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Although the malaria parasite was discovered more than 120 years ago, it is only during the past 20 years, following the cloning of malaria genes, that we have been able to think rationally about vaccine design and development. Effective vaccines for malaria could interrupt the life cycle of the parasite at different stages in the human host or in the mosquito. The purpose of this review is to outline the challenges we face in developing a vaccine that will limit growth of the parasite during the stage within red blood cells - the stage responsible for all the symptoms and pathology of malaria. More than 15 vaccine trials have either been completed or are in progress, and many more are planned. Success in current trials could lead to a vaccine capable of saving more than 2 million lives per year.


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We recently demonstrated that Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts can take up bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) virions and that viral episomal DNA is replicated after uptake. Here we demonstrate that BPV virus-like particles are assembled in infected S. cerevisiae cultures from newly synthesized capsid proteins and also package newly synthesized DNA, including full-length and truncated viral DNA and S. cerevisiae-derived DNA. Virus particles prepared in S. cerevisiae are able to convey packaged DNA to Cos1 cells and to transform C127 cells. Infectivity was blocked by antisera to BPV1 L1 but not antisera to BPV1 E4. We conclude that S. cerevisiae is permissive for the replication of BPV1 virus.


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DNA probes were used in in situ hybridisation on histological sections of oysters exposed for defined intervals to Marteilia sydneyi infection to reveal the early development of the parasite in the oyster host, Saccostrea glomerata. The initial infective stages enter through the palps and gills whereupon extrasporogonic proliferation results in the liberation of cells into surrounding connective tissue and haemolymph spaces. Following systemic dissemination, the parasite infiltrates the digestive gland and becomes established as a nurse cell beneath the epithelial cells ill a digestive tubule. Here, cell-within-cell proliferation results in the eventual liberation of daughter cells from the nurse cell into spaces between adjacent epithelial cells. None of these stages had previously been described. Proliferation is associated with host responses, including haemocytic infiltration of the connective tissue and diapedesis across tubule epithelia. The responses cease as sporogenesis begins. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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If the cestodes are excluded, then the parasitic platyhelminths of fishes divide neatly into the external and monoxenous Monogenea and the internal and heteroxenous Digenea. Both groups have apparently had long associations of coevolution, host switching and adaptation with fishes and have become highly successful in their respective habitats. Current estimates of species richness for the two groups suggest that they may be remarkably similar. Here we consider the nature of the diversity of the Monogenea. and Digenea of fishes in terms of richness of species and higher taxa to determine what processes may be responsible for observed differences. The Monogenea includes at least two super-genera (Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus) each of which has hundreds of species, no comparable genera are found in the Digenea. Possible reasons for this difference include the higher host specificity of monogeneans and their shorter generation Lime. If allowance is made for the vagaries of taxonomic 'lumping' and 'splitting', then there are probably comparable numbers of families of monogeneans and digeneans in fishes. However, the nature of the families differ profoundly. Richness in higher taxa (families) in the Digenea is explicable in terms of processes that appear to have been unimportant in the Monogenea. Readily identifiable sources of diversity in the Digenea are: recolonisation of fishes by taxa that arose in association with tetrapods; adoption of new sites within hosts; adoption of new diets and feeding mechanisms; adaptations relating to the exploitation of ecologically similar groups of fishes and second intermediate hosts; and adaptations relating to the exploitation of phylogenetic lineages of molluscs. In contrast, most higher- level monogenean diversity (other than that associated with the subclasses) relates principally to morphological specialisation for attachment by the haptor. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Until the recent establishment of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in North America. Australia was the only developed region endemic for this parasite. Almost 50 years ago the life cycle was elucidated there, in the city of Brisbane, and the first human infections probably occurred in 1959. From the 1970s, increasing numbers of autochthonous infections have been reported along the central east coast of the continent (southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales), involving humans, rats, dogs, horses, flying foxes and marsupials. Ten years ago, the parasite was discovered in Sydney, almost 1,000 km to the south, in dogs. In that city, it has since been diagnosed as a cause of neurological disease in increasing numbers of dogs, flying foxes, marsupials and zoo primates. Presumably, these infections resulted from the ingestion of snails or slugs, and it seems that virtually all species of native and exotic terrestrial molluscs can serve as intermediate hosts. It is not known how the parasite was introduced to this continent, or how it has spread over such an extensive territory, although eventually its range could encompass the entire east coast, and potentially other regions. It is also not known if the almost identical, native species, A. mackerrasae, is able to infect people (or other non-rodent hosts). All worms recovered to date, from one fatal human case, and from many animal infections, have been confirmed as A. cantonensis.


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The age of sex reversal of the venus tusk fish Choerodon venustus, caught by line fishing at various locations on the southern Great Barrier Reef, indicated that C. venustus is capable of modifying its life cycle in response to increased mortality. The evidence suggests Masthead Reef fish, which experience the highest mortality, underwent sex reversal at a smaller size and younger age than at the other sites. The largest female fish, sexually transitional fish and males were smaller at Masthead Reef than at the Swains Reefs or One Tree Reef at Masthead Reef. There was also considerable overlap in the size of males and females within the exploited populations indicating that sex reversal is not initiated at a particular length but may have a social cause. The sex ratio of fish was essentially the same for fish fully susceptible to line fishing in the Swains and Masthead samples. Circumstantial evidence suggested that the absence of large males in a population may initiate sex reversal, indicating the maintenance of a constant sex ratio may have a social basis. (C) 2002 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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In 1851, Theodor Bilharz described a parasitic infection (bilharzia) that would later be termed schistosomiasis. Currently, 200 million people in 74 countries have this disease; 120 million of them have symptoms, and 20 million have severe illness.1 Schistosomiasis is caused by parasitic trematode worms (schistosomes) that reside in the abdominal veins of their vertebrate definitive hosts. The life cycle of the schistosome is depicted in Figure 1. Schistosomiasis is 1 of the 10 tropical diseases especially targeted for control by the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases of the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, . . . [Full Text of this Article]


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In this study, the question of whether Childers canegrub, Antitrogus parvulus (Britton) overwinters in the subsoil was addressed. Irrigated fields of sugarcane were sampled during a 2-year period near Bundaberg in southern Queensland. Antitrogus parvulus overwintered as second and third instars at each of three sites. During autumn and winter third instars of different allochronic (separated in age by 12 months) populations occurred together and could not be readily separated. Field-collected third instars were reared on ryegrass and separated into two age groups based on the date of pupation. Third instars in the first year of their life cycle (young third instars) remained at shallow depth (100-200 mm) and did not overwinter in the subsoil as once thought. Minimum temperatures during winter were 13-16degreesC and did not prevent young third instars from feeding and gaining weight. Third instars in their second and final year moved downwards from late summer and pupated in the subsoil at 293-425 mm in spring. General phenology was as previously reported with first instar larvae occurring from January until April, second instars from January until November and third instar larvae throughout the year. Prepupae and pupae were found between October and December and adults occurred in soil during November and January. Batches of eggs occurred at a mean depth of 350 mm. First and second instars occurred predominantly at relatively shallow (100-200 mm) depths in the soil profile. All stages tended to be most common under rows of sugarcane rather than in the interrow.


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Lungfish of the tooth-plated lineage, both fossil and living, may be affected by alterations in the permanent tooth plates and associated jaw bones as they grow. In a few taxa, the unusual structures may be so common that they must be considered as normal for those species, or as a variation of the normal condition. In others the condition is rare, affecting only a few individuals. Variations, or anomalies, may appear in the growing tissues of the lungfish tooth plate at any time in the life cycle, although they usually appear early in development. Once the changes appear, they persist in the dentition. The altered structures include divided or intercalated ridges, short ridge anomaly, changes in the shape, number and position of cusps, pattern loss, and fused ridges or cusps. Criteria used to distinguish alteration from normal conditions are the incidence of the character in the population, the associated changes in the jaw bone, and the position of the altered structure in the tooth plate. The occurrence of similar changes across a wide range of different species suggests that they may have a genetic cause, especially when they are a rare occurrence in most taxa, but common enough to be a part of the normal variation in others. Prevalence of related anomalies throughout the history of the group suggests that dipnoans of the tooth-plated lineage are closely related, despite significant differences in morphology, microstructure, and function of the denfitions.


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This paper is concerned with methods for refinement of specifications written using a combination of Object-Z and CSP. Such a combination has proved to be a suitable vehicle for specifying complex systems which involve state and behaviour, and several proposals exist for integrating these two languages. The basis of the integration in this paper is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to be combined using CSP operators. It has been shown that this semantic model allows state-based refinement relations to be used on the Object-Z components in an integrated Object-Z/CSP specification. However, the current refinement methodology does not allow the structure of a specification to be changed in a refinement, whereas a full methodology would, for example, allow concurrency to be introduced during the development life-cycle. In this paper, we tackle these concerns and discuss refinements of specifications written using Object-Z and CSP where we change the structure of the specification when performing the refinement. In particular, we develop a set of structural simulation rules which allow single components to be refined to more complex specifications involving CSP operators. The soundness of these rules is verified against the common semantic model and they are illustrated via a number of examples.


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Crambe (Crambe abyssinica) pertence à família Brassicaceae, originário da Etiópia e principalmente destinado à produção de forragem (30 a 32% de proteína bruta). Atualmente, tem sido bastante cultivado visando à extração de óleo vegetal. Com os atuais incentivos à busca de fontes de energias renováveis, o cultivo de crambe vem ganhando papel de destaque na produção de biodiesel por suas diversas vantagens, como: (a) rápido ciclo de vida (colhida em torno de 90 dias); (b) alta produção de biomassa; (c) alta produtividade de sementes (1000 e 1500 kg ha-1); (d) menor custo de produção em relação a outras fontes oleaginosas, como, canola, girassol e soja; (e) um percentual de óleo total na semente entre 32 e 38%, superando, por exemplo, a soja; (f) potencial de fitorremediação, eficiente na descontaminação de arsênio, cromo e outros metais pesados; e (g) elevado percentual de ácido erúcico (50 a 60%) sendo útil na indústria de plástico e lubrificante. Devido aos poucos trabalhos realizados com crambe, abre-se um vasto campo de investigações científicas que tenham como objetivo desenvolver as potencialidades dessa cultura e, consequentemente, melhorar os aspectos agronômicos e tecnológicos para seu emprego na indústria de biodiesel. Nesse contexto, as técnicas de cultivo in vitro foram importantes tanto para a propagação massal, quanto como ferramenta para uma possível aplicação de outras técnicas biotecnológicas, contribuindo para uma produção homogênea, fiel e em larga escala. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo geral avaliar as condições mais favoráveis à germinação, estabelecimento in vitro e micropropagação de Crambe abyssinica Hochst., além de verificar possíveis alterações genéticas e anatômicas, possibilitando a regeneração e produção de plântulas viáveis. Para a germinação e estabecimento in vitro de crambe, as condições mais favoráveis foram em meio B5 ou WPM, na presença ou ausência de pericarpo e na presença de luz. Na micropropagação dessa espécie, uma frequência satisfatória de regeneração de brotos foi obtida a partir de segmentos apicais utilizados como explante em meio contendo 5 μM de BAP (6- benzilaminopurina), e o alongamento foi satisfatório com 1 μM de GA3 (ácido giberélico). Os marcadores moleculares ISSR (Inter-Simples Sequence Repeats) utilizados para a análise da estabilidade genética indicaram que o segmento apical de crambe é um explante confiável para a micropropagação de plantas geneticamente verdadeiras (true-to-tipe), ou seja, mantém a estabilidade genética. As diversas fontes de citocininas e concentrações utilizadas neste trabalho não promoveram mudanças, no sentido de alterar a organização e/ou a espessura em relação ao controle, e as alterações observadas na estrutura e espessura das folhas dos tratamentos de aclimatização prejudicaram o processo de estabelecimento da plântula ex vitro. Contudo, existe a necessidade de um enraizamento e aclimatização eficiente para completa propagação in vitro de crambe. Portanto, este protocolo de regeneração de plantas in vitro de crambe pode ser útil no processo de criação e desenvolvimento de novas cultivares em um tempo mais curto e no melhoramento genético usando explantes apicais.


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The main objective of the present study is to assess the environmental advantages of substituting aluminium for a polymer composite in the manufacture of a structural product (a frame to be used as a support for solar panels). The composite was made of polypropylene and a recycled tyres’ rubber granulate. Analysis of different composite formulations was performed, to assess the variation of the environmental impact with the percentage of rubber granulate incorporation. The results demonstrate that the decision on which of the two systems (aluminium or composite) has the best life cycle performance is strongly dependent on the End-of Life (EoL) stage of the composite frame. When the EoL is deposition in a landfill, the aluminium frame performs globally better than its composite counterpart. However, when it is incineration with energy recovery or recycling, the composite frame is environmentally preferable. The raw material production stage was found to be responsible for most of the impacts in the two frame systems. In that context, it was shown that various benefits can accrue in several environmental impact categories by recycling rubber tyres and using the resulting materials. This is in a significant part also due to the recycling of the steel in the tyres. The present work illustrates how it is possible to minimize the overall environmental impact of consumer products through the adequate selection of their constitutive materials in the design stage. Additionally it demonstrates how an adequate EoL planning can be an important issue when developing a sustainable product, since it can highly influence its overall life cycle performance.


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Tissue engineering applications rely on scaffolds that during its service life, either for in-vivo or in vitro applications, are under mechanical solicitations. The variation of the mechanical condition of the scaffold is strongly relevant for cell culture and has been scarcely addressed. Fatigue life cycle of poly-ε-caprolactone, PCL, scaffolds with and without fibrin as filler of the pore structure were characterized both dry and immersed in liquid water. It is observed that the there is a strong increase from 100 to 500 in the number of loading cycles before collapse in the samples tested in immersed conditions due to the more uniform stress distributions within the samples, the fibrin loading playing a minor role in the mechanical performance of the scaffolds


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According to Wright [1] certification of products and processes began during the 1960’s in the manufacturing industry, as a tool to control and assure the quality/conformity of products and services provided by suppliers to customers/consumers. Thus, the series of ISO 9000 was published first time, in 1987 and it was been created with a flexible character, to be reviewed periodically. Later, were published others normative references, which highlight the ISO 14001 in 1996 and OHSAS 18001 in 1999. This was also, the natural sequence of the certification processes in the organizations, i.e., began with the certification of quality management systems (QMS) followed by the environmental management systems (EMS) and after for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). Hence, a high percentage of organizations with an EMS, in accordance with the ISO 14001, had also implemented, a certified QMS, in accordance with ISO 9001. At first the implementation of a QMS was particularly relevant in high demanding activity sectors, like the automotive and aeronautical industries, but it has rapidly extended to every activity sector, becoming a common requisite of any company worldwide and a factor of competitiveness and survival. Due to the increasingly demanding environmental legislation in developed countries, companies nowadays are required to seriously take into consideration not only environmental aspects associated to the production chain itself, but also to the life cycle of their products.


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ABSTRACT Green manure promotes efficient suppression of weeds, but green manure species can exhibit distinct behaviors, depending on the environmental conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of soil mulching and weed suppression by spring/summer green manure species grown in the spring/summer season, at different growth stages and after management (cut), for 90 days during the cassava crop cycle. The study was carried out in the 2010/2011 season, in a system managed under agroecological principles. The treatments consisted of different green manure species and arrangements: Crotalaria juncea, Cajanus cajan, Canavalia brasiliensis, Canavalia ensiformis, Pennisetum americanum, Crotalaria juncea and Pennisetum americanum intercropped; Mucuna aterrima, Sorghum bicolor, a mixture of all the green manures in study and a control plot under fallow. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The evaluations of the soil cover either by the green manures or weeds were performed at 45, 90 and 105 days after the emergence of the green manures. The cassava crop was planted under reduced tillage system at 11 days after the cut of the green manures. The percentage of soil covered by weeds and the dry matter produced were evaluated at 30, 60 and 90 days after planting. The results showed that the green manures had a suppressive effect on weeds during their life cycle, as well as during the first months after its management (cut), composing the mulch.