940 resultados para k-Means


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In recent years, there has been an upsurge of research interest in cooperative wireless communications in both academia and industry. This article presents a simple overview of the pivotal topics in both mobile station (MS)- and base station (BS)- assisted cooperation in the context of cellular radio systems. Owing to the ever-increasing amount of literature in this particular field, this article is by no means exhaustive, but is intended to serve as a roadmap by assembling a representative sample of recent results and to stimulate further research. The emphasis is initially on relay-base cooperation, relying on network coding, followed by the design of cross-layer cooperative protocols conceived for MS cooperation and the concept of coalition network element (CNE)-assisted BS cooperation. Then, a range of complexity and backhaul traffic reduction techniques that have been proposed for BS cooperation are reviewed. A more detailed discussion is provided in the context of MS cooperation concerning the pros and cons of dispensing with high-complexity, power-hungry channel estimation. Finally, generalized design guidelines, conceived for cooperative wireless communications, are presented.


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Even though satellite observations are the most effective means to gather global information in a short span of time, the challenges in this field still remain over continental landmass, despite most of the aerosol sources being land-based. This is a hurdle in global and regional aerosol climate forcing assessment. Retrieval of aerosol properties over land is complicated due to irregular terrain characteristics and the high and largely uncertain surface reflection which acts as `noise' to the much smaller amount of radiation scattered by aerosols, which is the `signal'. In this paper, we describe a satellite sensor the - `Aerosol Satellite (AEROSAT)', which is capable of retrieving aerosols over land with much more accuracy and reduced dependence on models. The sensor, utilizing a set of multi-spectral and multi-angle measurements of polarized components of radiation reflected from the Earth's surface, along with measurements of thermal infrared broadband radiance, results in a large reduction of the `noise' component (compared to the `signal). A conceptual engineering model of AEROSAT has been designed, developed and used to measure the land-surface features in the visible spectral band. Analysing the received signals using a polarization radiative transfer approach, we demonstrate the superiority of this method. It is expected that satellites carrying sensors following the AEROSAT concept would be `self-sufficient', to obtain all the relevant information required for aerosol retrieval from its own measurements.


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We propose a Physical layer Network Coding (PNC) scheme for the K-user wireless Multiple Access Relay Channel, in which K source nodes want to transmit messages to a destination node D with the help of a relay node R. The proposed scheme involves (i) Phase 1 during which the source nodes alone transmit and (ii) Phase 2 during which the source nodes and the relay node transmit. At the end of Phase 1, the relay node decodes the messages of the source nodes and during Phase 2 transmits a many-to-one function of the decoded messages. To counter the error propagation from the relay node, we propose a novel decoder which takes into account the possibility of error events at R. It is shown that if certain parameters are chosen properly and if the network coding map used at R forms a Latin Hypercube, the proposed decoder offers the maximum diversity order of two. Also, it is shown that for a proper choice of the parameters, the proposed decoder admits fast decoding, with the same decoding complexity order as that of the reference scheme based on Complex Field Network Coding (CFNC). Simulation results indicate that the proposed PNC scheme offers a large gain over the CFNC scheme.


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In this paper, we consider the inference for the component and system lifetime distribution of a k-unit parallel system with independent components based on system data. The components are assumed to have identical Weibull distribution. We obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters based on system data. The Fisher information matrix has been derived. We propose -expectation tolerance interval and -content -level tolerance interval for the life distribution of the system. Performance of the estimators and tolerance intervals is investigated via simulation study. A simulated dataset is analyzed for illustration.


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We introduce the class Sigma(k)(d) of k-stellated (combinatorial) spheres of dimension d (0 <= k <= d + 1) and compare and contrast it with the class S-k(d) (0 <= k <= d) of k-stacked homology d-spheres. We have E-1(d) = S-1(d), and Sigma(k)(d) subset of S-k(d) ford >= 2k-1. However, for each k >= 2 there are k-stacked spheres which are not k-stellated. For d <= 2k - 2, the existence of k-stellated spheres which are not k-stacked remains an open question. We also consider the class W-k(d) (and K-k(d)) of simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links belong to Sigma(k)(d - 1) (respectively, S-k(d - 1)). Thus, W-k(d) subset of K-k(d) for d >= 2k, while W-1(d) = K-1(d). Let (K) over bar (k)(d) denote the class of d-dimensional complexes all whose vertex-links are k-stacked balls. We show that for d >= 2k + 2, there is a natural bijection M -> (M) over bar from K-k(d) onto (K) over bar (k)(d + 1) which is the inverse to the boundary map partial derivative: (K) over bar (k)(d + 1) -> (K) over bar (k)(d). Finally, we complement the tightness results of our recent paper, Bagchi and Datta (2013) 5], by showing that, for any field F, an F-orientable (k + 1)-neighbourly member of W-k(2k + 1) is F-tight if and only if it is k-stacked.


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Hydrogen bonding is the most important non-covalent interaction utilised in building supramolecular assemblies and is preferred often as a means of construction of molecular, oligomeric as well as polymeric materials that show liquid crystalline properties. In this work, a pyridine based nematogenic acceptor has been synthesized and mixed with non-mesogenic 4-methoxy benzoic acid to get a hydrogen bonded mesogen. The existence of hydrogen bonding between the pyridyl unit and the carboxylic acid was established using FT-IR spectroscopy from the observation of characteristic stretching vibrations of unionized type at 2425 and 1927 cm(-1). The mesogenic acceptor and the complex have been investigated using C-13 NMR in solution, solid and liquid crystalline states. Together with the 2D separated local field NMR experiments, the studies confirm the molecular structure in the mesophase and yield the local orientational order parameters. It is observed that the insertion of 4-methoxy benzoic acid not only enhances the mesophase stability but also induces a smectic phase due to an increase in the core length of the hydrogen bonded mesogen.


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The most common valencies associated with K and O atoms are 1+ and 2-. As a result, one expects K2O to be the oxide of potassium which is the most stable with respect to its constituents. Calculating the formation energy within electronic structure calculations using hybrid functionals, one finds that K2O2 has the largest formation energy, implying the largest stability of this oxide of potassium with respect to its constituents. This is traced to the presence of oxygen dimers in the K2O2 structure which interact strongly resulting in a larger formation energy compared to the more ionic K2O.


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Let k be an integer and k >= 3. A graph G is k-chordal if G does not have an induced cycle of length greater than k. From the definition it is clear that 3-chordal graphs are precisely the class of chordal graphs. Duchet proved that, for every positive integer m, if G m is chordal then so is G(m+2). Brandst `` adt et al. in Andreas Brandsadt, Van Bang Le, and Thomas Szymczak. Duchet- type theorems for powers of HHD- free graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 177(1- 3): 9- 16, 1997.] showed that if G m is k - chordal, then so is G(m+2). Powering a bipartite graph does not preserve its bipartitedness. In order to preserve the bipartitedness of a bipartite graph while powering Chandran et al. introduced the notion of bipartite powering. This notion was introduced to aid their study of boxicity of chordal bipartite graphs. The m - th bipartite power G(m]) of a bipartite graph G is the bipartite graph obtained from G by adding edges (u; v) where d G (u; v) is odd and less than or equal to m. Note that G(m]) = G(m+1]) for each odd m. In this paper we show that, given a bipartite graph G, if G is k-chordal then so is G m], where k, m are positive integers with k >= 4


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In this work, interference alignment for a class of Gaussian interference networks with general message demands, having line of sight (LOS) channels, at finite powers is considered. We assume that each transmitter has one independent message to be transmitted and the propagation delays are uniformly distributed between 0 and (L - 1) (L >; 0). If receiver-j, j ∈{1,2,..., J}, requires the message of transmitter-i, i ∈ {1, 2, ..., K}, we say (i, j) belongs to a connection. A class of interference networks called the symmetrically connected interference network is defined as a network where, the number of connections required at each transmitter-i is equal to ct for all i and the number of connections required at each receiver-j is equal to cr for all j, for some fixed positive integers ct and cr. For such networks with a LOS channel between every transmitter and every receiver, we show that an expected sum-spectral efficiency (in bits/sec/Hz) of at least K/(e+c1-1)(ct+1) (ct/ct+1)ct log2 (1+min(i, j)∈c|hi, j|2 P/WN0) can be achieved as the number of transmitters and receivers tend to infinity, i.e., K, J →∞ where, C denotes the set of all connections, hij is the channel gain between transmitter-i and receiver-j, P is the average power constraint at each transmitter, W is the bandwidth and N0 W is the variance of Gaussian noise at each receiver. This means that, for an LOS symmetrically connected interference network, at any finite power, the total spectral efficiency can grow linearly with K as K, J →∞. This is achieved by extending the time domain interference alignment scheme proposed by Grokop et al. for the k-user Gaussian interference channel to interference networks.


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This work describes the base triggered enhancement of first hyperpolarizability of a tautomeric organic molecule, namely, benzoylacetanilide (BA). We have used the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique to measure the first hyperpolarizability (beta) of BA which exists in the pure keto form in water and as a keto-enol tautomer in ethanol. Its anion exists in equilibrium with the keto and enol forms at pH 11 in aqueous solution. The beta value of the anion form is 709 X 10(-30) esu, whereas that of the enol is 232 x 10(-3) esu and of the keto is 88 X 10(-30) esu. There is an enhancement of beta by similar to 8 times for the anion and similar to 3 times for the enol compared to the keto form. All these are achieved by altering the equilibrium between the three forms of BA by simple means. MP2 calculations reproduce the experimental trend, but the computed beta values are much lower than the measured values. DFT calculations with the standard B3LYP functional could not predict the right order in the beta values. The difference between experimental and calculated values is, perhaps, due to the fact that electron correlation effects are important in computing optical nonlinearities of large organic molecules and MP2 and B3LYP calculations done here for different forms of BA could not account for such effects adequately.