the multi-scale modelling of the variations in mechanical performance in degraded and non-degraded cementitious matrices. The model is being experimentally validated by hydrating the main tri-calcium silicate (T1-C3S) and bi-calcium silicate (β-C2S), phases present in Portland cement and their blends. The present paper discusses micro- and nanoscale studies of the cementitious skeletons forming during the hydration of C3S, C2S and 70 % / 30 % blends of both C3S/C2S and C2S/C3S with a water/cement ratio of 0.4. The hydrated pastes were characterized at different curing ages with 29 Si NMR, SEM/TEM/EDS, BET, and nanoindentation. The findings served as a basis for the micro- and nanoscale characterization of the hydration products formed, especially C-S-H gels. Differences were identified in composition, structure and mechanical behaviour (nanoindentation), depending on whether the gels formed in C3S or C2S pastes. The C3S gels had more compact morphologies, smaller BET-N2 specific surface area and lesser porosity than the gels from C2S-rich pastes. The results of nanoindentation tests appear to indicate that the various C-S-H phases formed in hydrated C3S and C2S have the same mechanical properties as those formed in Portland cement paste. Compared to the C3S sample, the hydrated C2S specimen was dominated by the loose-packed (LP) and the low-density (LD) C-S-H phases, and had a much lower content of the high density (HD) C-S-H phase


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The presented study is related to the EU 7 th Framework Programme CODICE (COmputationally Driven design of Innovative CEment-based materials). The main aim of the project is the development of a multi-scale model for the computer based simulation of mechanical and durability performance of cementitious materials. This paper reports results of micro/nano scale characterisation and mechanical property mapping of cementitious skeletons formed by the cement hydration at different ages. Using the statistical nanoindentation and micro-mechanical property mapping technique, intrinsic properties of different hydrate phases, and also the possible interaction (or overlapping) of different phases (e.g. calcium-silcate-hydrates) has been studied. Results of the mapping and statistical indentation testing appear to suggest the possible existence of more hydrate phases than the commonly reported LD and HD C-S-H and CH phases


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The wetting front is the zone where water invades and advances into an initially dry porous material and it plays a crucial role in solute transport through the unsaturated zone. Water is an essential part of the physiological process of all plants. Through water, necessary minerals are moved from the roots to the parts of the plants that require them. Water moves chemicals from one part of the plant to another. It is also required for photosynthesis, for metabolism and for transpiration. The leaching of chemicals by wetting fronts is influenced by two major factors, namely: the irregularity of the fronts and heterogeneity in the distribution of chemicals, both of which have been described by using fractal techniques. Soil structure can significantly modify infiltration rates and flow pathways in soils. Relations between features of soil structure and features of infiltration could be elucidated from the velocities and the structure of wetting fronts. When rainwater falls onto soil, it doesn?t just pool on surfaces. Water ?or another fluid- acts differently on porous surfaces. If the surface is permeable (porous) it seeps down through layers of soil, filling that layer to capacity. Once that layer is filled, it moves down into the next layer. In sandy soil, water moves quickly, while it moves much slower through clay soil. The movement of water through soil layers is called the the wetting front. Our research concerns the motion of a liquid into an initially dry porous medium. Our work presents a theoretical framework for studying the physical interplay between a stationary wetting front of fractal dimension D with different porous materials. The aim was to model the mass geometry interplay by using the fractal dimension D of a stationary wetting front. The plane corresponding to the image is divided in several squares (the minimum correspond to the pixel size) of size length ". We acknowledge the help of Prof. M. García Velarde and the facilities offered by the Pluri-Disciplinary Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid. We also acknowledge the help of European Community under project Multi-scale complex fluid flows and interfacial phenomena (PITN-GA-2008-214919). Thanks are also due to ERCOFTAC (PELNoT, SIG 14)


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This paper presents a new methodology, simple and affordable, for the definition and characterization of objects at different scales in high spatial resolution images. The objects have been generated by integrating texturally and spectrally homogeneous segments. The former have been obtained from the segmentation of Wavelet coefficients of the panchromatic image. The multi-scale character of this transform has yielded texturally homogeneous segments of different sizes for each of the scales. The spectrally homogeneous segments have been obtained by segmenting the classified corresponding multispectral image. In this way, it has been defined a set of objects characterized by different attributes, which give to the objects a semantic meaning, allowing to determine the similarities and differences between them. To demonstrate the capabilities of the methodology proposed, different experiments of unsupervised classification of a Quickbird image have been carried out, using different subsets of attributes and 1-D ascendant hierarchical classifier. Obtained results have shown the capability of the proposed methodology for separating semantic objects at different scales, as well as, its advantages against pixel-based image interpretation.


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In the mid-long-term after a nuclear accident, the contamination of drinking water sources, fish and other aquatic foodstuffs, irrigation supplies and people?s exposure during recreational activities may create considerable public concern, even though dose assessment may in certain situations indicate lesser importance than for other sources, as clearly experienced in the aftermath of past accidents. In such circumstances there are a number of available countermeasure options, ranging from specific chemical treatment of lakes to bans on fish ingestion or on the use of water for crop irrigation. The potential actions can be broadly grouped into four main categories, chemical, biological, physical and social. In some cases a combination of actions may be the optimal strategy and a decision support system (DSS) like MOIRA-PLUS can be of great help to optimise a decision. A further option is of course not to take any remedial actions, although this may also have significant socio-economic repercussions which should be adequately evaluated. MOIRA-PLUS is designed to allow for a reliable assessment of the long-term evolution of the radiological situation and of feasible alternative rehabilitation strategies, including an objective evaluation of their social, economic and ecological impacts in a rational and comprehensive manner. MOIRA-PLUS also features a decision analysis methodology, making use of multi-attribute analysis, which can take into account the preferences and needs of different types of stakeholders. The main functions and elements of the system are described summarily. Also the conclusions from end-user?s experiences with the system are discussed, including exercises involving the organizations responsible for emergency management and the affected services, as well as different local and regional stakeholders. MOIRAPLUS has proven to be a mature system, user friendly and relatively easy to set up. It can help to better decisionmaking by enabling a realistic evaluation of the complete impacts of possible recovery strategies. Also, the interaction with stakeholders has allowed identifying improvements of the system that have been recently implemented.


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A method to achieve improvement in template size for an iris-recognition system is reported. To achieve this result, the biological characteristics of the human iris have been studied. Processing has been performed by image processing techniques, isolating the iris and enhancing the area of study, after which multi resolution analysis is made. Reduction of the pattern obtained has been obtained via statistical study.


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El comercio electrónico ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento en los últimos años, favorecido especialmente por el aumento de las tasas de penetración de Internet en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, no todos los países están evolucionando de la misma manera, con un espectro que va desde las naciones pioneras en desarrollo de tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones, que cuentan con una elevado porcentaje de internautas y de compradores online, hasta las rezagadas de rápida adopción en las que, pese a contar con una menor penetración de acceso, presentan una alta tasa de internautas compradores. Entre ambos extremos se encuentran países como España que, aunque alcanzó hace años una tasa considerable de penetración de usuarios de Internet, no ha conseguido una buena tasa de transformación de internautas en compradores. Pese a que el comercio electrónico ha experimentado importantes aumentos en los últimos años, sus tasas de crecimiento siguen estando por debajo de países con características socio-económicas similares. Para intentar conocer las razones que afectan a la adopción del comercio por parte de los compradores, la investigación científica del fenómeno ha empleado diferentes enfoques teóricos. De entre todos ellos ha destacado el uso de los modelos de adopción, proveniente de la literatura de adopción de sistemas de información en entornos organizativos. Estos modelos se basan en las percepciones de los compradores para determinar qué factores pueden predecir mejor la intención de compra y, en consecuencia, la conducta real de compra de los usuarios. Pese a que en los últimos años han proliferado los trabajos de investigación que aplican los modelos de adopción al comercio electrónico, casi todos tratan de validar sus hipótesis mediante el análisis de muestras de consumidores tratadas como un único conjunto, y del que se obtienen conclusiones generales. Sin embargo, desde el origen del marketing, y en especial a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, se considera que existen diferencias en el comportamiento de los consumidores, que pueden ser debidas a características demográficas, sociológicas o psicológicas. Estas diferencias se traducen en necesidades distintas, que sólo podrán ser satisfechas con una oferta adaptada por parte de los vendedores. Además, por contar el comercio electrónico con unas características particulares que lo diferencian del comercio tradicional –especialmente por la falta de contacto físico entre el comprador y el producto– a las diferencias en la adopción para cada consumidor se le añaden las diferencias derivadas del tipo de producto adquirido, que si bien habían sido consideradas en el canal físico, en el comercio electrónico cobran especial relevancia. A la vista de todo ello, el presente trabajo pretende abordar el estudio de los factores determinantes de la intención de compra y la conducta real de compra en comercio electrónico por parte del consumidor final español, teniendo en cuenta el tipo de segmento al que pertenezca dicho comprador y el tipo de producto considerado. Para ello, el trabajo contiene ocho apartados entre los que se encuentran cuatro bloques teóricos y tres bloques empíricos, además de las conclusiones. Estos bloques dan lugar a los siguientes ocho capítulos por orden de aparición en el trabajo: introducción, situación del comercio electrónico, modelos de adopción de tecnología, segmentación en comercio electrónico, diseño previo del trabajo empírico, diseño de la investigación, análisis de los resultados y conclusiones. El capítulo introductorio justifica la relevancia de la investigación, además de fijar los objetivos, la metodología y las fases seguidas para el desarrollo del trabajo. La justificación se complementa con el segundo capítulo, que cuenta con dos elementos principales: en primer lugar se define el concepto de comercio electrónico y se hace una breve retrospectiva desde sus orígenes hasta la situación actual en un contexto global; en segundo lugar, el análisis estudia la evolución del comercio electrónico en España, mostrando su desarrollo y situación presente a partir de sus principales indicadores. Este apartado no sólo permite conocer el contexto de la investigación, sino que además permite contrastar la relevancia de la muestra utilizada en el presente estudio con el perfil español respecto al comercio electrónico. Los capítulos tercero –modelos de adopción de tecnologías– y cuarto –segmentación en comercio electrónico– sientan las bases teóricas necesarias para abordar el estudio. En el capítulo tres se hace una revisión general de la literatura de modelos de adopción de tecnología y, en particular, de los modelos de adopción empleados en el ámbito del comercio electrónico. El resultado de dicha revisión deriva en la construcción de un modelo adaptado basado en los modelos UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Teoría unificada de la aceptación y el uso de la tecnología) y UTAUT2, combinado con dos factores específicos de adopción del comercio electrónico: el riesgo percibido y la confianza percibida. Por su parte, en el capítulo cuatro se revisan las metodologías de segmentación de clientes y productos empleadas en la literatura. De dicha revisión se obtienen un amplio conjunto de variables de las que finalmente se escogen nueve variables de clasificación que se consideran adecuadas tanto por su adaptación al contexto del comercio electrónico como por su adecuación a las características de la muestra empleada para validar el modelo. Las nueve variables se agrupan en tres conjuntos: variables de tipo socio-demográfico –género, edad, nivel de estudios, nivel de ingresos, tamaño de la unidad familiar y estado civil–, de comportamiento de compra – experiencia de compra por Internet y frecuencia de compra por Internet– y de tipo psicográfico –motivaciones de compra por Internet. La segunda parte del capítulo cuatro se dedica a la revisión de los criterios empleados en la literatura para la clasificación de los productos en el contexto del comercio electrónico. De dicha revisión se obtienen quince grupos de variables que pueden tomar un total de treinta y cuatro valores, lo que deriva en un elevado número de combinaciones posibles. Sin embargo, pese a haber sido utilizados en el contexto del comercio electrónico, no en todos los casos se ha comprobado la influencia de dichas variables respecto a la intención de compra o la conducta real de compra por Internet; por este motivo, y con el objetivo de definir una clasificación robusta y abordable de tipos de productos, en el capitulo cinco se lleva a cabo una validación de las variables de clasificación de productos mediante un experimento previo con 207 muestras. Seleccionando sólo aquellas variables objetivas que no dependan de la interpretación personal del consumidores y que determinen grupos significativamente distintos respecto a la intención y conducta de compra de los consumidores, se obtiene un modelo de dos variables que combinadas dan lugar a cuatro tipos de productos: bien digital, bien no digital, servicio digital y servicio no digital. Definidos el modelo de adopción y los criterios de segmentación de consumidores y productos, en el sexto capítulo se desarrolla el modelo completo de investigación formado por un conjunto de hipótesis obtenidas de la revisión de la literatura de los capítulos anteriores, en las que se definen las hipótesis de investigación con respecto a las influencias esperadas de las variables de segmentación sobre las relaciones del modelo de adopción. Este modelo confiere a la investigación un carácter social y de tipo fundamentalmente exploratorio, en el que en muchos casos ni siquiera se han encontrado evidencias empíricas previas que permitan el enunciado de hipótesis sobre la influencia de determinadas variables de segmentación. El capítulo seis contiene además la descripción del instrumento de medida empleado en la investigación, conformado por un total de 125 preguntas y sus correspondientes escalas de medida, así como la descripción de la muestra representativa empleada en la validación del modelo, compuesta por un grupo de 817 personas españolas o residentes en España. El capítulo siete constituye el núcleo del análisis empírico del trabajo de investigación, que se compone de dos elementos fundamentales. Primeramente se describen las técnicas estadísticas aplicadas para el estudio de los datos que, dada la complejidad del análisis, se dividen en tres grupos fundamentales: Método de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS, Partial Least Squares): herramienta estadística de análisis multivariante con capacidad de análisis predictivo que se emplea en la determinación de las relaciones estructurales de los modelos propuestos. Análisis multigrupo: conjunto de técnicas que permiten comparar los resultados obtenidos con el método PLS entre dos o más grupos derivados del uso de una o más variables de segmentación. En este caso se emplean cinco métodos de comparación, lo que permite asimismo comparar los rendimientos de cada uno de los métodos. Determinación de segmentos no identificados a priori: en el caso de algunas de las variables de segmentación no existe un criterio de clasificación definido a priori, sino que se obtiene a partir de la aplicación de técnicas estadísticas de clasificación. En este caso se emplean dos técnicas fundamentales: análisis de componentes principales –dado el elevado número de variables empleadas para la clasificación– y análisis clúster –del que se combina una técnica jerárquica que calcula el número óptimo de segmentos, con una técnica por etapas que es más eficiente en la clasificación, pero exige conocer el número de clústeres a priori. La aplicación de dichas técnicas estadísticas sobre los modelos resultantes de considerar los distintos criterios de segmentación, tanto de clientes como de productos, da lugar al análisis de un total de 128 modelos de adopción de comercio electrónico y 65 comparaciones multigrupo, cuyos resultados y principales consideraciones son elaboradas a lo largo del capítulo. Para concluir, el capítulo ocho recoge las conclusiones del trabajo divididas en cuatro partes diferenciadas. En primer lugar se examina el grado de alcance de los objetivos planteados al inicio de la investigación; después se desarrollan las principales contribuciones que este trabajo aporta tanto desde el punto de vista metodológico, como desde los punto de vista teórico y práctico; en tercer lugar, se profundiza en las conclusiones derivadas del estudio empírico, que se clasifican según los criterios de segmentación empleados, y que combinan resultados confirmatorios y exploratorios; por último, el trabajo recopila las principales limitaciones de la investigación, tanto de carácter teórico como empírico, así como aquellos aspectos que no habiendo podido plantearse dentro del contexto de este estudio, o como consecuencia de los resultados alcanzados, se presentan como líneas futuras de investigación. ABSTRACT Favoured by an increase of Internet penetration rates across the globe, electronic commerce has experienced a rapid growth over the last few years. Nevertheless, adoption of electronic commerce has differed from one country to another. On one hand, it has been observed that countries leading e-commerce adoption have a large percentage of Internet users as well as of online purchasers; on the other hand, other markets, despite having a low percentage of Internet users, show a high percentage of online buyers. Halfway between those two ends of the spectrum, we find countries such as Spain which, despite having moderately high Internet penetration rates and similar socio-economic characteristics as some of the leading countries, have failed to turn Internet users into active online buyers. Several theoretical approaches have been taken in an attempt to define the factors that influence the use of electronic commerce systems by customers. One of the betterknown frameworks to characterize adoption factors is the acceptance modelling theory, which is derived from the information systems adoption in organizational environments. These models are based on individual perceptions on which factors determine purchase intention, as a mean to explain users’ actual purchasing behaviour. Even though research on electronic commerce adoption models has increased in terms of volume and scope over the last years, the majority of studies validate their hypothesis by using a single sample of consumers from which they obtain general conclusions. Nevertheless, since the birth of marketing, and more specifically from the second half of the 19th century, differences in consumer behaviour owing to demographic, sociologic and psychological characteristics have also been taken into account. And such differences are generally translated into different needs that can only be satisfied when sellers adapt their offer to their target market. Electronic commerce has a number of features that makes it different when compared to traditional commerce; the best example of this is the lack of physical contact between customers and products, and between customers and vendors. Other than that, some differences that depend on the type of product may also play an important role in electronic commerce. From all the above, the present research aims to address the study of the main factors influencing purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour in electronic commerce by Spanish end-consumers, taking into consideration both the customer group to which they belong and the type of product being purchased. In order to achieve this goal, this Thesis is structured in eight chapters: four theoretical sections, three empirical blocks and a final section summarizing the conclusions derived from the research. The chapters are arranged in sequence as follows: introduction, current state of electronic commerce, technology adoption models, electronic commerce segmentation, preliminary design of the empirical work, research design, data analysis and results, and conclusions. The introductory chapter offers a detailed justification of the relevance of this study in the context of e-commerce adoption research; it also sets out the objectives, methodology and research stages. The second chapter further expands and complements the introductory chapter, focusing on two elements: the concept of electronic commerce and its evolution from a general point of view, and the evolution of electronic commerce in Spain and main indicators of adoption. This section is intended to allow the reader to understand the research context, and also to serve as a basis to justify the relevance and representativeness of the sample used in this study. Chapters three (technology acceptance models) and four (segmentation in electronic commerce) set the theoretical foundations for the study. Chapter 3 presents a thorough literature review of technology adoption modelling, focusing on previous studies on electronic commerce acceptance. As a result of the literature review, the research framework is built upon a model based on UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) and its evolution, UTAUT2, including two specific electronic commerce adoption factors: perceived risk and perceived trust. Chapter 4 deals with client and product segmentation methodologies used by experts. From the literature review, a wide range of classification variables is studied, and a shortlist of nine classification variables has been selected for inclusion in the research. The criteria for variable selection were their adequacy to electronic commerce characteristics, as well as adequacy to the sample characteristics. The nine variables have been classified in three groups: socio-demographic (gender, age, education level, income, family size and relationship status), behavioural (experience in electronic commerce and frequency of purchase) and psychographic (online purchase motivations) variables. The second half of chapter 4 is devoted to a review of the product classification criteria in electronic commerce. The review has led to the identification of a final set of fifteen groups of variables, whose combination offered a total of thirty-four possible outputs. However, due to the lack of empirical evidence in the context of electronic commerce, further investigation on the validity of this set of product classifications was deemed necessary. For this reason, chapter 5 proposes an empirical study to test the different product classification variables with 207 samples. A selection of product classifications including only those variables that are objective, able to identify distinct groups and not dependent on consumers’ point of view, led to a final classification of products which consisted on two groups of variables for the final empirical study. The combination of these two groups gave rise to four types of products: digital and non-digital goods, and digital and non-digital services. Chapter six characterizes the research –social, exploratory research– and presents the final research model and research hypotheses. The exploratory nature of the research becomes patent in instances where no prior empirical evidence on the influence of certain segmentation variables was found. Chapter six also includes the description of the measurement instrument used in the research, consisting of a total of 125 questions –and the measurement scales associated to each of them– as well as the description of the sample used for model validation (consisting of 817 Spanish residents). Chapter 7 is the core of the empirical analysis performed to validate the research model, and it is divided into two separate parts: description of the statistical techniques used for data analysis, and actual data analysis and results. The first part is structured in three different blocks: Partial Least Squares Method (PLS): the multi-variable analysis is a statistical method used to determine structural relationships of models and their predictive validity; Multi-group analysis: a set of techniques that allow comparing the outcomes of PLS analysis between two or more groups, by using one or more segmentation variables. More specifically, five comparison methods were used, which additionally gives the opportunity to assess the efficiency of each method. Determination of a priori undefined segments: in some cases, classification criteria did not necessarily exist for some segmentation variables, such as customer motivations. In these cases, the application of statistical classification techniques is required. For this study, two main classification techniques were used sequentially: principal component factor analysis –in order to reduce the number of variables– and cluster analysis. The application of the statistical methods to the models derived from the inclusion of the various segmentation criteria –for both clients and products–, led to the analysis of 128 different electronic commerce adoption models and 65 multi group comparisons. Finally, chapter 8 summarizes the conclusions from the research, divided into four parts: first, an assessment of the degree of achievement of the different research objectives is offered; then, methodological, theoretical and practical implications of the research are drawn; this is followed by a discussion on the results from the empirical study –based on the segmentation criteria for the research–; fourth, and last, the main limitations of the research –both empirical and theoretical– as well as future avenues of research are detailed.


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NMR can be considered a multi-scale multidimensional technology in the sense that it provides both spatial insight at macroscopic (MRI) or microscopic level (relaxometry), together with chemical characterization (HR-MAS). In this study 296 apples (from 4 cultivars) were MRI screened (20 slices per fruit) among which 7 fruits were used for metabolomic study by 1H HR MAS in order to assess various chemical shifts: malic acid, sucrose, glucose, fructose and ethanol. On the first season, tissue samples were taken from the sound and affected apples (near the core, centre and outer part of the mesocarp) belonging to sound and affected locations, while on the second season, tissue samples were focused on the comparison between sound and affected tissue. Beside, MRI and 2D non-destructive relaxometry (on whole fruits, and localized tissue) where performed on 72 and 12 apples respectively in order to compare features at macroscopic (tissue) and microscopic (subcellular) level. HR MAS shows higher content of ?-glucose, ?-glucose, malic acid and aromatic compounds in watercore affected tissues from both seasons, while sound tissue reflects higher sucrose. Microscopic (subcellular) degradation of tissue varies according to disorder development and is in good accordance with macroscopic characterization with MRI.


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Sustainable transport planning requires an integrated approach involving strategic planning, impact analysis and multi-criteria evaluation. This study aims at relaxing the utility-based decision-making assumption by newly embedding anticipated-regret and combined utility-regret decision mechanisms in an integrated transport planning framework. The framework consists of a two-round Delphi survey, an integrated land-use and transport model for Madrid, and multi-criteria analysis. Results show that (i) regret-based ranking has similar mean but larger variance than utility-based ranking; (ii) the least-regret scenario forms a compromise between the desired and the expected scenarios; (iii) the least-regret scenario can lead to higher user benefits in the short-term and lower user benefits in the long-term; (iv) utility-based, regret-based and combined utility-regret-based multi-criteria analysis result in different rankings of policy packages; and (v) the combined utility-regret ranking is more informative compared with utility-based or regret-based ranking.


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La presente tesis doctoral se orienta al estudio y análisis de los caminos empedrados antiguos, desde la época prerromana, tanto desde el punto de vista histórico como desde el técnico. La cuantificación de la romanidad de un camino representa un objetivo importante para la mayoría de los estudiosos de la caminería antigua, así como para los arqueólogos, por los datos que ofrece acerca del uso del territorio, los trazados de caminos en la antigüedad y los tráficos asociados. Cuantificar la romanidad de un camino no es tarea sencilla debido a que intervienen multitud de condicionantes que están vivos y son cambiantes como consecuencia del dinamismo inherente al propio camino. En cuanto al aspecto histórico, se realiza una descripción y análisis de la evolución del camino en la Península Ibérica desde sus orígenes hasta mediados del siglo XX, que permite diferenciar la red itineraria según su momento histórico. Así mismo, se describen y analizan: las ruedas y los carros desde sus orígenes, especialmente en la época romana -incluyendo una toma de medidas de distintos tipos de carro, existentes en instituciones y colecciones particulares-; las técnicas de transporte en la antigüedad y las características de la infraestructura viaria de época romana, detallando aspectos generales de sus técnicas de ingeniería y construcción. Desde el punto de vista técnico, el enfoque metodológico ha sido definir un Índice de Romanidad del Camino (IRC) para la datación de vías romanas empedradas, basado en un análisis multicriterio, a partir de los distintos factores que caracterizan su romanidad. Se ha realizado un exhaustivo estudio de campo, con la correspondiente toma de datos en las vías. Se han realizado una serie de ensayos de laboratorio con un prototipo creado exprofeso para simular el desgaste de la piedra producido por el traqueteo del carro al circular por el camino empedrado y dar una hipótesis de datación del camino. Se ha realizado un tratamiento estadístico con la muestra de datos medidos en campo. Se ha definido además el concepto de elasticidad de rodera usando la noción de derivada elástica. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos: se ha calculado el Índice de Romanidad del Camino (IRC) en una serie de vías empedradas, para cuantificar su romanidad, obteniéndose un resultado coherente con la hipótesis previa sobre la datación de dichas vías; y se ha formulado un modelo exponencial para el número de frecuentaciones de carga que lo relaciona con la elasticidad de rodera y con su esbeltez y que se ha utilizado para relacionar la elasticidad de la rodera con la geología de la roca. Se ha iniciado una línea de investigación sobre la estimación de tráficos históricos en la caminería antigua, considerando que el volumen de tráfico a lo largo del tiempo en un tramo de vía está relacionado con los valores de elasticidad de rodera de dicho tramo a través de la tipología de la roca. En resumen, la presente tesis doctoral proporciona un método para sistematizar el estudio de los caminos antiguos, así como para datarlos y estimar la evolución de sus tráficos. The present Ph. D. Thesis aims to study and to analyze ancient cobbled ways, since pre-roman times, both from the historical and technical points of view. The quantification of the Roman character of a way represents an important target for most of the researchers of ancient ways, as well as for the archaeologists, due to information that it offers about the use of the territory, the tracings of ways in the antiquity and the associate flows. To quantify the Roman character of a way is not a simple task because it involves multitude of influent factors that are alive and variable as a result of the dynamism inherent to the way. As for the historical aspect, a description and analysis of the evolution of the way in the Iberian Peninsula from its origins until the middle of the twentieth century has been done. This allows us to distinguish between elements of the network according to its historical moment. Likewise, a description and analysis is given about: the wheels and the cars since their origins, especially in the Roman time - including a capture of measurements of different types of car, belonging to institutions and to particular collections-; the transport techniques on the antiquity and the characteristics of the road infrastructure of Roman epoch, detailing general technical engineering and constructive aspects. From the technical point of view, the methodological approach has been to define an Index of the Roman Character of the Way (IRC) for the dating of cobbled Roman routes, based on a multi-criterion analysis, involving different factors typical of Roman ways. An exhaustive field study has been realized, with the corresponding capture of information in the routes. A series of laboratory essays has been realized with an ad hoc prototype created to simulate the wear of the stone produced by cars circulating along the cobbled way, and to give a dating hypothesis of the way. A statistical treatment has been realized with the sample of information measured in field. There has been defined also the concept of elasticity of rolling trace using the notion of elastic derivative. As for the obtained results: there has been calculated the Index of Roman Character of the Way (IRC) in a series of cobbled routes, to quantify its Roman character, obtaining a coherent result with the previous dating hypothesis of the above mentioned routes; and an exponential model has been formulated for the number of frequent attendances of load that relates this number to the elasticity of rolling trace and to its slenderness and that has been used to relate the elasticity of the rolling trace to the geology of the rock. An investigation line has been opened about the estimation of historical flows in ancient ways, considering that the traffic volume over the course of time in a route stretch is related to the values of elasticity of rolling trace of the above mentioned stretch by means of the typology of the rock. In short, the present Ph. D. Thesis provides a method to systematize the study of ancient ways, as well as to date them and to estimate the evolution of their flows.


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La escasez de recursos, la desertización creciente y el previsible calentamiento global forman un escenario físico sin precedentes que urge la revisión de las relaciones entre arquitectura y agua en la urbanización de los paisajes secos, donde la aridez es el factor limitante principal. Cuestionar la idea de escasez, la de residuo o la de confort es el punto de partida para analizar la hidrología urbana. La condición ubicua y dinámica del agua, sus continuos cambios de estado y las implicaciones energéticas y ambientales involucradas argumentan a favor de un entendimiento integral, holístico, que aborda el diseño en relación a lo paisajístico, lo infraestructural y lo ambiental como un único ámbito de investigación, planteado en términos no solo de materia o de escasez, sino de energía. Este trabajo se interesa por el rol de la arquitectura en este proyecto conjunto, integral, del espacio físico con el ciclo hidrológico donde lo orgánico, lo geológico y lo atmosférico están ligados, y donde las categorías de lo hidrológico y lo hidráulico se confunden. Las profundas implicaciones culturales en la construcción de la naturaleza urbana y en la relación con el cuerpo humano adquieren especial notoriedad en los modelos de paisaje y de espacio público adoptados, importados desde las geografías húmedas, y en la estigmatización del agua desde los presupuestos del higienismo decimonónico, que conduce al hidrofugado general de una ciudad aséptica y estéril, que se extiende hasta las envolventes de fachadas estancas y los interiores blancos y satinados. La búsqueda de referentes salta la modernidad hacia contextos de baja energía como el oasis tradicional de las tierras áridas, que concilia la formación de un ecosistema productivo con la climatización de un espacio público exterior, o los ambientes aislados de la investigación aeroespacial, con ciclos cerrados de materia. Las condiciones del ciclo del agua, como la vinculación con el suelo y el territorio, la capacidad de disolver, de mezclarse y de lavar, su volumen variable y su papel como termorregulador señalan el interés que características físicas como la fluidez, la biodiversidad, la hidrofilia y la transpirabilidad tienen para una arquitectura con competencias hidráulicas y un espacio urbano transparente a los procesos del agua. La morfología y localización, la elección de escalas, jerarquías y relaciones entre espacios y la reformulación de los sistemas constructivos aparecen como herramientas y categorías propias desde las que proponer mejores respuestas a problemas como la deshidratación, la erosión y la contaminación. Una urbanización permeable e hidrófila que absorba el agua como un recurso valioso, nuevos ensamblajes para la bioquímica urbana (que introduzcan una idea de limpieza más próxima a fertilidad que a la desinfección), y el diseño de las condiciones atmosféricas a través de una arquitectura transpirable, que se empapa y rezuma frescor, son las claves de este nuevo proyecto. La ciudad se piensa como una síntesis multiescalar de espacios hidráulicos que aporta mayor resiliencia frente a la desertificación y las condiciones climáticas extremas, y mayor visibilidad en la escena pública al agua y a las inevitables conexiones entre ecología y economía. Pero también es una oportunidad para revisar las categorías disciplinares, para renovar las consistencias materiales, las calidades ambientales y las relaciones entre el cuerpo y el espacio. ABSTRACT The shortage of resources, foreseeable global warming and increasing desertification create an unprecedented prospect that question the existing relationships between water and architecture, in the urbanization of the arid lands. The awareness of the huge volumes of water that pierce unnoticed through urban space, their impact on the landscape as well as on environmental qualities, promote a design field where cultural, social and political considerations intersect, related to the body and the physical experience of space within the built environment. Fluidity and ubiquity, solution ability, variability and cyclical processes are characteristic of water as material, directly related with the fields of potential, chemical and thermal energy and the reality of its mass, as it occupies a changing volume in space. These are also the imposing cross sections that water introduces into the project, that argue in favor of a comprehensive and holistic understanding, of addressing design in relationship to landscape, infrastructure and environmental issues as a one single area of research. This work attempts to investigate how architecture, with its specific tools, can partake in the design of water cycle in the space, linking the organic, geological, and atmospheric, blurring the lines between hydrology and hydraulic. It aims to identify issues, within the continuous query associated with water, that deal with the architectural project and may have here better results. The deep cultural implications in the construction of urban nature and the relationship with the body, acquire special notoriety in the models of landscape and public space adopted, imported from humid geographies. Also in the stigmatization of water from the premises of nineteenth- century hygienics, which lead to the entire waterproofing of an aseptic and sterile city, to the sealed facades and white and polished interiors. The search for alternative references goes beyond modernity towards a mindset of low energy, as the traditional oasis of arid lands, which aims to reconcile the formation of a productive ecosystem with the conditioning of an outdoor public space, or the controlled environments of aerospace research, with closed cycles of matter. Fluidity, biodiversity, hydrophilicity and breathability are characteristic of an architecture with hydraulic competences. The distributing phenomenon of water, its necessary connectivity to the ground and to small cycles in the ecosystems, shows strong affinities with an infrastructural architecture, as an alternative to large-scale centralized networks. Its volume has approximated to the dimensions of the built space, promoting a new found condition of coexistence. A permeable and hydrophilic urbanization absorbs water as a valuable resource; new assemblies for urban biochemistry introduce an idea of sanitation closer to fertility than to disinfection; a breathable architecture that soaks and exudes freshness design the atmospheric conditions: these are the essential components of this new project. The city is understood as a synthesis of multi-scale hydraulic spaces that provides greater resilience against desertification and increases the visibility of water and the linkages between ecology and economy in the public scene. It is also an opportunity to review the disciplinary categories of architecture, the material consistencies, the environmental qualities and the relationship between body and space.


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We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude