989 resultados para magnetic aging stress
Stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1) has been used to identify cardiac stem cells in the mouse heart. To investigate the function of Sca-1 in aging and during the cardiac adaptation to stress, we used Sca-1-deficient mice. These mice developed dilated cardiomyopathy [end-diastolic left ventricular diameter at 18 wk of age: wild-type (WT) mice, 4.2 mm ± 0.3; Sca-1-knockout (Sca-1-KO) mice, 4.6 mm ± 0.1; ejection fraction: WT mice, 51.1 ± 2.7%; Sca-1-KO mice, 42.9 ± 2.7%]. Furthermore, the hearts of mice lacking Sca-1 demonstrated exacerbated susceptibility to pressure overload [ejection fraction after transaortic constriction (TAC): WT mice, 43.5 ± 3.2%; Sca-1-KO mice, 30.8% ± 4.0] and increased apoptosis, as shown by the 2.5-fold increase in TUNEL(+) cells in Sca-1-deficient hearts under stress. Sca-1 deficiency affected primarily the nonmyocyte cell fraction. Indeed, the number of Nkx2.5(+) nonmyocyte cells, which represent a population of cardiac precursor cells (CPCs), was 2-fold smaller in Sca-1 deficient neonatal hearts. In vitro, the ability of CPCs to differentiate into cardiomyocytes was not affected by Sca-1 deletion. In contrast, these cells demonstrated unrestricted differentiation into cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, proliferation of cardiac nonmyocyte cells in response to stress, as judged by BrdU incorporation, was higher in mice lacking Sca-1 (percentages of BrdU(+) cells in the heart after TAC: WT mice, 4.4 ± 2.1%; Sca-1-KO mice, 19.3 ± 4.2%). These data demonstrate the crucial role of Sca-1 in the maintenance of cardiac integrity and suggest that Sca-1 restrains spontaneous differentiation in the precursor population. The absence of Sca-1 results in uncontrolled precursor recruitment, exhaustion of the precursor pool, and cardiac dysfunction.
Dietary fatty acid supply can affect stress response in fish during early development. Although knowledge on the mechanisms involved in fatty acid regulation of stress tolerance is scarce, it has often been hypothesised that eicosanoid profiles can influence cortisol production. Genomic cortisol actions are mediated by cytosolic receptors which may respond to cellular fatty acid signalling. An experiment was designed to test the effects of feeding gilthead sea-bream larvae with four microdiets, containing graded arachidonic acid (ARA) levels (0·4, 0·8, 1·5 and 3·0 %), on the expression of genes involved in stress response (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, glucocorticoid receptor and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase), lipid and, particularly, eicosanoid metabolism (hormone-sensitive lipase, PPARα, phospholipase A2, cyclo-oxygenase-2 and 5-lipoxygenase), as determined by real-time quantitative PCR. Fish fatty acid phenotypes reflected dietary fatty acid profiles. Growth performance, survival after acute stress and similar whole-body basal cortisol levels suggested that sea-bream larvae could tolerate a wide range of dietary ARA levels. Transcription of all genes analysed was significantly reduced at dietary ARA levels above 0·4 %. Nonetheless, despite practical suppression of phospholipase A2 transcription, higher leukotriene B4 levels were detected in larvae fed 3·0 % ARA, whereas a similar trend was observed regarding PGE2 production. The present study demonstrates that adaptation to a wide range of dietary ARA levels in gilthead sea-bream larvae involves the modulation of the expression of genes related to eicosanoid synthesis, lipid metabolism and stress response. The roles of ARA, other polyunsaturates and eicosanoids as signals in this process are discussed.
HCV-infection induces a state of oxidative stress more pronounced than in many other inflammatory diseases. Here we propose a temporal sequence of events in the HCV-infected cell whereby the primary alteration consists in release of Ca2+ from the ER followed by uptake into mitochondria. This triggers successive mitochondrial dysfunctions leading to generation of ROS and to a progressive metabolic adaptive response. Pathogenetic implications of the model and new opportunities for therapeutic intervention are discussed.
Objectifs Évaluer et comparer la présence de symptômes de stress post-traumatique, en fonction de la gravité de la prématurité, chez les mères et chez les pères de bébés nés prématurément. Méthode En fonction du score de risque périnatal (PERI) du bébé, les parents des prématurés (âge gestationnel moins de 34 semaines) ont été divisés en deux groupes : les parents de prématurés à faible risque (n = 16) et à haut risque (n = 26). Les symptômes d'intrusion et d'évitement, de l'état de stress post-traumatique, ont été évalués chez les parents à l'aide d'un questionnaire, l'Impact of Event Scale (IES). Leurs réponses ont été comparées à un groupe témoin de parents de nouveau-nés à terme (n = 24). Les différences entre les réponses des mères et des pères, ont été analysées. Résultats Les parents de bébés prématurés sont plus à risque que les parents de nouveau-nés à terme de présenter des symptômes de stress post-traumatique. Les mères en lien avec le fait même de la prématurité du bébé, les pères en lien avec la gravité de la prématurité. Les mères et les pères des prématurés des deux groupes (prématurés à faible risque, prématurés à haut risque) décrivent des symptômes d'intrusion, alors que les symptômes d'évitement sont décrits par toutes les mères, mais seulement par les pères de prématurés à haut risque périnatal. Conclusion La naissance prématurée est susceptible d'entraîner l'apparition de symptômes de stress post-traumatique chez les parents. Les mères et les pères réagissent différemment. Objectives Evaluation of the symptoms of parental post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to the severity of the prematurity, in mothers and fathers of premature babies. Materials and methods According to the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI), the parents of premature infants (gestational age less than 34 weeks) were divided into two groups, parents of a low-risk premature infants (n = 16) and of high-risk premature infants (n = 26). The symptoms of intrusion and avoidance, as a part of the post-traumatic stress disorder, were evaluated by an autoadministrated questionnaire, the Impact of Event Scale (IES). Their responses were compared with a control group of parents of full-term infants (n = 24). The differences in the answers of mothers and fathers were analysed. Results The occurrence of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder is increased in parents of preterm infants compared with the control group. Whereas mothers of premature infants are at risk of presenting symptoms of PTSD, linked to the prematurity, with fathers the infant perinatal risk factors play a greater role. The symptoms of intrusion are present in mothers and fathers of preterm infants of both groups. Mothers of both groups present avoidance symptoms, although only fathers of high-risk preterm infants present them. Conclusions Premature birth has an impact on both parents in terms of post-traumatic stress reactions. However, mothers and fathers react in different ways according to the severity of the prematurity.
This article presents the post-delivery perceived stress inventory (PDPSI) and its psychometric properties. This inventory is unique in that it links the measurement of perceived stress to events experienced during and after delivery. A total of 235 French-speaking, primiparous mothers completed the PDPSI two days after their delivery. To evaluate the predictive validity of the PDPSI on anxiety and depression, participants also completed the EPDS and the STAI two days and six weeks postpartum. The exploratory analysis revealed a 16-item structure divided into five factors: F1: relationship with the child; F2: delivery; F3: fatigue after delivery; F4: breastfeeding; and F5: relationship with the caregivers. The PDPSI demonstrated good internal consistency. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis produced excellent indices, indicating that the complexity of the PDPSI was taken into account and its fit to the sample. The discriminant analysis showed that the PDPSI was not sensitive to specific changes in the sample making the inventory generalizable to other populations. Predictive validity showed that the scale significantly predicted depression and anxiety in the early postpartum period as well as anxiety six weeks postpartum. Overall, the PDPSI showed excellent psychometric qualities, making it a useful tool for future research-evaluating interventions related to perceived stress during the postpartum period.
Chronic stress in Western society can activate the autonomus, neuroendocrine and inflammatory/immunlogic systems. Chronic exposure to stressors can indeed stimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and induce a disbalance between anabolic and catabolic hormones, responsible of an increased in visceral fat and of insulin resistance. These metabolic consequences can lead to pre-diabetes. Exposure to chronic stress results in allostatic load and its pathophysiologic consequences. The knowledge of this mecanisms and the cardiovascular and metabolic risk related, should influence our way of thinking about patient care. To decrease allostatic load, practitioners can rely on therapeutic relation. Therapeutic education is one of the skill that can be use to create therapeutic relation.
As future treatments increasingly target the protein chemistry underlying the different dementias, itbecomes crucially important to distinguish between the dementias during life. Neither specific proteinnor genetic markers are as yet available in clinical practice. However, neuroimaging is an obviouscandidate technique that may yield enhanced diagnostic accuracy when applied to thedementias. The physiopathology and anatomopathology is complex in dementia with Lewy bodies(DLB). Besides the relative sparing of medial temporal lobe structures in DLB in comparison toAlzheimer's disease, no clear signature pattern of cerebral atrophy associated with DLB has beenestablished so far. Among others, one reason may be the difficulty in visualizing the small brainnuclei that are differentially involved among the dementias. While we think that structural magneticresonance imaging neuroimaging should be part of the diagnostic workup of most dementia syndromesdue to its usefulness in the differential diagnosis, its contribution to a positive diagnosis ofDLB is as yet limited. The development of different neuroimaging techniques may help distinguishreliably DLB from other neurodegenerative disorders. However, in order to become accepted as partof standard care, these techniques must still prove their effectiveness under routine conditions suchas those encountered by the general practitioner.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To determine optimum spatial resolution when imaging peripheral arteries with magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight vessel diameters ranging from 1.0 to 8.0 mm were simulated in a vascular phantom. A total of 40 three-dimensional flash MRA sequences were acquired with incremental variations of fields of view, matrix size, and slice thickness. The accurately known eight diameters were combined pairwise to generate 22 "exact" degrees of stenosis ranging from 42% to 87%. Then, the diameters were measured in the MRA images by three independent observers and with quantitative angiography (QA) software and used to compute the degrees of stenosis corresponding to the 22 "exact" ones. The accuracy and reproducibility of vessel diameter measurements and stenosis calculations were assessed for vessel size ranging from 6 to 8 mm (iliac artery), 4 to 5 mm (femoro-popliteal arteries), and 1 to 3 mm (infrapopliteal arteries). Maximum pixel dimension and slice thickness to obtain a mean error in stenosis evaluation of less than 10% were determined by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Mean errors on stenosis quantification were 8.8% +/- 6.3% for 6- to 8-mm vessels, 15.5% +/- 8.2% for 4- to 5-mm vessels, and 18.9% +/- 7.5% for 1- to 3-mm vessels. Mean errors on stenosis calculation were 12.3% +/- 8.2% for observers and 11.4% +/- 15.1% for QA software (P = .0342). To evaluate stenosis with a mean error of less than 10%, maximum pixel surface, the pixel size in the phase direction, and the slice thickness should be less than 1.56 mm2, 1.34 mm, 1.70 mm, respectively (voxel size 2.65 mm3) for 6- to 8-mm vessels; 1.31 mm2, 1.10 mm, 1.34 mm (voxel size 1.76 mm3), for 4- to 5-mm vessels; and 1.17 mm2, 0.90 mm, 0.9 mm (voxel size 1.05 mm3) for 1- to 3-mm vessels. CONCLUSION: Higher spatial resolution than currently used should be selected for imaging peripheral vessels.
The Staphylococcus aureus cell wall stress stimulon (CWSS) is activated by cell envelope-targeting antibiotics or depletion of essential cell wall biosynthesis enzymes. The functionally uncharacterized S. aureus LytR-CpsA-Psr (LCP) proteins, MsrR, SA0908 and SA2103, all belong to the CWSS. Although not essential, deletion of all three LCP proteins severely impairs cell division. We show here that VraSR-dependent CWSS expression was up to 250-fold higher in single, double and triple LCP mutants than in wild type S. aureus in the absence of external stress. The LCP triple mutant was virtually depleted of wall teichoic acids (WTA), which could be restored to different degrees by any of the single LCP proteins. Subinhibitory concentrations of tunicamycin, which inhibits the first WTA synthesis enzyme TarO (TagO), could partially complement the severe growth defect of the LCP triple mutant. Both of the latter findings support a role for S. aureus LCP proteins in late WTA synthesis, as in Bacillus subtilis where LCP proteins were recently proposed to transfer WTA from lipid carriers to the cell wall peptidoglycan. Intrinsic activation of the CWSS upon LCP deletion and the fact that LCP proteins were essential for WTA-loading of the cell wall, highlight their important role(s) in S. aureus cell envelope biogenesis.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Recent developments of MR imaging equipment enabled high-quality steady state-free-precession (Balanced FFE, True-FISP) MR-imaging with a substantial 'T2 like' contrast, resulting in a high signal intensity of the blood-pool without the application of exogenous contrast agents. It is hypothesized that Balanced-FFE may be valuable for contrast enhancement in 3D free-breathing coronary MRA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Navigator-gated free-breathing cardiac triggered coronary MRA was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects and three patients with radiograph defined coronary artery disease using a segmented k-space 3D Balanced FFE imaging sequence. RESULTS: High contrast-to-noise ratio between the blood-pool and the myocardium (29 +/- 8) and long segment visualization of both coronary arteries could be obtained in about 5 minutes during free breathing using the present navigator-gated Balanced-FFE coronary MRA approach. First patient results demonstrated successful display of coronary artery stenoses. CONCLUSION: Balanced FFE offers a potential alternative for endogenous contrast enhancement in navigator-gated free-breathing 3D coronary MRA. The obtained results together with the relatively short scanning time warrant further studies in larger patient collectives.
This article tests different P-E fit dimensions in order to assess their impact on three work outcomes: job satisfaction; organizational commitment; and stress perception. Findings shows that P-E fit dimensions have differentiated effects on its dependent variables. This study contributes to several important academic discussions. The first concerns the model tested, which contains several P-E fit dimensions. The second scientific contribution is to consider P-E fit dimensions as antecedents of three job outcomes. The third contribution concerns the development and testing of a new P-E fit dimension called "person-reforms" fit.
Studies in adults have shown that late gadolinium enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance is a safe and noninvasive diagnostic tool which allows one to differentiate myocardial infarction from myocarditis. We believe that it may also be highly useful in the paediatric population for the same purpose.
College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (a) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning; (b) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect; and (c) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.
PURPOSE: To investigate the feasibility of high-resolution selective three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance coronary angiography (MRCA) in the evaluation of coronary artery stenoses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 12 patients with coronary artery stenoses, MRCA of the coronary artery groups, including the coronary segments with stenoses of 50% or greater based on conventional x-ray coronary angiography (CAG), was performed with double-oblique imaging planes by orienting the 3D slab along the major axis of each right coronary artery-left circumflex artery (RCA-LCX) group and each left main trunk-left anterior descending artery (LMT-LAD) group. Ten RCA-LCX and five LMT-LAD MR angiograms were obtained, and the results were compared with those of conventional x-ray angiography. RESULTS: Among 70 coronary artery segments expected to be covered, a total of 49 (70%) segments were fully demonstrated in diagnostic quality. The identification of segmental location of stenoses showed as high an accuracy as 96%. The retrospective analysis for stenosis of 50% or greater yielded the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 80%, 85%, and 84%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Selective 3D MRCA has the potential for segment-by-segment evaluation of major portions of the right and left coronary arteries with high accuracy.