999 resultados para método de extração
'Cachaça' is the Brazilian name for the spirit obtained from sugarcane. According to Brazilian regulations, it may be sold raw or with addition of sugar and may contain up to 5 mg/L of copper. Copper in "cachaça" was determined by titration with EDTA, using a homemade copper membrane electrode for end-point detection. It was found a pooled standard deviation of 0,057 mg/L and there was no significant difference between the results obtained by the potentiometric method and by flame atomic absorption spectrometry with standard addition. Among the 21 'cachaça' samples from 16 different brands analyzed, three overpassed the legal copper limit. For its characteristics of accuracy, precision, and speed, the potentiometric method may be employed advantageously in routine analysis, specially when low cost is a major concern.
In the selective reduction procedure proposed by Magos SnCl2 was used as reductant for inorganic mercury while total mercury was determined after reduction with a mixture of SnCl2 and CdCl2. The difference between total mercury and inorganic mercury determines the content of organic mercury. The procedure of the present work differs of Magos in that the mercury vapour is carried to the absorption cell after magnetic stirring of the solution in the reaction flask; in the Magos procedure, mercury vapour is carried by bubbling the gas in to the solution. In contrast to the Magos procedure this slight modification overcame the necessity of at calibration by analyte addition, saving time and gainning accuracy.
Thermodynamic properties and radial distribution functions for liquid chloroform were calculated using the Monte Carlo method implemented with Metropolis algorithm in the NpT ensemble at 298 K and 1 atm. A five site model was developed to represent the chloroform molecules. A force field composed by Lennard-Jones and Coulomb potential functions was used to calculate the intermolecular energy. The partial charges needed to represent the Coulombic interactions were obtained from quantum chemical ab initio calculations. The Lennard-Jones parameters were adjusted to reproduce experimental values for density and enthalpy of vaporization for pure liquid. All thermodynamic results are in excelent agreement with experimental data. The correlation functions calculated are in good accordance with theoretical results avaliable in the literature. The free energy for solvating one chloroform molecule into its own liquid at 298 K and 1 atm was computed as an additional test of the potential model. The result obtained compares well with the experimental value. The medium effects on cis/trans convertion of a hypotetical solute in water TIP4P and chloroform solvents were also accomplished. The results obtained from this investigation are in agreement with estimates of the continuous theory of solvation.
In this study we describe an experimental procedure based on a chemical industrial process of soya-bean oil extraction applied in general chemistry for undergraduate students. The experiment was planned according to the Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach to teach basic chemical concepts and provide grounding in the management of environmental care. The use of real life chemistry problems seems to salient the relevance of chemistry to our students and enhances their motivation to learn both the practical and theoretical components of the discipline.
This work discusses sample preparation processes for gas chromatography (GC) based on the technique of extraction through membrane permeation (MPE). The MPE technique may be easily coupled to GC via a relatively simple device, which is a module that holds the membrane and is directly connected to the GC column. The possibility of operational errors due to sample handling is substantially reduced in an MPE-GC system because the sample preparation and the chemical analysis are accomplished as a one-step process. The MPE technique is of relatively wide application as it can be used for aqueous samples, solid samples and gaseous samples. Depending on the type of sample the extraction is performed with the membrane in direct contact with the sample or in contact with its headspace. The MPE-GC technique is very useful in trace analysis, due to the time-dependent enrichment of the analyte. A typical application of MPE-GC is the analysis of VOCs present in water that may be accomplished with detection limits at the low ppb (mugL-1) level.
A procedure for the nitration of phenol in a semi-micro scale, followed by separation of the formed orto- and para-nitrophenol isomers by column chromatography, is described. All the experiment, including determination of the melting point of the isolated products, require a period of 4 hours, and it is suitable for organic chemistry laboratory undergraduate courses.
Substâncias húmicas de turfa: estudo dos parâmetros que influenciam no processo de extração alcalina
This study reports the parameters which influence on extraction of humic substances (HS) from peat. The yield, organic and inorganic contend, E4/E6 ratio and elemental composition (C,H,N) of the extracted HS have been determined. The functional groups were identified by Fourier-transform infrared espectroscopy. The results showed influence of the extractor type, concentration, time, temperature and granular texture of the sample in the extraction. This work contributes to better understanding of the extraction process showing the necessity of the standard method to extract humic substances from soil
In this work, samples of chitosan obtained in different conditions were characterized by molecular weight distribution, using Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), in two different solvents. It was observed that the increase in the number of deacetylation steps promotes a increase in the degree of deacetylation followed by a decrease in the average of molecular weight and polydispersion. The GPC curves obtained for chitosan samples in the two solvents used (CH3COOH 0.30 mol/dm³ - CH3CONa 0.20 mol/dm³ and CH3COOH 0.10 mol/dm³ - NaCl 0.20 mol/dm³) showed small difference in elution volume, but significant changes in the average molecular weight (Mn and Mw) and polydispersion that, in agree with the values of Huggins constant, present evidences of chitosan aggregates formation in the second solvent.
When organic compounds present in biological fluids are analysed by chromatographic methods, it is generally necessary to carry out a prior sample preparation due the high complexity of this type of sample, especially when the compounds to be determinated are found in very low concentrations. This article describes some of the principal methods for sample preparation in analyses of substances present in biological fluids. The methods include liquid-liquid extraction, solid phase extraction, supercritical fluid extraction and extraction using solid and liquid membranes. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are discussed.
The pyrethroids bifenthrin, permethrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE) and solid phase microextraction (SPME). The analysis were performed on a gas chromatograph with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). Octadecil Silano-C18, Florisil and Silica stationary phases were studied for SPE. Better results were obtained for Florisil which gave recoveries from 80% to 108%. Pyrethroids extraction by SPME showed a linear response and a detection limit of 10 pg ml-1. Although the data showed that the two extraction methods were able to isolate the pesticide residues from water samples, the best results were obtained by using SPME which is more sensitive, faster, cheeper, being a more useful technique for the analysis of pyrethroids in drinking water.
The sequential extraction procedure proposed by Tessier and total digestion were applied for the analysis of sediment samples from Tubarão River. The recoveries were between 93.5 and 102.5% for Cu and 99.2 and 111% for Pb. The precision was tipically better than 6% for Cu and 3% for Pb. Comparison of the values obtained for the total digest with the sum of the extracted fractions showed that there were no significant losses in the extraction steps so that the method can be used for the monitoring availability and mobility of these analytes. According to ten points of sampling, was possible to determined the average of labiles phases (fractions 1 and 4) for Pb and Cu: 33.70% and 18.18%, respectively; and the inert phases (fraction 5- residual): 66.30% for Pb and 81.82% for Cu.
A headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) for the determination of 1,4 dioxane in cosmetics by gas chromatography is described. A manual SPME holder with 85 µm polyacrylate coating is utilized. The method is determined to have good resolution, satisfactory linerity (correlation coefficient r=0.997 for 0.20-10.00 mg Kg-1 range), a relative standard deviation of 6.3% and a detection limit of 5.00 µg Kg-1. Some cosmectic products were analyzed.
Some aspects of the chemistry involved in the preparation and characterization of functionalized silicon oxide by sol-gel method are considered in this work. The synthesis was performed with different silicon alcoxide precursors and the influence of the acid and basic catalyst was investigated. Characterization was performed by infrared absorption spectroscopy, elemental analysis and 29Si NMR. Infrared data show Si-C and -CH2- vibrational modes at 1250 to 1280 and 2920 to 2940 cm-1, respectively. The elemental analysis confirmed the presence of organic groups in the inorganic silica network. 29Si NMR results show different hydrolisys depending on the acid or base catalysis.
Six supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) methods were tested, by varying the following operational parameters: CO2 pressure, time and temperature of extraction, type and proportion of static modifier, and Hydromatrix®/sample rate into cell. Firstly, insecticide carbamates were extracted from spiked potatoes samples (fortification level of 0,5 mg.Kg-1) by using SPE procedures, and then final extracts were analyzed HPLC/fluorescence. Good performance was observed with SFE methods that operated with values of temperature and CO2 pressure of 50 ºC and 350 bar, respectively. Best efficiency was obtained when it was used acetonitrile as a modifier (3% on the cell volume), and Hydromatrix®/sample rate of 2:1. Static time was of 1 min; total extraction time was of 35 min; dynamic extraction was performed with 15 mL of CO2, and it was used methanol (2 mL) for the dissolution of the final residue. In such conditions, pesticide recoveries varied from 72 to 94%, depending on the analyzed compound. In higher extraction temperatures, a rapid degradation was observed for some compounds, such as aldicarb and carbaryl; presence of their metabolites was further confirmed by HPLC-APCI/MS in positive mode. Detection limits for chromatographic analysis varied from 0,2 to 1,3 ng.
An alternative analytical method for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in atmosphere was developed. The collection of NO2 is performed by a Sep-Pack C-18 cartridge impregnated with 11% (v/v) of triethanolamine plus 3,6 % (v/v) of ethylene glycol plus 25 % (v/v) of acetone combined solution. When the impregnating is used, NO2 is collected with good repeatibility (CV = 3,3 %). The NO2 absorbed in the sampler was stripped from the sorbent with a methanol 5% (v/v) aqueous solution and was determined by colorimetry as nitrite by using the Griess-Saltzman reagent. The detection limit of 1,4 ppb for 60 min sampling at 0,5 L min-1 flow rate was obtained. Preparation and conditioning procedures for TEA-C-18 cartridge, sampling flow rate, absorption capacity and interference of other species are discussed.