956 resultados para marine and estuarine mangroves
Coastal defences are proliferating in response to climate change, leading to the creation of more vertical substrata. Efforts are being made to mitigate their impacts and create novel habitats to promote biodiversity. Little is known about the effect of aspect (i.e. north–south directionality) and inclination on intertidal biodiversity in artificial habitats. Artificial and natural habitats were compared to assess the role of aspect and substratum inclination in determining patterns of biodiversity at two tidal heights (high and mid). We also compared grazing activity between north- and south-facing surfaces in natural habitats to examine the potential for differential grazing pressure to affect community structure and functioning. Results were variable but some clear patterns emerged. Inclination had no effect on biodiversity or abundance. There was a general trend towards greater taxon richness and abundance on north-facing than south-facing substrata in natural and artificial habitats. On natural shores, the abundance and grazing activity of ‘southern’ limpets (i.e. Patella depressa) was greater on south-facing than north-facing substrata, with possible implications for further range-expansion. These results highlight the importance of incorporating shaded habitats in the construction of artificial habitats. These habitats may represent an important refuge from grazing pressure and thermal and desiccation stress in a warming climate.
Coastal defences are proliferating in response to climate change, leading to the creation of more vertical substrata. Efforts are being made to mitigate their impacts and create novel habitats to promote biodiversity. Little is known about the effect of aspect (i.e. north–south directionality) and inclination on intertidal biodiversity in artificial habitats. Artificial and natural habitats were compared to assess the role of aspect and substratum inclination in determining patterns of biodiversity at two tidal heights (high and mid). We also compared grazing activity between north- and south-facing surfaces in natural habitats to examine the potential for differential grazing pressure to affect community structure and functioning. Results were variable but some clear patterns emerged. Inclination had no effect on biodiversity or abundance. There was a general trend towards greater taxon richness and abundance on north-facing than south-facing substrata in natural and artificial habitats. On natural shores, the abundance and grazing activity of ‘southern’ limpets (i.e. Patella depressa) was greater on south-facing than north-facing substrata, with possible implications for further range-expansion. These results highlight the importance of incorporating shaded habitats in the construction of artificial habitats. These habitats may represent an important refuge from grazing pressure and thermal and desiccation stress in a warming climate.
This article deals with the encounters between a traditional Korean rural and island population and western military forces when the British navy occupied Geomundo, an archipelago known to them as Port Hamilton, for 22 months between 1885 and 1887. The paper first outlines the sometimes painful process of East Asian countries being opened up to trade and outside influences in the 19th century, a process sometimes urged upon them by naval weapons in this era of gunboat diplomacy. This provides the setting for the Port Hamilton Affair itself when in preparation for possible war with Russia, a British naval squadron steamed into Port Hamilton and took it without reference to the local people or their national government. After brief reference to the political consequences of this action, the focus is then on what the records from the occupation and earlier investigations by the British, who had long coveted the islands’ strategic harbour, reveal about the life of the islanders. The article considers both their traditional life, from a time rather before western travel accounts were written about the Korean mainland, and how the islanders fared under the British.
A regional offset (ΔR) from the marine radiocarbon calibration curve is widely used in calibration software (eg CALIB, OxCal) but often is not calculated correctly. While relatively straightforward for known age samples, such as mollusks from museum collections or banded corals, it is more difficult to calculate ΔR and the uncertainty in ΔR for 14C dates on paired marine and terrestrial samples. Previous researchers have often utilized classical intercept methods (Reimer et al. 2002; Dewar et al. 2012, Russell et al. 2011) but this does not account for the full calibrated probability density function (PDF). We have developed an on-line application for performing these calculations for known age, paired marine and terrestrial 14C dates, or U-Th dated corals which is available at http://calib.qub.ac.uk/deltar
Biodiversity loss is a global problem with freshwater bivalves considered amongst the most
endangered biota. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is declining
throughout its range owing to habitat degradation and overexploitation. In most of its range,
populations are regarded as reproductively non-functional which has led to the development
of captive breeding programmes. A novel method of releasing M. margaritifera was trialled,
with captive-bred juveniles being released into the rivers caged in ‘mussels silos’ (protective
concrete domes with ventilation creating upwelling to ensure water through flow). We
released 240 juvenile mussels and survival and growth rates were monitored for 18 months
post-release for three size classes: A (13.01-20.00mm); B (10.01-13.00mm); and C (4.01-
10.00mm). We explicitly tested two experimental treatments; one where sediment was added
to each silo (allowing mussels to orientate and burrow) and one without sediment. Survival
by the end of the experiment at month 18 was significantly higher for the largest size class at
97% (though growth was lowest in this cohort), and lowest for the smallest size class at 61%
(though growth was highest in this cohort). Survival and growth were unaffected by the
experimental treatment suggesting that adding sediment offered no advantage. Growth was
positively correlated with both water temperature and the particle size of suspended solids
(both of which were collinear, peaking in summer). There are a large number of ex situ
breeding programmes for freshwater pearl mussels throughout Europe and our finding
suggest that the use of ‘mussel silos’ could be a useful tool to protecting juvenile mussels
allowing them to be released at a relatively early stage of development, minimising the risk of
Mangrove forests are the most productive and bio-diverse wetlands on earth. It generate a large amount of litter in the form of leaves, branches, twigs, inflorescence and other debris and provides habitat for diverse flora and fauna of marine and terrestrial origin such as bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, zooplankton, benthos, birds, reptiles and mammals. These systems act as nursery for many fishes and shellfishes. The other sources may also provide important organic carbon inputs; including allochthonous riverine or marine material, autochthonous production by benthic or epiphytic micro- or macroalgae, and local water column production by phytoplankton. Since mangrove sediments are very complex which receives autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter inputs, the information extracted from the analysis of mangrove sediments is the fingerprint of both natural and human-induced changes.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The European contract PECOSUDE (Small inshore fisheries of the south of Europe) accepted in 2000 for 2 years concerns French, Spanish and Portuguese partners. The aim is to assess the inshore and estuarine fisheries from Loire estuary to Portugal. Three levels of study are considered : fisheries (data 1999), socioeconomy and marketing (data 1999 or 2000). Exploitation in the 12 miles area for France and on continental shelf for northern Spain and Portugal (within 1000 m depth), as well as the fishing period lower than 96 hours was determined as the definition of this fishery for the study. Socioeconomic analyses are made only on boats smaller than 15 m. The fisheries part analyses the activity of the fishing vessels taking into account gears used, landed species, areas and fishing seasons. Within the 39 harbours of the south Bay of Biscay 1 799 coastal or estuarine vessels with 3 580 fishermen are located. Statics gears are predominant, and more than half of the vessels are polyvalent (using several gears). In 1999, landings were 20 6441 weight for 84 M¿ value. The fishing activity of these boats was also analysed by typology of the fleet, based on fishing gears and/or species landed. These characterisations allowed the application of stratified sampling for the implementation of socioeconomic investigations. The analysis of the information received from the fishermen allow to describe the production factors, to estimate their costs, as well as the turnover, the richness creation and the efficiency of the production means. The capital value of the south Bay of Biscay " ship " is established about 94 k¿, the average turnover amount to 83 k¿ and the average rate of added value to 70%. Products commercialisation vary from component to component, the importance of the sells in auction places depends on the landed species. Some valuable species are directly sold to particular
The Southern Ischia canyon system has been investigated in detail through Multibeam bathymetry and Sparker seismic data and has been put in the geological framework of the deep sea depositional systems off the Campania region. The geological and geomorphological characteristics of the canyon system have been also compared with the characters of the Mediterranean submarine canyons and with the deep sea depositional systems of the Tyrrhenian sea. The Southern Ischia canyon system engraves a narrow continental shelf from Punta Imperatore to Punta San Pancrazio, being limited southwestwards from the relict volcanic edifice of the Ischia Bank. It consists of twenty-two drainage axes, whose planimetric trending has been reconstructed in a sketch morphological map realized through the geological interpretation of Multibeam bathymetry. While the eastern boundary of the canyon system is controlled by extensional tectonics, being limited by a NE-SW trending (anti-Apenninic) normal fault, its western boundary is controlled by volcanism, due to the growth of the Ischia volcanic bank. Submarine gravitational instabilities also acted in relationships to the canyon system, allowing for the individuation of large-scale creeping at the sea bottom and hummocky deposits already interpreted as debris avalanche deposits. Quaternary marine seismic sequences have been reconstructed through a densely spaced seismic grid recorded through a Sparker multitip seismic source, allowing for a detailed observation of steep erosional slopes occurring on the southern flank of the island and related deep sea depositional systems. Important implications of this study will regard the coastal monitoring and beach nourishment of the southern flank of the island, being involved by a strong erosion of marine and coastal systems.
When releasing captive-bred animals into wild populations, it is essential to maintain the capacity for adaptation and resilience by minimising the effect on population genetic diversity. Populations of the jungle perch (Kuhlia rupestris) have become reduced or locally extinct along the Queensland coast; thus, captive breeding of K. rupestris for restocking is presently underway. Currently, multiple individuals are placed in a tank to produce larvae, yet the number of adults contributing to larval production is unknown. We performed a power analysis on pre-existing microsatellite loci to determine the minimum number of loci and larvae required to achieve accurate assignment of parentage. These loci were then used to determine the number of contributing participants during a series of four spawning events through the summer breeding season in 2012-2013. Not all fish contributed to larval production and no relationship was found between male body size and parentage success. In most cases, there was a high skew of offspring to one mating pair (62% was the average contribution of the most successful pair per tank). This has significant implications for the aquaculture, restocking and conservation of K. rupestris.
Many studies have observed the precipitous decline in American shipping following the Second World War. Most focus on changes in maritime policy and the upsurge of flags of convenience. Yet this interpretation relegates mariners to a footnote. This thesis argues that America abandoned its seamen years before it abandoned its merchant marine, and that the labor story is an integral and largely overlooked dimension of the industry’s broader decline. It explores how the status and makeup of American seamen underwent monumental shifts from 1935 to 1955. Increased nationalization, improved conditions, and a patriotic cause boosted the standing of the industry, but federal and union intervention also changed the composition of the workforce and even eroded seamen’s status. These greater controls on mariners negatively affected the industry and this work contends that labor played a role in the transformation, and even decline, of the overall American Merchant Marine.
Muito interesse tem sido focado no potencial biotecnológico das microalgas, principalmente devido à identificação de diversas substâncias sintetizadas por estes organismos, dentre elas a anidrase carbônica e as ficobiliproteínas. A anidrase carbônica é uma metaloenzima que catalisa a hidratação reversível do CO2 em bicarbonato com alta eficiência, sendo utilizada para captação de CO2 através de sistemas biológicos. A C-ficocianina e a aloficocianina, corantes naturais, são os dois principais componentes das ficobiliproteínas em cianobactérias e apresentam diversas aplicações dentro da indústria alimentícia, cosmética e farmacêutica. O objetivo principal desta tese foi avaliar a produção e a extração da anidrase carbônica e das ficobiliproteínas a partir de diferentes microalgas. Para isso, primeiramente foi realizado uma investigação da produção da anidrase carbônica pela microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta, onde foi estudada a extração da enzima e sua aplicação em sistemas de captura enzimática de CO2. Posteriormente foi avaliada a produção da enzima ao longo do cultivo de diferentes microalgas marinhas e dulcícolas (Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis sueccica, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Nannochloropsis oculata, Isochysis galbana, Chlorella vulgaris e Scenedesmus obliquus). A produção da enzima e de ficobiliproteínas, também, foi estudada para as cianobactérias Spirulina platensis LEB 52, Spirulina sp. LEB 18 e Synechococcus nidulans. Todos os cultivos foram acompanhados em termos de biomassa e pH. Por último, foi realizado um estudo de extração da enzima de P. tricornutum e extração conjunta da anidrase carbônica e de ficobiliproteínas da cianobactéria S. sp. LEB 18. Os cultivos foram realizados em frascos erlenmeyer contendo os meios Conway (marinhas), BG-11 (dulcícolas) e Zarrouk 20% (cianobactérias). Na avaliação da ruptura celular foram testadas as técnicas de maceração em gral e pistilo, agitação em vórtex com pérolas de vidro, sonicação com pérolas de vidro, homogeneizador ultrassônico, secagem, congelamento e descongelamento e a combinação de tratamentos. Maiores rendimentos de extração da enzima a partir da microalga D. tertiolecta foram obtidos utilizando tratamento ultrassônico, juntamente com baixas concentrações de biomassa úmida (0,1 e 0,2 g/L), e a mesma apresentou potencial para aplicação em processos de captação enzimática do CO2. Durante os cultivos, a microalga C. vulgaris se destacou como maior produtora da enzima anidrase carbônica, atingindo valores de atividade enzimática de 44,0 U/L. As cianobactérias apresentaram valores de atividade entre 41,6 e 45,9 U/L, sendo que a S. sp. LEB 18 foi a que apresentou maiores produções de C-ficocianina e aloficocianina no ponto de máxima atividade volumétrica, 65,9 e 82,2 µg/mL, respectivamente. A enzima extraída da biomassa de S. platensis LEB 52 catalisou a hidratação do CO2 que precipitou na forma de CaCO3. Maiores rendimentos de extração da enzima a partir das microalgas P. tricornutum e S. sp. LEB 18 foram obtidos utilizando homogeneizador ultrassônico, que foram 31,3 U/g e 25,5 U/g, respectivamente. A biomassa de S. sp. LEB 18, também apresentou potencial para a extração de ficobiliproteínas, obtendo- se altas concentrações de C-ficocianina (100,5 mg/g) e aloficocianina (69,9 mg/g). Através dos resultados obtidos, pode-se verificar a potencialidade das microalgas e das cianobactérias para produção da enzima anidrase carbônica e das ficobiliproteínas, biomoléculas de alto valor industrial. Este trabalho apresenta processos eficientes para a extração da enzima e de ficobiliproteínas tanto para escala laboratorial como industrial.
Nos dias de hoje, a ligação adesiva de estruturas complexas que não poderiam ou não seriam tão fáceis de ser fabricadas numa só peça é cada vez mais usual. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir muitos outros métodos de ligação, como por exemplo ligações aparafusadas, rebitas ou soldadas, devido às vantagens de facilidade na sua fabricação, resistência superior e capacidade de unir materiais diferentes. Por esta razão as juntas adesivas têm vindo a ser aplicadas cada vez mais em várias industrias como aeroespacial, aeronáutica, automóvel, naval e calçado. O tipo de adesivo a usar em determinada aplicação é principalmente escolhido consoante as suas características mecânicas e o tipo de resposta pretendida às solicitações impostas. Como exemplo de adesivo resistente e frágil existe o Araldite® AV138. Por outro lado, o adesivo Araldite® 2015 é menos resistente, mas apresenta maior ductilidade e flexibilidade. Além dos adesivos Araldite® comerciais, existem adesivos de poliuretano que combinam características de elevada resistência com características de grande ductilidade e flexibilidade, como por exemplo o Sikaforce® 7752. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar experimentalmente e numericamente, através de modelos de dano coesivo (MDC), o comportamento de diferentes configurações de junta em T quando sujeitas a solicitações de arrancamento. Consideram-se os adesivos anteriormente mencionados para testar as juntas sob diferentes tipos de adesivos. A junta em T é constituída por 2 aderentes em L de alumínio e um aderente base também em alumínio, unidos por uma camada de adesivo. Experimentalmente é feito um estudo da resistência da junta com a variação da espessura dos aderentes em L (tP2). Com a análise numérica são estudadas as distribuições de tensões, evolução do dano, modos de rotura e resistência. Além disso, realizou-se um estudo numérico da existência ou não de adesivo de preenchimento na zona da curvatura dos aderentes em L nas tensões e na resistência da junta. Mostrouse que a variação da geometria nos aderentes em L, a presença de adesivo de preenchimento e o tipo de adesivo têm uma influência direta na resistência de junta. Os ensaios experimentais validaram os resultados numéricos e permitiram concluir que os MDC são uma técnica precisa para o estudo das geometrias das juntas em T.
Validation of the age determination procedure using otoliths of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay was achieved by monitoring very strong year-classes in successive spring catches and surveys, as well as the seasonal occurrence of edge types. Historical corroboration of the ageing method was obtained by cross-correlation between successive age groups by year-classes in catches and surveys (1987–2013). Summary annual growth in length is also presented. Yearly annuli consist of a hyaline zone (either single or composite) and a wide opaque zone, disrupted occasionally by some typical checks (mainly at age-0 and age-1 at peak spawning time). Age determination, given a date of capture, requires knowledge of the typical annual growth pattern of otoliths, their seasonal edge formation by ages and the most typical checks. Most opaque growth occurs in summer and is minimal (translucent) in winter. Opaque zone formation begins earlier in younger fish (in spring), and this helps distinguish age-1 from age-2+.