974 resultados para linguistic calques
[spa] El artículo plantea una breve revisión de la idea de ironía desde el punto de vista de la retórica y sus derivaciones en algunos de los estudios lingüísticos del siglo XX. Se parte de la clasificación tradicional de la ironía socrática, la ironía retórica y la ironía romántica para centrar el análisis en aspectos básicos del fenómeno irónico tales como la oposición, la verosimilitud, la complicidad con el intérprete o el papel desempeñado por el contexto. [eng] This article is a brief review of the concept of irony from the point of view of rhetoric and its influences in some of the twentieth century linguistic studies. The review begins with the traditional classification of Socratic irony, rhetoric irony and romantic irony in order to focus the analysis on some fundamental elements of ironic phenomenon such as opposition, verisimilitude, camaraderie with the interpreter or the role played by the context.
In this paper we present ClInt (Clinical Interview), a bilingual Spanish-Catalan spoken corpus that contains 15 hours of clinical interviews. It consists of audio files aligned with multiple-level transcriptions comprising orthographic, phonetic and morphological information, as well as linguistic and extralinguistic encoding. This is a previously non-existent resource for these languages and it offers a wide-ranging exploitation potential in a broad variety of disciplines such as Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and related fields.
CoCo is a collaborative web interface for the compilation of linguistic resources. In this demo we are presenting one of its possible applications: paraphrase acquisition.
BACKGROUND: The concept of meaning in life (MIL) has become a central one in recent years, particularly in psycho-oncology and palliative care. The Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMILE) has been developed to allow individuals to choose the life areas that they consider to be important for their own MIL. This approach relates to the "World Health Organisation" definition of quality of life (QOL) as an individual's perception of his own position. The aims of this study were (i) to assess MIL in a representative sample of the Swiss population according to the three linguistic regions and (ii) to evaluate whether MIL constitutes a significant determinant of the perceived QOL. METHODS: A telephone survey of the Swiss population, performed by a professional survey company, was conducted between November and December 2013. The interview included the SMILE, perceived QOL (0-10) and health status (1-5), and various sociodemographic variables. In the SMILE, an index of weighting (IOW, 20-100), an index of satisfaction (IOS, 0-100), and a total SMILE index (IOWS, 0-100) are calculated from the areas mentioned by the participants as providing MIL. RESULTS: Among the 6671 telephonic contacts realized, 1015 (15 %) participants completed the survey: 405 French, 400 German and 210 Italian participants. "Family" (80.2 %), "occupation/work" (51 %), and "social relations" (43.3 %) were the most cited MIL-relevant categories. Italian participants listed "health" more frequently than German and French participants (50.4 % vs 31.5 % and 24.8 % respectively, χ(2) = 12.229, p = .002). Age, gender, education, employment, and marital status significantly influenced either the MIL scores or the MIL-relevant categories. Linear regression analyses indicate that 24.3 % of the QOL variance (p = .000) is explained by health status (B = .609, IC = .490-.728, p = .000), MIL (B = .034, IC = .028-.041, p = .000) and socioeconomic status (F = 11.01, p = .000). CONCLUSION: The major finding of our analysis highlights the positive and significant influence of MIL on the perceived QOL in a representative sample of a general, multilingual and multicultural population. This result indicates that the existential dimension is not only determinant for QOL in some critical life events, as shown e.g. in psycho-oncology and palliative care, but also in everyday life.
This article examines the mainstream categorical definition of coreference as "identity of reference." It argues that coreference is best handled when identity is treated as a continuum, ranging from full identity to non-identity, with room for near-identity relations to explain currently problematic cases. This middle ground is needed to account for those linguistic expressions in real text that stand in relations that are neither full coreference nor non-coreference, a situation that has led to contradictory treatment of cases in previous coreference annotation efforts. We discuss key issues for coreference such as conceptual categorization, individuation, criteria of identity, and the discourse model construct. We redefine coreference as a scalar relation between two (or more) linguistic expressions that refer to discourse entities considered to be at the same granularity level relevant to the linguistic and pragmatic context. We view coreference relations in terms of mental space theory and discuss a large number of real life examples that show near-identity at different degrees.
This paper describes and analyses language norms in a storytelling manual published in the Frenchspeaking part of Switzerland. In the manual, storytelling is conceived as a means of persuasion and thus it appears that an appropriate storytelling should lead to believe or to act. What exactly is "appropriateness" in this specific case? In order to examine this issue, this paper addresses three questions: how storytelling is promoted as an efficient communicative technique; which methods are used to propose and support language norms (by showing "what the storyteller should do" and by saying "how he should do so"); and which are the criteria which define an appropriate story (semantic/formal and functional criteria) and an appropriate telling of the story (communicative and linguistic criteria).
On the variation in literary languages The article discusses the formation and development of several literary languages. The main objects of the study are the Finno-Ugric languages spoken in the Volga-Kama region (Russia), and Chuvash, but, for comparison, Norwegian, Arabic, Russian, Finnish and some other Finno-Ugric languages are treated, as well. A general classification of cases where linguistic variation tends to occur in standard languages is put forward. The author also discusses the question whether some kind of universal “normal” amount of variation can be defined for literary languages. The conclusion is that the degree of variation allowed in a literary norm is highly language-specific and depends on the characteristics of the linguistic situation and the history of the literary standard.
Le but de cet article est triple. D'abord, nous identifions les qualités d'une bonne justice en Suisse, telles que défi nies par les différents acteurs qui forment le tribunal au sens large (juges, gestionnaires de tribunaux, avocats, journalistes, politiciens). Deuxièmement, nous vérifions si ces qualités peuvent coexister avec les valeurs véhiculées par le monde managérial (NGP). Enfin, nous évaluons la manière dont elles cohabitent (hybridation, dominance des unes sur les autres, etc.). Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé une série d'entretiens (56) semi-structurés menés dans des tribunaux de première et seconde instance dans des cours civiles, administratives et criminelles, dans les trois régions linguistiques du pays. Les résultats montrent que les groupes d'acteurs interviewés ont des attentes relativement similaires et qu'elles ne semblent pas être incompatibles avec celles de l'univers managérial. Cependant, lorsqu'ils décrivent la bonne justice, les participants font plus souvent appel à des notions liées au monde commercial qu'au monde industriel contrairement à d'autres études menées auprès d'employés du secteur public suisse, mais dans la lignée de ceux du Québec. L'article ouvre la voie à des recherches ultérieures dont l'objectif sera de tester ces conclusions. Abstract The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we identify the qualities of good justice in Switzerland, as defi ned by the various actors who form the tribunal in a broad sense (judges, court managers, lawyers, journalists, politicians). Second, we verify if these qualities are compatible with the values conveyed by the managerial universe (NPM). Finally, we evaluate how they coexist (hybridization, dominance over each other, etc.). To do this, we analysed a series of semi-structured interviews (56) conducted in tribunals of fi rst and second instance in civil, administrative,and criminal courts in the three linguistic regions of the country. The results show that the groups of actors interviewed have relatively similar expectations that do not seem to be incompatible with those of the managerial world. However, when describing good justice, the participants refer more frequently to concepts related to the commercial than the industrial world, contrary to other Swiss public servants but in line with those of Quebec, as uncovered by former studies. The article opens up the path to further research whose objective will be to test those conclusions.
This article deals with self-referential storytelling in sociolinguistic interviews. It analyzes the personal stories in ten interviews to linguistically heterogeneous couples. For this purpose, it is applied the model of linguistic analysis of drama (Bruner & Weisser 1991) and it identifies and interprets discursive markers of autobiographical storytelling. Therefore it takes into consideration the elements referred to agents and to their actions, to the sequences of events, to the canon or rule, and to the narrator's perspective. At the same time, it proposes to extend our approach to the existence itself of the participants. Resumen.-"Discurso narrativo en entrevistas a parejas lingüísticamente mixtas". Este artículo trata de las narraciones autorreferenciales en entrevistas sociolingüísticas sobre concepciones y usos de las lenguas en familias lingüísticamente mixtas. Analiza los relatos que aparecen en diez entrevistas a padres y madres que forman parejas lingüísticamente heterogéneas. Aplica el modelo de análisis lingüístico del dramatismo (Bruner & Weisser 1991). Identifica e interpreta los marcadores discursivos de la narración autobiográfica. Con este propósito considera los constituyentes que se refieren a los agentes y sus acciones, a las secuencias de sucesos, al canon o norma y a la perspectiva del narrador. Y propone la ampliación del estudio a los guiones de vida de lo actores. Palabras clave: entrevista, relato, narración, pareja, política lingüística de la familia, multilingüismo, marcador discursivo.
This article is a reflection about the future which does not obviate all the knowledge acquired in nearly a hundred years time of research about bilingualism and bilingual education. In the first part, it considers the psycho-educational base where bilingualism lies on. In the second part, this article shows the possibilities and the limits of bilingual education in societies which are more and more diversified on linguistic terms. Finally, it reviews some of the guidelines about linguistic education both in Europe and in this country, while it points out some methods to promote the multilingual competence of students
This paper gives a full description of the phonetics and phonology of Traditional Cockney and Popular London speech, treating these varieties as constituting a continuum rather than two separate dialects. Exemplification of the vowels, diphthongs and consonants is provided, both in isolate words and in connected speech, along with their range of variation. The frequencies of the vowels have been charted on the basis of the pronunciation of three elderly male speakers. Regarding the consonants, there are detailed observations on the features typically associated with the linguistic varieties examined: strong aspiration of unvoiced plosives, glottalization, H-dropping, L-vocalization and TH-fronting. A section on prosody provides coverage of lexical stress, rhythm and intonation. The paper takes into account up-to-date research on these phenomena, but does not deal with the most recent vowel shifts, some of which form part of Multi-cultural London English.
En este artículo presentamos el desarrollo de un nuevo recurso de código abierto para el español: el treebank Tibidabo. La anotación se está llevando a cabo de forma semiautomática en la que, en primer lugar, el corpus es analizado automaticamente con una gramática simbólica del español basada en HPSG e implementada en el sistema Linguistic Knowledge Builder, y, en segundo lugar, los resultados del proceso de análisis se desambiguan manualmente. La existencia del treebank Tibidabo nos permitirá futuros trabajos de investigación para el desarrollo y evaluación de una arquitectura híbrida que combine métodos simbólicos y estadísticos para el PLN, así como investigaciones orientadas a la hibridización de técnicas de bajo y alto nivel para el PLN.
Treball que té per objectiu principal fer un recull dels articles publicats sobre Joan Solà. D'aquesta manera, es pretén aportar una eina pràctica als investigadors interessats en el tema del treball: l'obra i la figura de Solà.
The European Educational Institutions have the challenge and the commitment to enhance multilingual competence and teaching curricular subjects in a foreign language is seen as one of the most promising alternatives. In that context, professors teaching different engineering subjects at the School of Engineering of the UPC at Manresa (EPSEM) have been involved in projects aiming at analyzing the current linguistic situation and developing some on-line open access materials using CLIL as a strategy. They formed the u-Linguatech Research Group on Multilingual Communication in Science and Technology in order to provide such resources in an effective and efficient way. In this paper, we focus on students’ perception of the improvement of their multilingual competence throughout their Engineering degree, by means of subjects taught in English by non-native speakers. Data about the English level of current students are taken into account. We also describe the use of the above resources to improve the quality of subjects learning related to Chemical Engineering curricula.
Internationalization strategies and the European Space of Higher Education are causing a growing interest in English medium instruction (EMI). University linguistic and internationalization policies are attempting to provide lectures with the required training and education. Linguists can supply not only the knowledge of the language but the knowledge about language which may enable lecturers to increase their academic language competence autonomously. This paper presents a framework for the analysis of lecturers’ discourse to trigger reflection about the linguistic needs in CLIL/EMI contexts.